Python inspect.ismethod() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of inspect.ismethod(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module inspect , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From pypika with Apache License 2.0 7 votes vote down vote up
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any:
        Delegate method calls to the class wrapped by Not().
        Re-wrap methods on child classes of Term (e.g. isin, eg...) to retain 'NOT <term>' output.
        item_func = getattr(self.term, name)

        if not inspect.ismethod(item_func):
            return item_func

        def inner(inner_self, *args, **kwargs):
            result = item_func(inner_self, *args, **kwargs)
            if isinstance(result, (Term,)):
                return Not(result)
            return result

        return inner 
Example #2
Source File:    From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def check_all_models(app_configs=None, **kwargs):
    errors = []
    for model in apps.get_models():
        if app_configs is None or model._meta.app_config in app_configs:
            if not inspect.ismethod(model.check):
                        "The '%s.check()' class method is "
                        "currently overridden by %r." % (
                            model.__name__, model.check),
    return errors 
Example #3
Source File:    From filesystem_spec with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def mirror_sync_methods(obj):
    """Populate sync and async methods for obj

    For each method will create a sync version if the name refers to an async method
    (coroutine) and there is no override in the child class; will create an async
    method for the corresponding sync method if there is no implementation.

    Uses the methods specified in
    - async_methods: the set that an implementation is expected to provide
    - default_async_methods: that can be derived from their sync version in
    - AsyncFileSystem: async-specific default implementations
    from fsspec import AbstractFileSystem

    for method in async_methods + default_async_methods + dir(AsyncFileSystem):
        smethod = method[1:]
        if private.match(method):
            if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(getattr(obj, method, None)) and getattr(
                obj, smethod, False
            ).__func__ is getattr(AbstractFileSystem, smethod):
                setattr(obj, smethod, sync_wrapper(getattr(obj, method), obj=obj))
            elif hasattr(obj, smethod) and inspect.ismethod(getattr(obj, smethod)):
                setattr(obj, method, async_wrapper(getattr(obj, smethod))) 
Example #4
Source File:    From misp42splunk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def collect_options(mcs, bases, attrs):
        Collects options from the current class and its parent classes.

        :returns: a dictionary of options
        options = {}
        # options from parent classes:
        for base in reversed(bases):
            if hasattr(base, '_options'):
                for key, value in inspect.getmembers(base._options):
                    if not key.startswith('_') and value is not None:
                        options[key] = value

        # options from the current class:
        if 'Options' in attrs:
            for key, value in inspect.getmembers(attrs['Options']):
                if not key.startswith('_') and value is not None:
                    # HACK HACK HACK
                    if inspect.ismethod(value) and value.im_self is None:
                        value = value.im_func
                    options[key] = value
        return options 
Example #5
Source File:    From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def addWidget(self, w, name=None, scale=None):
        if not self.acceptsType(w):
            raise Exception("Widget type %s not supported by WidgetGroup" % type(w))
        if name is None:
            name = str(w.objectName())
        if name == '':
            raise Exception("Cannot add widget '%s' without a name." % str(w))
        self.widgetList[w] = name
        self.scales[w] = scale
        if type(w) in WidgetGroup.classes:
            signal = WidgetGroup.classes[type(w)][0]
            signal = w.widgetGroupInterface()[0]
        if signal is not None:
            if inspect.isfunction(signal) or inspect.ismethod(signal):
                signal = signal(w)
            self.uncachedWidgets[w] = None 
Example #6
Source File:    From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def readWidget(self, w):
        if type(w) in WidgetGroup.classes:
            getFunc = WidgetGroup.classes[type(w)][1]
            getFunc = w.widgetGroupInterface()[1]
        if getFunc is None:
            return None
        ## if the getter function provided in the interface is a bound method,
        ## then just call the method directly. Otherwise, pass in the widget as the first arg
        ## to the function.
        if inspect.ismethod(getFunc) and getFunc.__self__ is not None:  
            val = getFunc()
            val = getFunc(w)
        if self.scales[w] is not None:
            val /= self.scales[w]
        #if isinstance(val, QtCore.QString):
            #val = str(val)
        n = self.widgetList[w]
        self.cache[n] = val
        return val 
Example #7
Source File:    From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def setWidget(self, w, v):
        v1 = v
        if self.scales[w] is not None:
            v *= self.scales[w]
        if type(w) in WidgetGroup.classes:
            setFunc = WidgetGroup.classes[type(w)][2]
            setFunc = w.widgetGroupInterface()[2]
        ## if the setter function provided in the interface is a bound method,
        ## then just call the method directly. Otherwise, pass in the widget as the first arg
        ## to the function.
        if inspect.ismethod(setFunc) and setFunc.__self__ is not None:  
            setFunc(w, v)
        #name = self.widgetList[w]
        #if name in self.cache and (self.cache[name] != v1):
            #print "%s: Cached value %s != set value %s" % (name, str(self.cache[name]), str(v1)) 
Example #8
Source File:    From recipes-py with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _get_name_of_callable(cls, c):
    if inspect.ismethod(c):
      return c.im_class.__name__+'.'+c.__name__
    if inspect.isfunction(c):
      if c.__name__ == (lambda: None).__name__:
        filename = c.func_code.co_filename
        cls._ensure_file_in_cache(filename, c)
        definitions = cls._LAMBDA_CACHE[filename][c.func_code.co_firstlineno]
        assert definitions
        # If there's multiple definitions at the same line, there's not enough
        # information to distinguish which lambda c refers to, so just let
        # python's generic lambda name be used
        if len(definitions) == 1:
          return astunparse.unparse(definitions[0]).strip()
      return c.__name__
    if hasattr(c, '__call__'):
      return c.__class__.__name__+'.__call__'
    return repr(c) 
Example #9
Source File:    From loaner with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
    """Validates required attributes for Action subclasses."""
    if not isinstance(getattr(self, 'ACTION_NAME', None), basestring):
      raise AttributeError(_NO_ACTION_NAME_MSG % self.__class__.__name__)
    if not isinstance(getattr(self, 'FRIENDLY_NAME', None), basestring):
      raise AttributeError(_NO_FRIENDLY_NAME_MSG % self.__class__.__name__)
      if not inspect.ismethod(super(BaseAction, self).__getattribute__('run')):
        raise AttributeError()
    except AttributeError:
      raise AttributeError(_NO_RUN_METHOD_MSG % self.__class__.__name__)
    self.action_type = getattr(self, 'ACTION_TYPE', ActionType.ASYNC)
    if self.action_type not in (ActionType.SYNC, ActionType.ASYNC):
      raise AttributeError(
          _BAD_ACTION_TYPE_MSG %
          (self.__class__.__name__, str(self.action_type))) 
Example #10
Source File:    From tekore with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_all_endpoints_have_scope_attributes(self, client):
        # Skip paging calls and options
        skips = {
        for name, method in getmembers(client, predicate=ismethod):
            if name.startswith('_') or name in skips:
            assert isinstance(method.scope, Scope)
            assert isinstance(method.required_scope, Scope)
            assert isinstance(method.optional_scope, Scope)
            assert method.scope == method.required_scope + method.optional_scope 
Example #11
Source File:    From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _get_queryset_methods(cls, queryset_class):
        def create_method(name, method):
            def manager_method(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
            manager_method.__name__ = method.__name__
            manager_method.__doc__ = method.__doc__
            return manager_method

        new_methods = {}
        # Refs
        predicate = inspect.isfunction if six.PY3 else inspect.ismethod
        for name, method in inspect.getmembers(queryset_class, predicate=predicate):
            # Only copy missing methods.
            if hasattr(cls, name):
            # Only copy public methods or methods with the attribute `queryset_only=False`.
            queryset_only = getattr(method, 'queryset_only', None)
            if queryset_only or (queryset_only is None and name.startswith('_')):
            # Copy the method onto the manager.
            new_methods[name] = create_method(name, method)
        return new_methods 
Example #12
Source File:    From python-netsurv with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _get_xunit_setup_teardown(holder, attr_name, param_obj=None):
    Return a callable to perform xunit-style setup or teardown if
    the function exists in the ``holder`` object.
    The ``param_obj`` parameter is the parameter which will be passed to the function
    when the callable is called without arguments, defaults to the ``holder`` object.
    Return ``None`` if a suitable callable is not found.
    # TODO: only needed because of Package!
    param_obj = param_obj if param_obj is not None else holder
    result = _get_non_fixture_func(holder, attr_name)
    if result is not None:
        arg_count = result.__code__.co_argcount
        if inspect.ismethod(result):
            arg_count -= 1
        if arg_count:
            return lambda: result(param_obj)
            return result 
Example #13
Source File:    From browserscope with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def is_generator_function(obj):
  """Return true if the object is a user-defined generator function.

  Generator function objects provides same attributes as functions.
  See isfunction.__doc__ for attributes listing.

  Adapted from Python 2.6.

    obj: an object to test.

    true if the object is generator function.
  return bool(((inspect.isfunction(obj) or inspect.ismethod(obj)) and
               obj.func_code.co_flags & CO_GENERATOR)) 
Example #14
Source File:    From browserscope with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def is_generator(obj):
  """Return true if the object is generator or generator function.

  Generator function objects provides same attributes as functions.
  See isfunction.__doc__ for attributes listing.

  Adapted from Python 2.6.

    obj: an object to test.

    true if the object is generator function.
  if isinstance(obj, types.GeneratorType):
    return True

  return bool(((inspect.isfunction(obj) or inspect.ismethod(obj)) and
               obj.func_code.co_flags & CO_GENERATOR)) 
Example #15
Source File:    From python-netsurv with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _get_xunit_setup_teardown(holder, attr_name, param_obj=None):
    Return a callable to perform xunit-style setup or teardown if
    the function exists in the ``holder`` object.
    The ``param_obj`` parameter is the parameter which will be passed to the function
    when the callable is called without arguments, defaults to the ``holder`` object.
    Return ``None`` if a suitable callable is not found.
    # TODO: only needed because of Package!
    param_obj = param_obj if param_obj is not None else holder
    result = _get_non_fixture_func(holder, attr_name)
    if result is not None:
        arg_count = result.__code__.co_argcount
        if inspect.ismethod(result):
            arg_count -= 1
        if arg_count:
            return lambda: result(param_obj)
            return result 
Example #16
Source File:    From wuy with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, log=True):
        global isLog
        isLog = log

        self._name = self.__class__.__name__

        self._routes = {
            n: v
            for n, v in inspect.getmembers(self, inspect.ismethod)
            if not v.__func__.__qualname__.startswith(("Base.", "Window.", "Server."))
            dict(set=self.set, get=self.get)
        )  # add get/set config methods
        if "init" in self._routes:
            del self._routes[
            ]  # ensure that a server-side init() is not exposed on client-side
        self._clients = [] 
Example #17
Source File:    From terraform-templates with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            self.pan_device = kwargs.pop('pan_device', None)
            pan.xapi.PanXapi.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
            pred = lambda x: inspect.ismethod(x) or inspect.isfunction(x) # inspect.ismethod needed for Python2, inspect.isfunction needed for Python3
            for name, method in inspect.getmembers(
                # Ignore hidden methods
                if name[0] == "_":
                # Ignore non-api methods
                if name in ('xml_result', 'xml_root', 'cmd_xml'):

                # Wrapper method.  This is used to create
                # methods in this class that match the methods in the
                # super class, and call the super class methods inside
                # a try/except block, which allows us to check and
                # analyze the exceptions and convert them to more
                # useful exceptions than generic PanXapiErrors.
                wrapper_method = PanDevice.XapiWrapper.make_method(name, method)

                # Create method matching each public method of the base class
                setattr(PanDevice.XapiWrapper, name, wrapper_method) 
Example #18
Source File:    From browserscope with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def try_serialize_handler(handler):
  """Try to serialize map/reduce handler.

    handler: handler function/instance. Handler can be a function or an
      instance of a callable class. In the latter case, the handler will
      be serialized across slices to allow users to save states.

    serialized handler string or None.
  if (isinstance(handler, types.InstanceType) or  # old style class
      (isinstance(handler, object) and  # new style class
       not inspect.isfunction(handler) and
       not inspect.ismethod(handler)) and
      hasattr(handler, "__call__")):
    return pickle.dumps(handler)
  return None 
Example #19
Source File:    From with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def convert(self, ctx, argument):
        arg = argument.replace('0x', '').lower()

        if arg[0] == '#':
            arg = arg[1:]
            value = int(arg, base=16)
            if not (0 <= value <= 0xFFFFFF):
                raise BadArgument('Colour "{}" is invalid.'.format(arg))
            return discord.Colour(value=value)
        except ValueError:
            arg = arg.replace(' ', '_')
            method = getattr(discord.Colour, arg, None)
            if arg.startswith('from_') or method is None or not inspect.ismethod(method):
                raise BadArgument('Colour "{}" is invalid.'.format(arg))
            return method() 
Example #20
Source File:    From python-netsurv with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _get_parameters(function):
    # pylint: disable=deprecated-method
    if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
        # We need to match "getargspec()", which includes "self" as the first
        # value for methods.
        if inspect.ismethod(function):
            function = function.__func__

        return list(inspect.signature(function).parameters)
        return inspect.getargspec(function)[0] 
Example #21
Source File:    From cli with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def do_help(self, arg):
        methods = inspect.getmembers(CodeShell, predicate=inspect.ismethod)
        for key, method in methods:
            if key.startswith('do_'):
                name = key.split('_')[1]
                doc = method.__doc__
                if (not arg or arg == name) and doc:
                    print name, '\t', doc
        print """
A tag can refer to a topic (e.g. array) or a company (e.g. amazon).
A keyword can be anything (including a tag).
Commands and options can be completed by <TAB>.""" 
Example #22
Source File:    From kylinpy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def invoke_command(self, command, **kwargs):
        fn = getattr(self, str(command), None)
        if (
            fn is None
            or not inspect.ismethod(fn)
            or fn.__name__ not in self.support_invoke_command
            raise KylinModelError('Unsupported invoke command for datasource: {}'.format(command))

        eager_args = [arg for arg in inspect.getargspec(fn).args if arg != 'self']
        args = {key: kwargs[key] for key in kwargs.keys() if key in eager_args}
        return fn(**args) 
Example #23
Source File:    From python-netsurv with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _call_with_optional_argument(func, arg):
    """Call the given function with the given argument if func accepts one argument, otherwise
    calls func without arguments"""
    arg_count = func.__code__.co_argcount
    if inspect.ismethod(func):
        arg_count -= 1
    if arg_count:
Example #24
Source File:    From python-netsurv with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _get_parameters(function):
    # pylint: disable=deprecated-method
    if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
        # We need to match "getargspec()", which includes "self" as the first
        # value for methods.
        if inspect.ismethod(function):
            function = function.__func__

        return list(inspect.signature(function).parameters)
        return inspect.getargspec(function)[0] 
Example #25
Source File:    From python-netsurv with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _call_with_optional_argument(func, arg):
    """Call the given function with the given argument if func accepts one argument, otherwise
    calls func without arguments"""
    arg_count = func.__code__.co_argcount
    if inspect.ismethod(func):
        arg_count -= 1
    if arg_count:
Example #26
Source File:    From jbox with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_callable_argspec(fn, no_self=False, _is_init=False):
    """Return the argument signature for any callable.

    All pure-Python callables are accepted, including
    functions, methods, classes, objects with __call__;
    builtins and other edge cases like functools.partial() objects
    raise a TypeError.

    if inspect.isbuiltin(fn):
        raise TypeError("Can't inspect builtin: %s" % fn)
    elif inspect.isfunction(fn):
        if _is_init and no_self:
            spec = compat.inspect_getargspec(fn)
            return compat.ArgSpec(spec.args[1:], spec.varargs,
                                  spec.keywords, spec.defaults)
            return compat.inspect_getargspec(fn)
    elif inspect.ismethod(fn):
        if no_self and (_is_init or fn.__self__):
            spec = compat.inspect_getargspec(fn.__func__)
            return compat.ArgSpec(spec.args[1:], spec.varargs,
                                  spec.keywords, spec.defaults)
            return compat.inspect_getargspec(fn.__func__)
    elif inspect.isclass(fn):
        return get_callable_argspec(
            fn.__init__, no_self=no_self, _is_init=True)
    elif hasattr(fn, '__func__'):
        return compat.inspect_getargspec(fn.__func__)
    elif hasattr(fn, '__call__'):
        if inspect.ismethod(fn.__call__):
            return get_callable_argspec(fn.__call__, no_self=no_self)
            raise TypeError("Can't inspect callable: %s" % fn)
        raise TypeError("Can't inspect callable: %s" % fn) 
Example #27
Source File:    From typhon with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def read(self, filename, **kwargs):
        """Open a file by its name, read its content and return it

            This is the base class method that does nothing per default.

            filename: A string containing path and name or a :class:`FileInfo`
                object of the file from which to read.
            **kwargs: Additional key word arguments.

            An object containing the file's content (e.g. numpy array, etc.).
        if self.reader is not None:
            # Some functions do not accept additional key word arguments (via
            # kwargs). And if they are methods, they accept an additional
            # "self" or "class" parameter.
            number_args = 1 + int(ismethod(self.reader))
            if len(signature(self.reader).parameters) > number_args:
                return self.reader(filename, **kwargs)
                return self.reader(filename)

        raise NotImplementedError(
            "This file handler does not support reading data from a file. You "
            "should use a different file handler.") 
Example #28
Source File:    From typhon with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_info(self, filename, **kwargs):
        """Return a :class:`FileInfo` object with parameters about the
        file content.

            This is the base class method that does nothing per default.

            filename: A string containing path and name or a :class:`FileInfo`
                object of the file of which to get the information about.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.

            A :class:`FileInfo` object.
        if is not None:
            # Some functions do not accept additional key word arguments (via
            # kwargs). And if they are methods, they accept an additional
            # "self" or "class" parameter.
            number_args = 1 + int(ismethod(
            if len(signature( > number_args:
                return, **kwargs)

        raise NotImplementedError(
            "This file handler does not support reading data from a file. You "
            "should use a different file handler.") 
Example #29
Source File:    From ec2-api with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _run_cleanups(self, cleanups):
        for function, args, kwargs in reversed(cleanups):
                function(*args, **kwargs)
            except Exception:
                if inspect.ismethod(function):
                    if six.PY2:
                        cmodule = function.im_class.__module__
                        cname = function.im_class.__name__
                        cmodule = function.__self__.__class__.__module__
                        cname = function.__self__.__class__.__name__
                    name = '%s.%s.%s' % (cmodule, cname, function.__name__)
                elif inspect.isfunction(function):
                    name = '%s.%s' % (function.__module__, function.__name__)
                    name = '%s.%s' % (function.__class__.__module__,
                formatted_args = ''
                args_string = ', '.join([repr(arg) for arg in args])
                kwargs_string = ', '.join([
                    '%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in kwargs.items()
                if args_string:
                    formatted_args = args_string
                if kwargs_string:
                    if formatted_args:
                        formatted_args += ', '
                    formatted_args += kwargs_string
                    'Error cleaning up %(name)s(%(args)s)' %
                    {'name': name, 'args': formatted_args},
Example #30
Source File:    From browserscope with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, method):
    """Creates a checker.

      # method: A method to check.
      method: function

      ValueError: method could not be inspected, so checks aren't possible.
        Some methods and functions like built-ins can't be inspected.
      self._args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(method)
    except TypeError:
      raise ValueError('Could not get argument specification for %r'
                       % (method,))
    if inspect.ismethod(method):
      self._args = self._args[1:]  # Skip 'self'.
    self._method = method

    self._has_varargs = varargs is not None
    self._has_varkw = varkw is not None
    if defaults is None:
      self._required_args = self._args
      self._default_args = []
      self._required_args = self._args[:-len(defaults)]
      self._default_args = self._args[-len(defaults):]