Python ssl.CERT_REQUIRED Examples

The following are 30 code examples of ssl.CERT_REQUIRED(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module ssl , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From jawfish with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate):
    Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to
    the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module.
    Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`.
    If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the
    :mod:`ssl` module or its abbrevation.
    (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`.
    If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric
    constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket.
    if candidate is None:
        return CERT_NONE

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, 'CERT_' + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate 
Example #2
Source File:    From ServerlessCrawler-VancouverRealState with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate):
    Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to
    the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module.
    Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`.
    If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the
    :mod:`ssl` module or its abbrevation.
    (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`.
    If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric
    constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket.
    if candidate is None:
        return CERT_NONE

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, 'CERT_' + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate 
Example #3
Source File:    From ServerlessCrawler-VancouverRealState with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _create_ssl_ctx(self, sslp):
        if isinstance(sslp, ssl.SSLContext):
            return sslp
        ca = sslp.get('ca')
        capath = sslp.get('capath')
        hasnoca = ca is None and capath is None
        ctx = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ca, capath=capath)
        ctx.check_hostname = not hasnoca and sslp.get('check_hostname', True)
        ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE if hasnoca else ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
        if 'cert' in sslp:
            ctx.load_cert_chain(sslp['cert'], keyfile=sslp.get('key'))
        if 'cipher' in sslp:
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        return ctx 
Example #4
Source File:    From with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate):
    Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to
    the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module.
    Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`.
    If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the
    :mod:`ssl` module or its abbrevation.
    (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`.
    If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric
    constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket.
    if candidate is None:
        return CERT_NONE

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, 'CERT_' + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate 
Example #5
Source File:    From vulscan with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate):
    Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to
    the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module.
    Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`.
    If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the
    :mod:`ssl` module or its abbrevation.
    (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`.
    If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric
    constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket.
    if candidate is None:
        return CERT_NONE

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, 'CERT_' + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate 
Example #6
Source File:    From core with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def set_cert(self, key_file=None, cert_file=None,
                 cert_reqs=None, ca_certs=None,
                 assert_hostname=None, assert_fingerprint=None,
        This method should only be called once, before the connection is used.
        # If cert_reqs is not provided, we can try to guess. If the user gave
        # us a cert database, we assume they want to use it: otherwise, if
        # they gave us an SSL Context object we should use whatever is set for
        # it.
        if cert_reqs is None:
            if ca_certs or ca_cert_dir:
                cert_reqs = 'CERT_REQUIRED'
            elif self.ssl_context is not None:
                cert_reqs = self.ssl_context.verify_mode

        self.key_file = key_file
        self.cert_file = cert_file
        self.cert_reqs = cert_reqs
        self.assert_hostname = assert_hostname
        self.assert_fingerprint = assert_fingerprint
        self.ca_certs = ca_certs and os.path.expanduser(ca_certs)
        self.ca_cert_dir = ca_cert_dir and os.path.expanduser(ca_cert_dir) 
Example #7
Source File:    From misp42splunk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def urlopen(url, data=None, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, **_3to2kwargs):
    if 'cadefault' in _3to2kwargs: cadefault = _3to2kwargs['cadefault']; del _3to2kwargs['cadefault']
    else: cadefault = False
    if 'capath' in _3to2kwargs: capath = _3to2kwargs['capath']; del _3to2kwargs['capath']
    else: capath = None
    if 'cafile' in _3to2kwargs: cafile = _3to2kwargs['cafile']; del _3to2kwargs['cafile']
    else: cafile = None
    global _opener
    if cafile or capath or cadefault:
        if not _have_ssl:
            raise ValueError('SSL support not available')
        context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
        context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
        if cafile or capath:
            context.load_verify_locations(cafile, capath)
        https_handler = HTTPSHandler(context=context, check_hostname=True)
        opener = build_opener(https_handler)
    elif _opener is None:
        _opener = opener = build_opener()
        opener = _opener
    return, data, timeout) 
Example #8
Source File:    From core with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate):
    Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to
    the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module.
    Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`.
    If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the
    :mod:`ssl` module or its abbrevation.
    (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`.
    If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric
    constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket.
    if candidate is None:
        return CERT_NONE

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, 'CERT_' + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate 
Example #9
Source File:    From misp42splunk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate):
    Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to
    the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module.
    Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`.
    If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the
    :mod:`ssl` module or its abbreviation.
    (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`.
    If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric
    constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket.
    if candidate is None:
        return CERT_REQUIRED

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, "CERT_" + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate 
Example #10
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate):
    Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to
    the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module.
    Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`.
    If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the
    :mod:`ssl` module or its abbrevation.
    (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`.
    If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric
    constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket.
    if candidate is None:
        return CERT_NONE

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, 'CERT_' + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate 
Example #11
Source File:    From Pyro5 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def testContextAndSock(self):
        cert_dir = "../../certs"
        if not os.path.isdir(cert_dir):
            cert_dir = "../certs"
            if not os.path.isdir(cert_dir):
                cert_dir = "./certs"
                if not os.path.isdir(cert_dir):
                    raise IOError("cannot locate test certs directory")
            config.SSL = True
            config.SSL_REQUIRECLIENTCERT = True
            server_ctx = socketutil.get_ssl_context(cert_dir+"/server_cert.pem", cert_dir+"/server_key.pem")
            client_ctx = socketutil.get_ssl_context(clientcert=cert_dir+"/client_cert.pem", clientkey=cert_dir+"/client_key.pem")
            assert server_ctx.verify_mode == ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
            assert client_ctx.verify_mode == ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
            assert client_ctx.check_hostname
            sock = socketutil.create_socket(sslContext=server_ctx)
                assert hasattr(sock, "getpeercert")
            config.SSL = False 
Example #12
Source File:    From ServerlessCrawler-VancouverRealState with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate):
    Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to
    the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module.
    Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`.
    If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the
    :mod:`ssl` module or its abbrevation.
    (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`.
    If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric
    constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket.
    if candidate is None:
        return CERT_NONE

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, 'CERT_' + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate 
Example #13
Source File:    From misp42splunk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate):
    Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to
    the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module.
    Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`.
    If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the
    :mod:`ssl` module or its abbreviation.
    (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`.
    If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric
    constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket.
    if candidate is None:
        return CERT_REQUIRED

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, "CERT_" + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate 
Example #14
Source File:    From ServerlessCrawler-VancouverRealState with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def set_cert(self, key_file=None, cert_file=None,
                 cert_reqs=None, ca_certs=None,
                 assert_hostname=None, assert_fingerprint=None,
        This method should only be called once, before the connection is used.
        # If cert_reqs is not provided, we can try to guess. If the user gave
        # us a cert database, we assume they want to use it: otherwise, if
        # they gave us an SSL Context object we should use whatever is set for
        # it.
        if cert_reqs is None:
            if ca_certs or ca_cert_dir:
                cert_reqs = 'CERT_REQUIRED'
            elif self.ssl_context is not None:
                cert_reqs = self.ssl_context.verify_mode

        self.key_file = key_file
        self.cert_file = cert_file
        self.cert_reqs = cert_reqs
        self.assert_hostname = assert_hostname
        self.assert_fingerprint = assert_fingerprint
        self.ca_certs = ca_certs and os.path.expanduser(ca_certs)
        self.ca_cert_dir = ca_cert_dir and os.path.expanduser(ca_cert_dir) 
Example #15
Source File:    From NEIE-Assistant with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate):
    Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to
    the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module.
    Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`.
    If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the
    :mod:`ssl` module or its abbrevation.
    (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`.
    If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric
    constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket.
    if candidate is None:
        return CERT_NONE

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, 'CERT_' + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate 
Example #16
Source File:    From gist-alfred with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def set_cert(self, key_file=None, cert_file=None,
                 cert_reqs=None, ca_certs=None,
                 assert_hostname=None, assert_fingerprint=None,
        This method should only be called once, before the connection is used.
        # If cert_reqs is not provided, we can try to guess. If the user gave
        # us a cert database, we assume they want to use it: otherwise, if
        # they gave us an SSL Context object we should use whatever is set for
        # it.
        if cert_reqs is None:
            if ca_certs or ca_cert_dir:
                cert_reqs = 'CERT_REQUIRED'
            elif self.ssl_context is not None:
                cert_reqs = self.ssl_context.verify_mode

        self.key_file = key_file
        self.cert_file = cert_file
        self.cert_reqs = cert_reqs
        self.assert_hostname = assert_hostname
        self.assert_fingerprint = assert_fingerprint
        self.ca_certs = ca_certs and os.path.expanduser(ca_certs)
        self.ca_cert_dir = ca_cert_dir and os.path.expanduser(ca_cert_dir) 
Example #17
Source File:    From gist-alfred with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate):
    Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to
    the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module.
    Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`.
    If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the
    :mod:`ssl` module or its abbreviation.
    (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`.
    If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric
    constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket.
    if candidate is None:
        return CERT_NONE

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, 'CERT_' + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate 
Example #18
Source File:    From NEIE-Assistant with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def set_cert(self, key_file=None, cert_file=None,
                 cert_reqs=None, ca_certs=None,
                 assert_hostname=None, assert_fingerprint=None,
        This method should only be called once, before the connection is used.
        # If cert_reqs is not provided, we can try to guess. If the user gave
        # us a cert database, we assume they want to use it: otherwise, if
        # they gave us an SSL Context object we should use whatever is set for
        # it.
        if cert_reqs is None:
            if ca_certs or ca_cert_dir:
                cert_reqs = 'CERT_REQUIRED'
            elif self.ssl_context is not None:
                cert_reqs = self.ssl_context.verify_mode

        self.key_file = key_file
        self.cert_file = cert_file
        self.cert_reqs = cert_reqs
        self.assert_hostname = assert_hostname
        self.assert_fingerprint = assert_fingerprint
        self.ca_certs = ca_certs and os.path.expanduser(ca_certs)
        self.ca_cert_dir = ca_cert_dir and os.path.expanduser(ca_cert_dir) 
Example #19
Source File:    From jbox with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate):
    Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to
    the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module.
    Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`.
    If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the
    :mod:`ssl` module or its abbrevation.
    (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`.
    If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric
    constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket.
    if candidate is None:
        return CERT_NONE

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, 'CERT_' + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate 
Example #20
Source File:    From verge3d-blender-addon with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def urlopen(url, data=None, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, **_3to2kwargs):
    if 'cadefault' in _3to2kwargs: cadefault = _3to2kwargs['cadefault']; del _3to2kwargs['cadefault']
    else: cadefault = False
    if 'capath' in _3to2kwargs: capath = _3to2kwargs['capath']; del _3to2kwargs['capath']
    else: capath = None
    if 'cafile' in _3to2kwargs: cafile = _3to2kwargs['cafile']; del _3to2kwargs['cafile']
    else: cafile = None
    global _opener
    if cafile or capath or cadefault:
        if not _have_ssl:
            raise ValueError('SSL support not available')
        context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
        context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
        if cafile or capath:
            context.load_verify_locations(cafile, capath)
        https_handler = HTTPSHandler(context=context, check_hostname=True)
        opener = build_opener(https_handler)
    elif _opener is None:
        _opener = opener = build_opener()
        opener = _opener
    return, data, timeout) 
Example #21
Source File:    From jbox with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate):
    Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to
    the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module.
    Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`.
    If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the
    :mod:`ssl` module or its abbrevation.
    (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`.
    If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric
    constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket.
    if candidate is None:
        return CERT_NONE

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, 'CERT_' + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate 
Example #22
Source File:    From ServerlessCrawler-VancouverRealState with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate):
    Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to
    the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module.
    Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`.
    If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the
    :mod:`ssl` module or its abbrevation.
    (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`.
    If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric
    constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket.
    if candidate is None:
        return CERT_NONE

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, 'CERT_' + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate 
Example #23
Source File:    From ServerlessCrawler-VancouverRealState with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def verify_mode(self, value):
        self._verify = True if value == ssl.CERT_REQUIRED else False 
Example #24
Source File:    From RouterOS-api with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_socket(hostname, port, use_ssl=False, ssl_verify=True, ssl_verify_hostname=True, ssl_context=None, timeout=15.0):
    api_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    while True:
            api_socket.connect((hostname, port))
        except socket.error as e:
            if e.args[0] != EINTR:
                raise exceptions.RouterOsApiConnectionError(e)
    set_keepalive(api_socket, after_idle_sec=10)
    # A provided ssl_context overrides any options
    if ssl_context is None and use_ssl:
        ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context()
        if ssl_verify:
            ssl_context.check_hostname = ssl_verify_hostname
            ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
            ssl_context.check_hostname = False
            ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
    if ssl_context is not None:
        api_socket = ssl_context.wrap_socket(api_socket,server_hostname=hostname)
    return SocketWrapper(api_socket)

Example #25
Source File:    From ServerlessCrawler-VancouverRealState with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def verify_mode(self):
        return ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if self._verify else ssl.CERT_NONE 
Example #26
Source File:    From ServerlessCrawler-VancouverRealState with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def verify_mode(self, value):
        self._verify = True if value == ssl.CERT_REQUIRED else False 
Example #27
Source File:    From ServerlessCrawler-VancouverRealState with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def verify_mode(self):
        return ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if self._verify else ssl.CERT_NONE 
Example #28
Source File:    From jbox with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def connect(self):
        sock = socket.create_connection((, self.port), self.timeout)
        if getattr(self, '_tunnel_host', False):
            self.sock = sock

        if not hasattr(ssl, 'SSLContext'):
            # For 2.x
            if self.ca_certs:
                cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
                cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_NONE
            self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file,
            context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
            context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
            if self.cert_file:
                context.load_cert_chain(self.cert_file, self.key_file)
            kwargs = {}
            if self.ca_certs:
                context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
                if getattr(ssl, 'HAS_SNI', False):
                    kwargs['server_hostname'] =
            self.sock = context.wrap_socket(sock, **kwargs)
        if self.ca_certs and self.check_domain:
                logger.debug('Host verified: %s',
            except CertificateError:
Example #29
Source File:    From python-mysql-pool with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def switch_to_ssl(self, ca, cert, key, verify_cert=False, cipher=None):
        """Switch the socket to use SSL"""
        if not self.sock:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(errno=2048)

            if verify_cert:
                cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
                cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_NONE

            self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(
                self.sock, keyfile=key, certfile=cert, ca_certs=ca,
                cert_reqs=cert_reqs, do_handshake_on_connect=False,
                ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, ciphers=cipher)
        except NameError:
            raise errors.NotSupportedError(
                "Python installation has no SSL support")
        except (ssl.SSLError, IOError) as err:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                errno=2055, values=(self.get_address(), _strioerror(err)))
        except NotImplementedError as err:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(str(err))

# pylint: enable=C0103 
Example #30
Source File:    From butian-src-domains with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_cert_info_by_ip(self, ip):
        s = socket.socket()
        cert_path = SUBS_DIR + '/cacert.pem'
        connect = ssl.wrap_socket(s, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, ca_certs=cert_path)
        connect.connect((ip, 443))
        cert_data = connect.getpeercert().get('subjectAltName')
        return cert_data