Python socket.gethostbyaddr() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of socket.gethostbyaddr().
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Example #1
Source File: From Yuki-Chan-The-Auto-Pentest with MIT License | 7 votes |
def ip2name(addr): if not ip2name.resolve: return addr try: if addr in ip2name.cache: return ip2name.cache[addr] # FIXME: Workaround Python bug # Need double try/except to catch the bug try: name = gethostbyaddr(addr)[0] except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except (socket_host_error, ValueError): name = addr except (socket_host_error, KeyboardInterrupt, ValueError): ip2name.resolve = False name = addr ip2name.cache[addr] = name return name
Example #2
Source File: From webdigger with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def whois(url, command=False): # clean domain to expose netloc ip_match = re.match(r"^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$", url) if ip_match: domain = url try: result = socket.gethostbyaddr(url) except socket.herror as e: pass else: domain = result[0] else: domain = extract_domain(url) if command: # try native whois command r = subprocess.Popen(['whois', domain], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) text = else: # try builtin client nic_client = NICClient() text = nic_client.whois_lookup(None, domain, 0) return WhoisEntry.load(domain, text)
Example #3
Source File: From Scrummage with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_reverse_dns(ip_address): """ Queries for an IP addresses reverse DNS hostname(s) Args: ip_address (str): An IPv4 or IPv6 address Returns: list: A list of reverse DNS hostnames Raises: :exc:`checkdmarc.DNSException` """ try: results = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip_address) hostnames = [results[0]] + results[1] except socket.herror: return [] except Exception as error: raise DNSException(error) return hostnames
Example #4
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def addUTMPEntry(self, loggedIn=1): if not utmp: return ipAddress = self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.getPeer().host packedIp, = struct.unpack('L', socket.inet_aton(ipAddress)) ttyName = self.ptyTuple[2][5:] t = time.time() t1 = int(t) t2 = int((t-t1) * 1e6) entry = utmp.UtmpEntry() entry.ut_type = loggedIn and utmp.USER_PROCESS or utmp.DEAD_PROCESS entry.ut_pid = entry.ut_line = ttyName entry.ut_id = ttyName[-4:] entry.ut_tv = (t1, t2) if loggedIn: entry.ut_user = self.avatar.username entry.ut_host = socket.gethostbyaddr(ipAddress)[0] entry.ut_addr_v6 = (packedIp, 0, 0, 0) a = utmp.UtmpRecord(utmp.UTMP_FILE) a.pututline(entry) a.endutent() b = utmp.UtmpRecord(utmp.WTMP_FILE) b.pututline(entry) b.endutent()
Example #5
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testHostnameRes(self): # Testing hostname resolution mechanisms hostname = socket.gethostname() try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) except socket.error: # Probably name lookup wasn't set up right; skip this test self.skipTest('name lookup failure') self.assertTrue(ip.find('.') >= 0, "Error resolving host to ip.") try: hname, aliases, ipaddrs = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) except socket.error: # Probably a similar problem as above; skip this test self.skipTest('address lookup failure') all_host_names = [hostname, hname] + aliases fqhn = socket.getfqdn(ip) if not fqhn in all_host_names:"Error testing host resolution mechanisms. (fqdn: %s, all: %s)" % (fqhn, repr(all_host_names)))
Example #6
Source File: From script.elementum.burst with Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License | 6 votes |
def override_system_resolver(resolver=None): """Override the system resolver routines in the socket module with versions which use dnspython's resolver. This can be useful in testing situations where you want to control the resolution behavior of python code without having to change the system's resolver settings (e.g. /etc/resolv.conf). The resolver to use may be specified; if it's not, the default resolver will be used. @param resolver: the resolver to use @type resolver: dns.resolver.Resolver object or None """ if resolver is None: resolver = get_default_resolver() global _resolver _resolver = resolver socket.getaddrinfo = _getaddrinfo socket.getnameinfo = _getnameinfo socket.getfqdn = _getfqdn socket.gethostbyname = _gethostbyname socket.gethostbyname_ex = _gethostbyname_ex socket.gethostbyaddr = _gethostbyaddr
Example #7
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testHostnameRes(self): # Testing hostname resolution mechanisms hostname = socket.gethostname() try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) except OSError: # Probably name lookup wasn't set up right; skip this test self.skipTest('name lookup failure') self.assertTrue(ip.find('.') >= 0, "Error resolving host to ip.") try: hname, aliases, ipaddrs = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) except OSError: # Probably a similar problem as above; skip this test self.skipTest('name lookup failure') all_host_names = [hostname, hname] + aliases fqhn = socket.getfqdn(ip) if not fqhn in all_host_names:"Error testing host resolution mechanisms. (fqdn: %s, all: %s)" % (fqhn, repr(all_host_names)))
Example #8
Source File: From Belati with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def whois(url, command=False): # clean domain to expose netloc ip_match = re.match(r"^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$", url) if ip_match: domain = url try: result = socket.gethostbyaddr(url) except socket.herror as e: pass else: domain = result[0] else: domain = extract_domain(url) if command: # try native whois command r = subprocess.Popen(['whois', domain], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) text = else: # try builtin client nic_client = NICClient() text = nic_client.whois_lookup(None, domain, 0) return WhoisEntry.load(domain, text)
Example #9
Source File: From smarthome with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_local_hostname(self): """ Returns the local hostname under which the webinterface can be reached :return: fully qualified hostname :rtype: str """ import socket try: return socket.gethostbyaddr(self.get_local_ip_address())[0] # can fail with default /etc/hosts except socket.herror: try: return socket.gethostbyaddr("")[0] # in debian based systems hostname is assigned to "" by default except socket.herror: try: return socket.gethostbyaddr("")[0] # 'localhost' in most cases except socket.herror: return "localhost" # should not happen
Example #10
Source File: From LGWebOSRemote with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, name, host): self.__clientKey = None self.__macAddress = None self.__name = name self.__handshake_done = False # Check if host is an IP address or hostname # Try to resolve the hostname try: socket.inet_aton(host) self.__ip = host self.__hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(host)[0] except: self.__hostname = host self.__ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) if self.__macAddress is None and self.__ip is not None: self.__macAddress = self.__get_mac_address(self.__ip) super(LGTVAuth, self).__init__('ws://' + self.__ip + ':3000/', exclude_headers=["Origin"]) self.__waiting_callback = self.__prompt
Example #11
Source File: From apt2 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def process(self): # load any targets we are interested in self.getTargets() # loop over each target for t in self.targets: # verify we have not tested this host before if not self.seentarget(t): # add the new IP to the already seen list self.addseentarget(t) self.display.verbose(self.shortName + " - Connecting to " + t) try: results = socket.gethostbyaddr(t)"newHostname") kb.add('host/' + t + '/hostname/' + results[0]) except: pass return
Example #12
Source File: From whois with MIT License | 6 votes |
def whois(url, command=False, flags=0): # clean domain to expose netloc ip_match = IPV4_OR_V6.match(url) if ip_match: domain = url try: result = socket.gethostbyaddr(url) except socket.herror as e: pass else: domain = extract_domain(result[0]) else: domain = extract_domain(url) if command: # try native whois command r = subprocess.Popen(['whois', domain], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) text = else: # try builtin client nic_client = NICClient() text = nic_client.whois_lookup(None, domain.encode('idna'), flags) return WhoisEntry.load(domain, text)
Example #13
Source File: From gstatus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def ip_to_host(addr): """ convert an IP address to a host name, returning shortname and fqdn to the caller """ try: fqdn = socket.gethostbyaddr(addr)[0] shortname = fqdn.split('.')[0] if fqdn == shortname: fqdn = "" except: # can't resolve it, so default to the address given shortname = addr fqdn = "" return shortname, fqdn
Example #14
Source File: From ITWSV with MIT License | 6 votes |
def ip2name(addr): if not ip2name.resolve: return addr try: if addr in ip2name.cache: return ip2name.cache[addr] # FIXME: Workaround Python bug # Need double try/except to catch the bug try: name = gethostbyaddr(addr)[0] except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except (socket_host_error, ValueError): name = addr except (socket_host_error, KeyboardInterrupt, ValueError): ip2name.resolve = False name = addr ip2name.cache[addr] = name return name
Example #15
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def addUTMPEntry(self, loggedIn=1): if not utmp: return ipAddress = self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.getPeer().host packedIp, = struct.unpack('L', socket.inet_aton(ipAddress)) ttyName = self.ptyTuple[2][5:] t = time.time() t1 = int(t) t2 = int((t-t1) * 1e6) entry = utmp.UtmpEntry() entry.ut_type = loggedIn and utmp.USER_PROCESS or utmp.DEAD_PROCESS entry.ut_pid = entry.ut_line = ttyName entry.ut_id = ttyName[-4:] entry.ut_tv = (t1, t2) if loggedIn: entry.ut_user = self.avatar.username entry.ut_host = socket.gethostbyaddr(ipAddress)[0] entry.ut_addr_v6 = (packedIp, 0, 0, 0) a = utmp.UtmpRecord(utmp.UTMP_FILE) a.pututline(entry) a.endutent() b = utmp.UtmpRecord(utmp.WTMP_FILE) b.pututline(entry) b.endutent()
Example #16
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def testHostnameRes(self): # Testing hostname resolution mechanisms hostname = socket.gethostname() try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) except OSError: # Probably name lookup wasn't set up right; skip this test self.skipTest('name lookup failure') self.assertTrue(ip.find('.') >= 0, "Error resolving host to ip.") try: hname, aliases, ipaddrs = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) except OSError: # Probably a similar problem as above; skip this test self.skipTest('name lookup failure') all_host_names = [hostname, hname] + aliases fqhn = socket.getfqdn(ip) if not fqhn in all_host_names:"Error testing host resolution mechanisms. (fqdn: %s, all: %s)" % (fqhn, repr(all_host_names)))
Example #17
Source File: From xunfeng with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def ip2hostname(self, ip): try: hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0] return hostname except: pass try: query_data = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x20\x43\x4b\x41\x41" + \ "\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41" + \ "\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x00\x00\x21\x00\x01" dport = 137 _s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) _s.settimeout(3) _s.sendto(query_data, (ip, dport)) x = _s.recvfrom(1024) tmp = x[0][57:] _s.close() hostname = tmp.split("\x00", 2)[0].strip() hostname = hostname.split()[0] return hostname except: pass
Example #18
Source File: From BinderFilter with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testHostnameRes(self): # Testing hostname resolution mechanisms hostname = socket.gethostname() try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) except socket.error: # Probably name lookup wasn't set up right; skip this test return self.assertTrue(ip.find('.') >= 0, "Error resolving host to ip.") try: hname, aliases, ipaddrs = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) except socket.error: # Probably a similar problem as above; skip this test return all_host_names = [hostname, hname] + aliases fqhn = socket.getfqdn(ip) if not fqhn in all_host_names:"Error testing host resolution mechanisms. (fqdn: %s, all: %s)" % (fqhn, repr(all_host_names)))
Example #19
Source File: From honssh with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def port_forward_log(self, channel_name, conn_details): the_dns = '' try: the_dns = ' (' + socket.gethostbyaddr(conn_details['srcIP'])[0] + ')' except: pass # TODO: LOG SOMEWHERE log.msg(log.LPURPLE, '[OUTPUT]', channel_name + ' Source: ' + conn_details['srcIP'] + ':' + str(conn_details['srcPort']) + the_dns) the_dns = '' try: the_dns = ' (' + socket.gethostbyaddr(conn_details['dstIP'])[0] + ')' except: pass # TODO: LOG SOMEWHERE log.msg(log.LPURPLE, '[OUTPUT]', channel_name + ' Destination: ' + conn_details['dstIP'] + ':' + str(conn_details['dstPort']) + the_dns)
Example #20
Source File: From oss-ftp with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testHostnameRes(self): # Testing hostname resolution mechanisms hostname = socket.gethostname() try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) except socket.error: # Probably name lookup wasn't set up right; skip this test self.skipTest('name lookup failure') self.assertTrue(ip.find('.') >= 0, "Error resolving host to ip.") try: hname, aliases, ipaddrs = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) except socket.error: # Probably a similar problem as above; skip this test self.skipTest('address lookup failure') all_host_names = [hostname, hname] + aliases fqhn = socket.getfqdn(ip) if not fqhn in all_host_names:"Error testing host resolution mechanisms. (fqdn: %s, all: %s)" % (fqhn, repr(all_host_names)))
Example #21
Source File: From network_tech with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def ptr_lookup(cls, network): ip = str(ipaddress.ip_interface(network).ip) try: primary_hostname, alias_hostnames, other_ips = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) except socket.herror as e: logger.debug('DNS Reverse Lookup Error {}'.format(e)) return Html.div('DNS: n/a') content = Html.div( 'DNS: {}'.format( socket.getfqdn(primary_hostname) ) ) if alias_hostnames: content += Html.div('DNS Aliases:') for hostname in alias_hostnames: fqdn_hostname = socket.getfqdn(hostname) logger.debug('Alias {} FQDN {}'.format(hostname, fqdn_hostname)) content += Html.div(fqdn_hostname) return content
Example #22
Source File: From FuzzFlow with MIT License | 6 votes |
def register_host(self): print "[*] Trying to register the host..." platform_id = self.get_platform_id() arch_id = self.get_arch_id() mac = self.get_mac() hostname, alias_list, addr_list = socket.gethostbyaddr(self.get_default_ip()) ip = addr_list[0] host_payload = { 'name' : hostname, 'mac' : mac, 'ip' : ip, 'platform_id': platform_id, 'arch_id': arch_id } = Rest.get_host_by_mac(mac) if is not None: print "[!] Host with mac address %s has already been registered." % mac Rest.update_host(['id'], host_payload) else: = Rest.create_host(host_payload) return
Example #23
Source File: From networking with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def deepscan2(target,chan): data = str(socket.gethostbyaddr(target)) data = data.replace(",","").replace("[","").replace("]","").replace("(","").replace(")","").replace("'","") data = data.split() d1 = "-Name: "+data[0] d2 = "-FQDN: "+data[1] d3 = "-Provider: "+data[2] chan.send(" "+d1+"\r\n") chan.send(" "+d2+"\r\n") chan.send(" "+d3+"\r\n")
Example #24
Source File: From networking with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def deepscan2(target,chan): data = str(socket.gethostbyaddr(target)) data = data.replace(",","").replace("[","").replace("]","").replace("(","").replace(")","").replace("'","") data = data.split() d1 = "-Name: "+data[0] d2 = "-FQDN: "+data[1] d3 = "-Provider: "+data[2] chan.send(" "+d1+"\r\n") chan.send(" "+d2+"\r\n") chan.send(" "+d3+"\r\n")
Example #25
Source File: From networking with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def deepscan(target,f=None): data = str(socket.gethostbyaddr(target)) data = data.replace(",","").replace("[","").replace("]","").replace("(","").replace(")","").replace("'","") data = data.split() d1 = "-Name: "+data[0] d2 = "-FQDN: "+data[1] d3 = "-Provider: "+data[2] print d1 print d2 print d3 print "" f.write("-"+target+"\n") f.write(d1+"\n") f.write(d2+"\n") f.write(d3+"\n\n")
Example #26
Source File: From smod-1 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def resolve(self, x): if self in conf.resolve: try: ret = socket.gethostbyaddr(x)[0] except: pass else: if ret: return ret return x
Example #27
Source File: From mapr-ansible with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def getHostname(replica): colonidx = replica.find(':') name, alias, addresslist = socket.gethostbyaddr(replica[:colonidx]) return name
Example #28
Source File: From FinalRecon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tcp_send(ip, port, ttl, rx, status, tr_tout, output, collect): tx = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) tx.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_TTL, struct.pack('I', ttl)) tx.setblocking(0) tx.settimeout(tr_tout) while True: try: try: tx.connect((ip, port)) hop_index = str(ttl) try: hop_host = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0] except socket.herror: hop_host = 'Unknown' print(G + hop_index.ljust(7) + C + ip.ljust(17) + W + hop_host) status['end'] = True if output != 'None': collect.setdefault('Result', []).append([str(hop_index), str(ip), str(hop_host)]) except (socket.error, socket.timeout) as err: try: data, curr_addr = rx.recvfrom(512) curr_addr = curr_addr[0] except socket.timeout: curr_addr = '* * *' hop_index = str(ttl) hop_addr = curr_addr if hop_addr != '* * *': try: hop_host = socket.gethostbyaddr(hop_addr)[0] except socket.herror: hop_host = 'Unknown' else: hop_addr = '* * *' hop_host = '' print(G + hop_index.ljust(7) + C + hop_addr.ljust(17) + W + hop_host) if output != 'None': collect.setdefault('Result', []).append([str(hop_index), str(hop_addr), str(hop_host)]) continue finally: tx.close() break
Example #29
Source File: From FinalRecon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def udp_send(ip, port, ttl, rx, status, tr_tout, output, collect): tx = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) tx.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_TTL, ttl) tx.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) tx.setblocking(0) tx.settimeout(tr_tout) tx.sendto(''.encode(), (ip, port)) try: data, curr_addr = rx.recvfrom(512) curr_addr = curr_addr[0] except socket.error as e: curr_addr = '* * *' finally: tx.close() hop_index = str(ttl) hop_addr = curr_addr if hop_addr != '* * *': try: hop_host = socket.gethostbyaddr(hop_addr)[0] except socket.herror: hop_host = 'Unknown' else: hop_addr = '* * *' hop_host = '' print(G + hop_index.ljust(7) + C + hop_addr.ljust(17) + W + hop_host) if output != 'None': collect.setdefault('Result', []).append([str(hop_index), str(hop_addr), str(hop_host)]) if curr_addr == ip: status['end'] = True
Example #30
Source File: From AttackSurfaceMapper with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def r_dns(targetIP): try: hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(targetIP.address) if hostname[0] is not "": targetIP.hostname.append(hostname[0]) # print("[Debug] r_dns result " + hostname[0]) ## Debug Statement except: pass # query_api Function