Python IPython.core.display.display() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of IPython.core.display.display().
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Example #1
Source File: From pySPM with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def show_values(self, pb=False, gui=False, **kargs): from .utils import html_table, aa_table html = True if 'html' in kargs: html = kargs['html'] del kargs['html'] if gui: from import values_display Vals = self.get_values(pb, nest=True, **kargs) values_display.show_values(Vals) else: Vals = self.get_values(pb, **kargs) Table = [["Parameter Name", "Value @start", "Value @end"]] for x in Vals: Table.append(tuple([x]+Vals[x])) if not html: print(aa_table(Table, header=True)) else: from IPython.core.display import display, HTML res = html_table(Table, header=True) display(HTML(res))
Example #2
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def print_figure(fig, fmt='png'): """Convert a figure to svg or png for inline display.""" from matplotlib import rcParams # When there's an empty figure, we shouldn't return anything, otherwise we # get big blank areas in the qt console. if not fig.axes and not fig.lines: return fc = fig.get_facecolor() ec = fig.get_edgecolor() bytes_io = BytesIO() dpi = rcParams['savefig.dpi'] if fmt == 'retina': dpi = dpi * 2 fmt = 'png' fig.canvas.print_figure(bytes_io, format=fmt, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor=fc, edgecolor=ec, dpi=dpi) data = bytes_io.getvalue() return data
Example #3
Source File: From CAVE with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def get_jupyter(self): from IPython.core.display import HTML, Image, display for b, result in self.result.items(): error = self.result[b]['else'] if 'else' in self.result[b] else None if error: display(HTML(error)) else: # Show table display(HTML(self.result[b]["Importance"]["table"])) # Show plots display(*list([Image(filename=d["figure"]) for d in self.result[b]['Marginals'].values()])) display(*list([Image(filename=d["figure"]) for d in self.result[b]['Pairwise Marginals'].values()])) # While working for a prettier solution, this might be an option: # display(HTML(figure_to_html([d["figure"] for d in self.result[b]['Marginals'].values()] + # [d["figure"] for d in self.result[b]['Pairwise Marginals'].values()], # max_in_a_row=3, true_break_between_rows=True)))
Example #4
Source File: From coastermelt with MIT License | 6 votes |
def ecc(self, line, cell='', address=target_memory.shell_code): """Evaluate a 32-bit C++ expression on the target, and immediately start a console To ensure we only display output that was generated during the command execution, the console is sync'ed and unread output is discarded prior to running the command. """ d =['d'] ConsoleBuffer(d).discard() try: return_value = evalc(d, line + cell, defines=all_defines(), includes=all_includes(), address=address, verbose=True) except CodeError as e: raise UsageError(str(e)) if return_value is not None: display(return_value) console_mainloop(d)
Example #5
Source File: From pyGSTi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def display(self): """ Display this switchboard within an iPython notebook. Calling this function requires that you are in an iPython environment, and really only makes sense within a notebook. Returns ------- None """ if not in_ipython_notebook(): raise ValueError('Only run `display` from inside an IPython Notebook.') out = self.render("html") content = "<script>\n" + \ "require(['jquery','jquery-UI'],function($,ui) {" + \ out['js'] + " });</script>" + out['html'] display_ipynb(content)
Example #6
Source File: From dcase_util with MIT License | 6 votes |
def class_name(self, class_name, indent=0): """Class name Parameters ---------- class_name : str Class name indent : int Amount of indention used for the line Default value 0 Returns ------- str """ return '<div class="label label-primary" ' \ 'style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:5px;display:inline-block;' + self.get_margin( indent=indent, include_style_attribute=False) + '">' + class_name + '</div>'
Example #7
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def show(close=None): """Show all figures as SVG/PNG payloads sent to the IPython clients. Parameters ---------- close : bool, optional If true, a ``plt.close('all')`` call is automatically issued after sending all the figures. If this is set, the figures will entirely removed from the internal list of figures. """ if close is None: close = InlineBackend.instance().close_figures try: for figure_manager in Gcf.get_all_fig_managers(): display(figure_manager.canvas.figure) finally: show._to_draw = [] if close: matplotlib.pyplot.close('all') # This flag will be reset by draw_if_interactive when called
Example #8
Source File: From msticpy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def display_alert( alert: Union[Mapping[str, Any], SecurityAlert], show_entities: bool = False ): """ Display a Security Alert. Parameters ---------- alert : Union[Mapping[str, Any], SecurityAlert] The alert to display as Mapping (e.g. pd.Series) or SecurityAlert show_entities : bool, optional Whether to display entities (the default is False) """ output = format_alert(alert, show_entities) if not isinstance(output, tuple): output = [output] for disp_obj in output: display(disp_obj)
Example #9
Source File: From msticpy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def display_process_tree(process_tree: pd.DataFrame): """ Display process tree data frame. (Deprecated). Parameters ---------- process_tree : pd.DataFrame Process tree DataFrame The display module expects the columns NodeRole and Level to be populated. NoteRole is one of: 'source', 'parent', 'child' or 'sibling'. Level indicates the 'hop' distance from the 'source' node. """ build_and_show_process_tree(process_tree)
Example #10
Source File: From pycoQC with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def jhelp (f:"python function or method"): """ Display a Markdown pretty help message for functions and class methods (default __init__ is a class is passed) jhelp also display default values and type annotations if available. The docstring synthax should follow the same synthax as the one used for this function * f Function or method to display the help message for """ # Private import as this is only needed if using jupyter from IPython.core.display import display, Markdown f_doc = doc_func(f) arg_doc = make_arg_dict(f) # Signature and function documentation s = "**{}** ({})\n\n{}\n\n---\n\n".format(f.__name__, ", ".join(arg_doc.keys()), f_doc) # Args doc for arg_name, arg_val in arg_doc.items(): # Arg signature section s+= "* **{}**".format(arg_name) if "default" in arg_val: if arg_val["default"] == "": arg_val["default"] = "\"\"" s+= " (default: {})".format(arg_val["default"]) if "required" in arg_val: s+= " (required)" if "type" in arg_val: if type(list) == type: s+= " [{}]".format(arg_val["type"].__name__) else: s+= " [{}]".format(arg_val["type"]) s+="\n\n" # Arg doc section if "help" in arg_val: s+= "{}\n\n".format(arg_val["help"]) # Display in Jupyter display (Markdown(s))
Example #11
Source File: From GooPyCharts with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def write(self): with open(self.fname,'w') as f: f.write(self.javascript) #display HTML helper method. Trys nb() first, falls back on wb() if no notebook #the nb parameter has been deprecated and does nothing.
Example #12
Source File: From mapboxgl-jupyter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def show(self, **kwargs): # Load the HTML iframe html = self.create_html(**kwargs) map_html = self.as_iframe(html) # Display the iframe in the current jupyter notebook view display(HTML(map_html))
Example #13
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def html(self, line, cell): """Render the cell as a block of HTML""" display(HTML(cell))
Example #14
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def svg(self, line, cell): """Render the cell as an SVG literal""" display(SVG(cell))
Example #15
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def latex(self, line, cell): """Render the cell as a block of latex""" display(Latex(cell))
Example #16
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def javascript(self, line, cell): """Run the cell block of Javascript code""" display(Javascript(cell))
Example #17
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def import_pylab(user_ns, import_all=True): """Populate the namespace with pylab-related values. Imports matplotlib, pylab, numpy, and everything from pylab and numpy. Also imports a few names from IPython (figsize, display, getfigs) """ # Import numpy as np/pyplot as plt are conventions we're trying to # somewhat standardize on. Making them available to users by default # will greatly help this. s = ("import numpy\n" "import matplotlib\n" "from matplotlib import pylab, mlab, pyplot\n" "np = numpy\n" "plt = pyplot\n" ) exec s in user_ns if import_all: s = ("from matplotlib.pylab import *\n" "from numpy import *\n") exec s in user_ns # IPython symbols to add user_ns['figsize'] = figsize from IPython.core.display import display # Add display and getfigs to the user's namespace user_ns['display'] = display user_ns['getfigs'] = getfigs
Example #18
Source File: From msticpy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def toggle_code(): """Display a toggle button to hide/reveal code cell.""" display(HTML(_TOGGLE_CODE_STR)) # String escapes
Example #19
Source File: From minetorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def notebook_divide(self, message): if self.in_notebook: display(HTML( '<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">' f'<h3 style="color: #7cb305; border-bottom: 4px dashed #91d5ff; padding-bottom: 6px;">{message}</h3>' '</div>' ))
Example #20
Source File: From axcell with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def display_html(s): return display(HTML(s))
Example #21
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def report(self, trials, done, *sys_info): from IPython.display import clear_output from IPython.core.display import display, HTML if self._overwrite: clear_output(wait=True) progress_str = self._progress_str( trials, done, *sys_info, fmt="html", delim="<br>") display(HTML(progress_str))
Example #22
Source File: From pywr with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def draw_graph(self): """Draw pywr schematic graph in a jupyter notebook""" js = draw_graph_template.render( graph=self.graph, width=self.width, height=self.height, element="element", labels=self.labels, attributes=self.attributes, css=self.css.replace("\n", "") ) display(Javascript(data=js))
Example #23
Source File: From GooPyCharts with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def nb(self): self.write() display(HTML(self.fname)) #Displays in a web browser. Writes current data first.
Example #24
Source File: From GooPyCharts with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def bar(self,xdata,ydata,disp=True,**kwargs): '''Displays a bar graph. xdata: list of bar graph categories/bins. Can optionally include a header, see in for an example. ydata: list of values associated with categories in xdata. If xdata includes a header, include a header list on ydata as well. disp: for displaying plots immediately. Set to True by default. Set to False for other operations, then use show() to display the plot. **kwargs: Access to other Google Charts API options. The key is the option name, the value is the option's full JS code. ''' #combine data into proper format data = combineData(xdata,ydata,self.xlabel) #Include other options, supplied by **kwargs other = '' for option in kwargs: other += option + ': ' + kwargs[option] + ',\n' #input argument format to template is in dictionary format (see template for where variables are inserted) argDict = { 'data':str(data), 'title':self.title, 'functionName':slugify(self.title), 'height':self.height, 'width':self.width, 'logScaleFlag':'false', 'ylabel':self.ylabel, 'plotType':'BarChart', 'numFig':self.numFig, 'other':other} self.javascript = templateType(xdata) % argDict if disp: self.dispFile() #column chart
Example #25
Source File: From GooPyCharts with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def hist(self,xdata,disp=True,**kwargs): '''Graphs a histogram. xdata: List of values to bin. Can optionally include a header, see in for an example. disp: for displaying plots immediately. Set to True by default. Set to False for other operations, then use show() to display the plot. **kwargs: Access to other Google Charts API options. The key is the option name, the value is the option's full JS code. ''' #combine data into proper format data = [self.xlabel]+xdata #Include other options, supplied by **kwargs other = '' for option in kwargs: other += option + ': ' + kwargs[option] + ',\n' #input argument format to template is in dictionary format (see template for where variables are inserted) argDict = { 'data':str(data), 'title':self.title, 'functionName':slugify(self.title), 'height':self.height, 'width':self.width, 'logScaleFlag':'false', 'ylabel':self.ylabel, 'plotType':'Histogram', 'numFig':self.numFig, 'other':other} self.javascript = (graphPgTemplateStart+graphPgTemplate_hist+graphPgTemplateEnd) % argDict if disp: self.dispFile() #Jupyter plotting methods (depricated; keeping for now for backwards compatibility)
Example #26
Source File: From dcase_util with MIT License | 5 votes |
def row_sep(self, **kwargs): """Table separator row Returns ------- str """ html = '' grid_template_columns = [] for column_id in range(0, self.row_column_count): if column_id < len(self.row_column_widths): column_width = int(self.row_column_widths[column_id] * self.row_item_width_factor) else: column_width = int(15 * self.row_item_width_factor) grid_template_columns.append(str(column_width) + 'px') grid_template_columns = ' '.join(grid_template_columns) html += '<div style="' html += 'display:grid;grid-template-columns:' + grid_template_columns + ';grid-gap:0px;' html += 'margin-top:-4px;margin-bottom:-3px;height:2px;' + self.get_margin( indent=self.row_indent, include_style_attribute=False ) html += '">' for i in range(0, self.row_column_count): html += '<div style="padding:0px;margin:0px;background-color:#333;">' html += '</div>' html += '</div>' # Container return html
Example #27
Source File: From py-roughviz with MIT License | 5 votes |
def render_notebook(self): if hasattr(self, "render_to_tmpl"): self.render_to_tmpl() with open(self.tmpl_file) as f: tmpl_file = tmpl = Template(tmpl_file) output = tmpl.render(chart=self) return display(HTML(output))
Example #28
Source File: From CAVE with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_jupyter(self): """Depending on analysis, this creates jupyter-notebook compatible output.""" bokeh_plots = self.check_for_bokeh(self.result) if bokeh_plots: self.logger.warning("Bokeh plots cannot be re-used for notebook if they've already been \"components\"'ed. " "To be sure, get_jupyter should be overwritten for bokeh-producing analyzers.") output_notebook() for bokeh_plot in bokeh_plots: show(bokeh_plot) else: from IPython.core.display import HTML, display display(HTML(self.get_html()))
Example #29
Source File: From captum with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def visualize_text(datarecords: Iterable[VisualizationDataRecord]) -> None: assert HAS_IPYTHON, ( "IPython must be available to visualize text. " "Please run 'pip install ipython'." ) dom = ["<table width: 100%>"] rows = [ "<tr><th>True Label</th>" "<th>Predicted Label</th>" "<th>Attribution Label</th>" "<th>Attribution Score</th>" "<th>Word Importance</th>" ] for datarecord in datarecords: rows.append( "".join( [ "<tr>", format_classname(datarecord.true_class), format_classname( "{0} ({1:.2f})".format( datarecord.pred_class, datarecord.pred_prob ) ), format_classname(datarecord.attr_class), format_classname("{0:.2f}".format(datarecord.attr_score)), format_word_importances( datarecord.raw_input, datarecord.word_attributions ), "<tr>", ] ) ) dom.append("".join(rows)) dom.append("</table>") display(HTML("".join(dom)))
Example #30
Source File: From pySPM with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def reconstruct(self, channels, scans=None, sf=None, k0=None, prog=False, time=False): """ Reconstruct an Image from a raw spectra by defining the lower and upper mass channels: list of (lower_mass, upper_mass) upper_mass: upper mass of the peak scans: The list of the scans to take into account (if None, all scans are taken) sf/k0: mass calibration. If none take the saved values time: If true the upper/lower_mass will be understood as time value prog: If True display a progressbar with tqdm """ from .utils import mass2time from . import SPM_image assert hasattr(channels, '__iter__') if not hasattr(channels[0], '__iter__'): channels = [channels] for c in channels: assert len(c)==2 if scans is None: scans = range(self.Nscan) if prog: scans = PB(scans) left = np.array([x[0] for x in channels]) right = np.array([x[1] for x in channels]) if not time: if sf is None or k0 is None: sf, k0 = self.get_mass_cal() left = mass2time(left, sf=sf, k0=k0) right = mass2time(right, sf=sf, k0=k0) Counts = [np.zeros((self.size['pixels']['x'], self.size['pixels']['y'])) for x in channels] for s in scans: Data = self.get_raw_data(s) for xy in Data: for i,ch in enumerate(channels): Counts[i][xy[1],xy[0]] += np.sum((Data[xy]>=left[i])*(Data[xy]<=right[i])) res = [SPM_image(C, real=self.size['real'], _type='TOF', channel="{0[0]:.2f}{unit}-{0[1]:.2f}{unit}".format(channels[i],unit=["u", "s"][time]), zscale="Counts") for i,C in enumerate(Counts)] if len(res) == 1: return res[0] return res[0] return res