Python psycopg2.__version__() Examples
The following are 21
code examples of psycopg2.__version__().
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Example #1
Source File: From addons-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def check6_bsddb3(self): '''bsddb3 - Python Bindings for Oracle Berkeley DB requires Berkeley DB PY_BSDDB3_VER_MIN = (6, 0, 1) # 6.x series at least ''' self.append_text("\n") # Start check try: import bsddb3 as bsddb bsddb_str = bsddb.__version__ # Python adaptation layer # Underlying DB library bsddb_db_str = str(bsddb.db.version()).replace(', ', '.')\ .replace('(', '').replace(')', '') except ImportError: bsddb_str = 'not found' bsddb_db_str = 'not found' result = ("* Berkeley Database library (bsddb3: " + bsddb_db_str + ") (Python-bsddb3 : " + bsddb_str + ")") # End check self.append_text(result)
Example #2
Source File: From addons-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def check_fontconfig(self): ''' The python-fontconfig library is used to support the Genealogical Symbols tab of the Preferences. Without it Genealogical Symbols don't work ''' try: import fontconfig vers = fontconfig.__version__ if vers.startswith("0.5."): result = ("* python-fontconfig " + vers + " (Success version 0.5.x is installed.)") else: result = ("* python-fontconfig " + vers + " (Requires version 0.5.x)") except ImportError: result = "* python-fontconfig Not found, (Requires version 0.5.x)" # End check self.append_text(result) #Optional
Example #3
Source File: From addons-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def check23_pedigreechart(self): '''PedigreeChart - Can optionally use - NumPy if installed ''' self.append_text("\n") self.render_text("""<b>03. <a href="""" """/index.php?title=PedigreeChart">""" """Addon:PedigreeChart</a> :</b> """) # Start check try: import numpy numpy_ver = str(numpy.__version__) #print("numpy.__version__ :" + numpy_ver ) # NUMPY_check = True except ImportError: numpy_ver = "Not found" # NUMPY_check = False result = "(NumPy : " + numpy_ver + " )" # End check self.append_text(result) #self.append_text("\n")
Example #4
Source File: From ldap2pg with PostgreSQL License | 6 votes |
def __call__(self, parser, *a): version = ( "%(package)s %(version)s\n" "psycopg2 %(psycopg2version)s\n" "python-ldap %(ldapversion)s\n" "Python %(pyversion)s\n" ) % dict( package=__package__, version=__version__, psycopg2version=psycopg2.__version__, pyversion=sys.version, ldapversion=ldap.__version__, ) print(version.strip()) parser.exit()
Example #5
Source File: From temboard with PostgreSQL License | 6 votes |
def inspect_versions(): from alembic import __version__ as alembic_version from psycopg2 import __version__ as psycopg2_version from tornado import version as tornado_version from sqlalchemy import __version__ as sqlalchemy_version with open('/etc/os-release') as fo: distinfos = parse_lsb_release(fo) return dict( temboard=__version__, alembic=alembic_version, psycopg2=psycopg2_version, python=python_version(), pythonbin=sys.executable, tornado=tornado_version, sqlalchemy=sqlalchemy_version, distname=distinfos['NAME'], distversion=distinfos['VERSION'], )
Example #6
Source File: From scrapydweb with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def setup_mysql(username, password, host, port): """ ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'MySQLdb' pip install mysqlclient Python 2: pip install mysqlclient -> MySQLdb/_mysql.c(29) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'mysql.h': No such file or directory pip install "path to the downloaded mysqlclient.whl file" """ require_version = '0.9.3' # Dec 18, 2018 install_command = "pip install --upgrade pymysql" try: import pymysql assert pymysql.__version__ >= require_version, install_command except (ImportError, AssertionError): sys.exit("Run command: %s" % install_command) else: # Run scrapydweb: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'MySQLdb' pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() conn = pymysql.connect(host=host, port=int(port), user=username, password=password, charset='utf8', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cur = conn.cursor() for dbname in DBS: if SCRAPYDWEB_TESTMODE: drop_database(cur, dbname) # pymysql.err.ProgrammingError: (1007, "Can't create database 'scrapydweb_apscheduler'; database exists") # cur.execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS %s CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci'" % dbname) try: cur.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci'" % dbname) except Exception as err: if 'exists' in str(err): pass else: raise cur.close() conn.close()
Example #7
Source File: From djongo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_correct_extraction_psycopg2_version(self): from django.db.backends.postgresql.base import psycopg2_version with mock.patch('psycopg2.__version__', '4.2.1 (dt dec pq3 ext lo64)'): self.assertEqual(psycopg2_version(), (4, 2, 1)) with mock.patch('psycopg2.__version__', '4.2b0.dev1 (dt dec pq3 ext lo64)'): self.assertEqual(psycopg2_version(), (4, 2))
Example #8
Source File: From djongo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_connect_isolation_level(self): """ The transaction level can be configured with DATABASES ['OPTIONS']['isolation_level']. """ import psycopg2 from psycopg2.extensions import ( ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED as read_committed, ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE as serializable, ) # Since this is a django.test.TestCase, a transaction is in progress # and the isolation level isn't reported as 0. This test assumes that # PostgreSQL is configured with the default isolation level. # Check the level on the psycopg2 connection, not the Django wrapper. default_level = read_committed if psycopg2.__version__ < '2.7' else None self.assertEqual(connection.connection.isolation_level, default_level) new_connection = connection.copy() new_connection.settings_dict['OPTIONS']['isolation_level'] = serializable try: # Start a transaction so the isolation level isn't reported as 0. new_connection.set_autocommit(False) # Check the level on the psycopg2 connection, not the Django wrapper. self.assertEqual(new_connection.connection.isolation_level, serializable) finally: new_connection.close()
Example #9
Source File: From djongo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_correct_extraction_psycopg2_version(self): from django.db.backends.postgresql.base import psycopg2_version with mock.patch('psycopg2.__version__', '4.2.1 (dt dec pq3 ext lo64)'): self.assertEqual(psycopg2_version(), (4, 2, 1)) with mock.patch('psycopg2.__version__', '4.2b0.dev1 (dt dec pq3 ext lo64)'): self.assertEqual(psycopg2_version(), (4, 2))
Example #10
Source File: From djongo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_connect_isolation_level(self): """ The transaction level can be configured with DATABASES ['OPTIONS']['isolation_level']. """ import psycopg2 from psycopg2.extensions import ( ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED as read_committed, ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE as serializable, ) # Since this is a django.test.TestCase, a transaction is in progress # and the isolation level isn't reported as 0. This test assumes that # PostgreSQL is configured with the default isolation level. # Check the level on the psycopg2 connection, not the Django wrapper. default_level = read_committed if psycopg2.__version__ < '2.7' else None self.assertEqual(connection.connection.isolation_level, default_level) new_connection = connection.copy() new_connection.settings_dict['OPTIONS']['isolation_level'] = serializable try: # Start a transaction so the isolation level isn't reported as 0. new_connection.set_autocommit(False) # Check the level on the psycopg2 connection, not the Django wrapper. self.assertEqual(new_connection.connection.isolation_level, serializable) finally: new_connection.close()
Example #11
Source File: From admin4 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def GetPrerequisites(info=False): try: import psycopg2 if psycopg2.__version__ > "2.4": return "psycopg2 csv" else: if info: print "psycopg2 too old" except: if info: print "psycopg2 missing" pass return None
Example #12
Source File: From django-sqlserver with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_correct_extraction_psycopg2_version(self): from django.db.backends.postgresql.base import psycopg2_version version_path = 'django.db.backends.postgresql.base.Database.__version__' with mock.patch(version_path, '2.6.9'): self.assertEqual(psycopg2_version(), (2, 6, 9)) with mock.patch(version_path, '2.5.dev0'): self.assertEqual(psycopg2_version(), (2, 5))
Example #13
Source File: From django-sqlserver with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_connect_isolation_level(self): """ Regression test for #18130 and #24318. """ import psycopg2 from psycopg2.extensions import ( ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED as read_committed, ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE as serializable, ) # Since this is a django.test.TestCase, a transaction is in progress # and the isolation level isn't reported as 0. This test assumes that # PostgreSQL is configured with the default isolation level. # Check the level on the psycopg2 connection, not the Django wrapper. default_level = read_committed if psycopg2.__version__ < '2.7' else None self.assertEqual(connection.connection.isolation_level, default_level) new_connection = connection.copy() new_connection.settings_dict['OPTIONS']['isolation_level'] = serializable try: # Start a transaction so the isolation level isn't reported as 0. new_connection.set_autocommit(False) # Check the level on the psycopg2 connection, not the Django wrapper. self.assertEqual(new_connection.connection.isolation_level, serializable) finally: new_connection.close()
Example #14
Source File: From syntheticmass with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _has_lo64(conn): """Return (bool, msg) about the lo64 support""" if conn.server_version < 90300: return (False, "server version %s doesn't support the lo64 API" % conn.server_version) if 'lo64' not in psycopg2.__version__: return (False, "this psycopg build doesn't support the lo64 API") return (True, "this server and build support the lo64 API")
Example #15
Source File: From gprime with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_summary(cls): """ Return a diction of information about this database backend. """ summary = { "DB-API version": "2.0", "Database SQL type": cls.__name__, "Database SQL module": "psycopg2", "Database SQL module version": psycopg2.__version__, "Database SQL module location": psycopg2.__file__, } return summary
Example #16
Source File: From addons-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def check17_pillow(self): '''PILLOW Allows Production of jpg images from non-jpg images in LaTeX documents #TODO prculley mentions that : And PIL (Pillow) is also used by the main Gramps ([]narrativeweb and []other reports for image cropping) as well as [x]editexifmetadata and the new [x]latexdoc type addons (genealogytree). #TODO add check for PILLOW to "gramps -v" section ''' #self.append_text("\n") # Start check try: import PIL # from PIL import Image try: pil_ver = PIL.__version__ except Exception: try: pil_ver = str(PIL.PILLOW_VERSION) except Exception: try: #print(dir(PIL)) pil_ver = str(PIL.VERSION) except Exception: pil_ver = "Installed but does not supply version" except ImportError: pil_ver = "Not found" result = "(PILLOW " + pil_ver + ")" # End check self.append_text(result)
Example #17
Source File: From addons-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_summary(self): """ Return a diction of information about this database backend. """ summary = super().get_summary() summary.update({ _("Database version"): psycopg2.__version__, _("Database module location"): psycopg2.__file__, }) return summary
Example #18
Source File: From scrapydweb with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def setup_postgresql(username, password, host, port): """ When working with database servers such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, you have to create the database in the database server before running upgrade. """ require_version = '2.7.7' # Jan 23, 2019 install_command = "pip install --upgrade psycopg2" try: import psycopg2 assert psycopg2.__version__ >= require_version, install_command except (ImportError, AssertionError): sys.exit("Run command: %s" % install_command) conn = psycopg2.connect(host=host, port=int(port), user=username, password=password) conn.set_isolation_level(0) # cur = conn.cursor() for dbname in DBS: if SCRAPYDWEB_TESTMODE: # database "scrapydweb_apscheduler" is being accessed by other users # DETAIL: There is 1 other session using the database. # To restart postgres server on Windonws -> win+R: services.msc drop_database(cur, dbname) # # # utf8-postgresql-create-database-like-mysql-including-character-set-encoding-a # psycopg2.ProgrammingError: invalid locale name: "en_US.UTF-8" # # creating-utf-8-database-in-postgresql-on-windows10 # cur.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s ENCODING 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE 'en-US' LC_CTYPE 'en-US'" % dbname) # psycopg2.DataError: new collation (en-US) is incompatible with the collation of the template database # (Chinese (Simplified)_People's Republic of China.936) # HINT: Use the same collation as in the template database, or use template0 as template. try: cur.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s ENCODING 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE 'en_US.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE 'en_US.UTF-8'" % dbname) except: try: cur.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s" % dbname) except Exception as err: # psycopg2.ProgrammingError: database "scrapydweb_apscheduler" already exists if 'exists' in str(err): pass else: raise cur.close() conn.close()
Example #19
Source File: From ldap2pg with PostgreSQL License | 4 votes |
def load(self, argv=None): # argv processing. logger.debug("Processing CLI arguments.") parser = ArgumentParser( add_help=False, # Only store value from argv. Defaults are managed by # Configuration. argument_default=SUPPRESS_ARG, description="PostgreSQL roles and privileges management.", epilog=self.EPILOG, ) define_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:] if argv is None else argv) # Setup logging before parsing options. Reset verbosity with env var, # and compute verbosity from cumulated args. args.verbosity[0] = V.VERBOSITIES.index(self['verbosity']) self['verbosity'] = V.verbosity(args.verbosity) if hasattr(args, 'color'): self['color'] = args.color dictConfig(self.logging_dict())"Starting ldap2pg %s.", __version__) # File loading. filename, mode = self.find_filename(os.environ, args) if filename == '-':"Reading configuration from stdin.") file_config =, 'stdin', mode) else:"Using %s.", filename) try: with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as fo: file_config =, filename, mode) except OSError as e: msg = "Failed to read configuration: %s" % (e,) raise UserError(msg) V.alias( file_config.get('postgres', {}), 'roles_blacklist_query', 'blacklist', ) # Now close stdin. To make SASL non-interactive. if not self.get('debug'): sys.stdin.close() check_yaml_gotchas(file_config) self.warn_unknown_config(file_config) # Now merge all config sources. default_privileges = make_well_known_privileges() try: self.merge(file_config=file_config, environ=os.environ, args=args) postprocess_privilege_options(self, default_privileges) except ValueError as e: raise ConfigurationError("Failed to load configuration: %s" % (e,)) logger.debug("Configuration loaded.")
Example #20
Source File: From addons-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def check32_phototagginggramplet(self): '''PhotoTaggingGramplet - Gramplet for tagging people in photos If the OpenCV is not found, the automatic face detection feature will be unavailable, but the Gramplet should otherwise function correctly. Automatic detection of faces requires the following to be installed: * OpenCV, its dependencies and Python bindings. This library should be available in common Linux distributions. For example, Debian package python-opencv provides the Python bindings for the library. It will require the core library packages (libopencv-*) and the * python-numpy package. ...... ubuntu: pip3 install opencv-python import cv2 cv2.__version__ '3.4.0' ''' self.append_text("\n") self.render_text("""<b>12. <a href="""" """/index.php?title=Photo_Tagging_Gramplet">""" """Addon:Photo Tagging Gramplet</a> :</b> """) # Start check try: import cv2 cv2_ver = cv2.__version__ #print(dir(cv2)) except ImportError: cv2_ver = "Not found" try: import numpy numpy_ver = str(numpy.__version__) #print("numpy.__version__ :" + numpy_ver ) except ImportError: numpy_ver = "Not found" self.append_text("(NumPy: " + numpy_ver + ")") self.append_text("(OpenCV facedetection: %s)" % cv2_ver)
Example #21
Source File: From addons-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def check30_PostgreSQL(self): ''' PostgreSQL Database requires: PostgreSQL - requires: psycopg2 - Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter # # # How get PostgreSQL version using psycopg2? According to documentation it is server_version property of connection: conn = psycopg2.connect(settings.DB_DSN) >>> conn.server_version 90504 The number is formed by converting the major, minor, and revision numbers into two-decimal-digit numbers and appending them together. For example, version 8.1.5 will be returned as 80105. command line: psql -V ''' self.append_text("\n") self.render_text("""<b>10. <a href="""" """/index.php?title=DB-API_Database_Backend#""" """Postgresql">Addon:PostgreSQL</a></b>""" """ Database library Support : """) # Start check try: import psycopg2 psycopg2_ver = str(psycopg2.__version__) #print(dir(psycopg2)) #print("psycopg2" + psycopg2_ver) try: libpq_ver = str(psycopg2.__libpq_version__) except AttributeError: libpq_ver = "Not found." except ImportError: psycopg2_ver = "Not found." libpq_ver = "Not found." result = ("(PostgreSQL " + libpq_ver + ")(psycopg2 : " + psycopg2_ver + ")") # End checks self.append_text(result)