Python queue.PriorityQueue() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of queue.PriorityQueue(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module queue , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From supriya with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _process_nonrealtime_stop(self, state):
        import supriya.patterns

        if not state["has_stopped"]:
            state["has_stopped"] = True
        assert state["event_queue"].qsize() == 1

        event_tuple = state["event_queue"].get()
        if event_tuple.iterator_index not in state["visited_iterators"]:
            self._debug("    DISCARDING, UNVISITED", event_tuple)
        elif not isinstance(event_tuple.event, supriya.patterns.CompositeEvent):
            self._debug("    DISCARDING, NON-COMPOSITE", event_tuple)
        elif not event_tuple.event.get("is_stop"):
            self._debug("    DISCARDING, NON-STOP", event_tuple)
            self._debug("    PRESERVING", event_tuple)

        iterator_queue = PriorityQueue()
        while not state["iterator_queue"].empty():
            iterator_tuple = state["iterator_queue"].get()
            iterator_tuple = iterator_tuple._replace(offset=0.0)
        state["iterator_queue"] = iterator_queue 
Example #2
Source File:    From aitom with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
        self.todo_queue = queue.PriorityQueue()
        self.done_queues = {}
        self.done_tasks_time = dict()
        self.done_tasks_time_max = (60.0 * 20)
        self.broadcast_todo_queue = {}
        self.start_calc = {}
        self.out_tasks = {}
        self.proj_alive_time = {}
        self.proj_alive_time_max = (60 * 5)
        self.worker_alive_time = {}
        self.worker_alive_time_max = (60 * 30)
        self.pub_logger = logging.getLogger()
        if False:
            h = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(filename='./server.log', mode='a', maxBytes=1000000, backupCount=10)
            h = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(filename='./server.log', mode='a')
        f = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(host)-16s %(job_id)-16s %(source_type)-8s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
        self.logger = logging.LoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger(), {'host': os.environ.get('HOSTNAME', 'unknown'), 'job_id': os.environ.get('PBS_JOBID', 'N/A').split('.')[0], 'source_type': 'queue_server', })
        self.process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
        _thread.start_new_thread(QueueServer.remove_dead_projects_daemon, (self,)) 
Example #3
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_process_synchronize_sources_msg(self, mock_process_message):
        """Test processing synchronize messages."""
        provider = Sources(**self.aws_source)

        test_queue = queue.PriorityQueue()

        messages = [
            {"operation": "create", "provider": provider, "offset": provider.offset},
            {"operation": "update", "provider": provider},

        for msg in messages:
            with patch("") as mock_clear_flag:
                process_synchronize_sources_msg((0, msg), test_queue)

        msg = {"operation": "destroy", "provider": provider}
        with patch("") as mock_clear_flag:
            process_synchronize_sources_msg((0, msg), test_queue)
Example #4
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_process_synchronize_sources_msg_db_error(self, mock_process_message):
        """Test processing synchronize messages with database errors."""
        provider = Sources.objects.create(**self.aws_source)
        future_mock = asyncio.Future()
        future_mock.set_result("test result")

        test_queue = queue.PriorityQueue()

        test_matrix = [
            {"test_value": {"operation": "update", "provider": provider}, "side_effect": InterfaceError},
            {"test_value": {"operation": "update", "provider": provider}, "side_effect": OperationalError},

        for i, test in enumerate(test_matrix):
            mock_process_message.side_effect = test.get("side_effect")
            with patch("sources.kafka_listener.connection.close") as close_mock:
                with patch.object(Config, "RETRY_SECONDS", 0):
                    process_synchronize_sources_msg((i, test["test_value"]), test_queue)
        for i in range(2):
            priority, _ = test_queue.get_nowait()
            self.assertEqual(priority, i) 
Example #5
Source File:    From wangzheng0822-algo with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def dijkstra(self, from_vertex: int, to_vertex: int) -> None:
        vertices = [Vertex(i) for i in range(self._num_vertices)]
        vertices[from_vertex].distance_to_start = 0
        visited = [False] * self._num_vertices
        predecessor = [-1] * self._num_vertices
        q = PriorityQueue()
        visited[from_vertex] = True
        while not q.empty():
            min_vertex = q.get()
            if min_vertex.vertex_id == to_vertex:
            for edge in self._adjacency[min_vertex.vertex_id]:
                next_vertex = vertices[edge.end_id]
                if min_vertex.distance_to_start + edge.weight < next_vertex.distance_to_start:
                    next_vertex.distance_to_start = min_vertex.distance_to_start + edge.weight
                    predecessor[next_vertex.vertex_id] = min_vertex.vertex_id
                    if not visited[next_vertex.vertex_id]:
                        visited[next_vertex.vertex_id] = True
        path = lambda x: path(predecessor[x]) + [str(x)] if from_vertex != x else [str(from_vertex)]
Example #6
Source File:    From hackerrank with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def huffman_hidden():  # builds the tree and returns root
    q = Queue.PriorityQueue()

    for key in freq:
        q.put((freq[key], key, Node(freq[key], key)))

    while q.qsize() != 1:
        a = q.get()
        b = q.get()
        obj = Node(a[0] + b[0], '\0')
        obj.left = a[2]
        obj.right = b[2]
        q.put((obj.freq,, obj))

    root = q.get()
    root = root[2]  # contains root object
    return root 
Example #7
Source File:    From ParlAI with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def open_channel(self, worker_id, assignment_id):
        Opens a channel for a worker on a given assignment, doesn't re-open if the
        channel is already open.
        connection_id = '{}_{}'.format(worker_id, assignment_id)
        if connection_id in self.queues and[connection_id]:
                logging.DEBUG, 'Channel ({}) already open'.format(connection_id)
            return[connection_id] = True
        self.queues[connection_id] = PriorityQueue()
        self.last_sent_heartbeat_time[connection_id] = 0
        self.pongs_without_heartbeat[connection_id] = 0
        self.last_received_heartbeat[connection_id] = None
        self.worker_assign_ids[connection_id] = (worker_id, assignment_id) 
Example #8
Source File:    From coursera-dsa with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, n, adj, cost):
        # See description of these parameters in the starter for
        # friend_suggestion
        self.n = n
        self.INFINITY = n * maxlen
        self.adj = adj
        self.cost = cost
        self.bidistance = [[self.INFINITY] * n, [self.INFINITY] * n]
        self.visited = [False] * n
        self.visited = []
        self.q = queue.PriorityQueue()
        # Levels of nodes for node ordering heuristics
        self.level = [0] * n
        # Positions of nodes in the node ordering
        self.rank = [0] * n

        # Implement preprocessing here
Example #9
Source File:    From curriculum with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def dijkstra(dist, graph, src):
    que = PriorityQueue()
    que.put(edge(0, src))
    while not que.empty():
        p = que.get()
        v =
        if dist[src][v] < p.cost:
        for i in range(len(graph[v])):
            if dist[src][graph[v][i].to] > dist[src][v] + graph[v][i].cost:
                dist[src][graph[v][i].to] = dist[src][v] + graph[v][i].cost
                que.put(edge(dist[src][graph[v][i].to], graph[v][i].to))

# @param{dist:距离矩阵,dims:降维的维度}
# return:降维后的矩阵 
Example #10
Source File:    From pyDcop with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, agent_name: str, comm: CommunicationLayer, delay: float = None):
        self._queue = PriorityQueue()
        self._local_agent = agent_name
        self.discovery = comm.discovery
        self._comm = comm
        self._comm.messaging = self
        self._delay = delay
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(f"infrastructure.communication.{agent_name}")

        # Keep track of failer messages to retry later
        self._failed = []

        # Containers for metrics on sent messages:
        self.count_ext_msg = defaultdict(lambda: 0)  # type: Dict[str, int]
        self.size_ext_msg = defaultdict(lambda: 0)  # type: Dict[str, int]
        self.last_msg_time = 0
        self.msg_queue_count = 0

        self._shutdown = False 
Example #11
Source File:    From ImageColorTheme with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def quantize(self):
        if self.h * self.w < self.maxColor:
            raise AttributeError("Image({0}x{1}) too small to be quantized".format(self.w, self.h))
        self.pixHisto = self.getPixHisto()

        orgVbox = self.createVbox(self.pixData)
        pOneQueue = PQueue(self.maxColor)
        pOneQueue.put((orgVbox.priority, orgVbox))
        popcolors = int(self.maxColor * self.fraction)

        pOneQueue = self.iterCut(popcolors, pOneQueue)

        boxQueue = PQueue(self.maxColor)
        while not pOneQueue.empty():
            vbox = pOneQueue.get()[1]
            vbox.priority *= vbox.vol
            boxQueue.put((vbox.priority, vbox))
        boxQueue = self.iterCut(self.maxColor - popcolors + 1, boxQueue, True)

        theme = []
        while not boxQueue.empty():
        return theme 
Example #12
Source File:    From coursera-dsa with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, n, adj, cost):
        # See description of these parameters in the starter for
        # friend_suggestion
        self.n = n
        self.INFINITY = n * maxlen
        self.adj = adj
        self.cost = cost
        self.bidistance = [[self.INFINITY] * n, [self.INFINITY] * n]
        self.visited = [False] * n
        self.visited = []
        self.q = queue.PriorityQueue()
        # Levels of nodes for node ordering heuristics
        self.level = [0] * n
        # Positions of nodes in the node ordering
        self.rank = [0] * n

        # Implement preprocessing here
Example #13
Source File:    From algorithm with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def mergeKLists(self, lists) -> ListNode:
        # 使用优先队列(堆排序)存储每个list中的第一个节点,由优先队列返回优先级最高(值最低的元素)
        head_pre = p = ListNode(0)
        prior_queue = PriorityQueue()
        for list_node in lists:
            if list_node:
                prior_queue.put((list_node.val, list_node))
        while not prior_queue.empty():
            node_val, node = prior_queue.get()
   = ListNode(node_val)
            p =
            # 将当前list的头指向list中的下一个节点
            node =
            if node:
                prior_queue.put((node.val, node))
Example #14
Source File:    From jawfish with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def cull_it(c):
    global CULL_RATE
    c_temp = PriorityQueue()
    qsize = c.qsize()
    l = int(qsize - qsize * CULL_RATE)
    result_out('[i]\tPopulation size %d, cull rate %s, living specimens: %d' % (c.qsize(), str(CULL_RATE), l))
    result_out('[.]\tBeginning the cull of underperforming creatures...')
    for i in range(l):
        flag = 0
        while flag == 0:
            tmp = c.get()
            if tmp[1].genome != '':
                flag = 1
    result_out('[+]\tCull done!')
    return c_temp 
Example #15
Source File:    From coursera-dsa with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, n, adj, cost):
        # See description of these parameters in the starter for
        # friend_suggestion
        self.n = n
        self.INFINITY = n * maxlen
        self.adj = adj
        self.cost = cost
        self.bidistance = [[self.INFINITY] * n, [self.INFINITY] * n]
        self.visited = [False] * n
        self.visited = []
        self.q = queue.PriorityQueue()
        # Levels of nodes for node ordering heuristics
        self.level = [0] * n
        # Positions of nodes in the node ordering
        self.rank = [0] * n

        # Implement preprocessing here
Example #16
Source File:    From algo with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def dijkstra(self, from_vertex: int, to_vertex: int) -> None:
        vertices = [Vertex(i) for i in range(self._num_vertices)]
        vertices[from_vertex].distance_to_start = 0
        visited = [False] * self._num_vertices
        predecessor = [-1] * self._num_vertices
        q = PriorityQueue()
        visited[from_vertex] = True
        while not q.empty():
            min_vertex = q.get()
            if min_vertex.vertex_id == to_vertex:
            for edge in self._adjacency[min_vertex.vertex_id]:
                next_vertex = vertices[edge.end_id]
                if min_vertex.distance_to_start + edge.weight < next_vertex.distance_to_start:
                    next_vertex.distance_to_start = min_vertex.distance_to_start + edge.weight
                    predecessor[next_vertex.vertex_id] = min_vertex.vertex_id
                    if not visited[next_vertex.vertex_id]:
                        visited[next_vertex.vertex_id] = True
        path = lambda x: path(predecessor[x]) + [str(x)] if from_vertex != x else [str(from_vertex)]
Example #17
Source File:    From ncvx with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def neighbor_search(merit_func, old_vars, global_best, idx, max_depth, show_progress=True):
    nonconvex_vars = get_noncvx_vars(merit_func)
    for var in nonconvex_vars:
        var.value = var.z.value
    best_so_far = [merit_func.value, { for v in merit_func.variables()}]

    eval_queue = PriorityQueue()
    add_neighbors(eval_queue, merit_func, best_so_far[1], old_vars, 1)
    count = 0
    while not eval_queue.empty():
        merit, _, node_depth, _, sltn = eval_queue.get()
        count += 1
        if merit < best_so_far[0]:# and merit < global_best[0]:
            if idx == 0 and show_progress:
                print(merit, count)
            best_so_far[0] = merit
            best_so_far[1] = sltn
            if node_depth < max_depth:
                add_neighbors(eval_queue, merit_func, sltn, old_vars, node_depth+1)

    return best_so_far 
Example #18
Source File:    From QRL with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self):
        self._buffer = bytes()

        # Need to use composition instead of inheritance here
        self._observable = P2PObservable(self)

        self.last_rate_limit_update = 0
        self.rate_limit = config.user.peer_rate_limit
        self.in_counter = 0
        self.out_counter = 0

        self.bytes_sent = 0
        self.outgoing_queue = PriorityQueue(maxsize=config.user.p2p_q_size)

        self._connected_at = ntp.getTime()
        self._valid_message_count = 0

        self._public_port = 0 
Example #19
Source File:    From ParlAI with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def open_channel(self, worker_id, assignment_id):
        Opens a channel for a worker on a given assignment, doesn't re-open if the
        channel is already open.
        connection_id = '{}_{}'.format(worker_id, assignment_id)
        if connection_id in self.queues and[connection_id]:
                logging.DEBUG, 'Channel ({}) already open'.format(connection_id)
            return[connection_id] = True
        self.queues[connection_id] = PriorityQueue()
        self.last_sent_heartbeat_time[connection_id] = 0
        self.pongs_without_heartbeat[connection_id] = 0
        self.last_received_heartbeat[connection_id] = None
        self.worker_assign_ids[connection_id] = (worker_id, assignment_id) 
Example #20
Source File:    From platypush with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, host, port = 5551):
		self._sock = socket.create_connection((host, port), None)
		self._lock = threading.RLock()
		self._scanners = {}
		self._scan_wizards = {}
		self._connection_channels = {}
		self._get_info_response_queue = queue.Queue()
		self._get_button_uuid_queue = queue.Queue()
		self._timers = queue.PriorityQueue()
		self._handle_event_thread_ident = None
		self._closed = False
		self.on_new_verified_button = lambda bd_addr: None
		self.on_no_space_for_new_connection = lambda max_concurrently_connected_buttons: None
		self.on_got_space_for_new_connection = lambda max_concurrently_connected_buttons: None
		self.on_bluetooth_controller_state_change = lambda state: None 
Example #21
Source File:    From algorithms with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def merge_k_lists(lists):
    dummy = ListNode(None)
    curr = dummy
    q = PriorityQueue()
    for node in lists:
        if node:
            q.put((node.val, node))
    while not q.empty(): = q.get()[1]  # These two lines seem to
        curr =  # be equivalent to :-   curr = q.get()[1]
Example #22
Source File:    From tweetlord with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _build_queue(self, section, method):
		queue = PriorityQueue(len(self._creds))
		for i in range(len(self._creds)):
				-(self._app_limits[i]['resources'][section][method]['remaining'] + self._user_limits[i]['resources'][section][method]['remaining']),
				max(self._app_limits[i]['resources'][section][method]['reset'], self._user_limits[i]['resources'][section][method]['reset']),

		return queue

# ----------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------- Utils --------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------- 
Example #23
Source File:    From aitom with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_broadcast_task(self, worker_id):
        self.worker_alive_time[worker_id] = time.time()
        if (worker_id not in self.broadcast_todo_queue):
            self.broadcast_todo_queue[worker_id] = queue.PriorityQueue()
            return None
            (priority, task) = self.broadcast_todo_queue[worker_id].get_nowait()
            self.out_tasks[task.task_id] = task
            self.start_calc[task.task_id] = time.time()
            return task
        except queue.Empty:
        return None 
Example #24
Source File:    From notebooks with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, procs_map): = queue.PriorityQueue()
        self.procs = dict(procs_map) 
Example #25
Source File:    From dl_coursera with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _init(self):
        self._q = queue.PriorityQueue()
        self._threads = []

        self._n_worker = 0
        self._n_worker_lock = threading.Lock()

        self._shutdown_event = threading.Event()

        self._failures = []
        self._failures_lock = threading.Lock()

        self._threading_local = threading.local()
        self._threading_local.task = None 
Example #26
Source File:    From coursera-dsa with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def query(self, s, t):
        q = [queue.PriorityQueue(), queue.PriorityQueue()]
        estimate = self.INFINITY
        self.visit(0, s, 0)
        self.visit(1, t, 0)
        # Implement the rest of the algorithm yourself

        return -1 if estimate == self.INFINITY else estimate 
Example #27
Source File:    From coursera-dsa with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def query(self, s, t):
        q = [queue.PriorityQueue(), queue.PriorityQueue()]
        estimate = self.INFINITY
        self.visit(0, s, 0)
        self.visit(1, t, 0)
        # Implement the rest of the algorithm yourself

        return -1 if estimate == self.INFINITY else estimate 
Example #28
Source File:    From coursera-dsa with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def query(self, s, t):
        q = [queue.PriorityQueue(), queue.PriorityQueue()]
        estimate = self.INFINITY
        self.visit(0, s, 0)
        self.visit(1, t, 0)
        # Implement the rest of the algorithm yourself

        return -1 if estimate == self.INFINITY else estimate 
Example #29
Source File:    From coursera-dsa with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def query(self, s, t):
        q = queue.PriorityQueue()
        # Implement the rest of the algorithm yourself
        return -1 
Example #30
Source File:    From neural_chat with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def open_channel(self, worker_id, assignment_id):
        """Opens a channel for a worker on a given assignment, doesn't re-open
        if the channel is already open."""
        connection_id = '{}_{}'.format(worker_id, assignment_id)
        if connection_id in self.queues and[connection_id]:
                logging.DEBUG, 'Channel ({}) already open'.format(connection_id)
            return[connection_id] = True
        self.queues[connection_id] = PriorityQueue()
        self.worker_assign_ids[connection_id] = (worker_id, assignment_id)