Python ipaddr.IPv4Network() Examples
The following are 8
code examples of ipaddr.IPv4Network().
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Example #1
Source File: From hacker-scripts with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fetch_url(self, i, fn_on_response): item = self.get_next_task() while item is not None: try: if '/' in item: mask = ipaddr.IPv4Network(item) ip_list = [text_type(t) for t in mask.iterhosts()] else: ip_list = [item] except: ip_list = [] for t in ip_list: if t == '': continue url_list = ['http://%s:%s' % (t, p) for p in self.port_list] url_list.extend(['https://%s:%s' % (t, p) for p in [443, 8443]]) for u in url_list: yield self.do_request(u, 'GET', fn_on_response) item = self.get_next_task()
Example #2
Source File: From hacker-scripts with MIT License | 6 votes |
def on_queue_empty(self, queue, max_num=100): for _ in range(max_num): try: item = self.list_data.popleft() if '/' in item: mask = ipaddr.IPv4Network(item) ip_list = [text_type(t) for t in mask.iterhosts()] else: ip_list = [item] queue.extend(ip_list) except IndexError: break try: item = queue.popleft() except IndexError: item = None return item
Example #3
Source File: From ciscoconfparse with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def testIPv4Obj_attributes(): ## Ensure that attributes are accessible and pass the smell test test_object = IPv4Obj("") results_correct = [ ("ip", IPv4Address("")), ("ip_object", IPv4Address("")), ("netmask", IPv4Address("")), ("prefixlen", 24), ("broadcast", IPv4Address("")), ("network", IPv4Network("")), ("network_object", IPv4Network("")), ("hostmask", IPv4Address("")), ("numhosts", 256), ("version", 4), ("is_reserved", False), ("is_multicast", False), ("is_private", False), ("as_decimal", 16777217), ("as_hex_tuple", ("01", "00", "00", "01")), ("as_binary_tuple", ("00000001", "00000000", "00000000", "00000001")), ] for attribute, result_correct in results_correct: assert getattr(test_object, attribute) == result_correct
Example #4
Source File: From dnsAutoRebinding with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def ipListBuild(address): print '1. Single IP Covert For En\n2. Build IP List' opt_req = raw_input("[+] [1 By Default/2]") or '1' if opt_req == '1': print numToEnToNum(address) exit() conf_main = conf_read('maindomain')[:-1] seg_len = raw_input("[+] Please Input Segment Length [24 By Default]") or 24 encode_req = raw_input("[+] Please Input Encoding ['ipv4' By Default]") mainDomain = raw_input("[+] Please Input Server Root Address [{} By Default]".format(conf_main)) or conf_main segment = eval("ipaddr.IPv4Network('{}/{}').iterhosts()".format(address, int(seg_len))) save_file = "{}_{}_{}.txt".format(time.strftime("%Y%m%d%X", time.localtime()).replace(':', ''), mainDomain.replace('.','_'),(encode_req if encode_req else 'ipv4')) results = [] try: if encode_req == '': results += ["{}.{}".format(str(i),mainDomain) for i in list(segment)] elif encode_req == 'en': results += ["{}.{}".format(numToEnToNum(str(i)),mainDomain) for i in list(segment)] elif encode_req == 'int': results += ["{}.{}".format(int(ipaddr.IPAddress(str(i))),mainDomain) for i in list(segment)] elif encode_req == 'hex': results += ["{}.{}".format(str(i).encode('hex'),mainDomain) for i in list(segment)] else: pass f = open(save_file,'a') [f.write(i+'\n') for i in results] f.close() print '[+] Stored in the {}'.format(save_file) except Exception,e: print e exit()
Example #5
Source File: From ciscoconfparse with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def is_valid_ipv6_addr(input=""): """Check if this is a valid IPv6 string""" assert input != "" if return True return False ## Emulate the old behavior of ipaddr.IPv4Network in Python2, which can use ## IPv4Network with a host address. Google removed that in Python3's ## module
Example #6
Source File: From ciscoconfparse with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def prefixlen(self, arg): """prefixlen setter method""" self.network_object = IPv4Network( "{0}/{1}".format(str(self.ip_object), arg), strict=False )
Example #7
Source File: From ciscoconfparse with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def network(self): """Returns an IPv4Network object, which represents this network. """ if sys.version_info[0] < 3: return else: ## The ipaddress module returns an "IPAddress" object in Python3... return IPv4Network("{0}".format(self.network_object.compressed))
Example #8
Source File: From ciscoconfparse with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, arg="", strict=False): # RGX_IPV4ADDR = re.compile(r'^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)') # RGX_IPV4ADDR_NETMASK = re.compile(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)') self.arg = arg self.dna = "IPv4Obj" try: mm = except TypeError: if getattr(arg, "dna", "") == "IPv4Obj": ip_str = "{0}/{1}".format(str(arg.ip_object), arg.prefixlen) self.network_object = IPv4Network(ip_str, strict=False) self.ip_object = IPv4Address(str(arg.ip_object)) return None elif isinstance(arg, IPv4Network): self.network_object = arg self.ip_object = IPv4Address(str(arg).split("/")[0]) return None elif isinstance(arg, IPv4Address): self.network_object = IPv4Network(str(arg) + "/32") self.ip_object = IPv4Address(str(arg).split("/")[0]) return None elif isinstance(arg, int): self.ip_object = IPv4Address(arg) self.network_object = IPv4Network( str(self.ip_object) + "/32", strict=False ) return None else: raise ValueError( "IPv4Obj doesn't understand how to parse {0}".format(arg) ) ERROR = "IPv4Obj couldn't parse '{0}'".format(arg) assert not (mm is None), ERROR mm_result = mm.groupdict() addr = ( mm_result["addr0"] or mm_result["addr1"] or mm_result["addr2"] or "" ) ## Normalize addr if we get zero-padded strings, i.e. addr = ".".join([str(int(ii)) for ii in addr.split(".")]) masklen = int(mm_result["masklen"] or 32) netmask = mm_result["netmask"] if netmask: ## ALWAYS check for the netmask first self.network_object = IPv4Network( "{0}/{1}".format(addr, netmask), strict=strict ) self.ip_object = IPv4Address("{0}".format(addr)) else: self.network_object = IPv4Network( "{0}/{1}".format(addr, masklen), strict=strict ) self.ip_object = IPv4Address("{0}".format(addr))