Python sympy.Mul() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of sympy.Mul().
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Example #1
Source File: From Cirq with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_repr_preserves_type_information(): t = sympy.Symbol('t') assert repr(cirq.Duration(micros=1500)) == 'cirq.Duration(micros=1500)' assert repr(cirq.Duration(micros=1500.0)) == 'cirq.Duration(micros=1500.0)' assert repr(cirq.Duration(millis=1.5)) == 'cirq.Duration(micros=1500.0)' assert repr(cirq.Duration( micros=1500 * t)) == ("cirq.Duration(micros=sympy.Mul(sympy.Integer(1500), " "sympy.Symbol('t')))") assert repr(cirq.Duration(micros=1500.0 * t)) == ( "cirq.Duration(micros=sympy.Mul(sympy.Float('1500.0', precision=53), " "sympy.Symbol('t')))") assert repr(cirq.Duration(millis=1.5 * t)) == ( "cirq.Duration(micros=sympy.Mul(sympy.Float('1500.0', precision=53), " "sympy.Symbol('t')))")
Example #2
Source File: From latex2sympy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def convert_unary(unary): if hasattr(unary, 'unary'): nested_unary = unary.unary() else: nested_unary = unary.unary_nofunc() if hasattr(unary, 'postfix_nofunc'): first = unary.postfix() tail = unary.postfix_nofunc() postfix = [first] + tail else: postfix = unary.postfix() if unary.ADD(): return convert_unary(nested_unary) elif unary.SUB(): return sympy.Mul(-1, convert_unary(nested_unary), evaluate=False) elif postfix: return convert_postfix_list(postfix)
Example #3
Source File: From latex2sympy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def convert_mp(mp): if hasattr(mp, 'mp'): mp_left = mp_right = else: mp_left = mp.mp_nofunc(0) mp_right = mp.mp_nofunc(1) if mp.MUL() or mp.CMD_TIMES() or mp.CMD_CDOT(): lh = convert_mp(mp_left) rh = convert_mp(mp_right) return sympy.Mul(lh, rh, evaluate=False) elif mp.DIV() or mp.CMD_DIV() or mp.COLON(): lh = convert_mp(mp_left) rh = convert_mp(mp_right) return sympy.Mul(lh, sympy.Pow(rh, -1, evaluate=False), evaluate=False) else: if hasattr(mp, 'unary'): return convert_unary(mp.unary()) else: return convert_unary(mp.unary_nofunc())
Example #4
Source File: From pytfa with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def subs_bilinear(expr): """ Substitutes bilinear forms from an expression with dedicated variables :param expr: :return: """ bilinear_ix = [isinstance(x,sympy.Mul) for e,x in enumerate(expr.args)] new_expr = expr.copy() replacement_dict = dict() for bix in bilinear_ix: term = expr.args[bix] name = '__MUL__'.join(term.args) z = sympy.Symbol(name = name) new_expr = new_expr.subs(term,z) replacement_dict[term] = z return new_expr, replacement_dict
Example #5
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_differentiable(): a = Function(name="a", grid=Grid((10, 10))) e = Function(name="e", grid=Grid((10, 10))) assert isinstance(1.2 * a.dx, Mul) assert isinstance(e + a, Add) assert isinstance(e * a, Mul) assert isinstance(a * a, Pow) assert isinstance(1 / (a * a), Pow) addition = a + 1.2 * a.dx assert isinstance(addition, Add) assert all(isinstance(a, Differentiable) for a in addition.args) addition2 = a + e * a.dx assert isinstance(addition2, Add) assert all(isinstance(a, Differentiable) for a in addition2.args)
Example #6
Source File: From fungrim with MIT License | 6 votes |
def sympy_to_grim(expr, **kwargs): import sympy assert isinstance(expr, sympy.Expr) if expr.is_Integer: return Expr(int(expr)) if expr.is_Symbol: return Expr( if expr is sympy.pi: return Pi if expr is sympy.E: return ConstE if expr is sympy.I: return ConstI if expr.is_Add: args = [sympy_to_grim(x, **kwargs) for x in expr.args] return Add(*args) if expr.is_Mul: args = [sympy_to_grim(x, **kwargs) for x in expr.args] return Mul(*args) if expr.is_Pow: args = [sympy_to_grim(x, **kwargs) for x in expr.args] b, e = args return Pow(b, e) raise NotImplementedError("converting %s to Grim", type(expr))
Example #7
Source File: From sympsi with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _generate_outer_prod(self, arg1, arg2): c_part1, nc_part1 = arg1.args_cnc() c_part2, nc_part2 = arg2.args_cnc() if ( len(nc_part1) == 0 or len(nc_part2) == 0 ): raise ValueError('Atleast one-pair of' ' Non-commutative instance required' ' for outer product.') # Muls of Tensor Products should be expanded # before this function is called if (isinstance(nc_part1[0], TensorProduct) and len(nc_part1) == 1 and len(nc_part2) == 1): op = tensor_product_simp(nc_part1[0] * Dagger(nc_part2[0])) else: op = Mul(*nc_part1) * Dagger(Mul(*nc_part2)) return Mul(*c_part1)*Mul(*c_part2)*op
Example #8
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_diffify(): a = Function(name="a", grid=Grid((10, 10))) e = Function(name="e", grid=Grid((10, 10))) assert isinstance(diffify(sympy.Mul(*[1.2, a.dx])), Mul) assert isinstance(diffify(sympy.Add(*[a, e])), Add) assert isinstance(diffify(sympy.Mul(*[e, a])), Mul) assert isinstance(diffify(sympy.Mul(*[a, a])), Pow) assert isinstance(diffify(sympy.Pow(*[a*a, -1])), Pow) addition = diffify(sympy.Add(*[a, sympy.Mul(*[1.2, a.dx])])) assert isinstance(addition, Add) assert all(isinstance(a, Differentiable) for a in addition.args) addition2 = diffify(sympy.Add(*[a, sympy.Mul(*[e, a.dx])])) assert isinstance(addition2, Add) assert all(isinstance(a, Differentiable) for a in addition2.args)
Example #9
Source File: From sympsi with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _normal_order_terms(expr, recursive_limit=10, _recursive_depth=0): """ Helper function for normal_order: look through each term in an addition expression and call _normal_order_factor to perform the normal ordering on the factors. """ new_terms = [] for term in expr.args: if isinstance(term, Mul): new_term = _normal_order_factor(term, recursive_limit=recursive_limit, _recursive_depth=_recursive_depth) new_terms.append(new_term) else: new_terms.append(term) return Add(*new_terms)
Example #10
Source File: From sympsi with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _normal_ordered_form_terms(expr, independent=False, recursive_limit=10, _recursive_depth=0): """ Helper function for normal_ordered_form: loop through each term in an addition expression and call _normal_ordered_form_factor to perform the factor to an normally ordered expression. """ new_terms = [] for term in expr.args: if isinstance(term, Mul): new_term = _normal_ordered_form_factor( term, recursive_limit=recursive_limit, _recursive_depth=_recursive_depth, independent=independent) new_terms.append(new_term) elif isinstance(term, Expectation): term = Expectation(normal_ordered_form(term.args[0]), term.is_normal_order) new_terms.append(term) else: new_terms.append(term) return Add(*new_terms)
Example #11
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 6 votes |
def pow_to_mul(expr): if expr.is_Atom or expr.is_Indexed: return expr elif expr.is_Pow: base, exp = expr.as_base_exp() if exp > 10 or exp < -10 or int(exp) != exp or exp == 0: # Large and non-integer powers remain untouched return expr elif exp == -1: # Reciprocals also remain untouched, but we traverse the base # looking for other Pows return expr.func(pow_to_mul(base), exp, evaluate=False) elif exp > 0: return sympy.Mul(*[base]*int(exp), evaluate=False) else: # SymPy represents 1/x as Pow(x,-1). Also, it represents # 2/x as Mul(2, Pow(x, -1)). So we shouldn't end up here, # but just in case SymPy changes its internal conventions... posexpr = sympy.Mul(*[base]*(-int(exp)), evaluate=False) return sympy.Pow(posexpr, -1, evaluate=False) else: return expr.func(*[pow_to_mul(i) for i in expr.args], evaluate=False)
Example #12
Source File: From sympsi with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _replace_op_func(e, variable): if isinstance(e, Operator): return OperatorFunction(e, variable) if e.is_Number: return e if isinstance(e, Pow): return Pow(_replace_op_func(e.base, variable), e.exp) new_args = [_replace_op_func(arg, variable) for arg in e.args] if isinstance(e, Add): return Add(*new_args) elif isinstance(e, Mul): return Mul(*new_args) else: return e
Example #13
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __div__(self, other): return Mul(self, Pow(other, sympy.S.NegativeOne))
Example #14
Source File: From Cirq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _decompose_into_amount_unit_suffix(self) -> Tuple[int, str, str]: if (isinstance(self._picos, sympy.Mul) and len(self._picos.args) == 2 and isinstance(self._picos.args[0], (sympy.Integer, sympy.Float))): scale = self._picos.args[0] rest = self._picos.args[1] else: scale = self._picos rest = 1 if scale % 1000_000_000 == 0: amount = scale / 1000_000_000 unit = 'millis' suffix = 'ms'
Example #15
Source File: From Cirq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _is_supported_formula(formula: sympy.Basic) -> bool: if isinstance(formula, (sympy.Symbol, sympy.Integer, sympy.Float, sympy.Rational, sympy.NumberSymbol)): return True if isinstance(formula, (sympy.Add, sympy.Mul)): return all(_is_supported_formula(f) for f in formula.args) return False
Example #16
Source File: From chempy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def _implicit_conversion(obj): if isinstance(obj, (int, float)): return Constant(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Expr): return obj elif isinstance(obj, str): return Symbol(unique_keys=(obj,)) if sympy is not None: if isinstance(obj, sympy.Mul): if len(obj.args) != 2: raise NotImplementedError("Did you use evaluate=False?") return _MulExpr([_implicit_conversion(obj.args[0]), _implicit_conversion(obj.args[1])]) elif isinstance(obj, sympy.Add): if len(obj.args) != 2: raise NotImplementedError("Did you use evaluate=False?") return _AddExpr([_implicit_conversion(obj.args[0]), _implicit_conversion(obj.args[1])]) elif isinstance(obj, sympy.Pow): return _PowExpr(_implicit_conversion(obj.base), _implicit_conversion(obj.exp)) elif isinstance(obj, sympy.Float): return Constant(float(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, sympy.Symbol): return Symbol(unique_keys=(,)) raise NotImplementedError( "Don't know how to convert %s (of type %s)" % (obj, type(obj)))
Example #17
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __mul__(self, other): return Mul(self, other)
Example #18
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __imul__(self, other): return Mul(self, other)
Example #19
Source File: From mathematics_dataset with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def expanded_signs_and_terms(self): """Returns a list of arguments, plus any sub-arguments from sub-adds. E.g., if this op is `Add(Add(2, Neg(3)), Mul(4, 5), 1)`, then will return `[(True, 2), (False, 3), (True, Mul(4, 5)), (True, 1)]` (the arguments of the inner add have been extracted). """
Example #20
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __rdiv__(self, other): return Mul(other, Pow(self, sympy.S.NegativeOne))
Example #21
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __neg__(self): return Mul(sympy.S.NegativeOne, self)
Example #22
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _gather_for_diff(self): """ We handle Mul arguments by hand in case of staggered inputs such as `f(x)*g(x + h_x/2)` that will be transformed into f(x + h_x/2)*g(x + h_x/2) and priority of indexing is applied to have single indices as in this example. The priority is from least to most: - param - NODE - staggered """ if len(set(f.staggered for f in self._args_diff)) == 1: return self func_args = highest_priority(self) new_args = [] ref_inds = func_args.indices_ref._getters for f in self.args: if f not in self._args_diff: new_args.append(f) elif f is func_args: new_args.append(f) else: ind_f = f.indices_ref._getters mapper = {ind_f.get(d, d): ref_inds.get(d, d) for d in self.dimensions if ind_f.get(d, d) is not ref_inds.get(d, d)} if mapper: new_args.append(f.subs(mapper)) else: new_args.append(f) return self.func(*new_args, evaluate=False)
Example #23
Source File: From devito with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _doit(obj, args=None): cls = diffify._cls(obj) args = args or obj.args if cls is obj.__class__: # Try to just update the args if possible (Add, Mul) try: return obj._new_rawargs(*args, is_commutative=obj.is_commutative) # Or just return the object (Float, Symbol, Function, ...) except AttributeError: return obj # Create object directly from args, avoid any rebuild return cls(*args, evaluate=False)
Example #24
Source File: From qupulse with MIT License | 5 votes |
def numpy_compatible_mul(*args) -> Union[sympy.Mul, sympy.Array]: if any(isinstance(a, sympy.NDimArray) for a in args): result = 1 for a in args: result = result * (numpy.array(a.tolist()) if isinstance(a, sympy.NDimArray) else a) return sympy.Array(result) else: return sympy.Mul(*args)
Example #25
Source File: From qupulse with MIT License | 5 votes |
def substitute_with_eval(expression: sympy.Expr, substitutions: Dict[str, Union[sympy.Expr, numpy.ndarray, str]]) -> sympy.Expr: """Substitutes only sympy.Symbols. Workaround for numpy like array behaviour. ~Factor 3 slower compared to subs""" substitutions = {k: v if isinstance(v, sympy.Expr) else sympify(v) for k, v in substitutions.items()} for symbol in get_free_symbols(expression): symbol_name = str(symbol) if symbol_name not in substitutions: substitutions[symbol_name] = symbol string_representation = sympy.srepr(expression) return eval(string_representation, sympy.__dict__, {'Symbol': substitutions.__getitem__, 'Mul': numpy_compatible_mul})
Example #26
Source File: From qupulse with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _recursive_substitution(expression: sympy.Expr, substitutions: Dict[sympy.Symbol, sympy.Expr]) -> sympy.Expr: if not expression.free_symbols: return expression elif expression.func is sympy.Symbol: return substitutions.get(expression, expression) elif expression.func is sympy.Mul: func = numpy_compatible_mul else: func = expression.func substitutions = {s: substitutions.get(s, s) for s in get_free_symbols(expression)} return func(*(_recursive_substitution(arg, substitutions) for arg in expression.args))
Example #27
Source File: From latex2sympy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convert_postfix_list(arr, i=0): if i >= len(arr): raise Exception("Index out of bounds") res = convert_postfix(arr[i]) if isinstance(res, sympy.Expr): if i == len(arr) - 1: return res # nothing to multiply by else: if i > 0: left = convert_postfix(arr[i - 1]) right = convert_postfix(arr[i + 1]) if isinstance(left, sympy.Expr) and isinstance(right, sympy.Expr): left_syms = convert_postfix(arr[i - 1]).atoms(sympy.Symbol) right_syms = convert_postfix(arr[i + 1]).atoms(sympy.Symbol) # if the left and right sides contain no variables and the # symbol in between is 'x', treat as multiplication. if len(left_syms) == 0 and len(right_syms) == 0 and str(res) == "x": return convert_postfix_list(arr, i + 1) # multiply by next return sympy.Mul(res, convert_postfix_list(arr, i + 1), evaluate=False) else: # must be derivative wrt = res[0] if i == len(arr) - 1: raise Exception("Expected expression for derivative") else: expr = convert_postfix_list(arr, i + 1) return sympy.Derivative(expr, wrt)
Example #28
Source File: From latex2sympy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convert_frac(frac): diff_op = False partial_op = False lower_itv = frac.lower.getSourceInterval() lower_itv_len = lower_itv[1] - lower_itv[0] + 1 if (frac.lower.start == frac.lower.stop and frac.lower.start.type == PSLexer.DIFFERENTIAL): wrt = get_differential_var_str(frac.lower.start.text) diff_op = True elif (lower_itv_len == 2 and frac.lower.start.type == PSLexer.SYMBOL and frac.lower.start.text == '\\partial' and (frac.lower.stop.type == PSLexer.LETTER or frac.lower.stop.type == PSLexer.SYMBOL)): partial_op = True wrt = frac.lower.stop.text if frac.lower.stop.type == PSLexer.SYMBOL: wrt = wrt[1:] if diff_op or partial_op: wrt = sympy.Symbol(wrt) if (diff_op and frac.upper.start == frac.upper.stop and frac.upper.start.type == PSLexer.LETTER and frac.upper.start.text == 'd'): return [wrt] elif (partial_op and frac.upper.start == frac.upper.stop and frac.upper.start.type == PSLexer.SYMBOL and frac.upper.start.text == '\\partial'): return [wrt] upper_text = rule2text(frac.upper) expr_top = None if diff_op and upper_text.startswith('d'): expr_top = process_sympy(upper_text[1:]) elif partial_op and frac.upper.start.text == '\\partial': expr_top = process_sympy(upper_text[len('\\partial'):]) if expr_top: return sympy.Derivative(expr_top, wrt) expr_top = convert_expr(frac.upper) expr_bot = convert_expr(frac.lower) return sympy.Mul(expr_top, sympy.Pow(expr_bot, -1, evaluate=False), evaluate=False)
Example #29
Source File: From pygom with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def _getExpression(expr, input_dict): """ all the operations is dependent on the conditions whether all the elements are leafs or only some of them. Only return expressions and not the individual elements """ t = expr.args if len(expr.atoms()) > 1 else [expr] # print t # find out the length of the components within this node t_lengths = np.array(list(map(_expressionLength, t))) # print(tLengths) if np.all(t_lengths == 0): # if all components are leafs, then the node is an expression input_dict.setdefault(expr, 0) input_dict[expr] += 1 else: for i, ti in enumerate(t): # if the leaf is a singleton, then it is an expression # else, go further along the tree if t_lengths[i] == 0: input_dict.setdefault(ti, 0) input_dict[ti] += 1 else: if isinstance(ti, sympy.Mul): _getExpression(ti, input_dict) elif isinstance(ti, sympy.Pow): input_dict.setdefault(ti, 0) input_dict[ti] += 1
Example #30
Source File: From mathematics_dataset with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _surd_coefficients(sympy_exp): """Extracts coefficients a, b, where sympy_exp = a + b * sqrt(base).""" sympy_exp = sympy.simplify(sympy.expand(sympy_exp)) def extract_b(b_sqrt_base): """Returns b from expression of form b * sqrt(base).""" if isinstance(b_sqrt_base, sympy.Pow): # Just form sqrt(base) return 1 else: assert isinstance(b_sqrt_base, sympy.Mul) assert len(b_sqrt_base.args) == 2 assert b_sqrt_base.args[0].is_rational assert isinstance(b_sqrt_base.args[1], sympy.Pow) # should be sqrt. return b_sqrt_base.args[0] if sympy_exp.is_rational: # Form: a. return sympy_exp, 0 elif isinstance(sympy_exp, sympy.Add): # Form: a + b * sqrt(base) assert len(sympy_exp.args) == 2 assert sympy_exp.args[0].is_rational a = sympy_exp.args[0] b = extract_b(sympy_exp.args[1]) return a, b else: # Form: b * sqrt(base). return 0, extract_b(sympy_exp)