Python ctypes.c_float() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of ctypes.c_float().
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Example #1
Source File: From PythonPilot with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def __init__(self, cfg): self.__is_use_can_port = cfg['use_can'] # Data for store self.tx_counter_camera_unit = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_int,0) self.tx_servo_on_flag = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_bool,False) self.tx_target_angle = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_float,0.0) self.can_error_count_tx = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_int,0) # Initialize process self.__m = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.__update, \ args=(cfg['can_name'], \ cfg['can_bustype'], \ cfg['can_bitrate'], \ cfg['can_dbc_path'], \ cfg['can_tx_interval'])) # Start process self.__m.start() return
Example #2
Source File: From epynet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def ENgetcurve(self, curveIndex): curveid = ctypes.create_string_buffer(self._max_label_len) nValues = ctypes.c_int() xValues= (ctypes.c_float*100)() yValues= (ctypes.c_float*100)() ierr= self._lib.EN_getcurve(, curveIndex, ctypes.byref(curveid), ctypes.byref(nValues), xValues, yValues ) # strange behavior of ENgetcurve: it returns also curveID # better split in two distinct functions .... if ierr!=0: raise ENtoolkitError(self, ierr) curve= [] for i in range(nValues.value): curve.append( (xValues[i],yValues[i]) ) return curve
Example #3
Source File: From epynet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def ENsetcontrol(self, cindex, ctype, lindex, setting, nindex, level ): """Sets the parameters of a simple control statement. Arguments: cindex: control statement index ctype: control type code EN_LOWLEVEL (Low Level Control) EN_HILEVEL (High Level Control) EN_TIMER (Timer Control) EN_TIMEOFDAY (Time-of-Day Control) lindex: index of link being controlled setting: value of the control setting nindex: index of controlling node level: value of controlling water level or pressure for level controls or of time of control action (in seconds) for time-based controls""" #int ENsetcontrol(int cindex, int* ctype, int* lindex, float* setting, int* nindex, float* level ) ierr= self._lib.EN_setcontrol(, ctypes.c_int(cindex), ctypes.c_int(ctype), ctypes.c_int(lindex), ctypes.c_float(setting), ctypes.c_int(nindex), ctypes.c_float(level) ) if ierr!=0: raise ENtoolkitError(self, ierr)
Example #4
Source File: From epynet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def ENaddcontrol(self, ctype, lindex, setting, nindex, level ): """Sets the parameters of a simple control statement. Arguments: ctype: control type code EN_LOWLEVEL (Low Level Control) EN_HILEVEL (High Level Control) EN_TIMER (Timer Control) EN_TIMEOFDAY (Time-of-Day Control) lindex: index of link being controlled setting: value of the control setting nindex: index of controlling node level: value of controlling water level or pressure for level controls or of time of control action (in seconds) for time-based controls""" #int ENsetcontrol(int cindex, int* ctype, int* lindex, float* setting, int* nindex, float* level ) cindex = ctypes.c_int() ierr= self._lib.EN_addcontrol(, ctypes.byref(cindex), ctypes.c_int(ctype), ctypes.c_int(lindex), ctypes.c_float(setting), ctypes.c_int(nindex), ctypes.c_float(level)) if ierr!=0: raise ENtoolkitError(self, ierr) return cindex
Example #5
Source File: From kernel_tuner with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_ready_argument_list2(): arg1 = numpy.array([1, 2, 3]).astype(numpy.float32) arg2 = numpy.int32(7) arg3 = numpy.float32(6.0) arguments = [arg1, arg2, arg3] cfunc = CFunctions() output = cfunc.ready_argument_list(arguments) print(output) output_arg1 = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(output[0].ctypes, shape=arg1.shape) assert output_arg1.dtype == 'float32' assert isinstance(output[1].ctypes, C.c_int32) assert isinstance(output[2].ctypes, C.c_float) assert all(output_arg1 == arg1) assert output[1][1].value == arg2 assert output[2][1].value == arg3
Example #6
Source File: From Arnold-For-Blender with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _AiNodeSetArray(node, param, value): t = value[0] _len = len(value) if type(t) is float: int_arr_type = ctypes.c_float * len(value) oftype = arnold.AI_TYPE_FLOAT _a = arnold.AiArrayConvert(_len, 1, oftype, int_arr_type(*value)) if type(t) is list: oftype = arnold.AI_TYPE_RGB arr_t = ctypes.c_float * 3 arr_of_arr_t = arr_t * len(value) _a = arnold.AiArrayConvert(_len, 1, oftype, arr_of_arr_t(arr_t(*value[0]), arr_t(*value[1]))) if type(t) is int: int_arr_type = ctypes.c_int * len(value) oftype = arnold.AI_TYPE_INT _a = arnold.AiArrayConvert(_len, 1, oftype, int_arr_type(*value)) arnold.AiNodeSetArray(node, param, _a)
Example #7
Source File: From paleo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def cudnnSetTensor(handle, srcDesc, srcData, value): """" Set all data points of a tensor to a given value : srcDest = alpha. Parameters ---------- handle : cudnnHandle Handle to a previously created cuDNN context. srcDesc : cudnnTensorDescriptor Handle to a previously initialized tensor descriptor. srcData : void_p Pointer to data of the tensor described by srcDesc descriptor. value : float Value that all elements of the tensor will be set to. """ dataType, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = cudnnGetTensor4dDescriptor(srcDesc) if dataType == cudnnDataType['CUDNN_DATA_DOUBLE']: alphaRef = ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_double(alpha)) else: alphaRef = ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_float(alpha)) status = _libcudnn.cudnnSetTensor(handle, srcDesc, srcData, alphaRef) cudnnCheckStatus(status)
Example #8
Source File: From olympe with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _ar_arsdk_encode_type_info(cls, ar_argtype): arsdk_encode_type_info_map = { arsdkparser.ArArgType.I8: (od.ARSDK_ARG_TYPE_I8, "i8", ctypes.c_int8), arsdkparser.ArArgType.U8: (od.ARSDK_ARG_TYPE_U8, "u8", ctypes.c_uint8), arsdkparser.ArArgType.I16: (od.ARSDK_ARG_TYPE_I16, "i16", ctypes.c_int16), arsdkparser.ArArgType.U16: (od.ARSDK_ARG_TYPE_U16, "u16", ctypes.c_uint16), arsdkparser.ArArgType.I32: (od.ARSDK_ARG_TYPE_I32, "i32", ctypes.c_int32), arsdkparser.ArArgType.U32: (od.ARSDK_ARG_TYPE_U32, "u32", ctypes.c_uint32), arsdkparser.ArArgType.I64: (od.ARSDK_ARG_TYPE_I64, "i64", ctypes.c_int64), arsdkparser.ArArgType.U64: (od.ARSDK_ARG_TYPE_U64, "u64", ctypes.c_uint64), arsdkparser.ArArgType.FLOAT: (od.ARSDK_ARG_TYPE_FLOAT, "f32", ctypes.c_float), arsdkparser.ArArgType.DOUBLE: (od.ARSDK_ARG_TYPE_DOUBLE, "f64", ctypes.c_double), arsdkparser.ArArgType.STRING: (od.ARSDK_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "cstr", od.char_pointer_cast), arsdkparser.ArArgType.ENUM: (od.ARSDK_ARG_TYPE_ENUM, "i32", ctypes.c_int32), } return arsdk_encode_type_info_map[ar_argtype]
Example #9
Source File: From dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _calibrate_quantized_sym(qsym, th_dict): """Given a dictionary containing the thresholds for quantizing the layers, set the thresholds into the quantized symbol as the params of requantize operators. """ if th_dict is None or len(th_dict) == 0: return qsym num_layer_outputs = len(th_dict) layer_output_names = [] min_vals = [] max_vals = [] for k, v in th_dict.items(): layer_output_names.append(k) min_vals.append(v[0]) max_vals.append(v[1]) calibrated_sym = SymbolHandle() check_call(_LIB.MXSetCalibTableToQuantizedSymbol(qsym.handle, mx_uint(num_layer_outputs), c_str_array(layer_output_names), c_array(ctypes.c_float, min_vals), c_array(ctypes.c_float, max_vals), ctypes.byref(calibrated_sym))) return Symbol(calibrated_sym)
Example #10
Source File: From PythonPilot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, cfg): self.__is_use_can_port = cfg['use_can'] # Data for store self.rx_counter_servo_unit = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_int,0) self.rx_time_us_diff = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_int,0) self.rx_button_y = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_bool,False) self.rx_button_g = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_bool,False) self.rx_button_r = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_bool,False) self.rx_actual_angle = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_float,0.0) self.can_error_count_rx = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_int,0) # Initialize process self.__m = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.__process_can, \ args=(cfg['can_name'], \ cfg['can_bustype'], \ cfg['can_bitrate'], \ cfg['can_dbc_path'], \ cfg['can_rx_interval'])) # Start process self.__m.start() return
Example #11
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def spmv_wrapper(n, alpha, ap, x, beta = 0.0, incx = 1, incy = 1, lower=0): """ Small blas wrapper that is missing in scipy.linalg.blas in scipy.version<=1 """ if ap.size != n*(n+1)//2: raise ValueError("simple wrapper, you MUST provide x.size = n, ap.size = n*(n+1)/2") if ap.dtype == np.float32: y = np.zeros((n), dtype=np.float32) libsparsetools.SSPMV_wrapper(c_int(lower), c_int(n), c_float(alpha), ap.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float)), x.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float)), c_int(incx), c_float(beta), y.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float)), c_int(incy)) elif ap.dtype == np.float64: y = np.zeros((n), dtype=np.float64) libsparsetools.DSPMV_wrapper(c_int(lower), c_int(n), c_double(alpha), ap.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), x.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int(incx), c_double(beta), y.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int(incy)) else: raise ValueError("dtype error, only np.float32 and np.float64 implemented") return y
Example #12
Source File: From kernel_tuner with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_memcpy_htod(): a = [1, 2, 3, 4] src = numpy.array(a).astype(numpy.float32) x = numpy.zeros_like(src) x_c = x.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)) arg = Argument(numpy=x, ctypes=x_c) cfunc = CFunctions() cfunc.memcpy_htod(arg, src) assert all(arg.numpy == a)
Example #13
Source File: From async-deep-rl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sync_net_with_shared_memory(self, dest_net, shared_mem_vars): feed_dict = {} offset = 0 params = np.frombuffer(shared_mem_vars.vars, ctypes.c_float) for i in xrange(len(dest_net.params)): shape = shared_mem_vars.var_shapes[i] size = feed_dict[dest_net.params_ph[i]] = \ params[offset:offset+size].reshape(shape) offset += size, feed_dict=feed_dict)
Example #14
Source File: From msl-loadlib with MIT License | 5 votes |
def subtract(self, a, b): """Subtract two floating-point numbers *('float' refers to the C++ data type)*. The corresponding C++ code is .. code-block:: cpp float subtract(float a, float b) { return a - b; } See the corresponding 64-bit :meth:`~.cpp64.Cpp64.subtract` method. Parameters ---------- a : :class:`float` The first floating-point number. b : :class:`float` The second floating-point number. Returns ------- :class:`float` The difference between `a` and `b`. """ self.lib.subtract.restype = ctypes.c_float return self.lib.subtract(ctypes.c_float(a), ctypes.c_float(b))
Example #15
Source File: From msl-loadlib with MIT License | 5 votes |
def multiply_float32(self, a, b): """Multiply two FORTRAN floating-point numbers. The corresponding FORTRAN code is .. code-block:: fortran function multiply_float32(a, b) result(value) !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT, ALIAS:'multiply_float32' :: multiply_float32 implicit none real(4) :: a, b, value value = a * b end function multiply_float32 See the corresponding 64-bit :meth:`~.fortran64.Fortran64.multiply_float32` method. Parameters ---------- a : :class:`float` The first floating-point number. b : :class:`float` The second floating-point number. Returns ------- :class:`float` The product of `a` and `b`. """ ac = ctypes.c_float(a) bc = ctypes.c_float(b) self.lib.multiply_float32.restype = ctypes.c_float return self.lib.multiply_float32(ctypes.byref(ac), ctypes.byref(bc))
Example #16
Source File: From async-deep-rl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def apply_gradients_to_shared_memory_vars(self, grads): #Flatten grads offset = 0 for g in grads: self.flat_grads[offset:offset + g.size] = g.reshape(-1) offset += g.size g = self.flat_grads if self.optimizer_type == "adam" and self.optimizer_mode == "shared": p = np.frombuffer(self.learning_vars.vars, ctypes.c_float) p_size = self.learning_vars.size m = np.frombuffer(, ctypes.c_float) v = np.frombuffer(self.opt_st.vs, ctypes.c_float) T = self.global_step.value() = 1.0 * * (1 - self.b2**T)**0.5 / (1 - self.b1**T) apply_grads_adam(m, v, g, p, p_size,, self.b1, self.b2, self.e) else: #local or shared rmsprop/momentum lr = self.decay_lr() if (self.optimizer_mode == "local"): m = self.opt_st else: #shared m = np.frombuffer(self.opt_st.vars, ctypes.c_float) p = np.frombuffer(self.learning_vars.vars, ctypes.c_float) p_size = self.learning_vars.size _type = 0 if self.optimizer_type == "momentum" else 1 #print "BEFORE", "RMSPROP m", m[0], "GRAD", g[0], self.flat_grads[0], self.flat_grads2[0] apply_grads_mom_rmsprop(m, g, p, p_size, _type, lr, self.alpha, self.e) #print "AFTER", "RMSPROP m", m[0], "GRAD", g[0], self.flat_grads[0], self.flat_grads2[0]
Example #17
Source File: From PythonPilot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, cfg): self.__is_use_gps_port = cfg['use_gps'] # Data for store self.latitude = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_float,cfg['latitude_init']) self.longitude = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_float,cfg['longitude_init']) # Initialize process self.__m = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.__process_gps, \ args=(cfg['gps_interval'],)) # Start process self.__m.start() return
Example #18
Source File: From async-deep-rl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def malloc_contiguous(self, size, initial_val=None): if initial_val is None: return RawArray(ctypes.c_float, size) else: return RawArray(ctypes.c_float, initial_val)
Example #19
Source File: From async-deep-rl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init_shared_memory(self): # Initialize shared memory with tensorflow var values params = # Merge all param matrices into a single 1-D array params = np.hstack([p.reshape(-1) for p in params]) np.frombuffer(self.learning_vars.vars, ctypes.c_float)[:] = params if self.alg_type <> "a3c": np.frombuffer(self.target_vars.vars, ctypes.c_float)[:] = params #memoryview(self.learning_vars.vars)[:] = params #memoryview(self.target_vars.vars)[:] = memoryview(self.learning_vars.vars)
Example #20
Source File: From paleo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter(handle, alpha, xDesc, x, dyDesc, dy, convDesc, algo, workspace, workSpaceSizeInBytes, beta, dwDesc, dw): dataType = cudnnGetTensor4dDescriptor(dyDesc)[0] if dataType == cudnnDataType['CUDNN_DATA_DOUBLE']: alphaRef = ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_double(alpha)) betaRef = ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_double(beta)) else: alphaRef = ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_float(alpha)) betaRef = ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_float(beta)) status = _libcudnn.cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter( handle, alphaRef, xDesc, x, dyDesc, dy, convDesc, algo, workspace, workSpaceSizeInBytes, betaRef, dwDesc, dw) cudnnCheckStatus(status)
Example #21
Source File: From kernel_tuner with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_memcpy_dtoh(): a = [1, 2, 3, 4] x = numpy.array(a).astype(numpy.float32) x_c = x.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)) arg = Argument(numpy=x, ctypes=x_c) output = numpy.zeros_like(x) cfunc = CFunctions() cfunc.memcpy_dtoh(output, arg) print(a) print(output) assert all(output == a) assert all(x == a)
Example #22
Source File: From kernel_tuner with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_memset(): a = [1, 2, 3, 4] x = numpy.array(a).astype(numpy.float32) x_c = x.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)) arg = Argument(numpy=x, ctypes=x_c) cfunc = CFunctions() cfunc.memset(arg, 0, x.nbytes) output = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(x_c, shape=(4,)) print(output) assert all(output == numpy.zeros(4)) assert all(x == numpy.zeros(4))
Example #23
Source File: From epynet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def ENgetcurvevalue(self, curveIndex, point): x = ctypes.c_float() y = ctypes.c_float() ierr= self._lib.EN_getcurvevalue(, ctypes.c_int(curveIndex), ctypes.c_int(point-1), ctypes.byref(x), ctypes.byref(y)) if ierr!=0: raise ENtoolkitError(self, ierr) return x.value, y.value
Example #24
Source File: From MobulaOP with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_numpy_type(): name2ctype = dict() pairs = [ (np.dtype('int8'), ctypes.c_int8), (np.dtype('int16'), ctypes.c_int16), (np.dtype('int32'), ctypes.c_int32), (np.dtype('int64'), ctypes.c_int64), # alias: (np.dtype('float32'), ctypes.c_float), (np.dtype('float64'), ctypes.c_double), # alias: np.float ] for dtype, ctype in pairs: name2ctype[] = ctype return name2ctype
Example #25
Source File: From MobulaOP with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_const_template(): shape = (5, 5) value = 3939 cs = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_float, ctypes.c_double] vs = [3, 9.9, 3.9] atols = [0, 1e-6, 1e-6] for ctype, value, atol in zip(cs, vs, atols): c_value = ctype(value) a = np.empty(shape) mobula.func.test_const_template(a.size, c_value, a) assert_almost_equal(np.tile(value, shape), a, atol=atol)
Example #26
Source File: From epynet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def ENsetcurve(self, curveIndex, values): nValues = len(values) Values_type = ctypes.c_float* nValues xValues = Values_type() yValues = Values_type() for i in range(nValues): xValues[i] = float(values[i][0]) yValues[i] = float(values[i][1]) ierr = self._lib.EN_setcurve(, curveIndex, xValues, yValues, nValues) if ierr!=0: raise ENtoolkitError(self, ierr)
Example #27
Source File: From vrep-api-python with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def simxGetJointPosition(clientID, jointHandle, operationMode): ''' Please have a look at the function description/documentation in the V-REP user manual ''' position = ct.c_float() return c_GetJointPosition(clientID, jointHandle, ct.byref(position), operationMode), position.value
Example #28
Source File: From epynet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def ENsetoption(self, optioncode, value): """Sets the value of a particular analysis option. Arguments: optioncode: option code EN_TRIALS EN_ACCURACY EN_TOLERANCE EN_EMITEXPON EN_DEMANDMULT value: option value""" ierr= self._lib.EN_setoption(, ctypes.c_int(paramcode), ctypes.c_float(value)) if ierr!=0: raise ENtoolkitError(self, ierr) #----- Saving and using hydraulic analysis results files -------
Example #29
Source File: From epynet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def ENsetpatternvalue(self, index, period, value): """Sets the multiplier factor for a specific period within a time pattern. Arguments: index: time pattern index period: period within time pattern value: multiplier factor for the period""" #int ENsetpatternvalue( int index, int period, float value ) ierr= self._lib.EN_setpatternvalue(, ctypes.c_int(index), ctypes.c_int(period), ctypes.c_float(value) ) if ierr!=0: raise ENtoolkitError(self, ierr)
Example #30
Source File: From renpy-shader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def uniformMatrix4fArray(self, name, values): loc = gl.glGetUniformLocation(self.handle, name) count = len(values) / 16 gl.glUniformMatrix4fv(loc, count, False, (ctypes.c_float * len(values))(*values))