Python textwrap.indent() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of textwrap.indent().
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Example #1
Source File: From python-devtools with MIT License | 7 votes |
def str(self, highlight=False) -> str: s = '' if s = sformat(,, apply=highlight) + ': ' suffix = sformat( ' ({.value.__class__.__name__}){}'.format(self, ''.join(' {}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in self.extra)), sformat.dim, apply=highlight, ) try: s += pformat(self.value, indent=4, highlight=highlight) except Exception as exc: s += '{!r}{}\n {}'.format( self.value, suffix, sformat('!!! error pretty printing value: {!r}'.format(exc), sformat.yellow, apply=highlight), ) else: s += suffix return s
Example #2
Source File: From ibis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def indent(lines, spaces=4): """Indent `lines` by `spaces` spaces. Parameters ---------- lines : Union[str, List[str]] A string or list of strings to indent spaces : int The number of spaces to indent `lines` Returns ------- indented_lines : str """ if isinstance(lines, str): text = [lines] text = '\n'.join(lines) return textwrap.indent(text, ' ' * spaces)
Example #3
Source File: From presto-chart with MIT License | 6 votes |
def launch(arguments: dict): """Starts the presto service running within the container.""" conf_dir = CONFIGS_DIRECTORY print('\n[LAUNCH]: Starting Presto') cmd = [ 'launcher', 'run', '--node-config={}/'.format(conf_dir), '--jvm-config={}/jvm.config'.format(conf_dir), '--config={}/'.format(conf_dir), '--log-levels-file={}/'.format(conf_dir) ] print(textwrap.indent('\n'.join(cmd), ' '), '\n\n') if not arguments['dry_run']: else: print('[DRY-RUN]: Skipped launch call\n\n')
Example #4
Source File: From commcare-cloud with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def run(self): total_bytes = 0 count = 0 bad_items = 0 for item in get_items_for_snapshot_version(self.client, self.snapshot_version): total_bytes += item['bytes'] count += 1 logger.debug('Checking %s', item['name']) if item.get('missing'): bad_items += 1 logger.warning('Missing shard file: %s', item['name']) if count % 100 == 0:'Checked %s items (%s)', count, sizeof_fmt(total_bytes)) state = f'INVALID ({bad_items} files missing)' if bad_items else 'VALID' print( f'Snapshot version {self.snapshot_version}:\n' f' File count: {count}\n' f' Total size: {sizeof_fmt(total_bytes)}\n' f' State: {state}\n' ) if self.metadata: metadata = self.client.get_json(f'snapshot-{self.snapshot_version}') print(json.dumps(metadata, indent=4))
Example #5
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_subsequent_indent(self): # Test subsequent_indent parameter expect = '''\ * This paragraph will be filled, first without any indentation, and then with some (including a hanging indent).''' result = fill(self.text, 40, initial_indent=" * ", subsequent_indent=" ") self.check(result, expect) # Despite the similar names, DedentTestCase is *not* the inverse # of IndentTestCase!
Example #6
Source File: From python3_ios with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _pprint_table(table, leadingspace=2): """ Given the list of list of strings, return a string of REST table format. """ col_len = [max(len(cell) for cell in column) for column in zip(*table)] table_formatstr = ' '.join('=' * cl for cl in col_len) lines = [ '', table_formatstr, ' '.join(cell.ljust(cl) for cell, cl in zip(table[0], col_len)), table_formatstr, *[' '.join(cell.ljust(cl) for cell, cl in zip(row, col_len)) for row in table[1:]], table_formatstr, '', ] return textwrap.indent('\n'.join(lines), ' ' * leadingspace)
Example #7
Source File: From pytest with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_source_with_decorator() -> None: """Test behavior with Source / Code().source with regard to decorators.""" from _pytest.compat import get_real_func def deco_mark(): assert False src = inspect.getsource(deco_mark) assert textwrap.indent(str(Source(deco_mark)), " ") + "\n" == src assert src.startswith("") @pytest.fixture def deco_fixture(): assert False src = inspect.getsource(deco_fixture) assert src == " @pytest.fixture\n def deco_fixture():\n assert False\n" # currenly Source does not unwrap decorators, testing the # existing behavior here for explicitness, but perhaps we should revisit/change this # in the future assert str(Source(deco_fixture)).startswith("@functools.wraps(function)") assert ( textwrap.indent(str(Source(get_real_func(deco_fixture))), " ") + "\n" == src )
Example #8
Source File: From bob with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def status(self, workspacePath): status = ScmStatus() try: output = self.callSubversion(workspacePath, 'status') if output: status.add(ScmTaint.modified, joinLines("> modified:", indent(output, ' '))) output = self.callSubversion(workspacePath, 'info', '--xml') info = ElementTree.fromstring(output) entry = info.find('entry') url = entry.find('url').text revision = entry.attrib['revision'] if self.__url != url: status.add(ScmTaint.switched, "> URL: configured: '{}', actual: '{}'".format(self.__url, url)) if self.__revision is not None and int(revision) != int(self.__revision): status.add(ScmTaint.switched, "> revision: configured: {}, actual: {}".format(self.__revision, revision)) except BuildError as e: status.add(ScmTaint.error, e.slogan) return status
Example #9
Source File: From opencraft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_ansible_vars(self, triggering_instance_id=None): """ Render the configuration script to be executed on the load balancer. The triggering_instance_id indicates the id of the instance reference that initiated the reconfiguration of the load balancer. """ backend_map, backend_conf = self.get_configuration(triggering_instance_id) fragment_name = settings.LOAD_BALANCER_FRAGMENT_NAME_PREFIX + self.fragment_name_postfix return ( "FRAGMENT_NAME: {fragment_name}\n" "BACKEND_CONFIG_FRAGMENT: |\n" "{backend_conf}\n" "BACKEND_MAP_FRAGMENT: |\n" "{backend_map}\n" ).format( fragment_name=fragment_name, backend_conf=textwrap.indent(backend_conf, " "), backend_map=textwrap.indent(backend_map, " "), )
Example #10
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _pprint_table(table, leadingspace=2): """ Given the list of list of strings, return a string of REST table format. """ col_len = [max(len(cell) for cell in column) for column in zip(*table)] table_formatstr = ' '.join('=' * cl for cl in col_len) lines = [ '', table_formatstr, ' '.join(cell.ljust(cl) for cell, cl in zip(table[0], col_len)), table_formatstr, *[' '.join(cell.ljust(cl) for cell, cl in zip(row, col_len)) for row in table[1:]], table_formatstr, '', ] return textwrap.indent('\n'.join(lines), ' ' * leadingspace)
Example #11
Source File: From exhale with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def prefix(token, msg): ''' Wrapper call to :func:`~exhale.utils.indent` with an always-true predicate so that empty lines (e.g. `\\n`) still get indented by the ``token``. :Parameters: ``token`` (str) What to indent the message by (e.g. ``"(!) "``). ``msg`` (str) The message to get indented by ``token``. :Return: ``str`` The message ``msg``, indented by the ``token``. ''' return indent(msg, token, predicate=lambda x: True)
Example #12
Source File: From MDT with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def update(self, property_name, source_code_str): """Update the given property with the given source code. This does not write the results to file immediately, rather, this updates an internal buffer with the updated source code. To write to file use :meth:`write_to_file`. Args: property_name (str): the property (attribute or function) to update source_code_str (str): the updated source code for the property """ try: start, end = self._fine_property_definition(property_name) source_lines = self._source.split('\n') new_source = '\n'.join(source_lines[:start]) new_source += '\n' + indent(dedent(source_code_str.strip()), '\t') + '\n' new_source += '\n'.join(source_lines[end:]) except ValueError: new_source = self._source + '\n' + indent(dedent(source_code_str.strip()), '\t') + '\n' self._source = new_source.rstrip('\n').replace('\t', ' ')
Example #13
Source File: From modmail with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def evaluate(bot, body): env = {"bot": bot} env.update(globals()) stdout = StringIO() to_compile = f'async def func():\n{textwrap.indent(body, " ")}' try: exec(to_compile, env) except Exception as e: return f"```py\n{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}\n```" func = env["func"] try: with redirect_stdout(stdout): ret = await func() except Exception: value = stdout.getvalue() return f"```py\n{value}{format_exc()}\n```" else: value = stdout.getvalue() if ret is None: if value: return f"```py\n{value}\n```" else: return f"```py\n{value}{ret}\n```"
Example #14
Source File: From sphinx-gallery with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _anim_rst(anim, image_path, gallery_conf): from matplotlib.animation import ImageMagickWriter # output the thumbnail as the image, as it will just be copied # if it's the file thumbnail fig = anim._fig image_path = image_path.replace('.png', '.gif') fig_size = fig.get_size_inches() thumb_size = gallery_conf['thumbnail_size'] use_dpi = round( min(t_s / f_s for t_s, f_s in zip(thumb_size, fig_size))) # FFmpeg is buggy for GIFs if ImageMagickWriter.isAvailable(): writer = 'imagemagick' else: writer = None, writer=writer, dpi=use_dpi) html = anim._repr_html_() if html is None: # plt.rcParams['animation.html'] == 'none' html = anim.to_jshtml() html = indent(html, ' ') return _ANIMATION_RST.format(html)
Example #15
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _pprint_table(table, leadingspace=2): """ Given the list of list of strings, return a string of REST table format. """ col_len = [max(len(cell) for cell in column) for column in zip(*table)] table_formatstr = ' '.join('=' * cl for cl in col_len) lines = [ '', table_formatstr, ' '.join(cell.ljust(cl) for cell, cl in zip(table[0], col_len)), table_formatstr, *[' '.join(cell.ljust(cl) for cell, cl in zip(row, col_len)) for row in table[1:]], table_formatstr, '', ] return textwrap.indent('\n'.join(lines), ' ' * leadingspace)
Example #16
Source File: From edgedb with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def pformat(self) -> str: if self.children: child_formats = [] for c in self.children: cf = c.pformat() if cf: child_formats.append(cf) if child_formats: child_formats = sorted(child_formats) children = textwrap.indent(',\n'.join(child_formats), ' ') return f'"{}": {{\n{children}\n}}' if self.path_id is not None: return f'"{}"' else: return ''
Example #17
Source File: From edgedb with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def constraint_code(self, block: base.PLBlock) -> str: if isinstance(self.expr, base.Query): var = block.declare_var(self.expr.type) indent = len(var) + 5 expr_text = textwrap.indent(self.expr.text, ' ' * indent).strip() block.add_command(f'{var} := ({expr_text})') code = f"'CHECK (' || {var} || ')'" if not self.inherit: code += " || ' NO INHERIT'" code = base.PLExpression(code) else: code = f'CHECK ({self.expr})' if not self.inherit: code += ' NO INHERIT' return code
Example #18
Source File: From exhale with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def indent(text, prefix, predicate=None): ''' This is a direct copy of ``textwrap.indent`` for availability in Python 2. Their documentation: Adds 'prefix' to the beginning of selected lines in 'text'. If 'predicate' is provided, 'prefix' will only be added to the lines where 'predicate(line)' is True. If 'predicate' is not provided, it will default to adding 'prefix' to all non-empty lines that do not consist solely of whitespace characters. ''' if predicate is None: def predicate(line): return line.strip() def prefixed_lines(): for line in text.splitlines(True): yield (prefix + line if predicate(line) else line) return ''.join(prefixed_lines())
Example #19
Source File: From scikit-multiflow with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def describe_subtree(self, ht, buffer, indent=0): """ Walk the tree and write its structure to a buffer string. Parameters ---------- ht: HoeffdingTreeClassifier The tree to describe. buffer: string The buffer where the tree's structure will be stored. indent: int Indentation level (number of white spaces for current node). """ for branch_idx in range(self.num_children()): child = self.get_child(branch_idx) if child is not None: buffer[0] += textwrap.indent('if ', ' ' * indent) buffer[0] += self._split_test.describe_condition_for_branch(branch_idx) buffer[0] += ':\n' child.describe_subtree(ht, buffer, indent + 2)
Example #20
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_initial_indent(self): # Test initial_indent parameter expect = [" This paragraph will be filled,", "first without any indentation, and then", "with some (including a hanging indent)."] result = wrap(self.text, 40, initial_indent=" ") self.check(result, expect) expect = "\n".join(expect) result = fill(self.text, 40, initial_indent=" ") self.check(result, expect)
Example #21
Source File: From vivarium with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __str__(self) -> str: out = if self._loop: out += '*' out += '\n' + textwrap.indent('\n'.join([str(state) for state in self.states]), '\t') return out
Example #22
Source File: From tzxtools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='List the contents of a TZX file') parser.add_argument('file', nargs='*', help='TZX files, stdin if omitted') parser.add_argument('-s', '--short', dest='short', action='store_true', help='list only the ZX Spectrum header names') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='show content of information blocks') args = parser.parse_args() for f in args.file if len(args.file) > 0 else ['/dev/stdin']: if len(args.file) > 1: print('\n%s:' % (f)) tzx = TzxFile() cnt = 0 for b in tzx.blocks: if args.short: if hasattr(b, 'tap') and isinstance(b.tap, TapHeader): print('%s: %s' % (b.tap.type(), else: print('%3d %-27s %s' % (cnt, b.type, str(b))) if args.verbose: info = if info is not None: print(textwrap.indent(info.strip(), '\t')) cnt += 1
Example #23
Source File: From sota-extractor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def wrap_lines(value, indent=4) -> List[str]: prefix = " " * indent return [ textwrap.indent(line, prefix=prefix) for line in textwrap.wrap(value) ]
Example #24
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_fill(self): # Test the fill() method expect = '''\ This paragraph will be filled, first without any indentation, and then with some (including a hanging indent).''' result = fill(self.text, 40) self.check(result, expect)
Example #25
Source File: From ibis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def visit_For(self, node): lines = [ 'for (let {} of {}) {{'.format( self.visit(, self.visit(node.iter) ) ] with self.local_scope(): lines.append(indent(map(self.visit, node.body))) lines.append('}') return '\n'.join(lines)
Example #26
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _indent_lines(string, prefix): # Would use textwrap.indent for this but it is not available for Python 2 def predicate(line): return line.strip() lines = [] for line in string.splitlines(True): lines.append(prefix + line if predicate(line) else line) return ''.join(lines)
Example #27
Source File: From ibis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): self.current_function = node is_property_getter = any( getattr(dec, 'id', None) == 'property' for dec in node.decorator_list ) if self.current_class is None: # not a method if is_property_getter: raise TypeError( 'Functions cannot be properties, only methods can' ) prefix = 'function' else: if is_property_getter and self.is_generator: raise TypeError('generator methods cannot be properties') prefix = 'get ' * is_property_getter with self.local_scope(): body = indent(map(self.visit, node.body)) if self.is_generator: prefix += '* ' else: prefix += ' ' * (self.current_class is None) lines = [ prefix + self.translate_special_method( + '({}) {{'.format(self.visit(node.args)), body, '}', ] self.current_function = None self.is_generator = False return '\n'.join(lines)
Example #28
Source File: From ibis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def visit_If(self, node): lines = ['if ({}) {{'.format(self.visit(node.test))] with self.local_scope(): lines.append(indent(map(self.visit, node.body))) lines.append('}') if node.orelse: lines[-1] += ' else {' with self.local_scope(): lines.append(indent(map(self.visit, node.orelse))) lines.append('}') return '\n'.join(lines)
Example #29
Source File: From ibis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def visit_While(self, node): lines = ['while ({}) {{'.format(self.visit(node.test))] with self.local_scope(): lines.append(indent(map(self.visit, node.body))) lines.append('}') return '\n'.join(lines)
Example #30
Source File: From qiskit-terra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _update_docstring(discretized_pulse: Callable, sampler_inst: Callable) -> Callable: """Update annotations of discretized continuous pulse function. Args: discretized_pulse: Discretized decorated continuous pulse. sampler_inst: Applied sampler. """ wrapped_docstring = pydoc.render_doc(discretized_pulse, '%s') header, body = wrapped_docstring.split('\n', 1) body = textwrap.indent(body, ' ') wrapped_docstring = header+body updated_ds = """ Discretized continuous pulse function: `{continuous_name}` using sampler: `{sampler_name}`. The first argument (time) of the continuous pulse function has been replaced with a discretized `duration` of type (int). Args: duration (int) *args: Remaining arguments of continuous pulse function. See continuous pulse function documentation below. **kwargs: Remaining kwargs of continuous pulse function. See continuous pulse function documentation below. Sampled continuous function: {continuous_doc} """.format(continuous_name=discretized_pulse.__name__, sampler_name=sampler_inst.__name__, continuous_doc=wrapped_docstring) discretized_pulse.__doc__ = updated_ds return discretized_pulse