Python numpy.identity() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.identity().
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Example #1
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _test_ip_diag(self,cc): eom = kccsd_ghf.EOMIP(cc) imds = eom.make_imds() nkpts, nocc, nvir = imds.t1.shape diag = kccsd_ghf.ipccsd_diag(eom,0,imds=imds) I = np.identity(diag.shape[0],dtype=complex) indices = np.arange(len(diag)) H = np.zeros((I.shape[0],len(indices)),dtype=complex) for j,idx in enumerate(indices): H[:,j] = kccsd_ghf.ipccsd_matvec(eom,I[:,idx],0,imds=imds) diag_ref = np.zeros(len(indices),dtype=complex) diag_out = np.zeros(len(indices),dtype=complex) for j,idx in enumerate(indices): diag_ref[j] = H[idx,j] diag_out[j] = diag[idx] diff = np.linalg.norm(diag_ref - diag_out) self.assertTrue(abs(diff) < KGCCSD_TEST_THRESHOLD,"Difference in IP diag: {}".format(diff))
Example #2
Source File: From pyGSTi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _rebuild_complement(self, identity_for_complement=None): """ Rebuild complement vector (in case other vectors have changed) """ if self.complement_label is not None and self.complement_label in self: non_comp_effects = [v for k, v in self.items() if k != self.complement_label] if identity_for_complement is None: identity_for_complement = self[self.complement_label].identity complement_effect = _sv.ComplementSPAMVec( identity_for_complement, non_comp_effects) complement_effect.set_gpindices(slice(0, self.Np), self) # all parameters #Assign new complement effect without calling our __setitem__ old_ro = self._readonly; self._readonly = False POVM.__setitem__(self, self.complement_label, complement_effect) self._readonly = old_ro
Example #3
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_init_guess(self, nroots=1, diag=None, ascending = True): if diag is None : diag = self.ea_adc_diag() idx = None if ascending: idx = np.argsort(diag) else: idx = np.argsort(diag)[::-1] guess = np.zeros((diag.shape[0], nroots)) min_shape = min(diag.shape[0], nroots) guess[:min_shape,:min_shape] = np.identity(min_shape) g = np.zeros((diag.shape[0], nroots)) g[idx] = guess.copy() guess = [] for p in range(g.shape[1]): guess.append(g[:,p]) return guess
Example #4
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def optimize(self, sess, feed_dict): reg_input, reg_weight, old_values, targets = [self.inputs, self.regression_weight, self.values, self.targets], feed_dict=feed_dict) intended_values = targets * self.mix_frac + old_values * (1 - self.mix_frac) # taken from rllab reg_coeff = 1e-5 for _ in range(5): best_fit_weight = np.linalg.lstsq( + reg_coeff * np.identity(reg_input.shape[1]),[0] if not np.any(np.isnan(best_fit_weight)): break reg_coeff *= 10 if len(best_fit_weight.shape) == 1: best_fit_weight = np.expand_dims(best_fit_weight, -1), feed_dict={self.new_regression_weight: best_fit_weight})
Example #5
Source File: From QCElemental with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_linear_sum_assignment_input_validation(): assert_raises(ValueError, linear_sum_assignment, [1, 2, 3]) C = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] assert_array_equal(linear_sum_assignment(C), linear_sum_assignment(np.asarray(C))) # assert_array_equal(linear_sum_assignment(C), # linear_sum_assignment(matrix(C))) I = np.identity(3) assert_array_equal(linear_sum_assignment(I.astype(np.bool)), linear_sum_assignment(I)) assert_raises(ValueError, linear_sum_assignment, I.astype(str)) I[0][0] = np.nan assert_raises(ValueError, linear_sum_assignment, I) I = np.identity(3) I[1][1] = np.inf assert_raises(ValueError, linear_sum_assignment, I)
Example #6
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_init_guess(self, nroots=1, diag=None, ascending = True): if diag is None : diag = self.ip_adc_diag() idx = None if ascending: idx = np.argsort(diag) else: idx = np.argsort(diag)[::-1] guess = np.zeros((diag.shape[0], nroots)) min_shape = min(diag.shape[0], nroots) guess[:min_shape,:min_shape] = np.identity(min_shape) g = np.zeros((diag.shape[0], nroots)) g[idx] = guess.copy() guess = [] for p in range(g.shape[1]): guess.append(g[:,p]) return guess
Example #7
Source File: From pyGSTi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def depolarize(self, amount): """ Depolarize this POVM by the given `amount`. Parameters ---------- amount : float or tuple The amount to depolarize by. If a tuple, it must have length equal to one less than the dimension of the gate. All but the first element of each spam vector (often corresponding to the identity element) are multiplied by `amount` (if a float) or the corresponding `amount[i]` (if a tuple). Returns ------- None """ raise ValueError("Cannot depolarize a %s object" % self.__class__.__name__) #self.dirty = True
Example #8
Source File: From robosuite with MIT License | 6 votes |
def quat2mat(quaternion): """ Converts given quaternion (x, y, z, w) to matrix. Args: quaternion: vec4 float angles Returns: 3x3 rotation matrix """ q = np.array(quaternion, dtype=np.float32, copy=True)[[3, 0, 1, 2]] n =, q) if n < EPS: return np.identity(3) q *= math.sqrt(2.0 / n) q = np.outer(q, q) return np.array( [ [1.0 - q[2, 2] - q[3, 3], q[1, 2] - q[3, 0], q[1, 3] + q[2, 0]], [q[1, 2] + q[3, 0], 1.0 - q[1, 1] - q[3, 3], q[2, 3] - q[1, 0]], [q[1, 3] - q[2, 0], q[2, 3] + q[1, 0], 1.0 - q[1, 1] - q[2, 2]], ] )
Example #9
Source File: From razzy-spinner with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def cluster(self, vectors, assign_clusters=False, trace=False): assert len(vectors) > 0 # normalise the vectors if self._should_normalise: vectors = map(self._normalise, vectors) # use SVD to reduce the dimensionality if self._svd_dimensions and self._svd_dimensions < len(vectors[0]): [u, d, vt] = linalg.svd(numpy.transpose(array(vectors))) S = d[:self._svd_dimensions] * \ numpy.identity(self._svd_dimensions, numpy.Float64) T = u[:,:self._svd_dimensions] Dt = vt[:self._svd_dimensions,:] vectors = numpy.transpose(numpy.matrixmultiply(S, Dt)) self._Tt = numpy.transpose(T) # call abstract method to cluster the vectors self.cluster_vectorspace(vectors, trace) # assign the vectors to clusters if assign_clusters: print self._Tt, vectors return [self.classify(vector) for vector in vectors]
Example #10
Source File: From razzy-spinner with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def cluster(self, vectors, assign_clusters=False, trace=False): assert len(vectors) > 0 # normalise the vectors if self._should_normalise: vectors = list(map(self._normalise, vectors)) # use SVD to reduce the dimensionality if self._svd_dimensions and self._svd_dimensions < len(vectors[0]): [u, d, vt] = numpy.linalg.svd(numpy.transpose(numpy.array(vectors))) S = d[:self._svd_dimensions] * \ numpy.identity(self._svd_dimensions, numpy.float64) T = u[:,:self._svd_dimensions] Dt = vt[:self._svd_dimensions,:] vectors = numpy.transpose(, Dt)) self._Tt = numpy.transpose(T) # call abstract method to cluster the vectors self.cluster_vectorspace(vectors, trace) # assign the vectors to clusters if assign_clusters: return [self.classify(vector) for vector in vectors]
Example #11
Source File: From padasip with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, n, order=5, mu=0.1, eps=0.001, w="random"): self.kind = "AP filter" self.n = self.check_int( n,'The size of filter must be an integer') self.order = self.check_int( order, 'The order of projection must be an integer') = self.check_float_param(mu, 0, 1000, "mu") self.eps = self.check_float_param(eps, 0, 1000, "eps") self.init_weights(w, self.n) self.w_history = False self.x_mem = np.zeros((self.n, self.order)) self.d_mem = np.zeros(order) self.ide_eps = self.eps * np.identity(self.order) self.ide = np.identity(self.order) self.y_mem = False self.e_mem = False
Example #12
Source File: From kvae with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __call__(self, shape, dtype=None, partition_info=None): if dtype is None: dtype = self.dtype if len(shape) == 1: return constant_op.constant(0., dtype=dtype, shape=shape) elif len(shape) == 2 and shape[0] == shape[1]: return constant_op.constant(np.identity(shape[0], dtype)) elif len(shape) == 4 and shape[2] == shape[3]: array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) cx, cy = shape[0]/2, shape[1]/2 for i in range(shape[2]): array[cx, cy, i, i] = 1 return constant_op.constant(array, dtype=dtype) else: constant_op.constant(0., dtype=dtype, shape=shape)
Example #13
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _make_dm123(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs): r'''Note this function does NOT compute the standard density matrix. The density matrices are reordered to match the the fci.rdm.make_dm123 function (used by NEVPT code). The returned "2pdm" is :math:`\langle p^\dagger q r^\dagger s\rangle`; The returned "3pdm" is :math:`\langle p^\dagger q r^\dagger s t^\dagger u\rangle`. ''' onepdm, twopdm, threepdm = self.make_rdm123(state, norb, nelec, None, **kwargs) threepdm = numpy.einsum('mkijln->ijklmn',threepdm).copy() threepdm += numpy.einsum('jk,lm,in->ijklmn',numpy.identity(norb),numpy.identity(norb),onepdm) threepdm += numpy.einsum('jk,miln->ijklmn',numpy.identity(norb),twopdm) threepdm += numpy.einsum('lm,kijn->ijklmn',numpy.identity(norb),twopdm) threepdm += numpy.einsum('jm,kinl->ijklmn',numpy.identity(norb),twopdm) twopdm =(numpy.einsum('iklj->ijkl',twopdm) + numpy.einsum('li,jk->ijkl',onepdm,numpy.identity(norb))) return onepdm, twopdm, threepdm
Example #14
Source File: From pyGSTi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, dim): """ Create a new gauge group with gauge-transform dimension `dim`, which should be the same as `mdl.dim` where `mdl` is a :class:`Model` you might gauge-transform. """ from . import operation as _op # b/c imports gaugegroup ltrans = _np.identity(dim, 'd') rtrans = _np.identity(dim, 'd') baseMx = _np.identity(dim, 'd') parameterArray = _np.zeros(1, 'd') parameterToBaseIndicesMap = {0: [(i, i) for i in range(1, dim)]} gate = _op.LinearlyParamDenseOp(baseMx, parameterArray, parameterToBaseIndicesMap, ltrans, rtrans, real=True) OpGaugeGroup.__init__(self, gate, TPSpamGaugeGroupElement, "TP Spam")
Example #15
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _make_dm123(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs): r'''Note this function does NOT compute the standard density matrix. The density matrices are reordered to match the the fci.rdm.make_dm123 function (used by NEVPT code). The returned "2pdm" is :math:`\langle p^\dagger q r^\dagger s\rangle`; The returned "3pdm" is :math:`\langle p^\dagger q r^\dagger s t^\dagger u\rangle`. ''' onepdm, twopdm, threepdm = self.make_rdm123(state, norb, nelec, None, **kwargs) threepdm = numpy.einsum('mkijln->ijklmn',threepdm).copy() threepdm += numpy.einsum('jk,lm,in->ijklmn',numpy.identity(norb),numpy.identity(norb),onepdm) threepdm += numpy.einsum('jk,miln->ijklmn',numpy.identity(norb),twopdm) threepdm += numpy.einsum('lm,kijn->ijklmn',numpy.identity(norb),twopdm) threepdm += numpy.einsum('jm,kinl->ijklmn',numpy.identity(norb),twopdm) twopdm =(numpy.einsum('iklj->ijkl',twopdm) + numpy.einsum('li,jk->ijkl',onepdm,numpy.identity(norb))) return onepdm, twopdm, threepdm
Example #16
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _test_ea_diag(self,cc): eom = kccsd_ghf.EOMEA(cc) imds = eom.make_imds() nkpts, nocc, nvir = imds.t1.shape diag = kccsd_ghf.eaccsd_diag(eom,0,imds=imds) I = np.identity(diag.shape[0],dtype=complex) indices = np.arange(len(diag)) H = np.zeros((I.shape[0],len(indices)),dtype=complex) for j,idx in enumerate(indices): H[:,j] = kccsd_ghf.eaccsd_matvec(eom,I[:,idx],0,imds=imds) diag_ref = np.zeros(len(indices),dtype=complex) diag_out = np.zeros(len(indices),dtype=complex) for j,idx in enumerate(indices): diag_ref[j] = H[idx,j] diag_out[j] = diag[idx] diff = np.linalg.norm(diag_ref - diag_out) self.assertTrue(abs(diff) < KGCCSD_TEST_THRESHOLD,"Difference in EA diag: {}".format(diff))
Example #17
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _test_ip_diag(self,kmf,kshift=0): cc = kccsd.KUCCSD(kmf) Ecc = cc.kernel()[0] eom = kccsd_uhf.EOMIP(cc) imds = eom.make_imds() t1a,t1b = imds.t1 nkpts, nocc_a, nvir_a = t1a.shape nkpts, nocc_b, nvir_b = t1b.shape nocc = nocc_a + nocc_b diag = kccsd_uhf.ipccsd_diag(eom,kshift,imds=imds) I = np.identity(diag.shape[0],dtype=complex) indices = np.arange(diag.shape[0]) H = np.zeros((I.shape[0],len(indices)),dtype=complex) for j,idx in enumerate(indices): H[:,j] = kccsd_uhf.ipccsd_matvec(eom,I[:,idx],kshift,imds=imds) diag_ref = np.zeros(len(indices),dtype=complex) diag_out = np.zeros(len(indices),dtype=complex) for j,idx in enumerate(indices): diag_ref[j] = H[idx,j] diag_out[j] = diag[idx] diff = np.linalg.norm(diag_ref - diag_out) self.assertTrue(abs(diff) < KGCCSD_TEST_THRESHOLD,"Difference in IP diag: {}".format(diff))
Example #18
Source File: From striatum with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def test_add_action(self): policy = self.policy context1 = {1: [1, 1], 2: [2, 2], 3: [3, 3]} history_id, _ = policy.get_action(context1, 2) new_actions = [Action() for i in range(2)] policy.add_action(new_actions) self.assertEqual(len(new_actions) + len(self.actions), policy._action_storage.count()) policy.reward(history_id, {3: 1}) model = policy._model_storage.get_model() for action in new_actions: self.assertTrue((model['A'][] == np.identity(self.context_dimension)).all()) context2 = {1: [1, 1], 2: [2, 2], 3: [3, 3], 4: [4, 4], 5: [5, 5]} history_id2, recommendations = policy.get_action(context2, 4) self.assertEqual(len(recommendations), 4) policy.reward(history_id2, {new_actions[0].id: 4, new_actions[1].id: 5}) model = policy._model_storage.get_model() for action in new_actions: self.assertFalse((model['A'][] == np.identity(2)).all())
Example #19
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def lowdinPop(mol,coeff,ova,enorb,occ): print '\nLowdin population for LMOs:' nb,nc = coeff.shape s12 = sqrtm(ova) lcoeff = diff = reduce(,(lcoeff.T,lcoeff)) - numpy.identity(nc) print 'diff=',numpy.linalg.norm(diff) pthresh = 0.05 labels = mol.ao_labels(None) nelec = 0.0 for iorb in range(nc): vec = lcoeff[:,iorb]**2 idx = list(numpy.argwhere(vec>pthresh)) print ' iorb=',iorb,' occ=',occ[iorb],' <i|F|i>=',enorb[iorb] for iao in idx: print ' iao=',labels[iao],' pop=',vec[iao] nelec += occ[iorb] print 'nelec=',nelec return 0
Example #20
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def lowdin(s): e, v = numpy.linalg.eigh(s) return, v.T.conj()) #def scdmU(coeff,ova): # aux = numpy.identity(ova.shape[0]) # #aux = lowdin(ova) # no = coeff.shape[1] # ova = reduce(,(coeff.T,ova,aux)) # # ova = no*nb # q,r,piv = scipy.linalg.qr(ova, pivoting=True) # # In fact, it is just "Lowdin-orthonormalized PAO". # bc = ova[:,piv[:no]] # ova =,bc) # s12inv = lowdin(ova) # u =,s12inv) # return u #------------------------------------------------ # Boys/PM-Localization #------------------------------------------------
Example #21
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_cell_n2(L=5, mesh=[9]*3): cell = pbcgto.Cell() cell.unit = 'B' cell.atom.extend([['O', (L/2., L/2., L/2.)], ['H', (L/2.-0.689440, L/2.+0.578509, L/2.)], ['H', (L/2.+0.689440, L/2.-0.578509, L/2.)], ]) cell.a = L * np.identity(3) cell.basis = 'sto-3g' cell.pseudo = 'gth-pade' cell.mesh = mesh cell.output = '/dev/null' return cell
Example #22
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _make_dm123(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs): r"""Note this function does NOT compute the standard density matrix. The density matrices are reordered to match the the fci.rdm.make_dm123 function (used by NEVPT code). The returned "2pdm" is :math:`\langle p^\dagger q r^\dagger s\rangle`; The returned "3pdm" is :math:`\langle p^\dagger q r^\dagger s t^\dagger u\rangle`. """ onepdm, twopdm, threepdm = self.make_rdm123(state, norb, nelec, None, **kwargs) threepdm = numpy.einsum("mkijln->ijklmn", threepdm).copy() threepdm += numpy.einsum("jk,lm,in->ijklmn", numpy.identity(norb), numpy.identity(norb), onepdm) threepdm += numpy.einsum("jk,miln->ijklmn", numpy.identity(norb), twopdm) threepdm += numpy.einsum("lm,kijn->ijklmn", numpy.identity(norb), twopdm) threepdm += numpy.einsum("jm,kinl->ijklmn", numpy.identity(norb), twopdm) twopdm = numpy.einsum("iklj->ijkl", twopdm) + numpy.einsum("li,jk->ijkl", onepdm, numpy.identity(norb)) return onepdm, twopdm, threepdm
Example #23
Source File: From pyGSTi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, dim): """ Create a new gauge group with gauge-transform dimension `dim`, which should be the same as `mdl.dim` where `mdl` is a :class:`Model` you might gauge-transform. """ from . import operation as _op # b/c imports gaugegroup ltrans = _np.identity(dim, 'd') rtrans = _np.identity(dim, 'd') baseMx = _np.identity(dim, 'd') parameterArray = _np.zeros(dim, 'd') parameterToBaseIndicesMap = {i: [(i, i)] for i in range(dim)} gate = _op.LinearlyParamDenseOp(baseMx, parameterArray, parameterToBaseIndicesMap, ltrans, rtrans, real=True) OpGaugeGroup.__init__(self, gate, DiagGaugeGroupElement, "Diagonal")
Example #24
Source File: From pyGSTi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, dim): """ Create a new gauge group with gauge-transform dimension `dim`, which should be the same as `mdl.dim` where `mdl` is a :class:`Model` you might gauge-transform. """ from . import operation as _op # b/c imports gaugegroup ltrans = _np.identity(dim, 'd') rtrans = _np.identity(dim, 'd') baseMx = _np.identity(dim, 'd') parameterArray = _np.zeros(dim - 1, 'd') parameterToBaseIndicesMap = {i: [(i + 1, i + 1)] for i in range(dim - 1)} gate = _op.LinearlyParamDenseOp(baseMx, parameterArray, parameterToBaseIndicesMap, ltrans, rtrans, real=True) OpGaugeGroup.__init__(self, gate, TPDiagGaugeGroupElement, "TP Diagonal")
Example #25
Source File: From chainerrl with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_log_prob(self): sample = self.distrib.sample() sample_log_prob = self.distrib.log_prob(sample) for b in range(self.batch_size): cov = (np.identity(self.ndim, dtype=np.float32) * self.var[b]) desired_pdf = scipy.stats.multivariate_normal( self.mean[b], cov).pdf(sample.array[b]) np.testing.assert_allclose( sample_log_prob.array[b], np.log(desired_pdf), rtol=1e-4)
Example #26
Source File: From chainerrl with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_prob(self): sample = self.distrib.sample() sample_prob = self.distrib.prob(sample) for b in range(self.batch_size): cov = (np.identity(self.ndim, dtype=np.float32) * self.var[b]) desired_pdf = scipy.stats.multivariate_normal( self.mean[b], cov).pdf(sample.array[b]) np.testing.assert_allclose( sample_prob.array[b], desired_pdf, rtol=1e-5)
Example #27
Source File: From me-ica with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, dataspace = 0, xformspace = 0, xform = None): self.dataspace = dataspace self.xformspace = xformspace if xform is None: # create identity matrix self.xform = np.identity(4) else: self.xform = xform
Example #28
Source File: From python-control with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_dare(self): #discrete-time A = np.diag([0.5,2]) B = np.identity(2) Q = np.identity(2) R = np.identity(2) S = 0 * B E = np.identity(2) X, L , G = dare(A, B, Q, R, S, E, stabilizing=True) assert np.all(np.abs(L) < 1) X, L , G = dare(A, B, Q, R, S, E, stabilizing=False) assert np.all(np.abs(L) > 1)
Example #29
Source File: From striatum with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, history_storage, model_storage, action_storage, recommendation_cls=None, context_dimension=128, delta=0.5, R=0.01, epsilon=0.5, random_state=None): super(LinThompSamp, self).__init__(history_storage, model_storage, action_storage, recommendation_cls) self.random_state = get_random_state(random_state) self.context_dimension = context_dimension # 0 < delta < 1 if not isinstance(delta, float): raise ValueError("delta should be float") elif (delta < 0) or (delta >= 1): raise ValueError("delta should be in (0, 1]") else: = delta # R > 0 if not isinstance(R, float): raise ValueError("R should be float") elif R <= 0: raise ValueError("R should be positive") else: self.R = R # pylint: disable=invalid-name # 0 < epsilon < 1 if not isinstance(epsilon, float): raise ValueError("epsilon should be float") elif (epsilon < 0) or (epsilon > 1): raise ValueError("epsilon should be in (0, 1)") else: self.epsilon = epsilon # model initialization B = np.identity(self.context_dimension) # pylint: disable=invalid-name mu_hat = np.zeros(shape=(self.context_dimension, 1)) f = np.zeros(shape=(self.context_dimension, 1)) self._model_storage.save_model({'B': B, 'mu_hat': mu_hat, 'f': f})
Example #30
Source File: From chainerrl with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_entropy(self): entropy = self.distrib.entropy for b in range(self.batch_size): cov = (np.identity(self.ndim, dtype=np.float32) * self.var[b]) desired_entropy = scipy.stats.multivariate_normal( self.mean[b], cov).entropy() np.testing.assert_allclose( entropy.array[b], desired_entropy, rtol=1e-4)