Python sympy.Function() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of sympy.Function().
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Example #1
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 6 votes |
def evaluate(self): # Average values if at a location not on the Function's grid if self._is_on_grid: return self weight = 1.0 avg_list = [self] is_averaged = False for i, ir, d in zip(self.indices, self.indices_ref, self.dimensions): off = (i - ir)/d.spacing if not isinstance(off, sympy.Number) or int(off) == off: pass else: weight *= 1/2 is_averaged = True avg_list = [(a.xreplace({i: i - d.spacing/2}) + a.xreplace({i: i + d.spacing/2})) for a in avg_list] if not is_averaged: return self return weight * sum(avg_list)
Example #2
Source File: From mathematics_dataset with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testDiv(self): div = ops.Div(2, 3) self.assertEqual(str(div), '2/3') self.assertEqual(div.sympy(), sympy.Rational(2, 3)) div = ops.Div(2, sympy.Rational(4, 5)) self.assertEqual(str(div), '2/(4/5)') self.assertEqual(div.sympy(), sympy.Rational(5, 2)) div = ops.Div(1, ops.Div(2, 3)) self.assertEqual(str(div), '1/(2/3)') self.assertEqual(div.sympy(), sympy.Rational(3, 2)) div = ops.Div(ops.Div(2, 3), 4) self.assertEqual(str(div), '(2/3)/4') self.assertEqual(div.sympy(), sympy.Rational(1, 6)) div = ops.Div(2, ops.Mul(3, 4)) self.assertEqual(str(div), '2/(3*4)') div = ops.Div(2, sympy.Function('f')(sympy.Symbol('x'))) self.assertEqual(str(div), '2/f(x)')
Example #3
Source File: From mathematics_dataset with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, *function_entities): """Initialize a `FunctionHandle`. Args: *function_entities: List of function letters and `Entity`s representing functions, to be composed. """ self._functions = [] for fn in function_entities: if isinstance(fn, str): functions = [sympy.Function(fn)] else: assert isinstance(fn, Entity) assert isinstance(fn.handle, FunctionHandle) functions = fn.handle.functions self._functions += functions
Example #4
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init_finalize__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SparseFunction, self).__init_finalize__(*args, **kwargs) self.interpolator = LinearInterpolator(self) # Set up sparse point coordinates coordinates = kwargs.get('coordinates', kwargs.get('coordinates_data')) if isinstance(coordinates, Function): self._coordinates = coordinates else: dimensions = (self.indices[-1], Dimension(name='d')) # Only retain the local data region if coordinates is not None: coordinates = np.array(coordinates) self._coordinates = SubFunction(name='%s_coords' %, parent=self, dtype=self.dtype, dimensions=dimensions, shape=(self.npoint, self.grid.dim), space_order=0, initializer=coordinates, distributor=self._distributor) if self.npoint == 0: # This is a corner case -- we might get here, for example, when # running with MPI and some processes get 0-size arrays after # domain decomposition. We "touch" the data anyway to avoid the # case ``self._data is None``
Example #5
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 6 votes |
def as_tuple(item, type=None, length=None): """ Force item to a tuple. Partly extracted from: """ # Empty list if we get passed None if item is None: t = () elif isinstance(item, (str, sympy.Function)): t = (item,) else: # Convert iterable to list... try: t = tuple(item) # ... or create a list of a single item except (TypeError, NotImplementedError): t = (item,) * (length or 1) if length and not len(t) == length: raise ValueError("Tuple needs to be of length %d" % length) if type and not all(isinstance(i, type) for i in t): raise TypeError("Items need to be of type %s" % type) return t
Example #6
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _arg_check(self, args, intervals): """ Check that ``args`` contains legal runtime values bound to ``self``. Raises ------ InvalidArgument If, given the runtime values ``args``, an out-of-bounds array access would be performed, or if shape/dtype don't match with self's shape/dtype. """ if not in args: raise InvalidArgument("No runtime value for `%s`" % key = args[] if len(key.shape) != self.ndim: raise InvalidArgument("Shape %s of runtime value `%s` does not match " "dimensions %s" % (key.shape,, self.dimensions)) if key.dtype != self.dtype: warning("Data type %s of runtime value `%s` does not match the " "Function data type %s" % (key.dtype,, self.dtype)) for i, s in zip(self.dimensions, key.shape): i._arg_check(args, s, intervals[i])
Example #7
Source File: From symfit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def vars_as_functions(self): """ :return: Turn the keys of this model into :class:`~sympy.core.function.Function` objects. This is done recursively so the chain rule can be applied correctly. This is done on the basis of `connectivity_mapping`. Example: for ``{y: a * x, z: y**2 + a}`` this returns ``{y: y(x, a), z: z(y(x, a), a)}``. """ vars2functions = {} key = lambda arg: [isinstance(arg, Parameter), str(arg)] # Iterate over all symbols in this model in topological order, turning # each one into a function object recursively. for symbol in self.ordered_symbols: if symbol in self.connectivity_mapping: dependencies = self.connectivity_mapping[symbol] # Replace the dependency by it's function if possible dependencies = [vars2functions.get(dependency, dependency) for dependency in dependencies] # sort by vars first, then params, and alphabetically within # each group dependencies = sorted(dependencies, key=key) vars2functions[symbol] = sympy.Function(*dependencies) return vars2functions
Example #8
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 6 votes |
def local_indices(self): """ Tuple of slices representing the global indices that logically belong to the calling MPI rank. Notes ----- Given a Function ``f(x, y)`` with shape ``(nx, ny)``, when *not* using MPI this property will return ``(slice(0, nx-1), slice(0, ny-1))``. On the other hand, when MPI is used, the local ranges depend on the domain decomposition, which is carried by ``self.grid``. """ if self._distributor is None: return tuple(slice(0, s) for s in self.shape) else: return tuple(self._distributor.glb_slices.get(d, slice(0, s)) for s, d in zip(self.shape, self.dimensions))
Example #9
Source File: From with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_conv11(): x = sympy.Symbol("x") y = sympy.Symbol("y") x1 = Symbol("x") y1 = Symbol("y") f = sympy.Function("f") f1 = Function("f") e1 = diff(f(2*x, y), x) e2 = diff(f1(2*x1, y1), x1) e3 = diff(f1(2*x1, y1), y1) assert sympify(e1) == e2 assert sympify(e1) != e3 assert e2._sympy_() == e1 assert e3._sympy_() != e1
Example #10
Source File: From with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_conv10b(): A = sympy.Matrix([[sympy.Symbol("x"), sympy.Symbol("y")], [sympy.Symbol("z"), sympy.Symbol("t")]]) assert sympify(A) == DenseMatrix(2, 2, [Symbol("x"), Symbol("y"), Symbol("z"), Symbol("t")]) B = sympy.Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) assert sympify(B) == DenseMatrix(2, 2, [Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(4)]) C = sympy.Matrix([[7, sympy.Symbol("y")], [sympy.Function("g")(sympy.Symbol("z")), 3 + 2*sympy.I]]) assert sympify(C) == DenseMatrix(2, 2, [Integer(7), Symbol("y"), function_symbol("g", Symbol("z")), 3 + 2*I])
Example #11
Source File: From with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_conv10(): A = DenseMatrix(1, 4, [Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(4)]) assert (A._sympy_() == sympy.Matrix(1, 4, [sympy.Integer(1), sympy.Integer(2), sympy.Integer(3), sympy.Integer(4)])) B = DenseMatrix(4, 1, [Symbol("x"), Symbol("y"), Symbol("z"), Symbol("t")]) assert (B._sympy_() == sympy.Matrix(4, 1, [sympy.Symbol("x"), sympy.Symbol("y"), sympy.Symbol("z"), sympy.Symbol("t")]) ) C = DenseMatrix(2, 2, [Integer(5), Symbol("x"), function_symbol("f", Symbol("x")), 1 + I]) assert (C._sympy_() == sympy.Matrix([[5, sympy.Symbol("x")], [sympy.Function("f")(sympy.Symbol("x")), 1 + sympy.I]]))
Example #12
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _coeff_symbol(self): if self.coefficients == 'symbolic': return sympy.Function('W') else: raise ValueError("Function was not declared with symbolic " "coefficients.")
Example #13
Source File: From pyoptools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, **traits): TaylorPoly.__init__(self, **traits) #Declare the analytical function Z=sympy.Function("Z") Ax,Ay,Kx,Ky=sympy.symbols(("Ax","Ay","Kx","Ky")) x, y =sympy.symbols('xy') Z=(Ax*x**2+Ay*y**2)/(1+sympy.sqrt(1-(1+Kx)*Ax**2*x**2-(1+Ky)*Ay**2*y**2)); #Calculate taylor polynomial coheficients cohef=[[Z, ],] order=self.n for i in range(0, order+1, 2): if i!=0: cohef.append([sympy.diff(cohef[i/2-1][0], y, 2), ]) for j in range(2, order-i+1, 2): cohef[i/2].append(sympy.diff(cohef[i/2][j/2 -1], x, 2)) A_x=self.Ax A_y=self.Ay K_x=self.Kx K_y=self.Ky c=zeros((self.n+1, self.n+1)) for i in range(0, order/2+1): for j in range(0,order/2- i+1): cohef[j][i]=cohef[j][i].subs(x, 0).subs(y, 0).subs(Ax, A_x).subs(Ay, A_y).subs(Kx, K_x).subs(Ky, K_y)/(sympy.factorial(2*i)*sympy.factorial(2*j)) c[2*j, 2*i]=cohef[j][i].evalf() # Add the high order corrections if len(self.ho_cohef.shape)==2: cx, cy = c.shape dx, dy =self.ho_cohef.shape mx=array((cx, dx)).max() my=array((cy, dy)).max() self.cohef=zeros((mx, my)) self.cohef[0:cx, 0:cy]=c self.cohef[0:dy, 0:dy]=self.cohef[0:dy, 0:dy]+self.ho_cohef else: self.cohef=c
Example #14
Source File: From hope with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def visit_NumpyAttr(self, node): if in SYM_UNARY_FUNCTIONS: return SYM_UNARY_FUNCTIONS[] else: return sp.Function('np.' + # TODO: implement this! # def visit_NumpyContraction(self, node): ???
Example #15
Source File: From hope with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): for name in list(SYM_UNARY_FUNCTIONS.keys()): if not name in NPY_UNARY_FUNCTIONS and not name in NPY_CAST_FUNCTIONS: raise Exception("Unknown Function {0}".format(name)) setattr(self, "visit_{0}".format(name), self.npUnaryFunction_visit)
Example #16
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def execute_lambdify(ui, spacing=0.01, a=0.5, timesteps=500): """Execute diffusion stencil using vectorised numpy array accesses.""" nx, ny = ui.shape dx2, dy2 = spacing**2, spacing**2 dt = dx2 * dy2 / (2 * a * (dx2 + dy2)) u = np.concatenate((ui, np.zeros_like(ui))).reshape((2, nx, ny)) def diffusion_stencil(): """Create stencil and substitutions for the diffusion equation""" p = sympy.Function('p') x, y, t, h, s = sympy.symbols('x y t h s') dx2 = p(x, y, t).diff(x, x).as_finite_difference([x - h, x, x + h]) dy2 = p(x, y, t).diff(y, y).as_finite_difference([y - h, y, y + h]) dt = p(x, y, t).diff(t).as_finite_difference([t, t + s]) eqn = Eq(dt, a * (dx2 + dy2)) stencil = solve(eqn, p(x, y, t + s)) return stencil, (p(x, y, t), p(x + h, y, t), p(x - h, y, t), p(x, y + h, t), p(x, y - h, t), s, h) stencil, subs = diffusion_stencil() kernel = sympy.lambdify(subs, stencil, 'numpy') # Execute timestepping loop with alternating buffers tstart = time.time() for ti in range(timesteps): t0 = ti % 2 t1 = (ti + 1) % 2 u[t1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = kernel(u[t0, 1:-1, 1:-1], u[t0, 2:, 1:-1], u[t0, :-2, 1:-1], u[t0, 1:-1, 2:], u[t0, 1:-1, :-2], dt, spacing) runtime = time.time() - tstart log("Lambdify: Diffusion with dx=%0.4f, dy=%0.4f, executed %d timesteps in %f seconds" % (spacing, spacing, timesteps, runtime)) return u[ti % 2, :, :], runtime
Example #17
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __new__(cls, name, arguments=None): arguments = as_tuple(arguments) obj = Function.__new__(cls, name, *arguments) obj._name = name obj._arguments = arguments return obj
Example #18
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): options = kwargs.get('options', {}) key = cls._cache_key(*args, **kwargs) obj = cls._cache_get(key) if obj is not None: newobj = sympy.Matrix.__new__(cls, *args, **options) newobj.__init_cached__(key) return newobj name = kwargs.get('name') indices, _ = cls.__indices_setup__(**kwargs) # Create new, unique type instance from cls and the symbol name newcls = type(name, (cls,), dict(cls.__dict__)) # Create the new Function object and invoke __init__ comps = cls.__subfunc_setup__(*args, **kwargs) newobj = sympy.ImmutableDenseMatrix.__new__(newcls, comps) # Initialization. The following attributes must be available newobj._indices = indices newobj._name = name newobj._dtype = cls.__dtype_setup__(**kwargs) newobj.__init_finalize__(*args, **kwargs) # Store new instance in symbol cache Cached.__init__(newobj, newcls) return newobj
Example #19
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __indices_setup__(cls, **kwargs): dimensions = kwargs.get('dimensions') staggered = kwargs.get('staggered') if dimensions is None: save = kwargs.get('save') grid = kwargs.get('grid') time_dim = kwargs.get('time_dim') if time_dim is None: time_dim = grid.time_dim if isinstance(save, int) else grid.stepping_dim elif not (isinstance(time_dim, Dimension) and time_dim.is_Time): raise TypeError("`time_dim` must be a time dimension") dimensions = list(Function.__indices_setup__(**kwargs)[0]) dimensions.insert(cls._time_position, time_dim) return Function.__indices_setup__(dimensions=dimensions, staggered=staggered)
Example #20
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _coordinate_indices(self): """Symbol for each grid index according to the coordinates.""" indices = self.grid.dimensions return tuple([INT(sympy.Function('floor')((c - o) / i.spacing)) for c, o, i in zip(self._coordinate_symbols, self.grid.origin, indices[:self.grid.dim])])
Example #21
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def inject(self, field, expr, offset=0, u_t=None, p_t=None): """ Generate equations injecting an arbitrary expression into a field. Parameters ---------- field : Function Input field into which the injection is performed. expr : expr-like Injected expression. offset : int, optional Additional offset from the boundary. u_t : expr-like, optional Time index at which the interpolation is performed. p_t : expr-like, optional Time index at which the result of the interpolation is stored. """ # Apply optional time symbol substitutions to field and expr if u_t is not None: field = field.subs({field.time_dim: u_t}) if p_t is not None: expr = expr.subs({self.time_dim: p_t}) return super(SparseTimeFunction, self).inject(field, expr, offset=offset) # Pickling support
Example #22
Source File: From pyblp with MIT License | 5 votes |
def eval(self, string: str, **_: Any) -> Array: """Parse a SymPy expression from a string and evaluate it at data represented as the environment's only namespace. """ data = self._namespaces[0].copy() # parse the SymPy expression, preserving the function that marks variables as categorical expression = parse_expression(string, mark_categorical=True) # replace categorical variables with unicode objects and explicitly mark them as categorical so that labels are # unique and so that all categorical variables are treated the same C = sp.Function('C') for symbol in expression.free_symbols: if not np.issubdtype(data[].dtype, getattr(np, 'number')): expression = expression.replace(symbol, C(symbol)) data[] = data[].astype(np.unicode_).astype(np.object_) # evaluate the expression and handle universally-marked categorical variables with a non-default coding class evaluated = evaluate_expression(expression, self._namespaces[0], function_mapping={ 'C': functools.partial(patsy.builtins.C, contrast=CategoricalTreatment) }) # if the evaluated expression is a scalar, it is a constant that needs to be repeated if isinstance(evaluated, (numbers.Number, np.ndarray)) and np.asarray(evaluated).size == 1: size = next(iter(data.values())).shape[0] evaluated = np.ones(size) * evaluated return evaluated
Example #23
Source File: From with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_conv8b(): e1 = sympy.Function("f")(sympy.Symbol("x")) e2 = sympy.Function("g")(sympy.Symbol("x"), sympy.Symbol("y")) assert sympify(e1) == function_symbol("f", Symbol("x")) assert sympify(e2) != function_symbol("f", Symbol("x")) assert sympify(e2) == function_symbol("g", Symbol("x"), Symbol("y")) e3 = sympy.Function("q")(sympy.Symbol("t")) assert sympify(e3) == function_symbol("q", Symbol("t")) assert sympify(e3) != function_symbol("f", Symbol("t")) assert sympify(e3) != function_symbol("q", Symbol("t"), Symbol("t"))
Example #24
Source File: From with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_conv8(): e1 = function_symbol("f", Symbol("x")) e2 = function_symbol("g", Symbol("x"), Symbol("y")) assert e1._sympy_() == sympy.Function("f")(sympy.Symbol("x")) assert e2._sympy_() != sympy.Function("f")(sympy.Symbol("x")) assert (e2._sympy_() == sympy.Function("g")(sympy.Symbol("x"), sympy.Symbol("y"))) e3 = function_symbol("q", Symbol("t")) assert e3._sympy_() == sympy.Function("q")(sympy.Symbol("t")) assert e3._sympy_() != sympy.Function("f")(sympy.Symbol("t")) assert (e3._sympy_() != sympy.Function("q")(sympy.Symbol("t"), sympy.Symbol("t")))
Example #25
Source File: From galgebra with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, base=None, fct=None, deriv=None, on=True, debug=False): if on: OS = 'unix' if 'win' in sys.platform and 'darwin' not in sys.platform: OS = 'win' if base is None: Eprint.base = Eprint.ColorCode[Eprint.defaults[(OS, 'base')]] else: Eprint.base = Eprint.ColorCode[base] if fct is None: Eprint.fct = Eprint.ColorCode[Eprint.defaults[(OS, 'fct')]] else: Eprint.fct = Eprint.ColorCode[fct] if deriv is None: Eprint.deriv = Eprint.ColorCode[Eprint.defaults[(OS, 'deriv')]] else: Eprint.deriv = Eprint.ColorCode[deriv] Eprint.normal = '\033[0m' if debug: print('Enhanced Printing is on:') print('Base/Blade color is ' + Eprint.InvColorCode[Eprint.base]) print('Function color is ' + Eprint.InvColorCode[Eprint.fct]) print('Derivative color is ' + Eprint.InvColorCode[Eprint.deriv] + '\n') Eprint.base = '\033[' + Eprint.base + 'm' Eprint.fct = '\033[' + Eprint.fct + 'm' Eprint.deriv = '\033[' + Eprint.deriv + 'm'
Example #26
Source File: From galgebra with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def find_functions(expr): f_lst = [] for f in list(expr.atoms(Function)): if str(f) not in GaPrinter.function_names: f_lst.append(f) f_lst += list(expr.atoms(Derivative)) return f_lst
Example #27
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_not_fortran(): x = symbols('x') g = Function('g') assert fcode( gamma(x)) == "C Not Fortran:\nC gamma(x)\n gamma(x)" assert fcode(Integral(sin(x))) == "C Not Fortran:\nC Integral(sin(x), x)\n Integral(sin(x), x)" assert fcode(g(x)) == "C Not Fortran:\nC g(x)\n g(x)"
Example #28
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_printmethod(): x = symbols('x') class nint(Function): def _fcode(self, printer): return "nint(%s)" % printer._print(self.args[0]) assert fcode(nint(x)) == " nint(x)"
Example #29
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def python(expr, **settings): """Return Python interpretation of passed expression (can be passed to the exec() function without any modifications)""" printer = PythonPrinter(settings) exprp = printer.doprint(expr) result = '' # Returning found symbols and functions renamings = {} for symbolname in printer.symbols: newsymbolname = symbolname # Escape symbol names that are reserved python keywords if kw.iskeyword(newsymbolname): while True: newsymbolname += "_" if (newsymbolname not in printer.symbols and newsymbolname not in printer.functions): renamings[sympy.Symbol( symbolname)] = sympy.Symbol(newsymbolname) break result += newsymbolname + ' = Symbol(\'' + symbolname + '\')\n' for functionname in printer.functions: newfunctionname = functionname # Escape function names that are reserved python keywords if kw.iskeyword(newfunctionname): while True: newfunctionname += "_" if (newfunctionname not in printer.symbols and newfunctionname not in printer.functions): renamings[sympy.Function( functionname)] = sympy.Function(newfunctionname) break result += newfunctionname + ' = Function(\'' + functionname + '\')\n' if not len(renamings) == 0: exprp = expr.subs(renamings) result += 'e = ' + printer._str(exprp) return result
Example #30
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _print_expint(self, e): from sympy import Function if e.args[0].is_Integer and self._use_unicode: return self._print_Function(Function('E_%s' % e.args[0])(e.args[1])) return self._print_Function(e)