Python flask.session() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of flask.session().
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Example #1
Source File: From app with MIT License | 7 votes |
def demo(): """Step 1: User Authorization. Redirect the user/resource owner to the OAuth provider (i.e. SimpleLogin) using an URL with a few key OAuth parameters. """ simplelogin = OAuth2Session( client_id, redirect_uri="" ) authorization_url, state = simplelogin.authorization_url(authorization_base_url) # State is used to prevent CSRF, keep this for later. session["oauth_state"] = state return redirect(authorization_url) # Step 2: User authorization, this happens on the provider.
Example #2
Source File: From oabot with MIT License | 7 votes |
def get_random_edit(): # Check first that we are logged in access_token =flask.session.get('access_token', None) if not access_token: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('login', next_url=flask.url_for('get_random_edit'))) # Then, redirect to a random cached edit for page_name in list_cache_contents(): # Randomly skip or pick the current one, about 1 % chance. if random() > 0.01: continue cache_fname = "cache/"+to_cache_name(page_name) with open(cache_fname, 'r') as f: page_json = json.load(f) proposed_edits = page_json.get('proposed_edits', []) proposed_edits = [template_edit for template_edit in proposed_edits if (template_edit['classification'] != 'rejected')] if proposed_edits: edit_idx = randint(0, len(proposed_edits)-1) orig_hash = proposed_edits[edit_idx]['orig_hash'] return flask.redirect( flask.url_for('review_one_edit', name=page_name, edit=orig_hash)) return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('index'))
Example #3
Source File: From jbox with MIT License | 6 votes |
def modificate_integration(dev_key, integration_id): if not request.json or not 'channel' in request.json: abort(400) developer = get_developer_with_devkey(dev_key) integration = Integration.query.filter_by(, integration_id=integration_id).first() if integration is None: abort(400) = request.json['channel'] if 'name' in request.json: = request.json['name'] if 'description' in request.json: integration.description = request.json['description'] if 'icon' in request.json: integration.icon = request.json['icon'] db.session.add(integration) try: db.session.commit() except: db.session.rollback() abort(500) return jsonify({'modification': True}), 200 # 保存 github 集成,将所选的仓库与之前的仓库比较,新增则生成 webhook, 否则去掉之前的 webhook
Example #4
Source File: From jbox with MIT License | 6 votes |
def modify_developer(dev_key): developer = Developer.query.filter_by(dev_key=dev_key).first() if developer is None: abort(404) if 'name' in request.json: developer.username = request.json['name'] if 'desc' in request.json: developer.description = request.json['desc'] if 'avatar' in request.json: developer.avatar = request.json['avatar'] if 'email' in request.json: = request.json['email'] db.session.add(developer) try: db.session.commit() return jsonify({'modified': True}), 200 except: db.session.rollback() abort(500) # 在dev_key 下创建一个 channel
Example #5
Source File: From Flask-pyoidc with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _logout(self): logger.debug('user logout') try: session = UserSession(flask.session) except UninitialisedSession as e:'user was already logged out, doing nothing') return None id_token_jwt = session.id_token_jwt client = self.clients[session.current_provider] session.clear() if client.provider_end_session_endpoint: flask.session['end_session_state'] = rndstr() end_session_request = EndSessionRequest(id_token_hint=id_token_jwt, post_logout_redirect_uri=self._get_post_logout_redirect_uri(client), state=flask.session['end_session_state']) logger.debug('send endsession request: %s', end_session_request.to_json()) return redirect(end_session_request.request(client.provider_end_session_endpoint), 303) return None
Example #6
Source File: From Flask-pyoidc with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _authenticate(self, client, interactive=True): if not client.is_registered(): self._register_client(client) flask.session['destination'] = flask.request.url flask.session['state'] = rndstr() flask.session['nonce'] = rndstr() # Use silent authentication for session refresh # This will not show login prompt to the user extra_auth_params = {} if not interactive: extra_auth_params['prompt'] = 'none' login_url = client.authentication_request(flask.session['state'], flask.session['nonce'], extra_auth_params) auth_params = dict(parse_qsl(login_url.split('?')[1])) flask.session['fragment_encoded_response'] = AuthResponseHandler.expect_fragment_encoded_response(auth_params) return redirect(login_url)
Example #7
Source File: From Bad-Tools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def index(self): ga = FlaskGATracker('', 'UA-53020725-1') for method in self.accepts: if self._accepts(method): response, path = Which( method, request.args ).get_response() ga.track(request, session, path=path) return response # Assume it's a browser response, path = Which("text/html", request.args).get_response() ga.track(request, session, path=path) return response
Example #8
Source File: From Flask-pyoidc with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def oidc_logout(self, view_func): self._logout_view = view_func @functools.wraps(view_func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if 'state' in flask.request.args: # returning redirect from provider if flask.request.args['state'] != flask.session.pop('end_session_state'): logger.error("Got unexpected state '%s' after logout redirect.", flask.request.args['state']) return view_func(*args, **kwargs) redirect_to_provider = self._logout() if redirect_to_provider: return redirect_to_provider return view_func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
Example #9
Source File: From Flask-Discord with MIT License | 6 votes |
def add_to_guild(self, guild_id) -> dict: """Method to add user to the guild, provided OAuth2 session has already been created with ``guilds.join`` scope. Parameters ---------- guild_id : int The ID of the guild you want this user to be added. Returns ------- dict A dict of guild member object. Returns an empty dict if user is already present in the guild. Raises ------ flask_discord.Unauthorized Raises :py:class:`flask_discord.Unauthorized` if current user is not authorized. """ data = {"access_token": session["DISCORD_OAUTH2_TOKEN"]["access_token"]} headers = {"Authorization": f"Bot {current_app.config['DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN']}"} return self._request( f"/guilds/{guild_id}/members/{}", method="PUT", oauth=False, json=data, headers=headers ) or dict()
Example #10
Source File: From Flask-pyoidc with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_handle_authentication_response_POST(self): access_token = 'test_access_token' state = 'test_state' authn = self.init_app() auth_response = AuthorizationResponse(**{'state': state, 'token_type': 'Bearer', 'access_token': access_token}) with'/redirect_uri', method='POST', data=auth_response.to_dict(), mimetype='application/x-www-form-urlencoded'): UserSession(flask.session, self.PROVIDER_NAME) flask.session['destination'] = '/test' flask.session['state'] = state flask.session['nonce'] = 'test_nonce' response = authn._handle_authentication_response() session = UserSession(flask.session) assert session.access_token == access_token assert response == '/test'
Example #11
Source File: From app with MIT License | 6 votes |
def enter_sudo(): password_check_form = LoginForm() if password_check_form.validate_on_submit(): password = if current_user.check_password(password): session["sudo_time"] = int(time()) # User comes to sudo page from another page next_url = request.args.get("next") if next_url: LOG.debug("redirect user to %s", next_url) return redirect(next_url) else: LOG.debug("redirect user to dashboard") return redirect(url_for("dashboard.index")) else: flash("Incorrect password", "warning") return render_template( "dashboard/enter_sudo.html", password_check_form=password_check_form )
Example #12
Source File: From Flask-pyoidc with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_token_error_response_calls_to_error_view_if_set(self): token_endpoint = self.PROVIDER_BASEURL + '/token' error_response = {'error': 'invalid_request', 'error_description': 'test error'} responses.add(responses.POST, token_endpoint, json=error_response) authn = self.init_app(provider_metadata_extras={'token_endpoint': token_endpoint}) error_view_mock = self.get_view_mock() authn.error_view(error_view_mock) state = 'test_tate' with'/redirect_uri?code=foo&state={}'.format(state)): UserSession(flask.session, self.PROVIDER_NAME) flask.session['state'] = state flask.session['nonce'] = 'test_nonce' result = authn._handle_authentication_response() self.assert_view_mock(error_view_mock, result) error_view_mock.assert_called_with(**error_response)
Example #13
Source File: From pagure with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def auth_logout(): # pragma: no cover """ Method to log out from the application. """ return_point = flask.url_for("ui_ns.index") if "next" in flask.request.args: if pagure.utils.is_safe_url(flask.request.args["next"]): return_point = flask.request.args["next"] if not pagure.utils.authenticated(): return flask.redirect(return_point) logout() flask.flash("You have been logged out") flask.session["_justloggedout"] = True return flask.redirect(return_point) # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Example #14
Source File: From hackit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def autosolve(app): if 'autosolve' not in session: return None if g.user is None: return None last_res = None try: for name, idx, password in session['autosolve']:'[%s] autosolve %r, %r, %r', g.user, name, idx, password) level = routes_by_name[name].levels[idx] res = level.solve(password, auto=True) if res is not None: last_res = res except: app.logger.exception('[%s] autosolve failed: (%r)', g.user, session['autosolve']) del session['autosolve'] return last_res
Example #15
Source File: From github-stats with MIT License | 6 votes |
def signin_user_db(user_db): if not user_db: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('signin')) flask_user_db = FlaskUser(user_db) auth_params = flask.session.get('auth-params', { 'next': flask.url_for('welcome'), 'remember': False, }) flask.session.pop('auth-params', None) if flask_login.login_user(flask_user_db, remember=auth_params['remember']): user_db.put_async() if user_db.github: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('gh_account', username=user_db.github)) return flask.redirect(util.get_next_url(auth_params['next'])) flask.flash('Sorry, but you could not sign in.', category='danger') return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('signin'))
Example #16
Source File: From hackit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def login(): if g.user is not None: return redirect(url_for('index')) form = LoginForm(request.form) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): user = users.User.query.filter_by( if user is None: flash(u'El usuario no existe') elif not user.checkpassword( flash(u'Contraseña incorrecta')'[%s] login failed', user) else: flash(u'Bienvenido de nuevo, %s'%user.username) session['user_id'] = g.user = user'[%s] login succeeded', user) return level.autosolve(app) or redirect(url_for('index')) return redirect(url_for('index'))
Example #17
Source File: From oabot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def login(): """Initiate an OAuth login. Call the MediaWiki server to get request secrets and then redirect the user to the MediaWiki server to sign the request. """ consumer_token = mwoauth.ConsumerToken( app.config['CONSUMER_KEY'], app.config['CONSUMER_SECRET']) try: redirect, request_token = mwoauth.initiate( app.config['OAUTH_MWURI'], consumer_token) except Exception: app.logger.exception('mwoauth.initiate failed') return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('index')) else: flask.session['request_token'] = dict(zip( request_token._fields, request_token)) return flask.redirect(redirect)
Example #18
Source File: From hackit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def logout(): session['csrf_token'] = os.urandom(8).encode('hex') if 'user_id' in session: del session['user_id'] flash(u'Has cerrado tu sesión') return redirect(url_for('index')) # ====== Levels ======
Example #19
Source File: From calibre-web with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set(self, blueprint, token, user=None, user_id=None): uid = first([user_id, self.user_id, blueprint.config.get("user_id")]) u = first(_get_real_user(ref, self.anon_user) for ref in (user, self.user, blueprint.config.get("user"))) if self.user_required and not u and not uid: raise ValueError("Cannot set OAuth token without an associated user") # if there was an existing model, delete it existing_query = ( self.session.query(self.model) .filter_by(provider=self.provider_id) ) # check for user ID has_user_id = hasattr(self.model, "user_id") if has_user_id and uid: existing_query = existing_query.filter_by(user_id=uid) # check for user (relationship property) has_user = hasattr(self.model, "user") if has_user and u: existing_query = existing_query.filter_by(user=u) # queue up delete query -- won't be run until commit() existing_query.delete() # create a new model for this token kwargs = { "provider": self.provider_id, "token": token, } if has_user_id and uid: kwargs["user_id"] = uid if has_user and u: kwargs["user"] = u self.session.add(self.model(**kwargs)) # commit to delete and add simultaneously self.session.commit() # invalidate cache self.cache.delete(self.make_cache_key( blueprint=blueprint, user=user, user_id=user_id ))
Example #20
Source File: From calibre-web with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, model, session, provider_id, user=None, user_id=None, user_required=None, anon_user=None, cache=None): self.provider_id = provider_id super(OAuthBackend, self).__init__(model, session, user, user_id, user_required, anon_user, cache)
Example #21
Source File: From pagure with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def generate_user_key_files(): """ Regenerate the key files used by gitolite. """ gitolite_home = pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_HOME", None) if gitolite_home: users = pagure.lib.query.search_user(flask.g.session) for user in users: pagure.lib.query.update_user_ssh( flask.g.session, user, None, pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None), update_only=True, ) pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=None)
Example #22
Source File: From pagure with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def login_required(function): """ Flask decorator to retrict access to logged in user. If the auth system is ``fas`` it will also require that the user sign the FPCA. """ @wraps(function) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): """ Decorated function, actually does the work. """ auth_method = pagure_config.get("PAGURE_AUTH", None) if flask.session.get("_justloggedout", False): return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("ui_ns.index")) elif not authenticated(): return flask.redirect( flask.url_for("auth_login", next=flask.request.url) ) elif auth_method == "fas" and not flask.g.fas_user.cla_done: flask.session["_requires_fpca"] = True flask.flash( flask.Markup( 'You must <a href="https://admin.fedoraproject' '.org/accounts/">sign the FPCA</a> (Fedora Project ' "Contributor Agreement) to use pagure" ), "errors", ) return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("ui_ns.index")) return function(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function
Example #23
Source File: From jbox with MIT License | 5 votes |
def regenerate_integration_token(integration_id): integration = Integration.query.filter_by(integration_id=integration_id).first() if integration is None: abort(400) token = generate_auth_token() integration.token = token try: db.session.add(integration) db.session.commit() return jsonify({'token': token}), 200 except: db.session.rollback() abort(500)
Example #24
Source File: From jbox with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_developer_from_session(): if 'qq_token' in session: respMe = qq.get('/oauth2.0/me', {'access_token': session['qq_token'][0]}) openid = json_to_dict(['openid'] developer = Developer.query.filter_by(platform_id=openid).first() return developer return None
Example #25
Source File: From Flask-Discord with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fetch_from_api(cls, guilds=False, connections=False): """A class method which returns an instance of this model by implicitly making an API call to Discord. The user returned from API will always be cached and update in internal cache. Parameters ---------- guilds : bool A boolean indicating if user's guilds should be cached or not. Defaults to ``False``. If chose to not cache, user's guilds can always be obtained from :py:func:`flask_discord.Guilds.fetch_from_api()`. connections : bool A boolean indicating if user's connections should be cached or not. Defaults to ``False``. If chose to not cache, user's connections can always be obtained from :py:func:`flask_discord.Connections.fetch_from_api()`. Returns ------- cls An instance of this model itself. [cls, ...] List of instances of this model when many of these models exist.""" self = super().fetch_from_api() current_app.discord.users_cache.update({ self}) session["DISCORD_USER_ID"] = if guilds: self.fetch_guilds() if connections: self.fetch_connections() return self
Example #26
Source File: From hackit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def delete_account(): app.logger.warning('[%s] account deleted', g.user) users.db.session.delete(g.user) users.db.session.commit() del session['user_id'] session['csrf_token'] = os.urandom(8).encode('hex') flash(u'Cuenta de usuario borrada') return redirect(url_for('index'))
Example #27
Source File: From hackit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def profile(): if g.user is None: return redirect(url_for('index')) form = ProfileForm(request.form) = g.user.username if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): g.user.pubname = = if app.config['USE_SEAT']: = if g.user.changepassword( users.db.session.commit()'[%s] profile updated %r,%r,%r', g.user, g.user.pubname,, flash(u'Perfil actualizado correctamente') else: = g.user.pubname = if app.config['USE_SEAT']: = return render_template('profile.html', form=form)
Example #28
Source File: From hackit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def register(): if g.user is not None: return redirect(url_for('index')) form = RegistrationForm(request.form) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): if in app.config['BANNED_USERNAMES']: form.username.errors.append(u'Buen intento ;)') return render_template('register.html', form=form) if app.config['USE_SEAT']: seat = else: seat = None newuser = users.User(,,,, seat) try: users.db.session.add(newuser) users.db.session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: form.username.errors.append(u'Ya existe un usuario con ese nombre') else: flash(u'Te has registrado con éxito. ¡Comienza el desafío!') session['user_id'] = g.user = newuser'[%s] Registered %r,%r,%r', g.user, g.user.pubname,, return level.autosolve(app) or redirect(url_for('index')) return render_template('register.html', form=form)
Example #29
Source File: From everyclass-server with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_ut_uid(): """已登录用户获得学号,未登录用户获得user序列ID""" if SESSION_CURRENT_USER in session: return UTYPE_USER, session[SESSION_CURRENT_USER].identifier if SESSION_USER_SEQ in session: return UTYPE_GUEST, session[SESSION_USER_SEQ] raise NotImplementedError("user seq not exist in session")
Example #30
Source File: From pagure with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def fas_user_from_oidc(): if "oidc_cached_userdata" in flask.session: flask.g.fas_user = munch.Munch(**flask.session["oidc_cached_userdata"]) elif oidc.user_loggedin and "oidc_logintime" in flask.session: email_key, fulln_key, usern_key, ssh_key, groups_key = [ pagure_config["OIDC_PAGURE_EMAIL"], pagure_config["OIDC_PAGURE_FULLNAME"], pagure_config["OIDC_PAGURE_USERNAME"], pagure_config["OIDC_PAGURE_SSH_KEY"], pagure_config["OIDC_PAGURE_GROUPS"], ] info = oidc.user_getinfo( [email_key, fulln_key, usern_key, ssh_key, groups_key] ) username = info.get(usern_key) if not username: fb = pagure_config["OIDC_PAGURE_USERNAME_FALLBACK"] if fb == "email": username = info[email_key].split("@")[0] elif fb == "sub": username = flask.g.oidc_id_token["sub"] flask.g.fas_user = munch.Munch( username=username, fullname=info.get(fulln_key, ""), email=info[email_key], ssh_key=info.get(ssh_key), groups=info.get(groups_key, []), login_time=flask.session["oidc_logintime"], ) flask.session["oidc_cached_userdata"] = dict(flask.g.fas_user)