Python vtk.vtkCubeSource() Examples
The following are 2
code examples of vtk.vtkCubeSource().
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Example #1
Source File: From pyvista with MIT License | 6 votes |
def Cube(center=(0., 0., 0.), x_length=1.0, y_length=1.0, z_length=1.0, bounds=None): """Create a cube. It's possible to specify either the center and side lengths or just the bounds of the cube. If ``bounds`` are given, all other arguments are ignored. Parameters ---------- center : np.ndarray or list Center in [x, y, z]. x_length : float length of the cube in the x-direction. y_length : float length of the cube in the y-direction. z_length : float length of the cube in the z-direction. bounds : np.ndarray or list Specify the bounding box of the cube. If given, all other arguments are ignored. ``(xMin,xMax, yMin,yMax, zMin,zMax)`` """ src = vtk.vtkCubeSource() if bounds is not None: if np.array(bounds).size != 6: raise TypeError('Bounds must be given as length 6 tuple: (xMin,xMax, yMin,yMax, zMin,zMax)') src.SetBounds(bounds) else: src.SetCenter(center) src.SetXLength(x_length) src.SetYLength(y_length) src.SetZLength(z_length) src.Update() return pyvista.wrap(src.GetOutput())
Example #2
Source File: From director with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def segmentDoorHandle(otdfType, point1, point2): inputObj = om.findObjectByName('pointcloud snapshot') polyData = inputObj.polyData viewPlaneNormal = np.array(getSegmentationView().camera().GetViewPlaneNormal()) polyData, origin, normal = applyPlaneFit(polyData, expectedNormal=viewPlaneNormal, searchOrigin=point1, searchRadius=0.2, angleEpsilon=0.7, returnOrigin=True) wallPoints = thresholdPoints(polyData, 'dist_to_plane', [-0.01, 0.01]) updatePolyData(wallPoints, 'wall points', parent=getDebugFolder(), visible=False) handlePoint = np.array([0.005, 0.065, 0.011]) xaxis = -normal zaxis = [0, 0, 1] yaxis = np.cross(zaxis, xaxis) yaxis /= np.linalg.norm(yaxis) zaxis = np.cross(xaxis, yaxis) xwidth = 0.01 ywidth = 0.13 zwidth = 0.022 cube = vtk.vtkCubeSource() cube.SetXLength(xwidth) cube.SetYLength(ywidth) cube.SetZLength(zwidth) cube.Update() cube = shallowCopy(cube.GetOutput()) t = getTransformFromAxes(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis) #t.PreMultiply() #t.Translate(-handlePoint) t.PostMultiply() t.Translate(point2) name = 'door handle' obj = showPolyData(cube, name, cls=FrameAffordanceItem, parent='affordances') obj.addToView(app.getDRCView()) params = dict(origin=origin, xwidth=xwidth, ywidth=ywidth, zwidth=zwidth, xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis, zaxis=zaxis, friendly_name=name, otdf_type=otdfType) obj.setAffordanceParams(params) obj.updateParamsFromActorTransform() frameObj = showFrame(, name + ' frame', parent=obj, visible=False) frameObj.addToView(app.getDRCView())