Python logbook.StderrHandler() Examples
The following are 9
code examples of logbook.StderrHandler().
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Example #1
Source File: From zipline-chinese with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def analyze(context=None, results=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import logbook logbook.StderrHandler().push_application() log = logbook.Logger('Algorithm') fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) results.algorithm_period_return.plot(ax=ax1,color='blue',legend=u'策略收益') ax1.set_ylabel(u'收益') results.benchmark_period_return.plot(ax=ax1,color='red',legend=u'基准收益') # capital_base is the base value of capital #
Example #2
Source File: From threema-msgapi-sdk-python with MIT License | 6 votes |
def cli(ctx, verbosity, colored): """ Command Line Interface. Use --help for details. """ if verbosity > 0: # Enable logging util.enable_logging(level=_logging_levels[verbosity]) # Get handler class if colored: handler_class = logbook.more.ColorizedStderrHandler else: handler_class = logbook.StderrHandler # Set up logging handler handler = handler_class(level=_logging_levels[verbosity]) handler.push_application() global _logging_handler _logging_handler = handler # Create context object ctx.obj = {}
Example #3
Source File: From saltyrtc-server-python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def cli(ctx: click.Context, verbosity: int, colored: bool) -> None: """ Command Line Interface. Use --help for details. """ if verbosity > 0: try: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences import logbook.more except ImportError: click.echo('Please install saltyrtc.server[logging] for logging support.', err=True) ctx.exit(code=_ErrorCode.import_error) # Translate logging level level = _get_logging_level(verbosity) # Enable asyncio debug logging if verbosity is high enough # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable if level <= logbook.DEBUG: os.environ['PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG'] = '1' # Enable logging util.enable_logging(level=level, redirect_loggers={ 'asyncio': level, 'websockets': level, }) # Get handler class if colored: handler_class = logbook.more.ColorizedStderrHandler else: handler_class = logbook.StderrHandler # Set up logging handler handler = handler_class(level=level) handler.push_application() ctx.obj['logging_handler'] = handler
Example #4
Source File: From postgresql-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init_logging_stderr(log_level='notset', bubble=False): handler = logbook.StderrHandler(level=figure_out_log_level(log_level), bubble=bubble) handler.push_application() get_logger().debug("stderr logging initialized")
Example #5
Source File: From flask-restapi-recipe with MIT License | 5 votes |
def add_stderr_log(self): stderr_handler = logbook.StderrHandler(level=self.log_level) stderr_handler.format_string = self.format_string stderr_handler.formatter self.add_handler(stderr_handler)
Example #6
Source File: From catalyst with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(extension, strict_extensions, default_extension): """Top level catalyst entry point. """ # install a logbook handler before performing any other operations logbook.StderrHandler().push_application() load_extensions( default_extension, extension, strict_extensions, os.environ, )
Example #7
Source File: From srep with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def logging_context(path=None, level=None): from logbook import StderrHandler, FileHandler from logbook.compat import redirected_logging with StderrHandler(level=level or 'INFO').applicationbound(): if path: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) with FileHandler(path, bubble=True).applicationbound(): with redirected_logging(): yield else: with redirected_logging(): yield
Example #8
Source File: From threema-msgapi-sdk-python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def cli(ctx, verbosity, colored, verify_fingerprint, fingerprint): """ Command Line Interface. Use --help for details. """ if verbosity > 0: # Enable logging util.enable_logging(level=_logging_levels[verbosity]) # Get handler class if colored: handler_class = logbook.more.ColorizedStderrHandler else: handler_class = logbook.StderrHandler # Set up logging handler handler = handler_class(level=_logging_levels[verbosity]) handler.push_application() global _logging_handler _logging_handler = handler # Fingerprint if fingerprint is not None: fingerprint = binascii.unhexlify(fingerprint) # Store on context ctx.obj = { 'verify_fingerprint': verify_fingerprint, 'fingerprint': fingerprint }
Example #9
Source File: From saltyrtc-server-python with MIT License | 4 votes |
def server_factory(request, event_loop, server_permanent_keys): """ Return a factory to create :class:`saltyrtc.Server` instances. """ # Enable asyncio debug logging event_loop.set_debug(True) # Enable logging util.enable_logging(level=logbook.DEBUG, redirect_loggers={ 'asyncio': logbook.WARNING, 'websockets': logbook.WARNING, }) # Push handlers logging_handler = logbook.StderrHandler(bubble=True) logging_handler.push_application() _server_instances = [] def _server_factory(permanent_keys=None): if permanent_keys is None: permanent_keys = server_permanent_keys # Setup server port = unused_tcp_port() coroutine = serve( util.create_ssl_context( pytest.saltyrtc.cert, keyfile=pytest.saltyrtc.key, dh_params_file=pytest.saltyrtc.dh_params), permanent_keys,, port=port, loop=event_loop, server_class=TestServer, ) server_ = event_loop.run_until_complete(coroutine) # Inject timeout and address (little bit of a hack but meh...) server_.timeout = _get_timeout(request=request) server_.address = (, port) _server_instances.append(server_) def fin(): server_.close() event_loop.run_until_complete(server_.wait_closed()) _server_instances.remove(server_) if len(_server_instances) == 0: logging_handler.pop_application() request.addfinalizer(fin) return server_ return _server_factory