Python sympy.N Examples
The following are 8
code examples of sympy.N().
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Example #1
Source File: From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _scheme_from_rc_mpmath(alpha, beta): # Create vector cut of the first value of beta n = len(alpha) b = mp.zeros(n, 1) for i in range(n - 1): b[i] = mp.sqrt(beta[i + 1]) z = mp.zeros(1, n) z[0, 0] = 1 d = mp.matrix(alpha) tridiag_eigen(mp, d, b, z) # nx1 matrix -> list of mpf x = numpy.array([mp.mpf(sympy.N(xx, mp.dps)) for xx in d]) w = numpy.array([mp.mpf(sympy.N(beta[0], mp.dps)) * mp.power(ww, 2) for ww in z]) return x, w
Example #2
Source File: From simupy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def event_bounds_expressions(self, event_bounds_exp): if hasattr(self, 'output_equations'): assert len(event_bounds_exp)+1 == self.output_equations.shape[0] if hasattr(self, 'output_equations_functions'): assert len(event_bounds_exp)+1 == \ self.output_equations_functions.size if getattr(self, 'state_equations', None) is not None: assert len(event_bounds_exp)+1 == self.state_equations.shape[0] if getattr(self, 'state_equations_functions', None) is not None: assert len(event_bounds_exp)+1 == \ self.state_equations_functions.size self._event_bounds_expressions = event_bounds_exp self.event_bounds = np.array( [sp.N(bound, subs=self.constants_values) for bound in event_bounds_exp], dtype=np.float_ )
Example #3
Source File: From galgebra with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def Nga(x, prec=5): """ Like :func:`sympy.N`, but also works on multivectors For multivectors with coefficients that contain floating point numbers, this rounds all these numbers to a precision of ``prec`` and returns the rounded multivector. """ if isinstance(x, Mv): return Mv(Nsympy(x.obj, prec), ga=x.Ga) else: return Nsympy(x, prec)
Example #4
Source File: From spherical_functions with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_Wigner3j_values(): from sympy import N from sympy.physics.wigner import wigner_3j from spherical_functions import Wigner3j j_max = 8 for j1 in range(j_max+1): for j2 in range(j1, j_max+1): for j3 in range(j2, j_max+1): for m1 in range(-j1, j1 + 1): for m2 in range(-j2, j2 + 1): m3 = -m1-m2 if j3 >= abs(m3): sf_3j = Wigner3j(j1, j2, j3, m1, m2, m3) sy_3j = N(wigner_3j(j1, j2, j3, m1, m2, m3)) assert abs(sf_3j - sy_3j) < precision_Wigner3j
Example #5
Source File: From lie_learn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def wigner_d_naive(l, m, n, beta): """ Numerically naive implementation of the Wigner-d function. This is useful for checking the correctness of other implementations. :param l: the degree of the Wigner-d function. l >= 0 :param m: the order of the Wigner-d function. -l <= m <= l :param n: the order of the Wigner-d function. -l <= n <= l :param beta: the argument. 0 <= beta <= pi :return: d^l_mn(beta) in the TODO: what basis? complex, quantum(?), centered, cs(?) """ from scipy.special import eval_jacobi try: from scipy.misc import factorial except: from scipy.special import factorial from sympy.functions.special.polynomials import jacobi, jacobi_normalized from import j, a, b, x from sympy import N #jfun = jacobi_normalized(j, a, b, x) jfun = jacobi(j, a, b, x) # eval_jacobi = lambda q, r, p, o: float(jfun.eval(int(q), int(r), int(p), float(o))) # eval_jacobi = lambda q, r, p, o: float(N(jfun, int(q), int(r), int(p), float(o))) eval_jacobi = lambda q, r, p, o: float(jfun.subs({j:int(q), a:int(r), b:int(p), x:float(o)})) mu = np.abs(m - n) nu = np.abs(m + n) s = l - (mu + nu) / 2 xi = 1 if n >= m else (-1) ** (n - m) # print(s, mu, nu, np.cos(beta), type(s), type(mu), type(nu), type(np.cos(beta))) jac = eval_jacobi(s, mu, nu, np.cos(beta)) z = np.sqrt((factorial(s) * factorial(s + mu + nu)) / (factorial(s + mu) * factorial(s + nu))) # print(l, m, n, beta, np.isfinite(mu), np.isfinite(nu), np.isfinite(s), np.isfinite(xi), np.isfinite(jac), np.isfinite(z)) assert np.isfinite(mu) and np.isfinite(nu) and np.isfinite(s) and np.isfinite(xi) and np.isfinite(jac) and np.isfinite(z) assert np.isfinite(xi * z * np.sin(beta / 2) ** mu * np.cos(beta / 2) ** nu * jac) return xi * z * np.sin(beta / 2) ** mu * np.cos(beta / 2) ** nu * jac
Example #6
Source File: From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_xk(k): n = 10 moments = lambda x: [x ** (i + k) for i in range(2 * n)], -1, +1 ) alpha, beta = assert (alpha == 0).all() assert beta[0] == moments[0] assert beta[1] == sympy.S(k + 1) / (k + 3) assert beta[2] == sympy.S(4) / ((k + 5) * (k + 3)) numpy.array([sympy.N(a) for a in alpha], dtype=float), numpy.array([sympy.N(b) for b in beta], dtype=float), mode="numpy", ) def leg_polys(x): return orthopy.line_segment.tree_legendre(x, 19, "monic", symbolic=True) moments = lambda x: [x ** k * leg_poly for leg_poly in leg_polys(x)], -1, +1 ) _, _, a, b = orthopy.line_segment.recurrence_coefficients.legendre( 2 * n, "monic", symbolic=True ) alpha, beta =, a, b) assert (alpha == 0).all() assert beta[0] == moments[0] assert beta[1] == sympy.S(k + 1) / (k + 3) assert beta[2] == sympy.S(4) / ((k + 5) * (k + 3)) points, weights = numpy.array([sympy.N(a) for a in alpha], dtype=float), numpy.array([sympy.N(b) for b in beta], dtype=float), mode="numpy", )
Example #7
Source File: From karonte with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def get_generating_function(f, T=None): """ Get the generating function :param f: function addr :param T: edges matrix of the function f :return: the generating function """ if not T: edges = [(a[0].addr, a[1].addr) for a in f.graph.edges()] N = sorted([x for x in f.block_addrs]) T = [] for b1 in N: T.append([]) for b2 in N: if b1 == b2 or (b1, b2) in edges: T[-1].append(1) else: T[-1].append(0) else: N = T[0] T = sympy.Matrix(T) z = sympy.var('z') I = sympy.eye(len(N)) tmp = I - z * T tmp.row_del(len(N) - 1) tmp.col_del(0) det_num = tmp.det() det_den = (I - z * T).det() quot = det_num / det_den g_z = ((-1) ** (len(N) + 1)) * quot return g_z
Example #8
Source File: From karonte with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
def get_path_n(f, T=None): # TODO cire paper here """ Get the formula to estimate the number of path of a function, given its longest path. :param f: function addr :param T: edges matrix of the function f :return: formula to estimate the number of paths """ g_z = get_generating_function(f, T) expr = g_z.as_numer_denom()[1] rs = sympy.roots(expr) D = len(set(rs.keys())) # number of distinct roots d = sum(rs.values()) # number of roots # get taylor coefficients f = sympy.utilities.lambdify(list(g_z.free_symbols), g_z) taylor_coeffs = mpmath.taylor(f, 0, d - 1) # get the first d terms of taylor expansion # # calculate path_n # n = sympy.var('n') e_path_n = 0 e_upper_n = 0 coeff = [] for i in xrange(1, D + 1): ri, mi = rs.items()[i - 1] for j in xrange(mi): c_ij = sympy.var('c_' + str(i) + str(j)) coeff.append(c_ij) e_path_n += c_ij * (n ** j) * ((1 / ri) ** n) if ri.is_complex: ri = sympy.functions.Abs(ri) e_upper_n += c_ij * (n ** j) * ((1 / ri) ** n) equations = [] for i, c in enumerate(taylor_coeffs): equations.append(sympy.Eq(e_path_n.subs(n, i), c)) coeff_sol = sympy.linsolve(equations, coeff) # assert unique solution assert type(coeff_sol) == sympy.sets.FiniteSet, "Zero or more solutions returned for path_n coefficients" coeff_sol = list(coeff_sol)[0] coeff_sol = [sympy.N(c, ROUND) for c in coeff_sol] for val, var in zip(coeff_sol, coeff): name = e_path_n = e_path_n.subs(name, val) e_upper_n = e_upper_n.subs(name, val) return sympy.utilities.lambdify(list(e_path_n.free_symbols), e_path_n), sympy.utilities.lambdify( list(e_upper_n.free_symbols), e_upper_n)