Python Tkinter.END Examples
The following are 30
code examples of Tkinter.END().
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Example #1
Source File: From razzy-spinner with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def initKimmo(self, *args): """ Initialize the Kimmo engine from the lexicon. This will get called no matter generate or recognize. (i.e. loading all rules, lexicon, and alternations """ # only initialize Kimmo if the contents of the *rules* have changed tmprmd5 =, Tkinter.END)) tmplmd5 =, Tkinter.END)) if (not self.kimmoinstance) or (self.rulemd5 != tmprmd5) or (self.lexmd5 != tmplmd5): self.guiError("Creating new Kimmo instance") self.kimmoinstance = KimmoControl(self.lexicon.get(1.0, Tkinter.END),self.rules.get(1.0, Tkinter.END),'','',self.debug) self.guiError("") self.rulemd5 = tmprmd5 self.lexmd5 = tmplmd5 if not self.kimmoinstance.ok: self.guiError("Creation of Kimmo Instance Failed") return if not self.kimmoinstance.m.initial_state() : self.guiError("Morphology Setup Failed") elif self.kimmoinstance.errors: self.guiError(self.kimmoinstance.errors) self.kimmoinstance.errors = '' # self.validate()
Example #2
Source File: From OpenCV-Python-Tutorial with MIT License | 6 votes |
def on_demo_select(self, evt): name = self.demos_lb.get( self.demos_lb.curselection()[0] ) fn = self.samples[name] loc = {} if PY3: exec(open(fn).read(), loc) else: execfile(fn, loc) descr = loc.get('__doc__', 'no-description') self.linker.reset() self.text.config(state='normal') self.text.delete(1.0, tk.END) self.format_text(descr) self.text.config(state='disabled') self.cmd_entry.delete(0, tk.END) self.cmd_entry.insert(0, fn)
Example #3
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def fill_load_listbox(self,*event): self.b_solve_frame.configure(state=tk.DISABLED, bg='red3') self.frame_solved = 0 self.load_listbox.delete(0,tk.END) color = "pale green" i=0 for x in self.gui_load_list: self.load_listbox.insert(tk.END,'{0},{1:.3f},{2:.3f},{3:.3f},{4:.3f},{5},{6}'.format(x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5],x[6])) if i % 2 == 0: self.load_listbox.itemconfigure(i, background=color) else: pass i+=1
Example #4
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def x_adjust(self): x=[] y=[] if self.lb_coords.size()==0: pass elif self.shift_x_entry.get()=='': self.label_error.configure(text = 'Input X amount to Shift') else: coords_raw = self.lb_coords.get(0,tk.END) for line in coords_raw: coords = line.split(',') x.append(float(coords[0])+float(self.shift_x_entry.get())) y.append(float(coords[1])) for i in range(len(x)): new_coords = '{0:.3f},{1:.3f}'.format(x[i],y[i]) self.lb_coords.delete(i) self.lb_coords.insert(i,new_coords) self.refreshFigure() self.ins_validate()
Example #5
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def y_adjust(self): x=[] y=[] if self.lb_coords.size()==0: pass elif self.shift_y_entry.get()=='': self.label_error.configure(text = 'Input Y amount to Shift') else: coords_raw = self.lb_coords.get(0,tk.END) for line in coords_raw: coords = line.split(',') x.append(float(coords[0])) y.append(float(coords[1])+float(self.shift_y_entry.get())) for i in range(len(x)): new_coords = '{0:.3f},{1:.3f}'.format(x[i],y[i]) self.lb_coords.delete(i) self.lb_coords.insert(i,new_coords) self.refreshFigure() self.ins_validate()
Example #6
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def refreshFigure(self): x=[] y=[] if self.lb_coords.size()==0: pass else: coords_raw = self.lb_coords.get(0,tk.END) for line in coords_raw: coords = line.split(',') x.append(float(coords[0])) y.append(float(coords[1])) self.line1.set_data(x,y) ax = self.canvas.figure.axes[0] ax.set_xlim(min(x)-0.5, max(x)+0.5) ax.set_ylim(min(y)-0.5, max(y)+0.5) self.canvas.draw()
Example #7
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def fill_load_listbox(self,*event): self.b_solve_frame.configure(state=tk.DISABLED, bg='red3') self.frame_solved = 0 self.load_listbox.delete(0,tk.END) color = "pale green" i=0 for x in self.gui_load_list: self.load_listbox.insert(tk.END,'{0},{1:.3f},{2:.3f},{3:.3f},{4:.3f},{5},{6}'.format(x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5],x[6])) if i % 2 == 0: self.load_listbox.itemconfigure(i, background=color) else: pass i+=1
Example #8
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def remove_bottom_bars(self): self.bottom_bars.delete(tk.END) self.bottom_bars_count.delete(tk.END) self.bottom_bars_d.delete(tk.END) self.bottom_bars_as.delete(tk.END) self.clear_bar_res_lists() if self.bottom_bars.size()==0: self.brun.configure(state="disabled") self.b_bottom_change.configure(state= "disable") self.error_check = 0 else: self.brun.configure(state="normal") self.b_bottom_change.configure(state= "disable") self.error_check = 0 self.run_file()
Example #9
Source File: From btcrecover with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def show_mnemonic_gui(mnemonic_sentence): """may be called *after* main() to display the successful result iff the GUI is in use :param mnemonic_sentence: the mnemonic sentence that was found :type mnemonic_sentence: unicode :rtype: None """ assert tk_root global pause_at_exit padding = 6 tk.Label(text="WARNING: seed information is sensitive, carefully protect it and do not share", fg="red") \ .pack(padx=padding, pady=padding) tk.Label(text="Seed found:").pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=padding, pady=padding) entry = tk.Entry(width=80, readonlybackground="white") entry.insert(0, mnemonic_sentence) entry.config(state="readonly") entry.select_range(0, tk.END) entry.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.X, expand=True, padx=padding, pady=padding) tk_root.deiconify() tk_root.lift() entry.focus_set() tk_root.mainloop() # blocks until the user closes the window pause_at_exit = False
Example #10
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def add_bottom_bars(self): if self.section_created == 1: number_of_bars = self.section_bottom_bar.get() if number_of_bars == '': self.label_error.configure(text = 'Error! : Enter number of bottom bars') self.error_check = 1 else: number_of_bars = float(self.section_bottom_bar.get()) self.error_check = 0 if number_of_bars > self.max_bottom_bars_per_Layer: self.label_error.configure(text = 'Error! : Limit number of bottom bars to max') self.error_check = 1 else: self.bottom_bars.insert(tk.END,self.section_bottom_bar_size.get()) self.bottom_bars_count.insert(tk.END,self.section_bottom_bar.get()) self.brun.configure(state="normal") self.clear_bar_res_lists() self.error_check = 0 self.run_file() else: pass
Example #11
Source File: From razzy-spinner with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def capturePrint(self,*args): # self.debugWin.set(string.join(args," ")) # if there is a trace/debug window if self.dbgTracing: self.traceWindow.insert(Tkinter.END, string.join(args," ")) self.traceWindow.see(Tkinter.END) # otherwise, just drop the output. # no no, if tracing is on, but no window, turn tracing off and cleanup window # !!! if tracing is on, but window is not defined, create it. # this will cause a post-recover from an improper close of the debug window # if tracing is not on, ignore it. # return 1,1,'Out Hooked:'+text return 0,0,''
Example #12
Source File: From razzy-spinner with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def highlightMatches(self, word, window,color): # assumes unbroken with whitespace words. if not word: return matchIdx = '1.0' matchRight = '1.0' while matchIdx != '': matchIdx =,matchRight,count=1,stopindex=Tkinter.END) if matchIdx == '': break strptr = matchIdx.split(".") matchRight = strptr[0] + '.' + str((int(strptr[1],10) + len(word))) window.tag_add(self.tagId, matchIdx, matchRight ) window.tag_configure(self.tagId,background=color, foreground='black') self.highlightIds.append([window,self.tagId]) self.tagId = self.tagId + 1 # INIT KIMMO
Example #13
Source File: From razzy-spinner with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def generate(self, *args): if self._root is None: return if len(self.wordIn.get()) > 0: self.initKimmo() tmpword = self.wordIn.get() tmpword.strip() # generate_result = _generate_test(self.ks, tmpword) generate_result = self.kimmoinstance.generate(tmpword) generate_result_str = '' # convert list to string for x in generate_result: generate_result_str = generate_result_str + x generate_result_str = generate_result_str + '\n' self.results.insert(1.0, generate_result_str) if self.dbgTracing: self.highlightMatches(' BLOCKED',self.traceWindow,'#ffe0e0') self.highlightMatches(' AT END OF WORD',self.traceWindow,'#e0ffe0') self.highlightMatches('SUCCESS!',self.traceWindow,'#e0ffe0')
Example #14
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def remove_span(self): self.lb_spans.delete(tk.END) self.lb_I.delete(tk.END) if self.e_span.get()=='' or self.lb_spans.size()==1: self.load_span.set(1) self._reset_option_menu([1]) if self.e_span.get()=='': for widget in self.displace_widget: widget.destroy() del self.displace_widget[:] else: self.displace_widget[-1].destroy() del self.displace_widget[-1] else: self._reset_option_menu(range(1,self.lb_spans.size()+1)) self.displace_widget[-1].destroy() del self.displace_widget[-1] self.ins_validate()
Example #15
Source File: From razzy-spinner with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def loadIntoWindow(self, filename, windowField): "Load rule/lexicon set from a text file directly into the window pane specified" # filename = args[0] # windowField = args[1] if filename: filename = os.path.expanduser(filename) f = read_kimmo_file(filename, self) lines = f.readlines() f.close() text = [] for line in lines: line = line.strip() text.append(line) # empty the window now that the file was valid windowField.delete(1.0, Tkinter.END) windowField.insert(1.0, '\n'.join(text)) return filename return '' # opens a load dialog for files of a specified type to be loaded into a specified window
Example #16
Source File: From networkx_viewer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def goto_path(self, event): frm = self.node_entry.get() to = self.node_entry2.get() self.node_entry.delete(0, tk.END) self.node_entry2.delete(0, tk.END) if frm == '': tkm.showerror("No From Node", "Please enter a node in both " "boxes to plot a path. Enter a node in only the first box " "to bring up nodes immediately adjacent.") return if frm.isdigit() and int(frm) in self.canvas.dataG.nodes(): frm = int(frm) if to.isdigit() and int(to) in self.canvas.dataG.nodes(): to = int(to) self.canvas.plot_path(frm, to, levels=self.level)
Example #17
Source File: From scdiff with MIT License | 6 votes |
def trun(self): #pdb.set_trace() self.o=self.ev1.get() #pdb.set_trace() python=sys.executable proc = subprocess.Popen([python,'','-i',self.fileName,'-t',self.TFName,'-k',self.KName,'-o',self.o],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) ct=0 maxCT=10000 self.textarea1.insert(tk.INSERT,"starting...") self.textarea1.see(tk.END) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline,''): self.textarea1.insert(tk.INSERT,line) self.textarea1.see(tk.END) self.updateProgress(maxCT,ct) ct+=1 self.textarea1.update_idletasks() self.updateProgress(maxCT,maxCT) proc.stdout.close() proc.wait() self.textarea1.insert(tk.INSERT,"end!") self.textarea1.see(tk.END)
Example #18
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def clear_bar_res_lists(self, *kwargs): self.bottom_bars_as.delete(0,tk.END) self.bottom_bars_d.delete(0,tk.END) self.bottom_bars_strain.delete(0,tk.END) self.bottom_bars_stress.delete(0,tk.END) self.bottom_bars_axial.delete(0,tk.END) self.bottom_bars_moment.delete(0,tk.END) self.top_bars_as.delete(0,tk.END) self.top_bars_d.delete(0,tk.END) self.top_bars_strain.delete(0,tk.END) self.top_bars_stress.delete(0,tk.END) self.top_bars_axial.delete(0,tk.END) self.top_bars_moment.delete(0,tk.END)
Example #19
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def base(self): self.combo_list.delete(0,tk.END) for i in range(len(self.load_types)): if Main_window.load_exist[i]==0: self.combo_list.insert(tk.END, self.load_types[i]+'- N/A') else: self.combo_list.insert(tk.END, self.load_types[i]) self.combo_list.insert(tk.END, 'Support Displacement') self.s.config(state='normal') self.d.config(state='normal') self.combo_list.selection_set(0) self.pattern_list.selection_set(0)
Example #20
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def print_ins(self): if self.lb_spans.size() == 0 or self.lb_I.size()==0 or self.lb_loads.size()==0: pass else: p_loads = self.lb_loads.get(0,tk.END) p_spans = self.lb_spans.get(0,tk.END) p_I = self.lb_I.get(0,tk.END) p_E = self.e_E.get() label = self.e_bminfo.get() Main_window.calc_label = label path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'Desktop','RESULTS', label) path_exists(path) sup_disp = '' for widget in self.displace_widget: sup_disp = sup_disp + '{0},'.format(widget.get()) sup_disp = sup_disp[:-1] file = open(os.path.join(path,label + '_00_beam_info.txt'),'w') file.write(label + '\n') file.write('L_ft') for line in p_spans: file.write(','+line) file.write('\nI_in4') for line in p_I: file.write(','+line) file.write('\nE_ksi,'+p_E+'\ncant,'+self.cant_in.get()+'\n'+sup_disp+'\n**Loads**\n''p1(kips or klf)'',''p2(kips or klf)'',a,b,''POINT,UDL,TRAP'' **Do Not Delete This Line, Caps Matter for Load Type**,span\n') for line in p_loads: file.write(line + '\n') file.close() self.brun.configure(state="normal", bg='yellow') self.bprint.configure(state="normal", bg='green'), state="normal")
Example #21
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def add_load(self): load_test = self.load_input_validation() if load_test == 0: pass else: load = '{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7}'.format(self.e_p.get(),self.e_w2.get(),self.e_a.get(),self.e_b.get(),self.load_type.get(),self.load_span.get(),self.load_kind.get(),self.l_pattern_var.get()) self.lb_loads.insert(tk.END,load) self.ins_validate()
Example #22
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def remove_top_bars(self): self.top_bars.delete(tk.END) self.top_bars_count.delete(tk.END) self.clear_bar_res_lists() self.error_check = 0 self.b_top_change.configure(state= "disable") if self.bottom_bars.size()==0: pass else: self.run_file()
Example #23
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def remove_coord(self): self.lb_coords.delete(tk.END) self.ins_validate() self.refreshFigure()
Example #24
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def asd(self): self.combo_list.delete(0,tk.END) for i in range(0,len(self.asd_combos)): combo = self.asd_combos[i] + ' - ' for y in range(0,len(self.load_types)): if Main_window.basic_factors[i][y] == 0.0 or Main_window.load_exist[y]==0: pass else: combo = combo + ' {0:.2f}*{1} +'.format(Main_window.basic_factors[i][y],self.load_types[y]) self.combo_list.insert(tk.END, combo[:-1]) self.combo_list.insert(tk.END, 'ASD/Basic Envelope') self.s.config(state='normal') self.d.config(state='normal') self.combo_list.selection_set(0) self.pattern_list.selection_set(0)
Example #25
Source File: From Structural-Engineering with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def fill_case_list(self, *args): self.load_case_res_listbox.delete(0,tk.END) self.load_case_listbox.delete(0,tk.END) self.load_case_res_list = [] for case in self.load_case_list: string = '{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}'.format(case[0],case[1],case[2],case[3],case[4],case[5],case[6]) self.load_case_listbox.insert(tk.END,string) if case[0] % 2 == 0: self.load_case_listbox.itemconfigure(case[0]-1, background='pale green') else: pass
Example #26
Source File: From nsf2x with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, errlvl, message="", newline=True): """Error logging function""" if errlvl == ErrorLevel.NORMAL: if self.ErrorLevel.get() >= ErrorLevel.NORMAL: message = _("INFO : ") + message else: return elif errlvl == ErrorLevel.ERROR: if self.ErrorLevel.get() >= ErrorLevel.ERROR: message = _("ERROR : ") + message else: return elif errlvl == ErrorLevel.WARN: if self.ErrorLevel.get() >= ErrorLevel.WARN: message = _("WARN : ") + message else: return elif errlvl == ErrorLevel.INFO: if self.ErrorLevel.get() >= ErrorLevel.INFO: message = _("INFO : ") + message else: return else: message = _("ERROR : Unrecognised Error Level given to log function") self.messageWidget.config(state=tkinter.NORMAL) if newline: self.messageWidget.insert(tkinter.END, message+"\n") else: self.messageWidget.insert(tkinter.END, message) self.messageWidget.config(state=tkinter.DISABLED) self.messageWidget.yview(tkinter.END) self.update()
Example #27
Source File: From nsf2x with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def bindEntry(self, dummy_event=None): """Blank the password field and set it in password mode""" self.entryPassword.delete(0, tkinter.END) self.entryPassword.config(show="*") self.entryPassword.unbind("<FocusIn>") #not needed anymore self.unchecked()
Example #28
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 5 votes |
def addForward(self): port = self.forwardPort.get() self.forwardPort.delete(0, Tkinter.END) host = self.forwardHost.get() self.forwardHost.delete(0, Tkinter.END) if self.localRemoteVar.get() == 'local': self.forwards.insert(Tkinter.END, 'L:%s:%s' % (port, host)) else: self.forwards.insert(Tkinter.END, 'R:%s:%s' % (port, host))
Example #29
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getIdentityFile(self): r = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename() if r: self.identity.delete(0, Tkinter.END) self.identity.insert(Tkinter.END, r)
Example #30
Source File: From scdiff with MIT License | 5 votes |
def isInputValid(self): flag=0 # check if expression file exists if os.path.isfile(self.fileName): flag+=1 else: self.textarea1.insert(tk.INSERT,'\nError: Input single Cell Expression data not found!\n') self.textarea1.see(tk.END) self.textarea1.update_idletasks() # check if K valid if self.vk1.get()==0: flag+=1 elif self.vk1.get()==1: if os.path.isfile(self.KName): flag+=1 else: self.textarea1.insert(tk.INSERT,'\nError: User-defined Optimal Number of Clusters K file not found!\n') self.textarea1.see(tk.END) self.textarea1.update_idletasks() # check if output name valid try: if os.path.exists(self.ev1.get())==False: os.mkdir(self.ev1.get()) flag+=1 except: self.textarea1.insert(tk.INSERT,'\nError: Output folder name invalid!\n') self.textarea1.see(tk.END) self.textarea1.update_idletasks() #pdb.set_trace() if flag>=3: return True return False