Python numpy.integer() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.integer().
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Example #1
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_nocc(mp): if mp._nocc is not None: return mp._nocc elif mp.frozen is None: nocc = numpy.count_nonzero(mp.mo_occ > 0) assert(nocc > 0) return nocc elif isinstance(mp.frozen, (int, numpy.integer)): nocc = numpy.count_nonzero(mp.mo_occ > 0) - mp.frozen assert(nocc > 0) return nocc elif isinstance(mp.frozen[0], (int, numpy.integer)): occ_idx = mp.mo_occ > 0 occ_idx[list(mp.frozen)] = False nocc = numpy.count_nonzero(occ_idx) assert(nocc > 0) return nocc else: raise NotImplementedError
Example #2
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def kernel(self, h1e, eri, norb, nelec, fci_restart=None, ecore=0, **kwargs): if fci_restart is None: fci_restart = self.restart if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): neleca = nelec//2 + nelec%2 nelecb = nelec - neleca else: neleca, nelecb = nelec write_integrals_file(h1e, eri, norb, neleca, nelecb, self, ecore) if self.generate_neci_input: write_fciqmc_config_file(self, neleca, nelecb, fci_restart) if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1: in_file = self.configFile logger.debug1(self, 'FCIQMC Input file') logger.debug1(self, open(in_file, 'r').read()) execute_fciqmc(self) if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1: out_file = self.outputFileCurrent with open(out_file) as f: logger.debug1(self, rdm_energy = read_energy(self) return rdm_energy, None
Example #3
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_rdm12_forSQA(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs): nelectrons = 0 if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelectrons = nelec else: nelectrons = nelec[0] + nelec[1] # The 2RDMs written by "SHCIrdm::saveRDM" in DICE # are written as E2[i1,j2,k1,l2] # and stored here as E2[i1,k1,j2,l2] (for PySCF purposes) # This is NOT done with SQA in mind. twopdm = numpy.zeros((norb, norb, norb, norb)) file2pdm = "spatialRDM.%d.%d.txt" % (state, state) r2RDM(twopdm, norb, os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory, file2pdm).endcode()) twopdm = twopdm.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3) # (This is coherent with previous statement about indexes) onepdm = numpy.einsum("ijkj->ki", twopdm) onepdm /= nelectrons - 1 return onepdm, twopdm
Example #4
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_rdm12(self, fcivec, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelectrons = nelec else: nelectrons = nelec[0]+nelec[1] nstates = len(self.state_weights) # If norm != 1 then the state weights will need normalising. norm = sum(self.state_weights) two_pdm = numpy.zeros( (norb, norb, norb, norb) ) for irdm in range(nstates): if self.state_weights[irdm] != 0.0: dm_filename = 'spinfree_TwoRDM.' + str(irdm+1) temp_dm = read_neci_two_pdm(self, dm_filename, norb, self.scratchDirectory) two_pdm += (self.state_weights[irdm]/norm)*temp_dm one_pdm = one_from_two_pdm(two_pdm, nelectrons) return one_pdm, two_pdm
Example #5
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def convert_to_gcisd(myci): from import gcisd if isinstance(myci, gcisd.GCISD): return myci mf = scf.addons.convert_to_ghf(myci._scf) gci = gcisd.GCISD(mf) assert(myci._nocc is None) assert(myci._nmo is None) gci.__dict__.update(myci.__dict__) gci._scf = mf gci.mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff gci.mo_occ = mf.mo_occ if isinstance(myci.frozen, (int, np.integer)): gci.frozen = myci.frozen * 2 else: raise NotImplementedError = gcisd.from_rcisdvec(, myci.nocc, mf.mo_coeff.orbspin) return gci
Example #6
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def to_fcivec(cisdvec, nelec, orbspin, frozen=None): assert(numpy.count_nonzero(orbspin == 0) == numpy.count_nonzero(orbspin == 1)) norb = len(orbspin) frozen_mask = numpy.zeros(norb, dtype=bool) if frozen is None: pass elif isinstance(frozen, (int, numpy.integer)): frozen_mask[:frozen] = True else: frozen_mask[frozen] = True frozen = (numpy.where(frozen_mask[orbspin == 0])[0], numpy.where(frozen_mask[orbspin == 1])[0]) nelec = (numpy.count_nonzero(orbspin[:nelec] == 0), numpy.count_nonzero(orbspin[:nelec] == 1)) orbspin = orbspin[~frozen_mask] nmo = len(orbspin) nocc = numpy.count_nonzero(~frozen_mask[:sum(nelec)]) ucisdvec = to_ucisdvec(cisdvec, nmo, nocc, orbspin) return ucisd.to_fcivec(ucisdvec, norb//2, nelec, frozen)
Example #7
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def from_fcivec(ci0, nelec, orbspin, frozen=None): if not (frozen is None or frozen == 0): raise NotImplementedError assert(numpy.count_nonzero(orbspin == 0) == numpy.count_nonzero(orbspin == 1)) norb = len(orbspin) frozen_mask = numpy.zeros(norb, dtype=bool) if frozen is None: pass elif isinstance(frozen, (int, numpy.integer)): frozen_mask[:frozen] = True else: frozen_mask[frozen] = True #frozen = (numpy.where(frozen_mask[orbspin == 0])[0], # numpy.where(frozen_mask[orbspin == 1])[0]) nelec = (numpy.count_nonzero(orbspin[:nelec] == 0), numpy.count_nonzero(orbspin[:nelec] == 1)) ucisdvec = ucisd.from_fcivec(ci0, norb//2, nelec, frozen) nocc = numpy.count_nonzero(~frozen_mask[:sum(nelec)]) return from_ucisdvec(ucisdvec, nocc, orbspin[~frozen_mask])
Example #8
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_rdm12(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs): nelectrons = 0 if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelectrons = nelec else: nelectrons = nelec[0]+nelec[1] # The 2RDMs written by "save_spatial_twopdm_text" in BLOCK and STACKBLOCK # are written as E2[i1,j2,k2,l1] # and stored here as E2[i1,l1,j2,k2] (for PySCF purposes) # This is NOT done with SQA in mind. twopdm = numpy.zeros( (norb, norb, norb, norb) ) file2pdm = "spatial_twopdm.%d.%d.txt" %(state, state) with open(os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory, "node0", file2pdm), "r") as f: norb_read = int(f.readline().split()[0]) assert(norb_read == norb) for line in f: linesp = line.split() i, k, l, j = [int(x) for x in linesp[:4]] twopdm[i,j,k,l] = 2.0 * float(linesp[4]) # (This is coherent with previous statement about indexes) onepdm = numpy.einsum('ikjj->ki', twopdm) onepdm /= (nelectrons-1) return onepdm, twopdm
Example #9
Source File: From contextualbandits with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def _add_choices(self, nchoices): if isinstance(nchoices, int): self.nchoices = nchoices self.choice_names = None elif isinstance(nchoices, list) or nchoices.__class__.__name__ == "Series" or nchoices.__class__.__name__ == "DataFrame": self.choice_names = np.array(nchoices).reshape(-1) self.nchoices = self.choice_names.shape[0] if np.unique(self.choice_names).shape[0] != self.choice_names.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Arm/choice names contain duplicates.") elif isinstance(nchoices, np.ndarray): self.choice_names = nchoices.reshape(-1) self.nchoices = self.choice_names.shape[0] if np.unique(self.choice_names).shape[0] != self.choice_names.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Arm/choice names contain duplicates.") else: raise ValueError("'nchoices' must be an integer or list with named arms.")
Example #10
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def convert_to_uccsd(mycc): from pyscf import scf from import uccsd, gccsd if isinstance(mycc, uccsd.UCCSD): return mycc elif isinstance(mycc, gccsd.GCCSD): raise NotImplementedError mf = scf.addons.convert_to_uhf(mycc._scf) ucc = uccsd.UCCSD(mf) assert(mycc._nocc is None) assert(mycc._nmo is None) ucc.__dict__.update(mycc.__dict__) ucc._scf = mf ucc.mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff ucc.mo_occ = mf.mo_occ if not (mycc.frozen is None or isinstance(mycc.frozen, (int, numpy.integer))): raise NotImplementedError ucc.t1, ucc.t2 = uccsd.amplitudes_from_rccsd(mycc.t1, mycc.t2) return ucc
Example #11
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_rdm1(civec, norb, nelec, link_index=None): if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelecb = nelec//2 neleca = nelec - nelecb else: neleca, nelecb = nelec assert(neleca == nelecb) if link_index is None: link_index = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), neleca) na = cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca) t1 = numpy.zeros((norb,na)) #:for str0, tab in enumerate(link_index): #: for a, i, str1, sign in tab: #: if a == i: #: t1[i,str1] += civec[str0] link1 = link_index[link_index[:,:,0] == link_index[:,:,1]].reshape(na,-1,4) t1[link1[:,:,1],link1[:,:,2]] = civec[:,None] dm1 = numpy.diag(numpy.einsum('ip,p->i', t1, civec)) * 2 return dm1
Example #12
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_hdiag(h1e, eri, norb, nelec, opt=None): if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelecb = nelec//2 neleca = nelec - nelecb else: neleca, nelecb = nelec occslista = cistring._gen_occslst(range(norb), neleca) occslistb = cistring._gen_occslst(range(norb), nelecb) eri = ao2mo.restore(1, eri, norb) diagj = numpy.einsum('iijj->ij', eri) diagk = numpy.einsum('ijji->ij', eri) hdiag = [] for aocc in occslista: for bocc in occslistb: e1 = h1e[aocc,aocc].sum() + h1e[bocc,bocc].sum() e2 = diagj[aocc][:,aocc].sum() + diagj[aocc][:,bocc].sum() \ + diagj[bocc][:,aocc].sum() + diagj[bocc][:,bocc].sum() \ - diagk[aocc][:,aocc].sum() - diagk[bocc][:,bocc].sum() hdiag.append(e1 + e2*.5) return numpy.array(hdiag)
Example #13
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def kernel(self, h1e, eri, norb, nelec, ci0=None, ecore=0, **kwargs): if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelecb = nelec//2 neleca = nelec - nelecb else: neleca, nelecb = nelec h2e = self.absorb_h1e(h1e, eri, norb, nelec, .5) h2e = ao2mo.restore(1, h2e, norb) hdiag = self.make_hdiag(h1e, eri, norb, nelec) nroots = 1 if ci0 is None: ci0 = self.get_init_guess(norb, nelec, nroots, hdiag) def hop(c): return self.contract_2e(h2e, c, norb, nelec) precond = lambda x, e, *args: x/(hdiag-e+1e-4) e, c = lib.davidson(hop, ci0, precond, **kwargs) return e+ecore, c
Example #14
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def contract_1e(f1e, fcivec, norb, nelec): if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelecb = nelec//2 neleca = nelec - nelecb else: neleca, nelecb = nelec link_indexa = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), neleca) link_indexb = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), nelecb) na = cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca) nb = cistring.num_strings(norb, nelecb) ci0 = fcivec.reshape(na,nb) t1 = numpy.zeros((norb,norb,na,nb)) for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexa): for a, i, str1, sign in tab: t1[a,i,str1] += sign * ci0[str0] for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexb): for a, i, str1, sign in tab: t1[a,i,:,str1] += sign * ci0[:,str0] fcinew =, t1.reshape(-1,na*nb)) return fcinew.reshape(fcivec.shape)
Example #15
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def build(self, mol=None): if mol is None: mol = self.mol if mol.symmetry: for irname in self.irrep_nelec: if irname not in self.mol.irrep_name: logger.warn(self, 'No irrep %s', irname) fix_na, fix_nb = check_irrep_nelec(mol, self.irrep_nelec, self.nelec)[:2] alpha_open = beta_open = False for ne in self.irrep_nelec.values(): if not isinstance(ne, (int, numpy.integer)): alpha_open |= ne[0] > ne[1] beta_open |= ne[0] < ne[1] frozen_spin = fix_na - fix_nb if ((alpha_open and beta_open) or (0 < mol.spin < frozen_spin) or (frozen_spin < 0 < mol.spin) or (frozen_spin < mol.spin < 0) or (mol.spin < 0 < frozen_spin)): raise ValueError('Low-spin configuration was found in ' 'the irrep_nelec input. ROHF does not ' 'support low-spin configuration.') return, mol)
Example #16
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_rdm12(self, fcivec, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelectrons = nelec else: nelectrons = nelec[0]+nelec[1] nstates = len(self.state_weights) # If norm != 1 then the state weights will need normalising. norm = sum(self.state_weights) two_pdm = numpy.zeros( (norb, norb, norb, norb) ) for irdm in range(nstates): if self.state_weights[irdm] != 0.0: dm_filename = 'spinfree_TwoRDM.' + str(irdm+1) temp_dm = read_neci_two_pdm(self, dm_filename, norb, self.scratchDirectory) two_pdm += (self.state_weights[irdm]/norm)*temp_dm one_pdm = one_from_two_pdm(two_pdm, nelectrons) return one_pdm, two_pdm
Example #17
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def kernel(self, h1e, eri, norb, nelec, fci_restart=None, ecore=0, **kwargs): if fci_restart is None: fci_restart = self.restart if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): neleca = nelec//2 + nelec%2 nelecb = nelec - neleca else: neleca, nelecb = nelec write_integrals_file(h1e, eri, norb, neleca, nelecb, self, ecore) if self.generate_neci_input: write_fciqmc_config_file(self, neleca, nelecb, fci_restart) if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1: in_file = self.configFile logger.debug1(self, 'FCIQMC Input file') logger.debug1(self, open(in_file, 'r').read()) execute_fciqmc(self) if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1: out_file = self.outputFileCurrent with open(out_file) as f: logger.debug1(self, rdm_energy = read_energy(self) return rdm_energy, None
Example #18
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _trans1(fcivec, norb, nelec): if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): neleca = nelecb = nelec//2 else: neleca, nelecb = nelec link_indexa = fci.cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), neleca) link_indexb = fci.cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), nelecb) na, nlinka = link_indexa.shape[:2] nb, nlinkb = link_indexb.shape[:2] fcivec = fcivec.reshape(na,nb) t1 = numpy.zeros((na,nb,norb,norb)) for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexa): for a, i, str1, sign in tab: t1[str1,:,a,i] += sign * fcivec[str0] for k in range(na): for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexb): for a, i, str1, sign in tab: t1[k,str1,a,i] += sign * fcivec[k,str0] return t1 # # NOTE: this rdm3 is defined as # rdm3(p,q,r,s,t,u) = <p^+ q r^+ s t^+ u>
Example #19
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def trans_rdm12(self, statebra, stateket, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs): nelectrons = 0 if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelectrons = nelec else: nelectrons = nelec[0] + nelec[1] writeSHCIConfFile(self, nelec, True) executeSHCI(self) # The 2RDMs written by "SHCIrdm::saveRDM" in DICE # are written as E2[i1,j2,k1,l2] # and stored here as E2[i1,k1,j2,l2] (for PySCF purposes) # This is NOT done with SQA in mind. twopdm = numpy.zeros((norb, norb, norb, norb)) file2pdm = "spatialRDM.%d.%d.txt" % (statebra, stateket) r2RDM(twopdm, norb, os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory, file2pdm).endcode()) # (This is coherent with previous statement about indexes) onepdm = numpy.einsum("ikjj->ki", twopdm) onepdm /= nelectrons - 1 return onepdm, twopdm
Example #20
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _trans2(fcivec, norb, nelec): if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): neleca = nelecb = nelec//2 else: neleca, nelecb = nelec link_indexa = fci.cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), neleca) link_indexb = fci.cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(norb), nelecb) na, nlinka = link_indexa.shape[:2] nb, nlinkb = link_indexb.shape[:2] fcivec = fcivec.reshape(na,nb) t1 = _trans1(fcivec, norb, nelec) t2 = numpy.zeros((na,nb,norb,norb,norb,norb)) for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexa): for a, i, str1, sign in tab: t2[str1,:,a,i] += sign * t1[str0] for k in range(na): for str0, tab in enumerate(link_indexb): for a, i, str1, sign in tab: t2[k,str1,a,i] += sign * t1[k,str0] return t2
Example #21
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_rdm1s(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs): # Ref: IJQC, 109, 3552 Eq (3) if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelecb = (nelec-self.spin) // 2 neleca = nelec - nelecb else : neleca, nelecb = nelec # DO NOT call self.make_rdm12. Calling DMRGCI.make_rdm12 instead of # self.make_rdm12 because self.make_rdm12 may be modified # by state-average mcscf solver (see function mcscf.addons.state_average). # When calling make_rdm1s from state-average FCI solver, # DMRGCI.make_rdm12 ensures that the basic make_rdm12 method is called. # (Issue dm1, dm2 = DMRGCI.make_rdm12(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index, **kwargs) dm1n = (2-(neleca+nelecb)/2.) * dm1 - numpy.einsum('pkkq->pq', dm2) dm1n *= 1./(neleca-nelecb+1) dm1a, dm1b = (dm1+dm1n)*.5, (dm1-dm1n)*.5 return dm1a, dm1b
Example #22
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_hdiag(h1e, g2e, ci_strs, norb, nelec): if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelecb = nelec//2 neleca = nelec - nelecb else: neleca, nelecb = nelec strsa, strsb = ci_strs strsa = numpy.asarray(strsa) strsb = numpy.asarray(strsb) occslista = [[i for i in range(norb) if str0 & (1<<i)] for str0 in strsa] occslistb = [[i for i in range(norb) if str0 & (1<<i)] for str0 in strsb] g2e = ao2mo.restore(1, g2e, norb) diagj = numpy.einsum('iijj->ij',g2e) diagk = numpy.einsum('ijji->ij',g2e) hdiag = [] for aocc in occslista: for bocc in occslistb: e1 = h1e[aocc,aocc].sum() + h1e[bocc,bocc].sum() e2 = diagj[aocc][:,aocc].sum() + diagj[aocc][:,bocc].sum() \ + diagj[bocc][:,aocc].sum() + diagj[bocc][:,bocc].sum() \ - diagk[aocc][:,aocc].sum() - diagk[bocc][:,bocc].sum() hdiag.append(e1 + e2*.5) return numpy.array(hdiag)
Example #23
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_rdm12(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs): nelectrons = 0 if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelectrons = nelec else: nelectrons = nelec[0]+nelec[1] # The 2RDMs written by "save_spatial_twopdm_text" in BLOCK and STACKBLOCK # are written as E2[i1,j2,k2,l1] # and stored here as E2[i1,l1,j2,k2] (for PySCF purposes) # This is NOT done with SQA in mind. twopdm = numpy.zeros( (norb, norb, norb, norb) ) file2pdm = "spatial_twopdm.%d.%d.txt" %(state, state) with open(os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory, "node0", file2pdm), "r") as f: norb_read = int(f.readline().split()[0]) assert(norb_read == norb) for line in f: linesp = line.split() i, k, l, j = [int(x) for x in linesp[:4]] twopdm[i,j,k,l] = 2.0 * float(linesp[4]) # (This is coherent with previous statement about indexes) onepdm = numpy.einsum('ikjj->ki', twopdm) onepdm /= (nelectrons-1) return onepdm, twopdm
Example #24
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_nmo(mp): frozen = mp.frozen if mp._nmo is not None: return mp._nmo elif frozen is None: nmoa = mp.mo_occ[0].size nmob = mp.mo_occ[1].size elif isinstance(frozen, (int, numpy.integer)): nmoa = mp.mo_occ[0].size - frozen nmob = mp.mo_occ[1].size - frozen elif isinstance(frozen[0], (int, numpy.integer, list, numpy.ndarray)): if isinstance(frozen[0], (int, numpy.integer)): frozen = (frozen, frozen) nmoa = len(mp.mo_occ[0]) - len(set(frozen[0])) nmob = len(mp.mo_occ[1]) - len(set(frozen[1])) else: raise NotImplementedError return nmoa, nmob
Example #25
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_nocc(mp): frozen = mp.frozen if mp._nocc is not None: return mp._nocc elif frozen is None: nocca = numpy.count_nonzero(mp.mo_occ[0] > 0) noccb = numpy.count_nonzero(mp.mo_occ[1] > 0) elif isinstance(frozen, (int, numpy.integer)): nocca = numpy.count_nonzero(mp.mo_occ[0] > 0) - frozen noccb = numpy.count_nonzero(mp.mo_occ[1] > 0) - frozen #assert(nocca > 0 and noccb > 0) elif isinstance(frozen[0], (int, numpy.integer, list, numpy.ndarray)): if len(frozen) > 0 and isinstance(frozen[0], (int, numpy.integer)): # The same frozen orbital indices for alpha and beta orbitals frozen = [frozen, frozen] occidxa = mp.mo_occ[0] > 0 occidxa[list(frozen[0])] = False occidxb = mp.mo_occ[1] > 0 occidxb[list(frozen[1])] = False nocca = numpy.count_nonzero(occidxa) noccb = numpy.count_nonzero(occidxb) else: raise NotImplementedError return nocca, noccb
Example #26
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_frozen_mask(mp): '''Get boolean mask for the restricted reference orbitals. In the returned boolean (mask) array of frozen orbital indices, the element is False if it corresonds to the frozen orbital. ''' moidx = numpy.ones(mp.mo_occ.size, dtype=numpy.bool) if mp._nmo is not None: moidx[mp._nmo:] = False elif mp.frozen is None: pass elif isinstance(mp.frozen, (int, numpy.integer)): moidx[:mp.frozen] = False elif len(mp.frozen) > 0: moidx[list(mp.frozen)] = False else: raise NotImplementedError return moidx
Example #27
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def convert_to_gccsd(mycc): from pyscf import scf from import gccsd if isinstance(mycc, gccsd.GCCSD): return mycc mf = scf.addons.convert_to_ghf(mycc._scf) gcc = gccsd.GCCSD(mf) assert(mycc._nocc is None) assert(mycc._nmo is None) gcc.__dict__.update(mycc.__dict__) gcc._scf = mf gcc.mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff gcc.mo_occ = mf.mo_occ if isinstance(mycc.frozen, (int, numpy.integer)): gcc.frozen = mycc.frozen * 2 elif not (mycc.frozen is None or mycc.frozen == 0): raise NotImplementedError gcc.t1 = spatial2spin(mycc.t1, mf.mo_coeff.orbspin) gcc.t2 = spatial2spin(mycc.t2, mf.mo_coeff.orbspin) return gcc
Example #28
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _response_dm1(mycc, Xvo, eris=None): nvir, nocc = Xvo.shape nmo = nocc + nvir with_frozen = not ((mycc.frozen is None) or (isinstance(mycc.frozen, (int, numpy.integer)) and mycc.frozen == 0) or (len(mycc.frozen) == 0)) if eris is None or with_frozen: mo_energy = mycc._scf.mo_energy mo_occ = mycc.mo_occ mo_coeff = mycc.mo_coeff def fvind(x): x = x.reshape(Xvo.shape) dm = reduce(, (mo_coeff[:,nocc:], x, mo_coeff[:,:nocc].T)) v = mycc._scf.get_veff(mycc.mol, dm + dm.T) v = reduce(, (mo_coeff[:,nocc:].T, v, mo_coeff[:,:nocc])) return v * 2 else: mo_energy = eris.mo_energy mo_occ = numpy.zeros_like(mo_energy) mo_occ[:nocc] = 2 ovvo = numpy.empty((nocc,nvir,nvir,nocc)) for i in range(nocc): ovvo[i] = eris.ovvo[i] ovvo[i] = ovvo[i] * 4 - ovvo[i].transpose(1,0,2) ovvo[i]-= eris.oovv[i].transpose(2,1,0) def fvind(x): return numpy.einsum('iabj,bj->ai', ovvo, x.reshape(Xvo.shape)) dvo = cphf.solve(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, Xvo, max_cycle=30)[0] dm1 = numpy.zeros((nmo,nmo)) dm1[nocc:,:nocc] = dvo dm1[:nocc,nocc:] = dvo.T return dm1
Example #29
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_rdm12(self, fakewfn_by_rdm2, ncas, nelec, **kwargs): if not isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelec = sum(nelec) # CheMPS2 uses physics notation rdm2 = fakewfn_by_rdm2.transpose(0,2,1,3) rdm1 = numpy.einsum('ijkk->ij', rdm2) / (nelec-1) return rdm1, rdm2
Example #30
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_rdm1(civec_strs, norb, nelec): if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelecb = nelec//2 neleca = nelec - nelecb else: neleca, nelecb = nelec ci_coeff, ci_strs = civec_strs strsa, strsb = ci_strs strsa = numpy.asarray(strsa) strsb = numpy.asarray(strsb) cd_indexa = cre_des_linkstr(strsa, norb, neleca) cd_indexb = cre_des_linkstr(strsb, norb, nelecb) na = len(strsa) nb = len(strsb) fcivec = ci_coeff.reshape(na,nb) rdm1 = numpy.zeros((norb,norb)) for str1, tab in enumerate(cd_indexa): for a, i, str0, sign in tab: if a >= 0: rdm1[a,i] += sign *[str1], fcivec[str0]) for str1, tab in enumerate(cd_indexb): for a, i, str0, sign in tab: if a >= 0: rdm1[a,i] += sign *[:,str1], fcivec[:,str0]) return rdm1.T # dm_pq,rs = <|p^+ q r^+ s|>