Python django.template.Template() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of django.template.Template().
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Example #1
Source File: From coursys with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def view_email_preview(request, alert_type, alert_id, automation_id): alert_email = get_object_or_404(AlertEmailTemplate, id=automation_id) alert_type = get_object_or_404(AlertType, slug=alert_type, unit__in=request.units) alert = get_object_or_404(Alert, pk=alert_id, alerttype__unit__in=request.units) t = Template( alert_email.content ) email_context = build_context( alert ) email_context['details'] = {} for k, v in alert.details.items(): email_context['details'][k] = str(v) rendered_text = t.render( Context(email_context) ) return render(request, 'alerts/view_email_preview.html', { 'alert_type':alert_type, 'alert':alert, 'alert_email':alert_email, 'rendered_text':rendered_text })
Example #2
Source File: From DCRM with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_preferences_cp(self): request = RequestFactory().get('/') context = context_processors.preferences_cp(request) # context should have preferences. my_preferences = context['preferences'] # preferences should have test MyPreferences object member. my_preferences = my_preferences.MyPreferences self.failUnless(isinstance(my_preferences, MyPreferences), "%s should be instance of MyPreferences." % my_preferences) # With preferences_cp is loaded as a TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS # templates should have access to preferences object. context_instance = RequestContext(request) t = Template("{% if preferences %}{{ preferences }}{% endif %}") self.failUnless(t.render(context_instance), "preferences should be \ available in template context.") t = Template("{% if preferences.MyPreferences %}{{ \ preferences.MyPreferences }}{% endif %}") self.failUnless(t.render(context_instance), "MyPreferences should be \ available as part of preferences var in template context.")
Example #3
Source File: From django-connections with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_get_connection_distance(self): tpl = """{%% spaceless %%} {%% load connections %%} {%% get_connection_distance %s foo bar as distance %%} {{ distance }} {%% endspaceless %%}""" create_connection(self.r,, assert '1' == Template(tpl % "'user_follow'").render(Context({ 'foo':, 'bar':, })) assert '1' == Template(tpl % "rel").render(Context({ 'rel': self.r, 'foo':, 'bar':, }))
Example #4
Source File: From django-connections with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_connections_from_object(self): tpl = """{%% spaceless %%} {%% load connections %%} {%% connections_from_object %s foo as connections %%} {%% for c in connections %%}{{ c.to_object.username }}, {%% endfor %%} {%% endspaceless %%}""" create_connection(self.r,, create_connection(self.r,, self.jaz) assert 'bar, jaz,' == Template(tpl % "'user_follow'").render(Context({ 'foo':, })) assert 'bar, jaz,' == Template(tpl % "rel").render(Context({ 'rel': self.r, 'foo':, }))
Example #5
Source File: From django-connections with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_connections_to_object(self): tpl = """{%% spaceless %%} {%% load connections %%} {%% connections_to_object %s foo as connections %%} {%% for c in connections %%}{{ c.from_object.username }}, {%% endfor %%} {%% endspaceless %%}""" create_connection(self.r,, create_connection(self.r, self.jaz, assert 'bar, jaz,' == Template(tpl % "'user_follow'").render(Context({ 'foo':, })) assert 'bar, jaz,' == Template(tpl % "rel").render(Context({ 'rel': self.r, 'foo':, }))
Example #6
Source File: From bioforum with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_template(self, template_name, skip=None): """ Call self.get_template_sources() and return a Template object for the first template matching template_name. If skip is provided, ignore template origins in skip. This is used to avoid recursion during template extending. """ tried = [] for origin in self.get_template_sources(template_name): if skip is not None and origin in skip: tried.append((origin, 'Skipped')) continue try: contents = self.get_contents(origin) except TemplateDoesNotExist: tried.append((origin, 'Source does not exist')) continue else: return Template( contents, origin, origin.template_name, self.engine, ) raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, tried=tried)
Example #7
Source File: From StormOnline with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get(self, request, object_id): model_fields = [ for f in self.opts.fields] fields = [f for f in request.GET['fields'].split(',') if f in model_fields] defaults = { "form": self.form, "fields": fields, "formfield_callback": self.formfield_for_dbfield, } form_class = modelform_factory(self.model, **defaults) form = form_class(instance=self.org_obj) helper = FormHelper() helper.form_tag = False helper.include_media = False form.helper = helper s = '{% load i18n crispy_forms_tags %}<form method="post" action="{{action_url}}">{% crispy form %}' + \ '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-block btn-sm">{% trans "Apply" %}</button></form>' t = template.Template(s) c = template.Context({'form': form, 'action_url': self.model_admin_url('patch',}) return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
Example #8
Source File: From django-compat with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_add_to_builtins(self): from compat import add_to_builtins # Explicit import of tags template = Template( '{% load test_app_tags %}' '{% my_tag %}' ) self.assertIn('Return value of my_tag', template.render(Context({}))) # No import with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError): template = Template( '{% my_tag %}' ) template.render(Context({})) # No import but add_to_builtins call add_to_builtins('compat.tests.test_app.templatetags.test_app_tags') template = Template( '{% my_tag %}' ) self.assertIn('Return value of my_tag', template.render(Context({})))
Example #9
Source File: From jet-bridge with MIT License | 6 votes |
def write_response(self, response): if isinstance(response, RedirectResponse): result = HttpResponseRedirect(response.url, status=response.status) elif isinstance(response, OptionalJSONResponse) and isinstance(, HttpResponseBase): result = elif isinstance(response, TemplateResponse): template_path = os.path.join(base_settings.BASE_DIR, 'templates', response.template) with open(template_path, 'r') as file: template = template = template.replace('{% end %}', '{% endif %}') context = Context( content = Template(template).render(context) result = HttpResponse(content, status=response.status) else: result = HttpResponse(response.render(), status=response.status) for name, value in self.view.default_headers().items(): result[name] = value for name, value in response.header_items(): result[name] = value return result
Example #10
Source File: From django-connections with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_connection_exists(self): tpl = """{%% spaceless %%} {%% load connections %%} {%% connection_exists %s foo bar as has_connection %%} {{ has_connection|yesno:'True,False' }} {%% endspaceless %%}""" create_connection(self.r,, assert 'True' == Template(tpl % "'user_follow'").render(Context({ 'foo':, 'bar':, })) assert 'True' == Template(tpl % "rel").render(Context({ 'rel': self.r, 'foo':, 'bar':, }))
Example #11
Source File: From wagtail-tag-manager with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_doc(self, request=None, context=None): content = self.content if request: template = Template(content) context = Context(Tag.create_context(request, context)) content = template.render(context) return BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser")
Example #12
Source File: From django-imgix with ISC License | 5 votes |
def render_template(self, string, context=None): context = context or {} context = Context(context) return Template(string).render(context)
Example #13
Source File: From django-seo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _resolve_template(value, model_instance=None, context=None): """ Resolves any template references in the given value. """ if isinstance(value, six.string_types) and "{" in value: if context is None: context = Context() if model_instance is not None: context[model_instance._meta.model_name] = model_instance value = Template(value).render(context) return value
Example #14
Source File: From django-bleach with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_bleaching_tags(self): """ Test provided tags are kept """ context = Context( {'some_unsafe_content': '<script>alert("Hello World!")</script>'} ) template_to_render = Template( '{% load bleach_tags %}' '{{ some_unsafe_content|bleach:"script" }}' ) rendered_template = template_to_render.render(context) self.assertInHTML( '<script>alert("Hello World!")</script>', rendered_template )
Example #15
Source File: From django-bleach with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_linkify(self): """ Test bleach linkify """ url = '' context = Context({'link_this': url}) template_to_render = Template( '{% load bleach_tags %}' '{{ link_this|bleach_linkify|safe }}' ) rendered_template = template_to_render.render(context) self.assertInHTML( '<a href="http://{0}" rel="nofollow">{0}</a>'.format(url), rendered_template )
Example #16
Source File: From django-bleach with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_linkify_none(self): """ Test bleach linkify with None as an input """ context = Context({'none_value': None}) template_to_render = Template( '{% load bleach_tags %}' '{{ none_value|bleach_linkify }}' ) rendered_template = template_to_render.render(context) self.assertEqual( 'None', rendered_template )
Example #17
Source File: From apis-client-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def DjangoTemplate(source): """Returns a template configured for our default engine. Args: source: (str) Template source. Returns: (django.template.Template) """ return django_template.Template(source, engine=_ENGINE)
Example #18
Source File: From django-simple-pagination with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_addition(self): t = Template( "{% load paginate %}{% paginate entities %}.{% show_pageitems %} {% paginate 20 entities %} {% show_pages %}") req = HttpRequest() c = Context({"entities": range(100), 'request': req}) val = t.render(c) self.assertTrue(bool(val))
Example #19
Source File: From wagtail-tag-manager with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def clean(self): if not re.match(r"\<.+\/?\>", self.content): self.content = "<script>{}</script>".format(self.content) self.content = BeautifulSoup(self.content, "html.parser").prettify() try: template = Template(self.content) template.render(Context()) except Exception as error: raise ValidationError({"content": error}) return self
Example #20
Source File: From anytask with MIT License | 5 votes |
def render_mail(message, user): if message.variable: t = Template(message.text.replace('%', '%')) c = Context({ "last_name": user.last_name, "first_name": user.first_name, }) return t.render(c) return message.text
Example #21
Source File: From django-compat with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_verbatim_tag01(self): template = Template(self.import_tag + '{% verbatim %}{{ bare }}{% endverbatim %}' ) html = template.render(Context({})) self.assertEqual(html, '{{ bare }}' )
Example #22
Source File: From django-imgix with ISC License | 5 votes |
def render_template(string, context=None): context = context or {} context = Context(context) return Template(string).render(context)
Example #23
Source File: From FIR with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def prepare(template_object, instance, extra_context=None): """ Renders a notification template (subject, description, short description) for a given instance which fired an event """ if extra_context is None: extra_context = {} extra_context.update({'instance': instance}) context = Context(extra_context) return { 'subject': Template(getattr(template_object, 'subject', "")).render(context), 'short_description': Template(getattr(template_object, 'short_description', "")).render(context), 'description': Template(getattr(template_object, 'description', "")).render(context) }
Example #24
Source File: From FIR with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def new_event(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = IncidentForm(request.POST, for_user=request.user) form.status = _('Open') if form.is_valid(): i = if not form.cleaned_data['is_major']: i.is_major = form.cleaned_data['category'].is_major if i.is_major: i.is_incident = True i.opened_by = request.user form.save_m2m() i.refresh_main_business_lines() i.done_creating() if i.is_incident: return redirect("incidents:details", else: return redirect("events:details", else: template = request.GET.get('template', 'default') try: template = IncidentTemplate.objects.get(name=template) data = model_to_dict(template) data['description'] = Template(data['description']).render(RequestContext(request)) except ObjectDoesNotExist: data = {} form = IncidentForm(initial=data, for_user=request.user) return render(request, 'events/new.html', {'form': form, 'mode': 'new'})
Example #25
Source File: From nplusone with MIT License | 5 votes |
def prefetch_many_to_many_render(request): users = models.User.objects.all().prefetch_related('hobbies') template = ''' {% for user in users %} {% for hobby in user.hobbies.all %} {{ }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} ''' resp = Template(template).render(Context({'users': users})) return HttpResponse(resp)
Example #26
Source File: From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def _resolve_template(self, template): # This wrapper deprecates returning a django.template.Template in # subclasses that override resolve_template. It can be removed in # Django 1.10. new_template = self.resolve_template(template) if isinstance(new_template, Template): warnings.warn( "{}.resolve_template() must return a backend-specific " "template like those created by get_template(), not a " "{}.".format( self.__class__.__name__, new_template.__class__.__name__), RemovedInDjango110Warning, stacklevel=2) new_template = BackendTemplate(new_template) return new_template
Example #27
Source File: From GTDWeb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, template, context=None, content_type=None, status=None, charset=None, using=None): if isinstance(template, Template): warnings.warn( "{}'s template argument cannot be a django.template.Template " "anymore. It may be a backend-specific template like those " "created by get_template().".format(self.__class__.__name__), RemovedInDjango110Warning, stacklevel=2) template = BackendTemplate(template) # It would seem obvious to call these next two members 'template' and # 'context', but those names are reserved as part of the test Client # API. To avoid the name collision, we use different names. self.template_name = template self.context_data = context self.using = using self._post_render_callbacks = [] # _request stores the current request object in subclasses that know # about requests, like TemplateResponse. It's defined in the base class # to minimize code duplication. # It's called self._request because self.request gets overwritten by # django.test.client.Client. Unlike template_name and context_data, # _request should not be considered part of the public API. self._request = None # content argument doesn't make sense here because it will be replaced # with rendered template so we always pass empty string in order to # prevent errors and provide shorter signature. super(SimpleTemplateResponse, self).__init__('', content_type, status, charset) # _is_rendered tracks whether the template and context has been baked # into a final response. # Super __init__ doesn't know any better than to set self.content to # the empty string we just gave it, which wrongly sets _is_rendered # True, so we initialize it to False after the call to super __init__. self._is_rendered = False
Example #28
Source File: From django-badgify with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_with_user(self): badges = badges_tag(**{'user': self.user}) self.assertEqual(len(badges), 1) template = Template(''' {% load badgify_tags %} {% badgify_badges user=user as badges %} {% for badge in badges %}{{ }} {{ badge.slug }}{% endfor %} ''') rendered = template.render(Context({'user': self.user})) self.assertIn(, rendered) self.assertIn(self.badge.slug, rendered)
Example #29
Source File: From django-badgify with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_with_username(self): badges = badges_tag(**{'username': 'johndoe'}) self.assertEqual(len(badges), 1) template = Template(''' {% load badgify_tags %} {% badgify_badges username="johndoe" as badges %} {% for badge in badges %}{{ }} {{ badge.slug }}{% endfor %} ''') rendered = template.render(Context({})) self.assertIn(, rendered) self.assertIn(self.badge.slug, rendered)
Example #30
Source File: From django-badgify with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_no_args(self): badges = badges_tag() self.assertEqual(len(badges), 20) template = Template(''' {% load badgify_tags %} {% badgify_badges as badges %} {% for badge in badges %}{{ }} {{ badge.slug }}{% endfor %} ''') rendered = template.render(Context({})) for badge in self.badges: self.assertIn(, rendered) self.assertIn(badge.slug, rendered)