Python numpy.float128() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.float128().
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Example #1
Source File: From IDTxl with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _mi_prob(self, s1_prob, s2_prob, joint_s1_s2_prob): """MI estimator in the prob domain.""" total = np.zeros(1).astype('float128') [alph_s1, alph_s2] = np.shape(joint_s1_s2_prob) for sym_s1 in range(0, alph_s1): for sym_s2 in range(0, alph_s2): if (s1_prob[sym_s1] * s2_prob[sym_s2] * joint_s1_s2_prob[sym_s1, sym_s2] > 0): local_contrib = ( np.log(joint_s1_s2_prob[sym_s1, sym_s2]) - np.log(s1_prob[sym_s1]) - np.log(s2_prob[sym_s2]) ) / np.log(2) weighted_contrib = (joint_s1_s2_prob[sym_s1, sym_s2] * local_contrib) else: weighted_contrib = 0 total += weighted_contrib return total
Example #2
Source File: From bifrost with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def name_nbit2numpy(name, nbit): if name == 'i': if nbit == 8: return np.int8 elif nbit == 16: return np.int16 elif nbit == 32: return np.int32 elif nbit == 64: return np.int64 else: raise TypeError("Invalid signed integer type size: %i" % nbit) elif name == 'u': if nbit == 8: return np.uint8 elif nbit == 16: return np.uint16 elif nbit == 32: return np.uint32 elif nbit == 64: return np.uint64 else: raise TypeError("Invalid unsigned integer type size: %i" % nbit) elif name == 'f': if nbit == 16: return np.float16 elif nbit == 32: return np.float32 elif nbit == 64: return np.float64 elif nbit == 128: return np.float128 else: raise TypeError("Invalid floating-point type size: %i" % nbit) elif name == 'ci': if nbit == 8: return ci8 elif nbit == 16: return ci16 elif nbit == 32: return ci32 # elif name in set(['ci', 'cu']): # Note: This gives integer types in place of proper complex types # return name_nbit2numpy(name[1:], nbit*2) elif name == 'cf': if nbit == 16: return cf16 elif nbit == 32: return np.complex64 elif nbit == 64: return np.complex128 elif nbit == 128: return np.complex256 else: raise TypeError("Invalid complex floating-point type size: %i" % nbit) else: raise TypeError("Invalid type name: " + name)
Example #3
Source File: From hgail with MIT License | 5 votes |
def softmax(logits, axis=-1): shape = logits.shape logits = logits.astype(np.float128).reshape(-1, shape[-1]) x = np.exp(logits - np.max(logits, axis=-1, keepdims=True)) probs = x / np.sum(x, axis=-1, keepdims=True) invalid_idxs = np.where(np.sum(probs, axis=-1, keepdims=True) > 1.)[0] probs[invalid_idxs] -= (np.sum(probs[invalid_idxs], axis=-1, keepdims=True) - 1 + 1e-8) / probs.shape[-1] probs = probs.astype(np.float64) return probs.reshape(shape)
Example #4
Source File: From bifrost with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def numpy2bifrost(dtype): if dtype == np.int8: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_I8 elif dtype == np.int16: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_I16 elif dtype == np.int32: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_I32 elif dtype == np.uint8: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_U8 elif dtype == np.uint16: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_U16 elif dtype == np.uint32: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_U32 elif dtype == np.float16: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_F16 elif dtype == np.float32: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_F32 elif dtype == np.float64: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_F64 elif dtype == np.float128: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_F128 elif dtype == ci8: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_CI8 elif dtype == ci16: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_CI16 elif dtype == ci32: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_CI32 elif dtype == cf16: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_CF16 elif dtype == np.complex64: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_CF32 elif dtype == np.complex128: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_CF64 elif dtype == np.complex256: return _bf.BF_DTYPE_CF128 else: raise ValueError("Unsupported dtype: " + str(dtype))
Example #5
Source File: From rpy2 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_scalar_f128(self): f128 = numpy.float128(100.000000003) f128_r = conversion.py2rpy(f128) f128_test = numpy.array(f128_r)[0] assert f128 == f128_test
Example #6
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_returned_dtype(self): dtypes = [np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.float32, np.float64] if hasattr(np, 'float128'): dtypes.append(np.float128) for dtype in dtypes: s = Series(range(10), dtype=dtype) group_a = ['mean', 'std', 'var', 'skew', 'kurt'] group_b = ['min', 'max'] for method in group_a + group_b: result = getattr(s, method)() if is_integer_dtype(dtype) and method in group_a: assert result.dtype == np.float64 else: assert result.dtype == dtype
Example #7
Source File: From topicModelling with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_full_conditional(self, sentence, m, z, n_z, n_m_z): prod_nom, prod_den = [] , [] words = Counter(sentence) for key, val in words.iteritems(): for x in range(val): quantity = self.n_z_t[:,key] + self.beta + x prod_nom.append(quantity) # prod_nom *= (quantity) prod_nom = np.array(prod_nom, dtype=np.float128) left_denominator = n_z + self.beta*self.V for x in range(len(sentence)): quantity = left_denominator + x prod_den.append(quantity) # prod_den *= (quantity) prod_den = np.array(prod_den, dtype=np.float128) # print "Shapes of interest:", prod_den.shape, prod_nom.shape prodall1 = np.divide(prod_nom,prod_den) # print "After division:", prodall.shape prodall =, axis=0) # print "After multiplication", prodall.shape # prod_nom =, axis=0, dtype=np.float128) # prod_den =, axis=0, dtype=np.float128) # left = prod_nom/prod_den right = (n_m_z[m,:] + self.alpha) p_z = prodall*right # try: # p_z /= np.sum(p_z) # except: # print p_z # print prodall1 # print prodall p_z /= np.sum(p_z) # except RuntimeWarning: # print 'Exception' # print prodall # print right # print self.n_z_t[:,key] return p_z.astype(np.float64)
Example #8
Source File: From Predicting-Health-Insurance-Cost with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def convertDatatoFloat(data,isMatrix): if(isMatrix): dataMatrixAsfloat = [ [ np.float128(eachVal) for eachVal in row ] for row in data] return np.array(dataMatrixAsfloat) else: dataListAsfloat = [ np.float128(eachVal) for eachVal in data] return dataListAsfloat
Example #9
Source File: From skl-groups with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def fit(self, X, y=None): """Compute the minimum and maximum to be used for later scaling. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape [n_samples, n_features] The data used to compute the per-feature minimum and maximum used for later scaling along the features axis. """ X = check_array(X, copy=self.copy, dtype=[np.float64, np.float32, np.float16, np.float128]) feature_range = self.feature_range if feature_range[0] >= feature_range[1]: raise ValueError("Minimum of desired feature range must be smaller" " than maximum. Got %s." % str(feature_range)) if self.fit_feature_range is not None: fit_feature_range = self.fit_feature_range if fit_feature_range[0] >= fit_feature_range[1]: raise ValueError("Minimum of desired (fit) feature range must " "be smaller than maximum. Got %s." % str(feature_range)) if (fit_feature_range[0] < feature_range[0] or fit_feature_range[1] > feature_range[1]): raise ValueError("fit_feature_range must be a subset of " "feature_range. Got %s, fit %s." % (str(feature_range), str(fit_feature_range))) feature_range = fit_feature_range data_min = np.min(X, axis=0) data_range = np.max(X, axis=0) - data_min # Do not scale constant features data_range[data_range == 0.0] = 1.0 self.scale_ = (feature_range[1] - feature_range[0]) / data_range self.min_ = feature_range[0] - data_min * self.scale_ self.data_range = data_range self.data_min = data_min return self
Example #10
Source File: From Cirq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_numpy_dtype_compatibility(): i_a, i_b, i_c = 0, 1, 2 i_types = [np.intc, np.intp, np.int0, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64] for i_type in i_types: assert cirq.approx_eq(i_type(i_a), i_type(i_b), atol=1) assert not cirq.approx_eq(i_type(i_a), i_type(i_c), atol=1) u_types = [np.uint, np.uint0, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64] for u_type in u_types: assert cirq.approx_eq(u_type(i_a), u_type(i_b), atol=1) assert not cirq.approx_eq(u_type(i_a), u_type(i_c), atol=1) f_a, f_b, f_c = 0, 1e-8, 1 f_types = [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64] if hasattr(np, 'float128'): f_types.append(np.float128) for f_type in f_types: assert cirq.approx_eq(f_type(f_a), f_type(f_b), atol=1e-8) assert not cirq.approx_eq(f_type(f_a), f_type(f_c), atol=1e-8) c_a, c_b, c_c = 0, 1e-8j, 1j c_types = [np.complex64, np.complex128] if hasattr(np, 'complex256'): c_types.append(np.complex256) for c_type in c_types: assert cirq.approx_eq(c_type(c_a), c_type(c_b), atol=1e-8) assert not cirq.approx_eq(c_type(c_a), c_type(c_c), atol=1e-8)
Example #11
Source File: From IDTxl with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _mi_prob(s1_prob, s2_prob, joint_s1_s2_prob): """ MI estimator in the prob domain """ total = np.zeros(1).astype('float128') [alph_s1, alph_s2] = np.shape(joint_s1_s2_prob) for sym_s1 in range(0, alph_s1): for sym_s2 in range(0, alph_s2): # print(sym_s1, '\t', sym_s2, '\t', s1_prob[sym_s1], '\t', s2_prob[sym_s2], '\t', joint_s1_s2_prob[sym_s1, sym_s2]) if ( s1_prob[sym_s1] * s2_prob[sym_s2] * joint_s1_s2_prob[sym_s1, sym_s2] > 0 ): local_contrib = ( np.log(joint_s1_s2_prob[sym_s1, sym_s2]) - np.log(s1_prob[sym_s1]) - np.log(s2_prob[sym_s2]) ) / np.log(2) weighted_contrib = ( joint_s1_s2_prob[sym_s1, sym_s2] * local_contrib) else: weighted_contrib = 0 total += weighted_contrib return total
Example #12
Source File: From IDTxl with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _joint_mi(s1, s2, t, alph_s1, alph_s2, alph_t): """ Joint MI estimator in the samples domain """ [s12, alph_s12] = _join_variables(s1, s2, alph_s1, alph_s2) t_count = np.zeros(alph_t, s12_count = np.zeros(alph_s12, joint_t_s12_count = np.zeros((alph_t, alph_s12), num_samples = len(t) for obs in range(0, num_samples): t_count[t[obs]] += 1 s12_count[s12[obs]] += 1 joint_t_s12_count[t[obs], s12[obs]] += 1 t_prob = np.divide(t_count, num_samples).astype('float128') s12_prob = np.divide(s12_count, num_samples).astype('float128') joint_t_s12_prob = np.divide(joint_t_s12_count, num_samples).astype('float128') jmi = _mi_prob(t_prob, s12_prob, joint_t_s12_prob) return jmi
Example #13
Source File: From IDTxl with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _cmi_prob(s2cond_prob, joint_t_s2cond_prob, joint_s1_s2cond_prob, joint_t_s1_s2cond_prob): """Calculate probabilities for CMI estimation.""" total = np.zeros(1).astype('float128') [alph_t, alph_s1, alph_s2cond] = np.shape(joint_t_s1_s2cond_prob) for sym_s1 in range(0, alph_s1): for sym_s2cond in range(0, alph_s2cond): for sym_t in range(0, alph_t): if (s2cond_prob[sym_s2cond] * joint_t_s2cond_prob[sym_t, sym_s2cond] * joint_s1_s2cond_prob[sym_s1, sym_s2cond] * joint_t_s1_s2cond_prob[sym_t, sym_s1, sym_s2cond] > 0): local_contrib = ( np.log(joint_t_s1_s2cond_prob[sym_t, sym_s1, sym_s2cond]) + np.log(s2cond_prob[sym_s2cond]) - np.log(joint_t_s2cond_prob[sym_t, sym_s2cond]) - np.log(joint_s1_s2cond_prob[sym_s1, sym_s2cond]) ) / np.log(2) weighted_contrib = ( joint_t_s1_s2cond_prob[sym_t, sym_s1, sym_s2cond] * local_contrib) else: weighted_contrib = 0 total += weighted_contrib return total
Example #14
Source File: From IDTxl with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _mi_prob(s1_prob, s2_prob, joint_s1_s2_prob): """ MI estimator in the prob domain.""" total = np.zeros(1).astype('float128') [alph_s1, alph_s2] = np.shape(joint_s1_s2_prob) for sym_s1 in range(0, alph_s1): for sym_s2 in range(0, alph_s2): if (s1_prob[sym_s1] * s2_prob[sym_s2] * joint_s1_s2_prob[sym_s1, sym_s2] > 0): local_contrib = ( np.log(joint_s1_s2_prob[sym_s1, sym_s2]) - np.log(s1_prob[sym_s1]) - np.log(s2_prob[sym_s2])) / np.log(2) weighted_contrib = ( joint_s1_s2_prob[sym_s1, sym_s2] * local_contrib) else: weighted_contrib = 0 total += weighted_contrib return total
Example #15
Source File: From IDTxl with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _cmi_prob(self, s2cond_prob, joint_t_s2cond_prob, joint_s1_s2cond_prob, joint_t_s1_s2cond_prob): total = np.zeros(1).astype('float128') [alph_t, alph_s1, alph_s2cond] = np.shape(joint_t_s1_s2cond_prob) for sym_s1 in range(0, alph_s1): for sym_s2cond in range(0, alph_s2cond): for sym_t in range(0, alph_t): if (s2cond_prob[sym_s2cond] * joint_t_s2cond_prob[sym_t, sym_s2cond] * joint_s1_s2cond_prob[sym_s1, sym_s2cond] * joint_t_s1_s2cond_prob[sym_t, sym_s1, sym_s2cond] > 0): local_contrib = ( np.log(joint_t_s1_s2cond_prob[sym_t, sym_s1, sym_s2cond]) + np.log(s2cond_prob[sym_s2cond]) - np.log(joint_t_s2cond_prob[sym_t, sym_s2cond]) - np.log(joint_s1_s2cond_prob[sym_s1, sym_s2cond]) ) / np.log(2) weighted_contrib = ( joint_t_s1_s2cond_prob[sym_t, sym_s1, sym_s2cond] * local_contrib) else: weighted_contrib = 0 total += weighted_contrib return total
Example #16
Source File: From PINTO_model_zoo with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sigmoid(arr): """ 对数组arr中的每个元素执行sigmoid计算 :param arr: 任意shape的数组 :return: sigmoid后的数组 """ arr = np.array(arr, dtype=np.float128) return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-1.0 * arr))
Example #17
Source File: From IDTxl with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _joint_mi(self, s1, s2, t, alph_s1, alph_s2, alph_t): """Joint MI estimator in the samples domain.""" [s12, alph_s12] = _join_variables(s1, s2, alph_s1, alph_s2) t_count = np.zeros(alph_t, s12_count = np.zeros(alph_s12, joint_t_s12_count = np.zeros((alph_t, alph_s12), num_samples = len(t) for obs in range(0, num_samples): t_count[t[obs]] += 1 s12_count[s12[obs]] += 1 joint_t_s12_count[t[obs], s12[obs]] += 1 t_prob = np.divide(t_count, num_samples).astype('float128') s12_prob = np.divide(s12_count, num_samples).astype('float128') joint_t_s12_prob = np.divide(joint_t_s12_count, num_samples).astype('float128') return self._mi_prob(t_prob, s12_prob, joint_t_s12_prob)
Example #18
Source File: From ubelt with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_numpy_float(): if np is None: pytest.skip('requires numpy') assert hash_sequence(np.float16(3.0)) == hash_sequence(3.0) assert hash_sequence(np.float32(3.0)) == hash_sequence(3.0) assert hash_sequence(np.float64(3.0)) == hash_sequence(3.0) try: assert hash_sequence(np.float128(3.0)) == hash_sequence(3.0) except AttributeError: pass
Example #19
Source File: From qtpandas with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getCsvData(): dtypes = { "int8_value": numpy.int8, "int16_value": numpy.int16, "int32_value": numpy.int32, # "int64_value": numpy.int64, # OverFlowError "uint8_value": numpy.uint8, "uint16_value": numpy.uint16, "uint32_value": numpy.uint32, # "uint64_value": numpy.uint64, # OverFlowError "float16_value": numpy.float16, "float32_value": numpy.float32, "float64_value": numpy.float64, # "float128_value": numpy.float128, "bool_value": numpy.bool_ } delimiter = "," encoding = "utf-8" parse_dates = ["timestamp_value"] path = os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), "examples/testData/test1.csv") if not os.path.exists(path): path = os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), "testData/test1.csv") df = pandas.read_csv( path, dtype=dtypes, delimiter=delimiter, encoding=encoding, parse_dates=parse_dates ) try: df["int64_value"] = df["int64_value"].astype(numpy.int64) df["uint64_value"] = df["uint64_value"].astype(numpy.uint64) except: raise return df
Example #20
Source File: From cpnest with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_worst_n_live_points(self, n): """ selects the lowest likelihood N live points for evolution """ self.params.sort(key=attrgetter('logL')) self.worst = np.arange(n) self.logLmin.value = np.float128(self.params[n-1].logL) return np.float128(self.logLmin.value)
Example #21
Source File: From SVE with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def pooled_distance(M,mode='j'): D,NN = {},{} for t in M: D[t],NN[t] = {},{} for b in M[t]: D[t][b],NN[t][b] = {},{} #get the combintaion distances for g in M[t][b]: D[t][b][g] = np.float128(1.0) #default is the max distance if mode=='j' and np.float128(M[t][b][g][1]) > 0.0: #1-(|I|/|U|) D[t][b][g] = np.float128(1.0)-np.float128(M[t][b][g][0])/np.float128(M[t][b][g][1]) if mode=='u' and np.float128(M[t][b][g][1]) > 0.0 and np.float128(M[t][b][g][2]) > 0.0: #1-2*((|I|/|U|)*(|D1|/(|D1|+|D2|))/((|I|/|U|)+(|D1|/(|D1|+|D2|)) j = np.float128(M[t][b][g][0])/np.float128(M[t][b][g][1]) u = np.float128(M[t][b][g][2])/(np.float128(M[t][b][g][2])+np.float128(M[t][b][g][3])) D[t][b][g] = np.float128(1.0)-np.float128(2.0)*(j*u)/(j+u) K = sorted(list(set([v for w in M[t][b] for v in w]))) for k in K: N = [] for i,j in sorted(M[t][b].keys()): #distance then key if k==i: N += [[D[t][b][(i,j)],j]] if k==j: N += [[D[t][b][(i,j)],i]] NN[t][b][k] = sorted(N,key=lambda x: x[0]) return D,NN #given prior and new data smooth based on the magnitude #of observations for the features for each pair
Example #22
Source File: From SVE with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def impute_true(A,k): I = {} for t in A: I[t] = {} for b in A[t]: I[t][b] = {} for g in A[t][b]: I[t][b][g] = [np.uint64(0),np.uint64(0),np.uint64(0),np.uint64(0)] for i in range(4): I[t][b][g][i] = np.float128(np.mean(A[t][b][g][np.where(A[t][b][g][:,0]!=k),i+1])+1) return I
Example #23
Source File: From SVE with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_pwdm(D,G): P = {} for t in D: P[t] = {} for b in D[t]: P[t][b] = np.zeros((len(G),len(G)),dtype=np.float128) for i,j in it.combinations(range(len(G)),2): if D[t][b].has_key((G[i],G[j])): P[t][b][i][j] = P[t][b][j][i] = D[t][b][(G[i],G[j])] elif D[t][b].has_key((G[j],G[i])): P[t][b][i][j] = P[t][b][j][i] = D[t][b][(G[j],G[i])] else: #no key for (i,j) is missing P[t][b][i][j] = P[t][b][j][i] = np.float128(1.0) return P
Example #24
Source File: From SVE with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def sum_pairs(P): S = {} for t in P: S[t] = {} for b in P[t]: S[t][b] = [] for row in P[t][b]: S[t][b] += [np.sum(row)/np.float128(len(row)-1)] return S
Example #25
Source File: From SVE with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def exp_stats(e,e_post,a): if a < np.float128(1.0): H,H_post = exp_hist(e),exp_hist(e_post) upper,lower,value = 0,0,np.float128(1.0) for row in H: if row[0] >= a: upper += int(row[1]) for row in H_post: lower += int(row[1]) if lower >= upper: value = row[0] break h = np.array([e[g] for g in e]) x = [a,value,len(e)-upper,upper,np.median(h),np.mean(h),np.std(h)] else: x = [a,a,len(e),0,np.float128(0.0),np.float128(0.0),np.float128(0.0)] return x #given the old group expectation E and cutoff t,b value alpha #estimates a alpha_post value that uses the histogram of the #posterior estimate E_post to adjust the alpha value
Example #26
Source File: From SVE with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def select_groups(W,gamma=0.0): G = {} for t in W: G[t] = {} for b in W[t]: C,G[t][b] = [],{} for g in W[t][b]: if len(g)<=1 and W[t][b][g]>=gamma: C += [g[0]] if len(C)<=0: G[t][b] = {(None,):np.float128(0.0)} else: C = sorted(C) for i in range(1,len(C)+1): for j in it.combinations(C,i): G[t][b][j] = W[t][b][j] return G #pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp #given a svul, join idxs from list j ################################################################################ #given a svul, join idxs from list j
Example #27
Source File: From SVE with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_weight(A,E,average=0): if E.has_key((None,)): #default average weighting when no target is available if average>0: #to do is to connect the independant expectations here c = np.float128(1.0) n = c/np.float128(average) w =[c-n*np.float128((A[g][A[g].keys()[0]][1])) for g in A]) else: w = np.float128(0.0) #0.0 else: w = E[tuple(sorted([a[0] for a in A]))] return w #active edges A, next vertext edges B #clear off terminal edges of A and add B
Example #28
Source File: From SVE with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def target_filter_cuttoff_static(B,static_filter): alpha = {} for t in B: alpha[t] = {} for b in B[t]: alpha[t][b] = np.float128(static_filter) return alpha #:::TO DO::: do the search but not inside each bin
Example #29
Source File: From SVE with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def target_filter_cuttoff_static_exhaustive(A,E,T): alpha = {} for t in A: alpha[t] = {} for b in A[t]: alpha[t][b] = np.float128(1.0) return alpha #when gamm = 0.0 will search all combinations
Example #30
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def target_filter_cutoff_exhaustive(A,E,T): alpha = {} for t in A: alpha[t] = {} for b in A[t]: alpha[t][b] = np.float128(1.0) J = {k:[np.uint64(0),np.uint64(0)] for k in sorted(list(set([E[t][b][z] for z in E[t][b]])))} if len(J)>1: for s in A[t][b]: for k in J: if T[t][b].has_key(s): N = fu.feature_magnitudes(T[t][b][s],filter_single_bin(A[t][b][s],k)) J[k][0],J[k][1] = J[k][0]+np.uint64(N[0]),J[k][1]+np.uint64(N[1]) for k in J: if J[k][1]>0.0: J[k] = float(np.float128(J[k][0])/np.float128(J[k][1])) else: J[k] = 0.0 alpha[t][b] = sorted([[k,J[k]] for k in J],key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0][0] elif len(J)==1 and J.keys()[0] > 0.0: for s in A[t][b]: for k in J: if T[t][b].has_key(s): N = fu.feature_magnitudes(T[t][b][s],filter_single_bin(A[t][b][s],k)) J[k][0],J[k][1] = J[k][0]+np.uint64(N[0]),J[k][1]+np.uint64(N[1]) for k in J: if J[k][1]>0.0: J[k] = float(np.float128(J[k][0])/np.float128(J[k][1])) else: J[k] = 0.0 alpha[t][b] = sorted([[k,J[k]] for k in J],key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0][0] return alpha #when gamm = 0.0 will search all combinations