Python sympy.sqrt() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of sympy.sqrt(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module sympy , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def franke_3b():
    a = math.sqrt(5.0 / 9.0 + 2.0 / 63.0 * math.sqrt(70))
    b = math.sqrt(5.0 / 9.0 - 2.0 / 63.0 * math.sqrt(70))

    weights, points = concat(
            [0.499290623065150e-1, 0.945813739519925, a],
            [0.158445182284802, 0.465346624836203, a],
            [0.183383788151247, 0.804253925742002, b],
            [0.881476523665422e-1, 0.681385892163677, b],
            [0.114456375561331, 0.963018409085396, 0.0],
            [0.454432513327558, 0.428610143223121, 0.0],
            [0.571052809297435e-1, 0.0, a],
            [0.414194459963155, 0.0, b],
    weights /= 4
    return C2Scheme("Franke 3b", weights, points, 9, source) 
Example #2
Source File:    From Gun-Detector with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_params_for_ss_release(eps, delta):
  """Computes sigma for additive Gaussian noise scaled by smooth sensitivity.

  Presently not used. (We proceed via RDP analysis.)

  Compute beta, sigma for applying Lemma 2.6 (full version of Nissim et al.) via
  Lemma 2.10.
  # Rather than applying Lemma 2.10 directly, which would give suboptimal alpha,
  # (see,
  # we extract a sufficient condition on alpha from its proof.
  # Let a = rho_(delta/2)(Z_1). Then solve for alpha such that
  # 2 alpha a + alpha^2 = eps/2.
  a = scipy.special.ndtri(1 - delta / 2)
  alpha = math.sqrt(a**2 + eps / 2) - a

  beta = eps / (2 * scipy.special.chdtri(1, delta / 2))

  return alpha, beta

Example #3
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _stroud_5_5(n, variant_a, symbolic=False):
    frac = sympy.Rational if symbolic else lambda a, b: a / b
    sqrt = sympy.sqrt if symbolic else math.sqrt
    p_m = +1 if variant_a else -1

    # r is complex-valued for n >= 3
    r = sqrt((n + 2 + p_m * (n - 1) * sqrt(2 * (n + 2))) / (2 * n))
    s = sqrt((n + 2 - p_m * sqrt(2 * (n + 2))) / (2 * n))
    A = frac(2, n + 2)
    B = frac(1, 2 ** n * (n + 2))

    data = [(A, [n * [0]]), (B, fsd(n, (r, 1), (s, n - 1)))]

    points, weights = untangle(data)
    variant = "a" if variant_a else "b"
    return Enr2Scheme(f"Stroud Enr2 5-5{variant}", n, weights, points, 5, source) 
Example #4
Source File:    From galgebra with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def main():

    X = (x,y,z) = symbols('x y z',real=True)
    (o3d,ex,ey,ez) ='e_x e_y e_z',g=[1,1,1],coords=(x,y,z))

    A = x*(ey^ez) + y*(ez^ex) + z*(ex^ey)
    print('A =', A)
    print('grad^A =',(o3d.grad^A).simplify())

    f =**2 + y**2 + z**2))
    print('f =', f)
    print('grad*f =',(o3d.grad*f).simplify())

    B = f*A
    print('B =', B)

    Curl_B = o3d.grad^B

    print('grad^B =', Curl_B.simplify())

Example #5
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def xiu(n):
    points = []
    for k in range(n + 1):
        pt = []
        # Slight adaptation:
        # The article has points for the weight 1/sqrt(2*pi) exp(−x**2/2)
        # so divide by sqrt(2) to adapt for 1/sqrt(pi) exp(−x ** 2)
        for r in range(1, n // 2 + 1):
            alpha = (2 * r * k * pi) / (n + 1)
            pt += [cos(alpha), sin(alpha)]
        if n % 2 == 1:
            pt += [(-1) ** k / sqrt(2)]

    points = numpy.array(points)
    weights = numpy.full(n + 1, frac(1, n + 1))
    return Enr2Scheme("Xiu", n, weights, points, 2, source) 
Example #6
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def cools_haegemans_1(n, delta2=1, symbolic=False):
    frac = sympy.Rational if symbolic else lambda a, b: a / b
    sqrt = sympy.sqrt if symbolic else math.sqrt
    assert frac(1, 2) <= delta2
    m = 1

    w0 = frac(2 * delta2 - 1, 2 * delta2)
    w = frac(_mu(2, symbolic) ** m * _mu(0, symbolic) ** (n - m), 2 ** n * delta2 ** m)

    data = [
        (w0, z(n)),
        (w, pm(n * [sqrt(delta2)])),

    points, weights = untangle(data)
    return Enr2Scheme("Cools-Haegemans 1", n, weights, points, 3, _source) 
Example #7
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def franke_1(lmbda):
    assert -frac(9, 5) <= lmbda <= frac(9, 4)

    a = sqrt(frac(9 + 5 * lmbda, 15))
    b = sqrt(frac(9 - 4 * lmbda, 15))
    c = sqrt(frac(3, 5))

    weights, points = concat(
        zero(frac(16 * (4 + 5 * lmbda), 9 * (9 + 5 * lmbda))),
        pm2([frac(25, 9 * (9 - 4 * lmbda)), b, c]),
            [frac(40, 9 * (9 + 5 * lmbda)), a, 0],
            [frac(40 * (1 - lmbda), 9 * (9 - 4 * lmbda)), 0, c],
    weights /= 4
    return C2Scheme(f"Franke(1, {lmbda})", weights, points, 5, source) 
Example #8
Source File:    From sympsi with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_tensorproduct():
    a = BosonOp("a")
    b = BosonOp("b")
    ket1 = TensorProduct(BosonFockKet(1), BosonFockKet(2))
    ket2 = TensorProduct(BosonFockKet(0), BosonFockKet(0))
    ket3 = TensorProduct(BosonFockKet(0), BosonFockKet(2))
    bra1 = TensorProduct(BosonFockBra(0), BosonFockBra(0))
    bra2 = TensorProduct(BosonFockBra(1), BosonFockBra(2))
    assert qapply(TensorProduct(a, b ** 2) * ket1) == sqrt(2) * ket2
    assert qapply(TensorProduct(a, Dagger(b) * b) * ket1) == 2 * ket3
    assert qapply(bra1 * TensorProduct(a, b * b),
                  dagger=True) == sqrt(2) * bra2
    assert qapply(bra2 * ket1).doit() == TensorProduct(1, 1)
    assert qapply(TensorProduct(a, b * b) * ket1) == sqrt(2) * ket2
    assert qapply(Dagger(TensorProduct(a, b * b) * ket1),
                  dagger=True) == sqrt(2) * Dagger(ket2) 
Example #9
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def franke_3a():
    a = math.sqrt(5.0 / 9.0 + 2.0 / 63.0 * math.sqrt(70))
    b = math.sqrt(5.0 / 9.0 - 2.0 / 63.0 * math.sqrt(70))

    weights, points = concat(
            [0.705065140564012e-1, 0.845927799771709, a],
            [0.721121511007611e-1, 0.628901636732253, a],
            [0.971492736037507e-1, 0.959681421214621, b],
            [0.368549048677049, 0.436030596273468, b],
            [0.316049382716049, 0.774596669241483, 0],
            [0.188616439798053, 0, a],
            [0.258606964371341e-1, 0, b],
    weights /= 4
    return C2Scheme("Franke 3a", weights, points, 9, source) 
Example #10
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def franke_3c():
    a = math.sqrt(5.0 / 9.0 + 2.0 / 63.0 * math.sqrt(70))
    b = math.sqrt(5.0 / 9.0 - 2.0 / 63.0 * math.sqrt(70))

    weights, points = concat(
            [0.494522019130682e-1, 0.949307350001342, a],
            [0.163914731881061, 0.458177548931134, a],
            [0.265904816944092, 0.774596669241483, b],
            [0.113041839046410, 0.967776908976724, 0.0],
            [0.479922229600720, 0.417754671502987, 0.0],
            [0.471199025241204e-1, 0.0, a],
            [0.425447707110548, 0.0, b],
    weights /= 4
    return C2Scheme("Franke 3c", weights, points, 9, source) 
Example #11
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def schmid_4():
    points = numpy.array(
            [0, (sqrt(3) + sqrt(15)) / 6],
            [0, (sqrt(3) - sqrt(15)) / 6],
            [+sqrt(15) / 5, (+sqrt(87) - 2 * sqrt(3)) / 15],
            [-sqrt(15) / 5, (+sqrt(87) - 2 * sqrt(3)) / 15],
            [+sqrt(15) / 5, (-sqrt(87) - 2 * sqrt(3)) / 15],
            [-sqrt(15) / 5, (-sqrt(87) - 2 * sqrt(3)) / 15],
    weights = numpy.array(
            frac(2, 9) - 2 * sqrt(5) / 45,
            frac(2, 9) + 2 * sqrt(5) / 45,
            frac(5, 36) + 5 * sqrt(29) / 18 / 29,
            frac(5, 36) + 5 * sqrt(29) / 18 / 29,
            frac(5, 36) - 5 * sqrt(29) / 18 / 29,
            frac(5, 36) - 5 * sqrt(29) / 18 / 29,
    return C2Scheme("Schmid 4", weights, points, 4, source) 
Example #12
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def stroud_1967_7_4(n, symbolic=False):
    sqrt = sympy.sqrt if symbolic else math.sqrt

    assert n >= 3

    sqrt2n2 = sqrt(2 * (n + 2))
    r1, r2 = [sqrt((n + 2 - p_m * sqrt2n2) / 2) for p_m in [+1, -1]]
    g = gamma_n_2(n, symbolic)
    A1, A2 = [(n + 2 + p_m * sqrt2n2) / 4 / (n + 2) * g for p_m in [+1, -1]]

    s = un.stroud_1967(n)

    points = numpy.concatenate([r1 * s.points, r2 * s.points])
    weights = numpy.concatenate([A1 * s.weights, A2 * s.weights])

    weights *= un.volume_nsphere(n - 1, symbolic) / volume_enr2(n, symbolic)
    return Enr2Scheme("Stroud 1967-7 4", n, weights, points, 7, source) 
Example #13
Source File:    From sympsi with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_boson_states():
    a = BosonOp("a")

    # Fock states
    n = 3
    assert (BosonFockBra(0) * BosonFockKet(1)).doit() == 0
    assert (BosonFockBra(1) * BosonFockKet(1)).doit() == 1
    assert qapply(BosonFockBra(n) * Dagger(a)**n * BosonFockKet(0)) \
        == sqrt(prod(range(1, n+1)))

    # Coherent states
    alpha1, alpha2 = 1.2, 4.3
    assert (BosonCoherentBra(alpha1) * BosonCoherentKet(alpha1)).doit() == 1
    assert (BosonCoherentBra(alpha2) * BosonCoherentKet(alpha2)).doit() == 1
    assert abs((BosonCoherentBra(alpha1) * BosonCoherentKet(alpha2)).doit() -
               exp(-S(1) / 2 * (alpha1 - alpha2) ** 2)) < 1e-12
    assert qapply(a * BosonCoherentKet(alpha1)) == \
        alpha1 * BosonCoherentKet(alpha1) 
Example #14
Source File:    From simkit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_call_sim_with_args():
    a, a_unc, b, b_unc = 3.0, 0.1, 4.0, 0.1
    c = f_hypotenuse(a, b)
    m1 = PythagorasModel()
    data = {'PythagorasData': {'a': a, 'b': b, 'a_unc': a_unc, 'b_unc': b_unc}}
    m1.command('run', data=data)
    assert m1.registries['outputs']['c'].m == c
    assert m1.registries['outputs']['c'].u ==
    x, y = sympy.symbols('x, y')
    z = sympy.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
    fx = sympy.lambdify((x, y), z.diff(x))
    fy = sympy.lambdify((x, y), z.diff(y))
    dz = np.sqrt(fx(a, b) ** 2 * a_unc ** 2 + fy(a, b) ** 2 * b_unc ** 2)
    c_unc = c * np.sqrt(m1.registries['outputs'].variance['c']['c'])
    LOGGER.debug('uncertainty in c is %g', c_unc)
    assert np.isclose(dz, c_unc.item())
    c_unc = c * m1.registries['outputs'].uncertainty['c']['c'].to('fraction')
    assert np.isclose(dz, c_unc.m.item())
    return m1 
Example #15
Source File:    From tributary with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_construct_lazy(self):
        # adapted from
        spot, strike, vol, dte, rate, cp = sy.symbols('spot strike vol dte rate cp')

        T = dte / 260.
        N = syNormal('N', 0.0, 1.0)

        d1 = (sy.ln(spot / strike) + (0.5 * vol ** 2) * T) / (vol * sy.sqrt(T))
        d2 = d1 - vol * sy.sqrt(T)

        TimeValueExpr = sy.exp(-rate * T) * (cp * spot * cdf(N)(cp * d1) - cp * strike * cdf(N)(cp * d2))

        PriceClass = ts.construct_lazy(TimeValueExpr)

        price = PriceClass(spot=210.59, strike=205, vol=14.04, dte=4, rate=.2175, cp=-1)

        x = price.evaluate()()

        assert price.evaluate()() == x

        price.strike = 210

        assert x != price.evaluate()() 
Example #16
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def stroud_secrest_2(n):
    nu = sqrt(frac(n, 2))
    data = [(frac(1, 2 * n), fsd(n, (nu, 1)))]
    points, weights = untangle(data)
    return Enr2Scheme("Stroud-Secrest II", n, weights, points, 3, source) 
Example #17
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def hammer_stroud_2_2():
    alpha = sqrt(frac(3, 5))
    data = [
        (frac(64, 81), [[0, 0]]),
        (frac(40, 81), fsd(2, (alpha, 1))),
        (frac(25, 81), pm([alpha, alpha])),
    points, weights = untangle(data)
    weights /= 4
    return C2Scheme("Hammer-Stroud 2-2", weights, points, 5, source) 
Example #18
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def stroud_secrest_4(n):
    nu = sqrt(frac(n + 2, 2))
    xi = sqrt(frac(n + 2, 4))
    A = frac(2, n + 2)
    B = frac(4 - n, 2 * (n + 2) ** 2)
    C = frac(1, (n + 2) ** 2)

    data = [(A, numpy.full((1, n), 0)), (B, fsd(n, (nu, 1))), (C, fsd(n, (xi, 2)))]
    points, weights = untangle(data)
    return Enr2Scheme("Stroud-Secrest IV", n, weights, points, 5, source) 
Example #19
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _nsimplex(n):
    # construct the regular n-simplex points with 0 center
    return numpy.array(
            [-sqrt(frac(n + 1, (n + 1 - k) * (n - k))) for k in range(i)]
            + [sqrt(frac((n + 1) * (n - i), n + 1 - i))]
            + (n - i - 1) * [0]
            for i in range(n)
        + [[-sqrt(frac(n + 1, (n + 1 - i) * (n - i))) for i in range(n)]]
Example #20
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def stroud_5_2():
    # Cartesian product Gauss formula
    r = sqrt(frac(3, 2))
    data = [
        (frac(4, 9), [[0, 0]]),
        (frac(1, 9), fsd(2, (r, 1))),
        (frac(1, 36), pm([r, r])),

    points, weights = untangle(data)
    return E2r2Scheme("Stroud 5-2", weights, points, 5, _source) 
Example #21
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def kubatko_yeager_maggi_3c():
    alpha = 4 * sqrt(3) / 15
    data = [
        (-frac(9, 4), _s3(symbolic=True)),
        (frac(25, 24), _s21_z(-frac(3, 5), alpha)),
    points, weights = untangle(data)
    weights = weights / 4
    points[:, :2] += 1
    points[:, :2] /= 2
    return W3Scheme("Kubatko-Yeager-Maggi 3c", weights, points, 3, source) 
Example #22
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def stroud_secrest_1(n):
    # TODO check which is more appropriate
    # print(_nsimplex(n))
    # print()
    # print(get_nsimplex_points(n))
    data = [(frac(1, n + 1), sqrt(frac(1, 2)) * _nsimplex(n))]
    points, weights = untangle(data)
    return Enr2Scheme("Stroud-Secrest I", n, weights, points, 2, source) 
Example #23
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def hammer_stroud_3_2():
    xi1, xi2 = [sqrt(frac(3, 287) * (38 - i * sqrt(583))) for i in [+1, -1]]
    data = [
        (frac(98, 405), fsd(2, (sqrt(frac(6, 7)), 1))),
        (0.5205929166673945, pm([xi1, xi1])),
        (0.2374317746906302, pm([xi2, xi2])),
    points, weights = untangle(data)
    weights /= 4
    return C2Scheme("Hammer-Stroud 3-2", weights, points, 7, source) 
Example #24
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def dunavant_03():
    weights, points = concat(
        symm_r0([frac(98, 405), sqrt(frac(6, 7))]),
            [0.237431774690630, 0.805979782918599],
            [0.520592916667394, 0.380554433208316],
    weights /= 4
    return C2Scheme("Dunavant 3", weights, points, 7, source) 
Example #25
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def hammer_stroud_1_2():
    data = [(frac(1, 4), fsd(2, (sqrt(frac(2, 3)), 1)))]
    points, weights = untangle(data)
    return C2Scheme("Hammer-Stroud 1-2", weights, points, 3, source) 
Example #26
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def phillips():
    c = 3 * sqrt(385)
    r, s = [sqrt((105 + i * c) / 140) for i in [+1, -1]]
    t = sqrt(frac(3, 5))

    B1, B2 = [(77 - i * c) / 891 for i in [+1, -1]]
    B3 = frac(25, 324)

    weights, points = concat(symm_r0([B1, r], [B2, s]), pm2([B3, t, t]))
    return C2Scheme("Phillips", weights, points, 7, source) 
Example #27
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def schmid_2():
    points = numpy.array(
            [-sqrt(frac(1, 3)), +sqrt(frac(2, 3))],
            [-sqrt(frac(1, 3)), -sqrt(frac(2, 3))],
            [+sqrt(frac(1, 3)), 0],
    weights = numpy.array([frac(1, 4), frac(1, 4), frac(1, 2)])
    return C2Scheme("Schmid 2", weights, points, 2, source) 
Example #28
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def albrecht_collatz_3():
    r = sqrt(frac(7, 15))
    s, t = [sqrt((7 + i * sqrt(24)) / 15) for i in [+1, -1]]
    weights, points = concat(
        zero(frac(2, 7)),
        pm([frac(25, 168), r, r], [frac(5, 48), +s, -t], [frac(5, 48), +t, -s]),
    return C2Scheme("Albrecht-Collatz 3", weights, points, 5, source, 4.442e-16) 
Example #29
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def albrecht_collatz_2():
    r = sqrt(frac(3, 5))
    s = sqrt(frac(1, 3))
    t = sqrt(frac(14, 15))
    weights, points = concat(
        zero(frac(2, 7)), pm([frac(5, 63), 0, t]), pm2([frac(5, 36), r, s])
    return C2Scheme("Albrecht-Collatz 2", weights, points, 5, source, 4.627e-16) 
Example #30
Source File:    From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def franke_6():
    a = sqrt(frac(3, 2))
    b = sqrt(frac(3, 7) * (1 + sqrt(frac(10, 31))))
    c = sqrt(frac(3, 7) * (1 - sqrt(frac(10, 31))))

    weights, points = concat(
        zero(frac(392, 405)),
        symm_s([frac(16, 2025), a]),
        symm_s_t([frac(1519, 4050), b, c]),
    weights /= 4
    return C2Scheme("Franke 6", weights, points, 7, source)