Python ipaddr.IPNetwork() Examples
The following are 19
code examples of ipaddr.IPNetwork().
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Example #1
Source File: From geolite2legacy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def gen_nets(self, locations, infile): for row in csv.DictReader(infile): location = locations.get(row['geoname_id']) if location is None: continue nets = [ipaddr.IPNetwork(row['network'])] country_iso_code = location['country_iso_code'] or location['continent_code'] fips_code = geoname2fips.get(location['geoname_id']) if fips_code is None: logging.debug('Missing fips-10-4 for {}'.format(location['subdivision_1_name'])) fips_code = '00' else: logging.debug('fips-10-4 for {} is {}'.format(location['subdivision_1_name'], fips_code)) yield nets, (country_iso_code, serialize_text(fips_code), # region serialize_text(decode_text(location['city_name'])), serialize_text(row['postal_code']), row['latitude'], row['longitude'], location['metro_code'], '') # area_code
Example #2
Source File: From python-compat-runtime with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def Validate(self, value, unused_key=None): """Validates a subnet.""" if value is None: raise validation.MissingAttribute('subnet must be specified') if not isinstance(value, basestring): raise validation.ValidationError('subnet must be a string, not \'%r\'' % type(value)) try: ipaddr.IPNetwork(value) except ValueError: raise validation.ValidationError('%s is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 subnet' % value) parts = value.split('/') if len(parts) == 2 and not re.match('^[0-9]+$', parts[1]): raise validation.ValidationError('Prefix length of subnet %s must be an ' 'integer (quad-dotted masks are not ' 'supported)' % value) return value
Example #3
Source File: From WebServiceScanner with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: print 'Usage: python' else: time_start = time.time() threads = [] thread_count = 200 #线程数 queue = Queue.Queue() cidrip = sys.argv[1] #接收输入IP段 ips = ipaddr.IPNetwork(cidrip) for ip in ips: queue.put(ip) for i in xrange(thread_count): threads.append(PortScan(queue)) for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() print 'ALL Finished, Running Time:' + str(time.time() - time_start)
Example #4
Source File: From GloboNetworkAPI with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def nextAvailableCIDR(self, subnets, network): """ Try to aloccate :param subnets: :param network: :return: """ if not subnets: subnet = list(NETADDR([0] return str(subnet) subnet = NETADDR(subnets.latest('id').network).next() if ipaddr.IPNetwork(subnet).overlaps(ipaddr.IPNetwork( return str(subnet) return self.searchNextAvailableCIDR(subnets)
Example #5
Source File: From GloboNetworkAPI with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def check_cidr(self, environment, network): """ check if network is a subnet of the father environment :param environment: environment id :param network: environment cidr :return: boolean """ if environment.father_environment: id_env_father = else: return True cidr_env_father = self.get(env_id=id_env_father) for cidr in cidr_env_father: if ipaddr.IPNetwork(network).overlaps(ipaddr.IPNetwork( return True return False
Example #6
Source File: From ceph-lcm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def load_cluster_networks(self): self.cluster_net = None self.public_net = None osd = self.get_alive_osd() if osd is not None: cluster_net_str = osd.config.get('cluster_network') if cluster_net_str is not None and cluster_net_str != "": self.cluster_net = IPNetwork(cluster_net_str) public_net_str = osd.config.get('public_network', None) if public_net_str is not None and public_net_str != "": self.public_net = IPNetwork(public_net_str)
Example #7
Source File: From iSDX with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, vid, conf=None): if conf is None: conf = {} self.vid = vid self.tagged = [] self.untagged = [] = conf.setdefault('name', str(vid)) self.description = conf.setdefault('description', self.controller_ips = conf.setdefault('controller_ips', []) if self.controller_ips: self.controller_ips = [ ipaddr.IPNetwork(ip) for ip in self.controller_ips] self.unicast_flood = conf.setdefault('unicast_flood', True) self.routes = conf.setdefault('routes', {}) self.ipv4_routes = {} self.ipv6_routes = {} if self.routes: self.routes = [route['route'] for route in self.routes] for route in self.routes: ip_gw = ipaddr.IPAddress(route['ip_gw']) ip_dst = ipaddr.IPNetwork(route['ip_dst']) assert(ip_gw.version == ip_dst.version) if ip_gw.version == 4: self.ipv4_routes[ip_dst] = ip_gw else: self.ipv6_routes[ip_dst] = ip_gw self.arp_cache = {} self.nd_cache = {} self.max_hosts = conf.setdefault('max_hosts', None) self.host_cache = {}
Example #8
Source File: From Allscanner with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): print '' logo_encode = 'ICAgIF9fXyAgICBfX19fX19fX18gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAKICAgLyAgIHwgIC8gLyAvIF9fXy9fX19fX19fX19fX19fX18gIF9fX18gIF9fXyAgX19fX18KICAvIC98IHwgLyAvIC9cX18gXC8gX19fLyBfXyAgLyBfXyBcLyBfXyBcLyBfIFwvIF9fXy8KIC8gX19fIHwvIC8gL19fXy8gLyAvX18vIC9fLyAvIC8gLyAvIC8gLyAvICBfXy8gLyAgICAKL18vICB8Xy9fL18vL19fX18vXF9fXy9cX19fXy9fLyAvXy9fLyAvXy9cX19fL18v=' logo = base64.b64decode(logo_encode) print logo + '\n\n' print 'github:' + '\n\n' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-i', dest='cidr_ip', help='IP segment like contains 65536 IP.') parser.add_argument('-t', dest='thread_number', type=int, default=100, help='Setting the number of threads') args = parser.parse_args() print '' IP_Duan = str(args.cidr_ip) try: IPs = ipaddr.IPNetwork(IP_Duan) thread_number = args.thread_number threads = [] queue = Queue.Queue() for ip in IPs: queue.put(str(ip)) for i in xrange(thread_number): threads.append(AllScanner(queue)) for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() except Exception: parser.print_help()
Example #9
Source File: From python-compat-runtime with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _ValidateEntry(self, entry): if not entry.subnet: return MISSING_SUBNET try: ipaddr.IPNetwork(entry.subnet) except ValueError: return BAD_IPV_SUBNET % entry.subnet parts = entry.subnet.split('/') if len(parts) == 2 and not re.match('^[0-9]+$', parts[1]): return BAD_PREFIX_LENGTH % entry.subnet
Example #10
Source File: From GloboNetworkAPI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def post(self, env_cidr): try: if env_cidr.get('id'): = env_cidr.get('id') = env_cidr.get('network') self.network_first_ip = env_cidr.get('network_first_ip') self.network_last_ip = env_cidr.get('network_last_ip') self.network_mask = env_cidr.get('network_mask') self.ip_version = env_cidr.get('ip_version') self.subnet_mask = env_cidr.get('subnet_mask') if not self.check_prefix(, self.subnet_mask): raise CIDRErrorV3("The prefix %s is not valid for the network %s" % (self.subnet_mask, objects = EnvCIDR.objects.filter(id_env=int(env_cidr.get('environment'))) for obj in objects: if ipaddr.IPNetwork( raise CIDRErrorV3("%s overlaps %s" % (, environment = Ambiente().get_by_pk(int(env_cidr.get('environment'))) self.id_env = environment self.id_network_type = TipoRede().get_by_pk(int(env_cidr.get('network_type'))) except Exception as e: raise CIDRErrorV3(e) return
Example #11
Source File: From GloboNetworkAPI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def searchNextAvailableCIDR(self, subnets): """ Method that search next availacle cidr. :param subnets: all subnets of environment. :return: available subnet """ log.debug("searchNextAvailableCIDR") for idx, _ in enumerate(subnets): if int(subnets[idx].network_last_ip) + 1 is not int(subnets[idx+1].network_first_ip): subnet = subnets[idx].network new_subnet = NETADDR(subnet).next() if not ipaddr.IPNetwork(new_subnet).overlaps(ipaddr.IPNetwork(subnets[idx+1].network)): return str(new_subnet) return ""
Example #12
Source File: From GloboNetworkAPI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def check_prefix(self, network_address, subnet_mask): """ check if subnet mask is correct, based on network mask. :param network_address: environment cidr :param subnet_mask: environment cidr subnet mask :return: boolean """ network = ipaddr.IPNetwork(network_address) return True if int(network.prefixlen) <= int(subnet_mask) else False
Example #13
Source File: From irrexplorer with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def classifySearchString(data): data = data.strip() asn = None try: asn = int(data) except ValueError: pass if asn: if asn < 1: raise ValueError('Invalid as number (negative or zero)') return ASNumber(asn) if data.upper().startswith('AS-'): return ASMacro(data.upper()) # as macros are always uppcase if data.upper().startswith('AS'): try: return ASNumber(int(data[2:])) except ValueError: return ASMacro(data) try: ipaddr.IPNetwork(data) return Prefix(data) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError('Cannot classify %s' % data)
Example #14
Source File: From HTTPAceProxy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def checkFirewall(clientip): try: clientinrange = any([IPAddress(clientip) in IPNetwork(i) for i in AceConfig.firewallnetranges]) except: logger.error('Check firewall netranges settings !'); return False return not ((AceConfig.firewallblacklistmode and clientinrange) or (not AceConfig.firewallblacklistmode and not clientinrange))
Example #15
Source File: From armory with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def merge_ranges(ranges): range_data = [[ipaddr.IPNetwork(r).numhosts, ipaddr.IPNetwork(r)] for r in ranges] ranges = [r[1] for r in sorted(range_data)[::-1]] unique_ranges = [str(r) for r in sort_ranges(ranges)] return unique_ranges
Example #16
Source File: From geolite2legacy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gen_nets(self, locations, infile): for row in csv.DictReader(infile): location = locations.get(row['geoname_id']) if location is None: continue nets = [ipaddr.IPNetwork(row['network'])] country_iso_code = location['country_iso_code'] or location['continent_code'] yield nets, (country_iso_code,)
Example #17
Source File: From geolite2legacy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gen_nets(self, locations, infile): for row in csv.DictReader(infile): nets = [ipaddr.IPNetwork(row['network'])] org = decode_text(row['autonomous_system_organization']) asn = row['autonomous_system_number'] entry = u'AS{} {}'.format(asn, org) yield nets, (serialize_text(entry),)
Example #18
Source File: From irrexplorer with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
def updateBGP(source_url, db):'Updating BGP information') source_routes = set() # get the bgp routes for line in urllib2.urlopen(source_url): route, asn = line.strip().split(' ') source_routes.add( (route, int(asn)) ) fltrd_source_routes = set() for route, asn in source_routes: try: route_obj = ipaddr.IPNetwork(route) except ValueError: logging.error('Invalid route in BGP feed: %s' % route) continue # block router2router linknets / small blocks if route_obj.version == 4 and route_obj.prefixlen >= 29: continue if route_obj.version == 6 and route_obj.prefixlen >= 124: continue fltrd_source_routes.add((route, int(asn)))'BGP table fetched and table build, %i routes' % (len(source_routes))) # then the database routes db_routes = set() bgp_rows = db.query_source('bgp')'Got database entries, %i routes' % len(bgp_rows)) for route, asn in bgp_rows: db_routes.add((route, int(asn))) # calculate the diff, intersection is just for logging routes_is = fltrd_source_routes & db_routes deprecated_routes = db_routes - fltrd_source_routes new_routes = fltrd_source_routes - db_routes'Routes: %i unchanged / %i deprecated / %i new' % (len(routes_is), len(deprecated_routes), len(new_routes))) # create + send update statements cur = db._get_cursor() for route, asn in deprecated_routes: cur.execute(DELETE_STM, (route, asn) ) for route, asn in new_routes: cur.execute(INSERT_STM, (route, asn) ) db.conn.commit() cur.close() # so it doesn't linger while sleeping'BPG update commit done and cursor closed')
Example #19
Source File: From mailin with MIT License | 4 votes |
def cidrmatch(self, ipaddrs, n): """Match connect IP against a CIDR network of other IP addresses. Examples: >>> c = query(s='', ... h='', i='') >>> c.p = '' >>> c.r = '' >>> c.cidrmatch([''],32) True >>> c.cidrmatch([''],32) False >>> c.cidrmatch([''],31) True >>> six = query(s='', ... h='', i='2001:0db8:0:0:0:0:0:0001') >>> six.p = '' >>> six.r = '' >>> six.cidrmatch(['2001:0DB8::'],127) True >>> six.cidrmatch(['2001:0DB8::'],128) False >>> six.cidrmatch(['2001:0DB8:0:0:0:0:0:0001'],128) True """ try: for netwrk in [ipaddress.ip_network(ip) for ip in ipaddrs]: network = netwrk.supernet(new_prefix=n) if isinstance(self.iplist, bool): if network.__contains__(self.ipaddr): return True else: if n < self.cidrmax: self.iplist.append(network) else: self.iplist.append(network.ip) except AttributeError: for netwrk in [ipaddress.IPNetwork(ip,strict=False) for ip in ipaddrs]: network = netwrk.supernet(new_prefix=n) if isinstance(self.iplist, bool): if network.__contains__(self.ipaddr): return True else: if n < self.cidrmax: self.iplist.append(network) else: self.iplist.append(network.ip) return False