Python psycopg2.InternalError() Examples
The following are 16
code examples of psycopg2.InternalError().
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Example #1
Source File: From gnocchi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _retry_on_exceptions(exc): if not isinstance(exc, exception.DBError): return False inn_e = exc.inner_exception if not isinstance(inn_e, sqlalchemy.exc.InternalError): return False return (( pymysql and isinstance(inn_e.orig, pymysql.err.InternalError) and (inn_e.orig.args[0] == pymysql.constants.ER.TABLE_DEF_CHANGED) ) or ( # HACK(jd) Sometimes, PostgreSQL raises an error such as "current # transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction # block" on its own catalog, so we need to retry, but this is not # caught by oslo.db as a deadlock. This is likely because when we use # Base.metadata.create_all(), sqlalchemy itself gets an error it does # not catch or something. So this is why this function exists. To # paperover I guess. psycopg2 and isinstance(inn_e.orig, psycopg2.InternalError) # current transaction is aborted and inn_e.orig.pgcode == '25P02' ))
Example #2
Source File: From ReadableWebProxy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def delta_compress_batch(self, batched): for count, url in batched: print("Count, url: %s, %s" % (count, url)) # with db.session_context(override_timeout_ms=1000*60*30) as temp_sess: # while 1: # try: # self.truncate_url_history(temp_sess, url) # break # except psycopg2.InternalError: # temp_sess.rollback() # except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: # temp_sess.rollback() # except Exception: # temp_sess.rollback() # traceback.print_exc()
Example #3
Source File: From qgis-versioning with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_delete_restrict(self): # delete is restrict, must fail try: self.cur.execute( "DELETE FROM {}.referenced_view " "WHERE id1 = 1 and id2 = 18".format( self.schema)) assert(False and "Delete must fail because of referenced key") except (IntegrityError, psycopg2.InternalError): self.con.rollback() else: self.con.commit() # Two existing feature, delete has failed, so 2 revisions self.commit_and_check([("referenced", 2)])
Example #4
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def touch_cache(connection: "Connection", query_id: str) -> float: """ 'Touch' a cache record and update the cache score for it. Parameters ---------- connection : Connection query_id : str Unique id of the query to touch Returns ------- float The new cache score """ try: return float(connection.fetch(f"SELECT touch_cache('{query_id}')")[0][0]) except (IndexError, psycopg2.InternalError): raise ValueError(f"Query id '{query_id}' is not in cache on this connection.")
Example #5
Source File: From aiopg with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def read_only_read_sa_transaction(conn, deferrable): await conn.execute(sa.insert(users).values(id=1, name='test1')) t1 = await conn.begin( isolation_level='SERIALIZABLE', readonly=True, deferrable=deferrable ) where = == 1 try: await conn.execute(sa.update(users).values({'name': 't'}).where(where)) except InternalError as e: assert e.pgcode == '25006' await t1.commit() await conn.execute(sa.delete(users)) assert len(await (await conn.execute( == 0
Example #6
Source File: From pgversion with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def run(self, sql, isolated=False): try: if isolated: self.conn.set_isolation_level(psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT) cursor = self.conn.cursor() rows = cursor.execute(sql) self.conn.commit() return True, None except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as e: self._error_message(e) return None, e except psycopg2.InternalError as e: self._error_message(e) return None, e except psycopg2.DatabaseError as e: self._error_message(e) return None, e ## Gibt die Spalten eines Abfrageergebnisses zurck # @param abfrage string gewnschte SQL-Query # @return result array 1-Dim Array der Spaltennamen
Example #7
Source File: From pgrepup with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def create_extension(conn, extension_name, test=False): # The following error means that pglogical package is not installed into the operating system # ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/share/postgresql/9.6/extension/pglogical.control": # The following error means that pglogical is installed but not configured correctly # ERROR: pglogical is not in shared_preload_libraries cur = conn.cursor() try: cur.execute("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS %s" % extension_name) if not test: conn.commit() except psycopg2.InternalError as e: msg = str(e) if msg.find('shared_preload_libraries'): return 'InstalledNoSharedLibraries' return 'NotInstalled' except psycopg2.OperationalError: return 'NotInstalled' finally: if test: conn.rollback() return True
Example #8
Source File: From ReadableWebProxy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def incremental_consolidate(self, batched): for count, url in batched: with db.session_context(override_timeout_ms=1000*60*30) as temp_sess: while 1: try: self.truncate_url_history(temp_sess, url) break except psycopg2.InternalError: temp_sess.rollback() except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: temp_sess.rollback() except Exception: temp_sess.rollback() traceback.print_exc()
Example #9
Source File: From zoe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def cursor(self): """Get a cursor, making sure the connection to the database is established.""" try: cur = self.conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) except psycopg2.InterfaceError: self._connect() cur = self.conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) try: cur.execute('SET search_path TO {},public'.format(self.schema)) except psycopg2.InternalError: self._connect() cur = self.conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) cur.execute('SET search_path TO {},public'.format(self.schema)) return cur
Example #10
Source File: From aiopg with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def serializable_sa_transaction(conn, conn2): isolation_level = 'SERIALIZABLE' await conn.execute(sa.insert(users).values(id=1, name='test1')) t1 = await conn.begin(isolation_level=isolation_level) where = == 1 q_user = user = await (await conn.execute(q_user)).fetchone() assert await (await conn2.execute(q_user)).fetchone() == user await conn.execute(sa.update(users).values({'name': 'name2'}).where(where)) t2 = await conn2.begin(isolation_level=isolation_level) assert await (await conn2.execute(q_user)).fetchone() == user await t1.commit() try: await conn2.execute(users.insert().values({'id': 2, 'name': 'test'})) except TransactionRollbackError as e: assert e.pgcode == '40001' try: await conn2.execute(users.update().values({'name': 't'}).where(where)) except InternalError as e: assert e.pgcode == '25P02' await t2.commit() user = dict(await (await conn2.execute(q_user)).fetchone()) assert user == {'name': 'name2', 'id': 1} await conn.execute(sa.delete(users)) assert len(await (await conn.execute( == 0
Example #11
Source File: From aiopg with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def test_transaction_readonly_insert_oldstyle(engine): async with engine.acquire() as cur: tr = Transaction(cur, IsolationLevel.serializable, readonly=True) await tr.begin() with pytest.raises(psycopg2.InternalError): await cur.execute("insert into tbl values(1, 'data')") await tr.rollback()
Example #12
Source File: From aiopg with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def test_transaction_readonly_insert(engine): async with engine.cursor() as cur: async with Transaction(cur, IsolationLevel.serializable, readonly=True): with pytest.raises(psycopg2.InternalError): await cur.execute("insert into tbl values(1, 'data')")
Example #13
Source File: From pgversion with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def read(self, sql, Message=False): datensatz = None if self.conn != None: try: column_names = [] cursor = self.conn.cursor() column_names = self.cols(sql) cursor.execute(sql) self.conn.commit() rows = cursor.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: datensatz = {} i = 0 for col in column_names: result = [] for row in rows: result.append(row[i]) i = i + 1 datensatz.update({col.upper(): result}) cursor.close() return datensatz, None except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as e: self._error_message(e) return None, e except psycopg2.InternalError as e: self._error_message(e) return None, e except psycopg2.DatabaseError as e: self._error_message(e) return None, e # do stuff ## Schliesst die DB-Verbindung
Example #14
Source File: From django-tenants with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _cursor(self, name=None): """ Here it happens. We hope every Django db operation using PostgreSQL must go through this to get the cursor handle. We change the path. """ if name: # Only supported and required by Django 1.11 (server-side cursor) cursor = super()._cursor(name=name) else: cursor = super()._cursor() # optionally limit the number of executions - under load, the execution # of `set search_path` can be quite time consuming if (not get_limit_set_calls()) or not self.search_path_set: # Actual search_path modification for the cursor. Database will # search schemata from left to right when looking for the object # (table, index, sequence, etc.). if not self.schema_name: raise ImproperlyConfigured("Database schema not set. Did you forget " "to call set_schema() or set_tenant()?") _check_schema_name(self.schema_name) public_schema_name = get_public_schema_name() search_paths = [] if self.schema_name == public_schema_name: search_paths = [public_schema_name] elif self.include_public_schema: search_paths = [self.schema_name, public_schema_name] else: search_paths = [self.schema_name] search_paths.extend(EXTRA_SEARCH_PATHS) if name: # Named cursor can only be used once cursor_for_search_path = self.connection.cursor() else: # Reuse cursor_for_search_path = cursor # In the event that an error already happened in this transaction and we are going # to rollback we should just ignore database error when setting the search_path # if the next instruction is not a rollback it will just fail also, so # we do not have to worry that it's not the good one try: search_paths = ['\'{}\''.format(s) for s in search_paths] cursor_for_search_path.execute('SET search_path = {0}'.format(','.join(search_paths))) except (django.db.utils.DatabaseError, psycopg2.InternalError): self.search_path_set = False else: self.search_path_set = True if name: cursor_for_search_path.close() return cursor
Example #15
Source File: From qgis-versioning with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def test_insert(self): self.cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {}.referenced_view".format( self.schema)) assert(self.cur.fetchone()[0] == 2) self.cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {}.referencing_view".format( self.schema)) assert(self.cur.fetchone()[0] == 1) # insert valid self.cur.execute( "insert into {}.referencing_view (id, fkid1, fkid2) " "values (18,42,4);".format(self.schema)) self.con.commit() self.cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {}.referencing_view".format( self.schema)) assert(self.cur.fetchone()[0] == 2) # insert fail unique constraint try: self.cur.execute( "insert into {}.referencing_view (id, fkid1, fkid2) " "values (16,1,18);".format(self.schema)) assert(False and "Insert must fail unique constraint") except (IntegrityError, psycopg2.InternalError): self.con.rollback() else: self.con.commit() # insert fail foreign key constraint try: self.cur.execute( "insert into {}.referencing_view (id, fkid1, fkid2) " "values (19,42,7);".format(self.schema)) assert(False and "Insert must fail foreign key constraint") except (IntegrityError, psycopg2.InternalError): self.con.rollback() else: self.con.commit() # 1 existing feature, insert one, so 2 expected revisions self.commit_and_check([("referencing", 2)])
Example #16
Source File: From django-pgschemas with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _cursor(self, name=None): """ Here it happens. We hope every Django db operation using PostgreSQL must go through this to get the cursor handle. We change the path. """ if name: # Only supported and required by Django 1.11 (server-side cursor) cursor = super()._cursor(name=name) else: cursor = super()._cursor() # optionally limit the number of executions - under load, the execution # of `set search_path` can be quite time consuming if (not get_limit_set_calls()) or not self.search_path_set: # Actual search_path modification for the cursor. Database will # search schemas from left to right when looking for the object # (table, index, sequence, etc.). if not self.schema: raise ImproperlyConfigured("Database schema not set. Did you forget to call set_schema()?") check_schema_name(self.schema.schema_name) search_paths = [] if self.schema.schema_name == "public": search_paths = ["public"] elif self.include_public_schema: search_paths = [self.schema.schema_name, "public"] else: search_paths = [self.schema.schema_name] search_paths.extend(EXTRA_SEARCH_PATHS) if name: # Named cursor can only be used once cursor_for_search_path = self.connection.cursor() else: # Reuse cursor_for_search_path = cursor # In the event that an error already happened in this transaction and we are going # to rollback we should just ignore database error when setting the search_path # if the next instruction is not a rollback it will just fail also, so # we do not have to worry that it's not the good one try: cursor_for_search_path.execute("SET search_path = {0}".format(",".join(search_paths))) except (DatabaseError, psycopg2.InternalError): self.search_path_set = False else: self.search_path_set = True if name: cursor_for_search_path.close() return cursor