Python tables.NoSuchNodeError() Examples
The following are 7
code examples of tables.NoSuchNodeError().
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Example #1
Source File: From FRETBursts with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def load_data(self, where, name, dest_name=None, ich=None, allow_missing=False, ondisk=False): try: node = self.h5file.get_node(where, name) except tables.NoSuchNodeError: if allow_missing: node_value = np.array([]) else: self.h5file.close() raise IOError("Invalid file format: '%s' is missing." % name) else: node_value = node if ondisk else if dest_name is None: dest_name = hdf5_data_map.get(name, name) if ich is None:**{dest_name: node_value}) else: if dest_name not in**{dest_name: [node_value]}) else:[dest_name].append(node_value)
Example #2
Source File: From FRETBursts with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _load_alex_periods_donor_acceptor(data, meas_specs): # Both us- and ns-ALEX try: # Try to load alex period definitions D_ON = A_ON = except tables.NoSuchNodeError: # But if it fails it's OK, those fields are optional msg = """ The current file lacks the alternation period defintion. You will need to manually add this info using: d.add(D_ON=D_ON, A_ON=A_ON) where `d` is a Data object and D_ON/A_ON is a tuple with start/stop values defining the D/A excitation excitation period. Values are in raw timestamps units. """ log.warning(msg) else: data.add(D_ON=D_ON, A_ON=A_ON)
Example #3
Source File: From scanorama with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_h5(fname, genome='mm10'): try: import tables except ImportError: sys.stderr.write('Please install PyTables to read .h5 files: ' '\n') exit(1) # Adapted from scanpy's read_10x_h5() method. with tables.open_file(str(fname), 'r') as f: try: dsets = {} for node in f.walk_nodes('/' + genome, 'Array'): dsets[] = n_genes, n_cells = dsets['shape'] data = dsets['data'] if dsets['data'].dtype == np.dtype('int32'): data = dsets['data'].view('float32') data[:] = dsets['data'] X = csr_matrix((data, dsets['indices'], dsets['indptr']), shape=(n_cells, n_genes)) genes = [ gene for gene in dsets['genes'].astype(str) ] assert(len(genes) == n_genes) assert(len(genes) == X.shape[1]) except tables.NoSuchNodeError: raise Exception('Genome %s does not exist in this file.' % genome) except KeyError: raise Exception('File is missing one or more required datasets.') return X, np.array(genes)
Example #4
Source File: From geosketch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_h5(fname, genome='mm10'): # Adapted from scanpy's read_10x_h5() method. with tables.open_file(str(fname), 'r') as f: try: dsets = {} for node in f.walk_nodes('/' + genome, 'Array'): dsets[] = n_genes, n_cells = dsets['shape'] data = dsets['data'] if dsets['data'].dtype == np.dtype('int32'): data = dsets['data'].view('float32') data[:] = dsets['data'] X = csr_matrix((data, dsets['indices'], dsets['indptr']), shape=(n_cells, n_genes)) genes = [ gene for gene in dsets['gene_names'].astype(str) ] assert(len(genes) == n_genes) assert(len(genes) == X.shape[1]) except tables.NoSuchNodeError: raise Exception('Genome %s does not exist in this file.' % genome) except KeyError: raise Exception('File is missing one or more required datasets.') return X, np.array(genes)
Example #5
Source File: From pyiron with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def remove_child(self): """ internal function to remove command that removes also child jobs. Do never use this command, since it will destroy the integrity of your project. """ if "server" in self.project_hdf5.list_nodes(): server_hdf_dict = self.project_hdf5["server"] if ( "qid" in server_hdf_dict.keys() and str(self.status) in ["submitted", "running", "collect"] and server_hdf_dict["qid"] is not None ): self.project._queue_delete_job(server_hdf_dict["qid"]) with"..") as hdf_parent: try: del hdf_parent[self.job_name] shutil.rmtree(str(self.working_directory)) except (NoSuchNodeError, KeyError, OSError): print( "This group does not exist in the HDF5 file {}".format( self.job_name ) ) if self.project_hdf5.is_empty: if os.path.isfile(self.project_hdf5.file_name): os.remove(self.project_hdf5.file_name) dir_name = self.project_hdf5.file_name.split(".h5")[0] + "_hdf5" if os.path.isdir(dir_name): os.rmdir(dir_name) if self.job_id: self.project.db.delete_item(self.job_id)
Example #6
Source File: From FRETBursts with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def _add_usALEX_specs(data, meas_specs): try: offset = except tables.NoSuchNodeError: log.warning(' No offset found, assuming offset = 0.') offset = 0 data.add(offset=offset) data.add( _load_alex_periods_donor_acceptor(data, meas_specs)
Example #7
Source File: From seqc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def load(cls, archive_name): """load a ReadArray from an hdf5 archive, note that ma_pos and ma_genes are discarded. :param str archive_name: name of a .h5 archive containing a saved ReadArray object :return ReadArray: """ f = tb.open_file(archive_name, mode='r') data = try: f.get_node('/genes') genes = positions = except tb.NoSuchNodeError: indptr = indices = genes = positions = genes = csr_matrix((genes, indices, indptr)) positions = csr_matrix((positions, indices, indptr)) return cls(data, genes, positions) # todo document me