Python shutil.copystat() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of shutil.copystat(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module shutil , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From pex with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #2
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #3
Source File:    From jbox with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #4
Source File:    From python-netsurv with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #5
Source File:    From python-netsurv with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #6
Source File:    From gcblue with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_copystat_handles_harmless_chflags_errors(self):
        tmpdir = self.mkdtemp()
        file1 = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file1')
        file2 = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file2')
        self.write_file(file1, 'xxx')
        self.write_file(file2, 'xxx')

        def make_chflags_raiser(err):
            ex = OSError()

            def _chflags_raiser(path, flags):
                ex.errno = err
                raise ex
            return _chflags_raiser
        old_chflags = os.chflags
            for err in errno.EOPNOTSUPP, errno.ENOTSUP:
                os.chflags = make_chflags_raiser(err)
                shutil.copystat(file1, file2)
            # assert others errors break it
            os.chflags = make_chflags_raiser(errno.EOPNOTSUPP + errno.ENOTSUP)
            self.assertRaises(OSError, shutil.copystat, file1, file2)
            os.chflags = old_chflags 
Example #7
Source File:    From pth-toolkit with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def copytree_with_xattrs(src, dst):
    """Recursively copy a directory tree using shutil.copy2(), preserving xattrs.

    The destination directory must not already exist.
    If exception(s) occur, an Error is raised with a list of reasons.
    names = os.listdir(src)

    errors = []
    for name in names:
        srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
        dstname = os.path.join(dst, name)
        if os.path.islink(srcname):
            linkto = os.readlink(srcname)
            os.symlink(linkto, dstname)
        elif os.path.isdir(srcname):
            copytree_with_xattrs(srcname, dstname)
            # Will raise a SpecialFileError for unsupported file types
            shutil.copy2(srcname, dstname)
    shutil.copystat(src, dst)
    copyattrs(src, dst) 
Example #8
Source File:    From pledgeservice with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % (filename,))

    paths = {filename:('',extract_dir)}
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src,dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base,d)] = src+d+'/', os.path.join(dst,d)
        for f in files:
            name = src+f
            target = os.path.join(dst,f)
            target = progress_filter(src+f, target)
            if not target:
                continue    # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base,f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #9
Source File:    From Ansible with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #10
Source File:    From oss-ftp with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_copystat_handles_harmless_chflags_errors(self):
        tmpdir = self.mkdtemp()
        file1 = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file1')
        file2 = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file2')
        self.write_file(file1, 'xxx')
        self.write_file(file2, 'xxx')

        def make_chflags_raiser(err):
            ex = OSError()

            def _chflags_raiser(path, flags):
                ex.errno = err
                raise ex
            return _chflags_raiser
        old_chflags = os.chflags
            for err in errno.EOPNOTSUPP, errno.ENOTSUP:
                os.chflags = make_chflags_raiser(err)
                shutil.copystat(file1, file2)
            # assert others errors break it
            os.chflags = make_chflags_raiser(errno.EOPNOTSUPP + errno.ENOTSUP)
            self.assertRaises(OSError, shutil.copystat, file1, file2)
            os.chflags = old_chflags 
Example #11
Source File:    From gprime with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def writeData(database, filename, user, option_box=None):

# Rename file, if it exists already, with <filename>.bak
# as it it for normal XML export.

    if os.path.isfile(filename):
            shutil.copyfile(filename, filename + ".bak")
            shutil.copystat(filename, filename + ".bak")

    if option_box:
        database = option_box.get_filtered_database(database)

    writer = PackageWriter(database, filename, user)
    return writer.export()

# PackageWriter
Example #12
Source File:    From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #13
Source File:    From anpr with Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #14
Source File:    From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #15
Source File:    From timedog with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def file(self, file):
        """Process a single file."""
        dst = re.sub(self.src, self.dst, file)
        if self.verbose:
            print "cp <%s> <%s>" % (file, dst)
        if not self.dryrun:
                # Copy file contents from snapshot to destination.
                shutil.copyfile(file, dst)
                # Copy the permissions and accessed/modified times.
                shutil.copystat(file, dst)
                # Copy the owner/group values to destination.
                stats = os.lstat(file)
                chown(dst, stats[stat.ST_UID], stats[stat.ST_GID])
            except IOError, e:
                print "ERROR '{}' processing file {}".format(e, file) 
Example #16
Source File:    From ImageFusion with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #17
Source File:    From deepWordBug with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #18
Source File:    From FontSelector_blender_addon with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def fontselector_export_favorites(filepath, export_mode, zip, favorites_list, fake_user_list, context) :
    export_path = absolute_path(filepath)
    # create folder
    if not os.path.isdir(export_path) :
    # copy fonts
    if export_mode in {"BOTH", "FAVORITES"} :
        for filepath in favorites_list :
            newpath = os.path.join(export_path, os.path.basename(filepath))
            shutil.copy2(filepath, newpath)
            shutil.copystat(filepath, newpath)
    if export_mode in {"BOTH", "FAKE_USER"} :
        for filepath in fake_user_list :
            newpath = os.path.join(export_path, os.path.basename(filepath))
            shutil.copy2(filepath, newpath)
            shutil.copystat(filepath, newpath)

    # create zip archive
    if zip :
        shutil.make_archive(export_path, 'zip', export_path)
    return {'FINISHED'} 
Example #19
Source File:    From warriorframework with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def copy2(src, dst):
    Similar to shutil.copy(), but metadata (permissions etc., as mentioned in
    copy_stat above) is copied as well  in fact, this is just shutil.copy()
    followed by copystat(). This is similar to the Unix command cp -p.
        src - file and metadata to be copied
        dst - file/dir on which to be copied
        True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
    status = False
        shutil.copy2(src, dst)
        print_info("src {} copied to dst {} successfully along with metadata".
                   format(src, dst))
        status = True
    except Exception as e:
        print_error("copying file {} with metadata to file {} raised exception"
                    " {}".format(src, dst, str(e)))
    return status 
Example #20
Source File:    From warriorframework with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def copystat(src, dst):
    Copy the permission bits, last access time, last modification time, and
    flags from src to dst. The file contents, owner, and group are unaffected.
    src and dst are path names given as strings.
        src - permission bits of the file to be copied
        dst - file on which permission bits has to be copied
        True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
    status = False
        shutil.copystat(src, dst)
        print_info("metadata of src {} copied to dst {} successfully".
                   format(src, dst))
        status = True
    except Exception as e:
        print_error("copying file stat from {} to file {} raised exception {}".
                    format(src, dst, str(e)))
    return status 
Example #21
Source File:    From rules_pip with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #22
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #23
Source File:    From planespotter with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #24
Source File:    From Flask-P2P with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #25
Source File:    From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_copystat_handles_harmless_chflags_errors(self):
        tmpdir = self.mkdtemp()
        file1 = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file1')
        file2 = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file2')
        write_file(file1, 'xxx')
        write_file(file2, 'xxx')

        def make_chflags_raiser(err):
            ex = OSError()

            def _chflags_raiser(path, flags, *, follow_symlinks=True):
                ex.errno = err
                raise ex
            return _chflags_raiser
        old_chflags = os.chflags
            for err in errno.EOPNOTSUPP, errno.ENOTSUP:
                os.chflags = make_chflags_raiser(err)
                shutil.copystat(file1, file2)
            # assert others errors break it
            os.chflags = make_chflags_raiser(errno.EOPNOTSUPP + errno.ENOTSUP)
            self.assertRaises(OSError, shutil.copystat, file1, file2)
            os.chflags = old_chflags 
Example #26
Source File:    From Financial-Portfolio-Flask with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #27
Source File:    From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_copystat_handles_harmless_chflags_errors(self):
        tmpdir = self.mkdtemp()
        file1 = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file1')
        file2 = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file2')
        write_file(file1, 'xxx')
        write_file(file2, 'xxx')

        def make_chflags_raiser(err):
            ex = OSError()

            def _chflags_raiser(path, flags, *, follow_symlinks=True):
                ex.errno = err
                raise ex
            return _chflags_raiser
        old_chflags = os.chflags
            for err in errno.EOPNOTSUPP, errno.ENOTSUP:
                os.chflags = make_chflags_raiser(err)
                shutil.copystat(file1, file2)
            # assert others errors break it
            os.chflags = make_chflags_raiser(errno.EOPNOTSUPP + errno.ENOTSUP)
            self.assertRaises(OSError, shutil.copystat, file1, file2)
            os.chflags = old_chflags 
Example #28
Source File:    From scylla with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #29
Source File:    From telegram-robot-rss with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target) 
Example #30
Source File:    From stopstalk-deployment with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def unpack_directory(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter):
    """"Unpack" a directory, using the same interface as for archives

    Raises ``UnrecognizedFormat`` if `filename` is not a directory
    if not os.path.isdir(filename):
        raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a directory" % filename)

    paths = {
        filename: ('', extract_dir),
    for base, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
        src, dst = paths[base]
        for d in dirs:
            paths[os.path.join(base, d)] = src + d + '/', os.path.join(dst, d)
        for f in files:
            target = os.path.join(dst, f)
            target = progress_filter(src + f, target)
            if not target:
                # skip non-files
            f = os.path.join(base, f)
            shutil.copyfile(f, target)
            shutil.copystat(f, target)