Python ipaddr.IPv4Address() Examples
The following are 13
code examples of ipaddr.IPv4Address().
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Example #1
Source File: From encrypted-bigquery-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def FormatPackedIP(packed_ip): """Formats packed binary data to a readable ip address. Args: packed_ip: The packed binary data to be converted. Returns: A readable ip address. Returns: bigquery_client.BigqueryInvalidQueryError: If the address is not valid. """ packed_ip = ipaddr.Bytes(str(packed_ip)) try: ip_address = ipaddr.IPv4Address(packed_ip) return str(ip_address) except ipaddr.AddressValueError as e: pass try: ip_address = ipaddr.IPv6Address(packed_ip) return str(ip_address) except ipaddr.AddressValueError as e: raise bigquery_client.BigqueryInvalidQueryError(e, None, None, None)
Example #2
Source File: From encrypted-bigquery-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def ParsePackedIP(readable_ip): try: ip_address = ipaddr.IPv4Address(readable_ip) return str(ipaddr.v4_int_to_packed(int(ip_address))) except ValueError: pass try: ip_address = ipaddr.IPv6Address(readable_ip) return str(ipaddr.v6_int_to_packed(int(ip_address))) except ValueError: raise bigquery_client.BigqueryInvalidQueryError( 'Invalid readable ip.', None, None, None) # TODO(user): Implement all URL functions. # Supported URL functions.
Example #3
Source File: From n6 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _convert_ipv4_to_ipv6_suffix(ipv6_suffix_in_ipv4_format): """ >>> _convert_ipv4_to_ipv6_suffix('') 'c0a8:0001' """ as_ipv4 = ipaddr.IPv4Address(ipv6_suffix_in_ipv4_format) as_int = int(as_ipv4) as_ipv6 = ipaddr.IPv6Address(as_int) ipv6_suffix = as_ipv6.exploded[-9:] assert return ipv6_suffix
Example #4
Source File: From mailin with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_ip(self, i): "Set connect ip, and ip6 or ip4 mode." self.iplist = False if i.lower() == 'list': self.iplist = [] ip6 = False elif i.lower() == 'list6': self.iplist = [] ip6 = True else: try: self.ipaddr = ipaddress.ip_address(i) except AttributeError: self.ipaddr = ipaddress.IPAddress(i) if self.ipaddr.version == 6: if self.ipaddr.ipv4_mapped: self.ipaddr = ipaddress.IPv4Address(self.ipaddr.ipv4_mapped) ip6 = False else: ip6 = True else: ip6 = False self.c = str(self.ipaddr) # NOTE: self.A is not lowercase, so isn't a macro. See query.expand() if ip6: self.A = 'AAAA' self.v = 'ip6' self.i = '.'.join(list(self.ipaddr.exploded.replace(':','').upper())) self.cidrmax = 128 else: self.A = 'A' self.v = 'in-addr' self.i = self.ipaddr.exploded self.cidrmax = 32
Example #5
Source File: From ciscoconfparse with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def ip(self): """Returns the address as an IPv4Address object.""" return self.ip_object
Example #6
Source File: From ciscoconfparse with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def netmask(self): """Returns the network mask as an IPv4Address object.""" return self.network_object.netmask
Example #7
Source File: From ciscoconfparse with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def broadcast(self): """Returns the broadcast address as an IPv4Address object.""" if sys.version_info[0] < 3: return self.network_object.broadcast else: return self.network_object.broadcast_address
Example #8
Source File: From ciscoconfparse with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def hostmask(self): """Returns the host mask as an IPv4Address object.""" return self.network_object.hostmask
Example #9
Source File: From encrypted-bigquery-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def FormatIP(packed_ip): try: ip_address = ipaddr.IPv4Address(packed_ip) except ipaddr.AddressValueError as e: raise bigquery_client.BigqueryInvalidQueryError(e, None, None, None) return str(ip_address)
Example #10
Source File: From encrypted-bigquery-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def ParseIP(readable_ip): try: ip_address = ipaddr.IPv4Address(readable_ip) except ipaddr.AddressValueError as e: raise bigquery_client.BigqueryInvalidQueryError(e, None, None, None) return int(ip_address)
Example #11
Source File: From p4runtime-shell with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def ipv4Addr_to_bytes(addr): try: ip = IPv4Address(addr) except AddressValueError: raise UserBadIPv4Error(addr) return ip.packed
Example #12
Source File: From threatshell with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def as_lookup(self, args): if not isinstance(args, list): args = [args] docs = [] for arg in args: as_string = None successful = True doc = None if re.match("\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}", arg): as_string = self.g1_asnum_reader.org_by_addr(arg) start, end = self.g1_asnum_reader.range_by_ip(arg) start = ipaddr.IPv4Address(start) end = ipaddr.IPv4Address(end) net_range = ipaddr.summarize_address_range(start, end) doc = geo_docs.GeoIpASNDoc() setattr(doc, "ip_allocation", str(net_range[0])) else: as_string = self.g1_asnum_reader.org_by_name(arg) doc = geo_docs.GeoASNDoc() if as_string: as_parts = as_string.split(" ") setattr(doc, "as_num", as_parts[0]) setattr(doc, "as_name", " ".join(as_parts[1:])) setattr(doc, "successful", True) else: setattr(doc, "as_num", 0) setattr(doc, "as_name", "") setattr(doc, "successful", False) docs.append(doc) return docs
Example #13
Source File: From ciscoconfparse with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, arg="", strict=False): # RGX_IPV4ADDR = re.compile(r'^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)') # RGX_IPV4ADDR_NETMASK = re.compile(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)') self.arg = arg self.dna = "IPv4Obj" try: mm = except TypeError: if getattr(arg, "dna", "") == "IPv4Obj": ip_str = "{0}/{1}".format(str(arg.ip_object), arg.prefixlen) self.network_object = IPv4Network(ip_str, strict=False) self.ip_object = IPv4Address(str(arg.ip_object)) return None elif isinstance(arg, IPv4Network): self.network_object = arg self.ip_object = IPv4Address(str(arg).split("/")[0]) return None elif isinstance(arg, IPv4Address): self.network_object = IPv4Network(str(arg) + "/32") self.ip_object = IPv4Address(str(arg).split("/")[0]) return None elif isinstance(arg, int): self.ip_object = IPv4Address(arg) self.network_object = IPv4Network( str(self.ip_object) + "/32", strict=False ) return None else: raise ValueError( "IPv4Obj doesn't understand how to parse {0}".format(arg) ) ERROR = "IPv4Obj couldn't parse '{0}'".format(arg) assert not (mm is None), ERROR mm_result = mm.groupdict() addr = ( mm_result["addr0"] or mm_result["addr1"] or mm_result["addr2"] or "" ) ## Normalize addr if we get zero-padded strings, i.e. addr = ".".join([str(int(ii)) for ii in addr.split(".")]) masklen = int(mm_result["masklen"] or 32) netmask = mm_result["netmask"] if netmask: ## ALWAYS check for the netmask first self.network_object = IPv4Network( "{0}/{1}".format(addr, netmask), strict=strict ) self.ip_object = IPv4Address("{0}".format(addr)) else: self.network_object = IPv4Network( "{0}/{1}".format(addr, masklen), strict=strict ) self.ip_object = IPv4Address("{0}".format(addr))