Python types.ListType() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of types.ListType().
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Example #1
Source File: From pmatic with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def check_headers(headers): assert_(type(headers) is ListType, "Headers (%r) must be of type list: %r" % (headers, type(headers))) header_names = {} for item in headers: assert_(type(item) is TupleType, "Individual headers (%r) must be of type tuple: %r" % (item, type(item))) assert_(len(item) == 2) name, value = item assert_(name.lower() != 'status', "The Status header cannot be used; it conflicts with CGI " "script, and HTTP status is not given through headers " "(value: %r)." % value) header_names[name.lower()] = None assert_('\n' not in name and ':' not in name, "Header names may not contain ':' or '\\n': %r" % name) assert_(, "Bad header name: %r" % name) assert_(not name.endswith('-') and not name.endswith('_'), "Names may not end in '-' or '_': %r" % name) if assert_(0, "Bad header value: %r (bad char: %r)" % (value,
Example #2
Source File: From code with MIT License | 6 votes |
def new_looper(a, arg=None): """Helper function for nest() determines what sort of looper to make given a's type""" if isinstance(a,types.TupleType): if len(a) == 2: return RangeLooper(a[0],a[1]) elif len(a) == 3: return RangeLooper(a[0],a[1],a[2]) elif isinstance(a, types.BooleanType): return BooleanLooper(a) elif isinstance(a,types.IntType) or isinstance(a, types.LongType): return RangeLooper(a) elif isinstance(a, types.StringType) or isinstance(a, types.ListType): return ListLooper(a) elif isinstance(a, Looper): return a elif isinstance(a, types.LambdaType): return CalcField(a, arg)
Example #3
Source File: From meddle with MIT License | 6 votes |
def check_headers(headers): assert_(type(headers) is ListType, "Headers (%r) must be of type list: %r" % (headers, type(headers))) header_names = {} for item in headers: assert_(type(item) is TupleType, "Individual headers (%r) must be of type tuple: %r" % (item, type(item))) assert_(len(item) == 2) name, value = item assert_(name.lower() != 'status', "The Status header cannot be used; it conflicts with CGI " "script, and HTTP status is not given through headers " "(value: %r)." % value) header_names[name.lower()] = None assert_('\n' not in name and ':' not in name, "Header names may not contain ':' or '\\n': %r" % name) assert_(, "Bad header name: %r" % name) assert_(not name.endswith('-') and not name.endswith('_'), "Names may not end in '-' or '_': %r" % name) if assert_(0, "Bad header value: %r (bad char: %r)" % (value,
Example #4
Source File: From code with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self,rowset,description): # save the description as is self.description = fRow(description) self.description.__Field2Index__ = self.__fieldToIndex # Create the list and dict of fields self.fields = [] self.__fieldDict = {} for f in range(len(description)): if type(description[f]) == types.TupleType or type(description[f]) == types.ListType: self.__fieldDict[description[f][0].lower()] = f self.fields.append( description[f][0].lower()) else: self.__fieldDict[description[f].lower()] = f self.fields.append( description[f].lower()) # Add all the rows for r in rowset: self.append(r)
Example #5
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def check_headers(headers): assert_(type(headers) is ListType, "Headers (%r) must be of type list: %r" % (headers, type(headers))) header_names = {} for item in headers: assert_(type(item) is TupleType, "Individual headers (%r) must be of type tuple: %r" % (item, type(item))) assert_(len(item) == 2) name, value = item assert_(name.lower() != 'status', "The Status header cannot be used; it conflicts with CGI " "script, and HTTP status is not given through headers " "(value: %r)." % value) header_names[name.lower()] = None assert_('\n' not in name and ':' not in name, "Header names may not contain ':' or '\\n': %r" % name) assert_(, "Bad header name: %r" % name) assert_(not name.endswith('-') and not name.endswith('_'), "Names may not end in '-' or '_': %r" % name) if assert_(0, "Bad header value: %r (bad char: %r)" % (value,
Example #6
Source File: From mishkal with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def check_headers(headers): assert type(headers) is ListType, ( "Headers (%r) must be of type list: %r" % (headers, type(headers))) header_names = {} for item in headers: assert type(item) is TupleType, ( "Individual headers (%r) must be of type tuple: %r" % (item, type(item))) assert len(item) == 2 name, value = item assert name.lower() != 'status', ( "The Status header cannot be used; it conflicts with CGI " "script, and HTTP status is not given through headers " "(value: %r)." % value) header_names[name.lower()] = None assert '\n' not in name and ':' not in name, ( "Header names may not contain ':' or '\\n': %r" % name) assert, "Bad header name: %r" % name assert not name.endswith('-') and not name.endswith('_'), ( "Names may not end in '-' or '_': %r" % name) assert not, ( "Bad header value: %r (bad char: %r)" % (value,
Example #7
Source File: From Pirates-Online-Rewritten with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _asString(self): if self.__goalDataStr != None: return self.__goalDataStr if self.__goalData == None: resultStr = '' if self.__goalType == types.ListType: resultStr = str(self.__goalData) else: strRep = '' for currField in range(self.MAX_IDX): strRep += str(self.__goalData.get(currField, None)) strRep += '-' resultStr = strRep self.__goalDataStr = resultStr return resultStr
Example #8
Source File: From uac-a-mola with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def runAsAdmin(cmdLine=None, wait=True): if != 'nt': raise RuntimeError, "This function is only implemented on Windows." import win32api import win32con import win32event import win32process from import ShellExecuteEx from import shellcon python_exe = sys.executable if cmdLine is None: cmdLine = [python_exe] + sys.argv elif type(cmdLine) not in (types.TupleType, types.ListType): raise ValueError, "cmdLine is not a sequence." cmd = '"%s"' % (cmdLine[0],) # XXX TODO: isn't there a function or something we can call to massage command line params? params = " ".join(['"%s"' % (x,) for x in cmdLine[1:]]) cmdDir = '' #showCmd = win32con.SW_SHOWNORMAL showCmd = win32con.SW_HIDE lpVerb = 'runas' # causes UAC elevation prompt. # print "Running", cmd, params # ShellExecute() doesn't seem to allow us to fetch the PID or handle # of the process, so we can't get anything useful from it. Therefore # the more complex ShellExecuteEx() must be used. # procHandle = win32api.ShellExecute(0, lpVerb, cmd, params, cmdDir, showCmd) procInfo = ShellExecuteEx(nShow=showCmd, fMask=shellcon.SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS, lpVerb=lpVerb, lpFile=cmd, lpParameters=params) if wait: procHandle = procInfo['hProcess'] obj = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(procHandle, win32event.INFINITE) rc = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(procHandle) # print "Process handle %s returned code %s" % (procHandle, rc) else: rc = None return rc
Example #9
Source File: From addon with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def send_resp_header(self, cont_type, size, range=False): if range: self.send_response(206, 'Partial Content') else: self.send_response(200, 'OK') self.send_header('Content-Type', cont_type) self.send_header('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes') if range: if isinstance(range, (types.TupleType, types.ListType)) and len(range)==3: self.send_header('Content-Range', 'bytes %d-%d/%d' % range) self.send_header('Content-Length', range[1]-range[0]+1) else: raise ValueError('Invalid range value') else: self.send_header('Content-Length', size) self.send_header('Connection', 'close') self.end_headers()
Example #10
Source File: From Pirates-Online-Rewritten with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def getGoalIds(self, uidMgr=None, all=True): if all: results = [ (0, '')] else: results = '' if self.__goalType == types.ListType: if all: uidData = self.__goalData else: uidData = self.__goalData[:1] if uidMgr: results = zip(map(lambda x: uidMgr.getDoId(x, None), uidData), uidData) elif len(uidData) == 0: results = '' else: results = uidData[0] return results
Example #11
Source File: From Pirates-Online-Rewritten with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def getPartsNameList(self, sectionName): outList = [] if sectionName is None or set(sectionName) == set(self.sectionNames): return else: if isinstance(sectionName, types.StringType): sectionNames = [ sectionName] elif isinstance(sectionName, types.ListType): sectionNames = sectionName else: sectionNames = [] for section in sectionNames: partList = self.partNameLists.get(section) if partList: outList.extend(partList) return outList
Example #12
Source File: From mailin with MIT License | 6 votes |
def argparse(self,name,args): if not name and self.defaults.has_key('name'): args['name'] = self.defaults['name'] if type(name) is types.StringType: args['name']=name else: if len(name) == 1: if name[0]: args['name']=name[0] if defaults['server_rotate'] and \ type(defaults['server']) == types.ListType: defaults['server'] = defaults['server'][1:]+defaults['server'][:1] for i in defaults.keys(): if not args.has_key(i): if self.defaults.has_key(i): args[i]=self.defaults[i] else: args[i]=defaults[i] if type(args['server']) == types.StringType: args['server'] = [args['server']] self.args=args
Example #13
Source File: From kotori with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def process_message(self, topic, payload, *args): log.debug('Bus receive: topic={topic}, payload={payload}', topic=topic, payload=payload) # TODO: filter by realm/topic # decode message if type(payload) is types.DictionaryType: message = payload.copy() elif type(payload) is types.ListType: message = OrderedDict(payload) else: raise TypeError('Unable to handle data type "{}" from bus'.format(type(payload))) # compute storage location from topic and message storage_location = self.storage_location(message) log.debug('Storage location: {storage_location}', storage_location=dict(storage_location)) # store data self.store_message(storage_location, message)
Example #14
Source File: From baidupan_shell with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def str642int(string): """Converts a base64 encoded string into an integer. The chars of this string in in the range '0'-'9','A'-'Z','a'-'z','-','_' >>> str642int('7MyqL') 123456789 """ if not (type(string) is types.ListType or type(string) is types.StringType): raise TypeError("You must pass a string or a list") integer = 0 for byte in string: integer *= 64 if type(byte) is types.StringType: byte = ord(byte) integer += from64(byte) return integer
Example #15
Source File: From BinderFilter with MIT License | 6 votes |
def check_headers(headers): assert_(type(headers) is ListType, "Headers (%r) must be of type list: %r" % (headers, type(headers))) header_names = {} for item in headers: assert_(type(item) is TupleType, "Individual headers (%r) must be of type tuple: %r" % (item, type(item))) assert_(len(item) == 2) name, value = item assert_(name.lower() != 'status', "The Status header cannot be used; it conflicts with CGI " "script, and HTTP status is not given through headers " "(value: %r)." % value) header_names[name.lower()] = None assert_('\n' not in name and ':' not in name, "Header names may not contain ':' or '\\n': %r" % name) assert_(, "Bad header name: %r" % name) assert_(not name.endswith('-') and not name.endswith('_'), "Names may not end in '-' or '_': %r" % name) if assert_(0, "Bad header value: %r (bad char: %r)" % (value,
Example #16
Source File: From baidupan_shell with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def bytes2int(bytes): """Converts a list of bytes or a string to an integer >>> (((128 * 256) + 64) * 256) + 15 8405007 >>> l = [128, 64, 15] >>> bytes2int(l) #same as bytes2int('\x80@\x0f') 8405007 """ if not (type(bytes) is types.ListType or type(bytes) is types.StringType): raise TypeError("You must pass a string or a list") # Convert byte stream to integer integer = 0 for byte in bytes: integer *= 256 if type(byte) is types.StringType: byte = ord(byte) integer += byte return integer
Example #17
Source File: From baidupan_shell with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def bytes2int(bytes): """Converts a list of bytes or a string to an integer >>> (128*256 + 64)*256 + + 15 8405007 >>> l = [128, 64, 15] >>> bytes2int(l) 8405007 """ if not (type(bytes) is types.ListType or type(bytes) is types.StringType): raise TypeError("You must pass a string or a list") # Convert byte stream to integer integer = 0 for byte in bytes: integer *= 256 if type(byte) is types.StringType: byte = ord(byte) integer += byte return integer
Example #18
Source File: From p2ptv-pi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def set_dht_nodes(self, nodes): if self.readonly: raise OperationNotPossibleAtRuntimeException() if type(nodes) != ListType: raise ValueError('nodes not a list') else: for node in nodes: if type(node) != ListType and len(node) != 2: raise ValueError('node in nodes not a 2-item list: ' + `node`) if type(node[0]) != StringType: raise ValueError('host in node is not string:' + `node`) if type(node[1]) != IntType: raise ValueError('port in node is not int:' + `node`) self.input['nodes'] = nodes self.metainfo_valid = False
Example #19
Source File: From p2ptv-pi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def set_tracker_hierarchy(self, hier): if self.readonly: raise OperationNotPossibleAtRuntimeException() newhier = [] if type(hier) != ListType: raise ValueError('hierarchy is not a list') for tier in hier: if type(tier) != ListType: raise ValueError('tier is not a list') newtier = [] for url in tier: if not isValidURL(url): raise ValueError('Invalid URL: ' + `url`) if url.endswith('/'): url = url[:-1] newtier.append(url) newhier.append(newtier) self.input['announce-list'] = newhier self.metainfo_valid = False
Example #20
Source File: From p2ptv-pi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def validNatCheckReplyMsg(self, ncr_data): if not type(ncr_data) == ListType: raise RuntimeError, 'NatCheckMsgHandler: received data is not valid. It must be a list of parameters.' return False if not type(ncr_data[0]) == StringType: raise RuntimeError, 'NatCheckMsgHandler: received data is not valid. The first element in the list must be a string.' return False if not type(ncr_data[1]) == IntType: raise RuntimeError, 'NatCheckMsgHandler: received data is not valid. The second element in the list must be an integer.' return False if not type(ncr_data[2]) == IntType: raise RuntimeError, 'NatCheckMsgHandler: received data is not valid. The third element in the list must be an integer.' return False if not type(ncr_data[3]) == StringType: raise RuntimeError, 'NatCheckMsgHandler: received data is not valid. The forth element in the list must be a string.' return False if not type(ncr_data[4]) == IntType: raise RuntimeError, 'NatCheckMsgHandler: received data is not valid. The fifth element in the list must be an integer.' return False if not type(ncr_data[5]) == StringType: raise RuntimeError, 'NatCheckMsgHandler: received data is not valid. The sixth element in the list must be a string.' return False if not type(ncr_data[6]) == IntType: raise RuntimeError, 'NatCheckMsgHandler: received data is not valid. The seventh element in the list must be an integer.' return False
Example #21
Source File: From oss-ftp with MIT License | 6 votes |
def check_headers(headers): assert_(type(headers) is ListType, "Headers (%r) must be of type list: %r" % (headers, type(headers))) header_names = {} for item in headers: assert_(type(item) is TupleType, "Individual headers (%r) must be of type tuple: %r" % (item, type(item))) assert_(len(item) == 2) name, value = item assert_(name.lower() != 'status', "The Status header cannot be used; it conflicts with CGI " "script, and HTTP status is not given through headers " "(value: %r)." % value) header_names[name.lower()] = None assert_('\n' not in name and ':' not in name, "Header names may not contain ':' or '\\n': %r" % name) assert_(, "Bad header name: %r" % name) assert_(not name.endswith('-') and not name.endswith('_'), "Names may not end in '-' or '_': %r" % name) if assert_(0, "Bad header value: %r (bad char: %r)" % (value,
Example #22
Source File: From pmatic with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self,headers): if type(headers) is not ListType: raise TypeError("Headers must be a list of name/value tuples") self._headers = headers
Example #23
Source File: From hask with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def __getitem__(self, item): try: if isinstance(item, ADT): return self.__instances__[id(item.__type_constructor__)] elif isinstance(typeof(item), ListType): return self.__instances__[id(type(item))] elif isinstance(item, Hask): return self.__instances__[id(typeof(item))] return self.__instances__[id(type(item))] except KeyError: raise TypeError("No instance for {0}".format(item))
Example #24
Source File: From code with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _CopyItem(self, item): """ Return shallow copy of item. If item is a sequence, recursively shallow copy each member that is also a sequence """ newitem = copy.copy(item) if type(newitem) is types.DictType: for key in newitem: if type(newitem[key]) in SeqType: newitem[key] = self._CopyItem(newitem[key]) elif type(newitem) is types.ListType: for k in range(len(newitem)): if type(newitem[k]) in SeqType: newitem[k] = self._CopyItem(newitem[k]) return newitem
Example #25
Source File: From kansha with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def toUTF8(v): if isinstance(v, unicode): return v.encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(v, (types.TupleType, types.ListType)): return [toUTF8(e) for e in v] elif isinstance(v, types.DictType): return dict([(toUTF8(k), toUTF8(v_)) for k, v_ in v.items()]) else: return v
Example #26
Source File: From hacker-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _check_choice(self): if self.type == "choice": if self.choices is None: raise OptionError( "must supply a list of choices for type 'choice'", self) elif type(self.choices) not in (types.TupleType, types.ListType): raise OptionError( "choices must be a list of strings ('%s' supplied)" % str(type(self.choices)).split("'")[1], self) elif self.choices is not None: raise OptionError( "must not supply choices for type %r" % self.type, self)
Example #27
Source File: From PyEagle with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def createAttribute(self,ul_name,datatype,writeable=False,readable=True,args=None): self.args = args if isinstance(datatype,ListType): self.__dict__[ul_name] = ULMethodAttribute(self,ul_name,datatype[0]) else: self.__dict__[ul_name] = ULPropertyAttribute(self,ul_name,datatype) if issubclass(datatype,(str,int,float)) and not self.args: self.simplePropertyList.append(self.__dict__[ul_name]) if ul_name == "name" and datatype == str: def rename_func(newname): globals()["rename"](,newname) self.rename = rename_func elif ul_name == "x": def move_func(unitx,unity,currentUnits=None): eaglex = configuredToEagle(unitx,currentUnits) eagley = configuredToEagle(unity,currentUnits) self.x.__dict__["cachedValue"] = eaglex self.y.__dict__["cachedValue"] = eagley globals()["move"](,unitx,unity) self.move = move_func
Example #28
Source File: From hacker-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _check_choice(self): if self.type == "choice": if self.choices is None: raise OptionError( "must supply a list of choices for type 'choice'", self) elif type(self.choices) not in (types.TupleType, types.ListType): raise OptionError( "choices must be a list of strings ('%s' supplied)" % str(type(self.choices)).split("'")[1], self) elif self.choices is not None: raise OptionError( "must not supply choices for type %r" % self.type, self)
Example #29
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def bytes2int(bytes): """Converts a list of bytes or a string to an integer """ if not (type(bytes) is types.ListType or type(bytes) is types.StringType): raise TypeError("You must pass a string or a list") # Convert byte stream to integer integer = 0 for byte in bytes: integer *= 256 if type(byte) is types.StringType: byte = ord(byte) integer += byte return integer
Example #30
Source File: From OpenXR-SDK-Source with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def valueTreeToString(fout, value, path = '.'): ty = type(value) if ty is types.DictType: fout.write('%s={}\n' % path) suffix = path[-1] != '.' and '.' or '' names = value.keys() names.sort() for name in names: valueTreeToString(fout, value[name], path + suffix + name) elif ty is types.ListType: fout.write('%s=[]\n' % path) for index, childValue in zip(xrange(0,len(value)), value): valueTreeToString(fout, childValue, path + '[%d]' % index) elif ty is types.StringType: fout.write('%s="%s"\n' % (path,value)) elif ty is types.IntType: fout.write('%s=%d\n' % (path,value)) elif ty is types.FloatType: fout.write('%s=%.16g\n' % (path,value)) elif value is True: fout.write('%s=true\n' % path) elif value is False: fout.write('%s=false\n' % path) elif value is None: fout.write('%s=null\n' % path) else: assert False and "Unexpected value type"