Python signal.SIGXCPU Examples
The following are 12
code examples of signal.SIGXCPU().
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Example #1
Source File: From Yuki-Chan-The-Auto-Pentest with MIT License | 6 votes |
def limitedTime(second, func, *args, **kw): second = fixTimeout(second) old_alarm = signal(SIGXCPU, signalHandler) current = getrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU) try: setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, (second, current[1])) return func(*args, **kw) finally: setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, current) signal(SIGXCPU, old_alarm)
Example #2
Source File: From pilot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def sig2exc(sig, frm): """ signal handler """ error = PilotErrors() runJob.setGlobalPilotErrorDiag("!!FAILED!!3000!! SIGTERM Signal %s is caught in child pid=%d!\n" % (sig, os.getpid())) tolog(runJob.getGlobalPilotErrorDiag()) if sig == signal.SIGTERM: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGTERM) elif sig == signal.SIGQUIT: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGQUIT) elif sig == signal.SIGSEGV: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGSEGV) elif sig == signal.SIGXCPU: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGXCPU) elif sig == signal.SIGBUS: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGBUS) elif sig == signal.SIGUSR1: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGUSR1) else: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_KILLSIGNAL) runJob.setFailureCode(runJob.getGlobalErrorCode) # print to stderr print >> sys.stderr, runJob.getGlobalPilotErrorDiag() raise SystemError(sig)
Example #3
Source File: From pilot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def sig2exc(sig, frm): """ signal handler """ error = PilotErrors() runJob.setGlobalPilotErrorDiag("!!FAILED!!3000!! SIGTERM Signal %s is caught in child pid=%d!\n" % (sig, os.getpid())) tolog(runJob.getGlobalPilotErrorDiag()) if sig == signal.SIGTERM: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGTERM) elif sig == signal.SIGQUIT: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGQUIT) elif sig == signal.SIGSEGV: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGSEGV) elif sig == signal.SIGXCPU: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGXCPU) elif sig == signal.SIGBUS: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGBUS) elif sig == signal.SIGUSR1: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGUSR1) else: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_KILLSIGNAL) runJob.setFailureCode(runJob.getGlobalErrorCode) # print to stderr print >> sys.stderr, runJob.getGlobalPilotErrorDiag() raise SystemError(sig)
Example #4
Source File: From pilot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def sig2exc(sig, frm): """ signal handler """ error = PilotErrors() runJob.setGlobalPilotErrorDiag("!!FAILED!!3000!! SIGTERM Signal %s is caught in child pid=%d!\n" % (sig, os.getpid())) tolog(runJob.getGlobalPilotErrorDiag()) if sig == signal.SIGTERM: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGTERM) elif sig == signal.SIGQUIT: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGQUIT) elif sig == signal.SIGSEGV: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGSEGV) elif sig == signal.SIGXCPU: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGXCPU) elif sig == signal.SIGBUS: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGBUS) elif sig == signal.SIGUSR1: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGUSR1) else: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_KILLSIGNAL) runJob.setFailureCode(runJob.getGlobalErrorCode()) # print to stderr print >> sys.stderr, runJob.getGlobalPilotErrorDiag() raise SystemError(sig)
Example #5
Source File: From pilot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def sig2exc(sig, frm): """ signal handler """ error = PilotErrors() runJob.setGlobalPilotErrorDiag("!!FAILED!!3000!! SIGTERM Signal %s is caught in child pid=%d!\n" % (sig, os.getpid())) tolog(runJob.getGlobalPilotErrorDiag()) if sig == signal.SIGTERM: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGTERM) elif sig == signal.SIGQUIT: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGQUIT) elif sig == signal.SIGSEGV: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGSEGV) elif sig == signal.SIGXCPU: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGXCPU) elif sig == signal.SIGBUS: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGBUS) elif sig == signal.SIGUSR1: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGUSR1) else: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_KILLSIGNAL) runJob.setFailureCode(runJob.getGlobalErrorCode) # print to stderr print >> sys.stderr, runJob.getGlobalPilotErrorDiag() raise SystemError(sig)
Example #6
Source File: From pilot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def sig2exc(sig, frm): """ signal handler """ error = PilotErrors() runJob.setGlobalPilotErrorDiag("!!FAILED!!3000!! SIGTERM Signal %s is caught in child pid=%d!\n" % (sig, os.getpid())) tolog(runJob.getGlobalPilotErrorDiag()) if sig == signal.SIGTERM: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGTERM) elif sig == signal.SIGQUIT: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGQUIT) elif sig == signal.SIGSEGV: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGSEGV) elif sig == signal.SIGXCPU: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGXCPU) elif sig == signal.SIGBUS: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGBUS) elif sig == signal.SIGUSR1: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGUSR1) else: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_KILLSIGNAL) runJob.setFailureCode(runJob.getGlobalErrorCode) # print to stderr print >> sys.stderr, runJob.getGlobalPilotErrorDiag() raise SystemError(sig)
Example #7
Source File: From pilot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def sig2exc(sig, frm): """ signal handler """ error = PilotErrors() runJob.setGlobalPilotErrorDiag("!!FAILED!!3000!! SIGTERM Signal %s is caught in child pid=%d!\n" % (sig, os.getpid())) tolog(runJob.getGlobalPilotErrorDiag()) if sig == signal.SIGTERM: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGTERM) elif sig == signal.SIGQUIT: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGQUIT) elif sig == signal.SIGSEGV: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGSEGV) elif sig == signal.SIGXCPU: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGXCPU) elif sig == signal.SIGBUS: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGBUS) elif sig == signal.SIGUSR1: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_SIGUSR1) else: runJob.setGlobalErrorCode(error.ERR_KILLSIGNAL) runJob.setFailureCode(runJob.getGlobalErrorCode) # print to stderr print >> sys.stderr, runJob.getGlobalPilotErrorDiag() raise SystemError(sig)
Example #8
Source File: From ITWSV with MIT License | 5 votes |
def limitedTime(second, func, *args, **kw): second = fixTimeout(second) old_alarm = signal(SIGXCPU, signalHandler) current = getrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU) try: setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, (second, current[1])) return func(*args, **kw) finally: setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, current) signal(SIGXCPU, old_alarm)
Example #9
Source File: From autograder with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def signal_to_string(self, signalNumber): if signalNumber < 0: signalNumber = signalNumber * -1 if signalNumber == signal.SIGINT: return "SIGINT - Interrupt (Ctrl+C)" elif signalNumber == signal.SIGKILL: return "SIGKILL - Killed" elif signalNumber == signal.SIGTERM: return "SIGTERM - Terminated" elif signalNumber == signal.SIGSEGV: return "SIGSEGV - Segmentation fault" elif signalNumber == signal.SIGHUP: return "SIGHUP - Hang up" elif signalNumber == signal.SIGBUS: return "SIGBUS - Bus error" elif signalNumber == signal.SIGILL: return "SIGILL - Illegal instruction" elif signalNumber == signal.SIGFPE: return "SIGFPE - Floating point exception" elif signalNumber == signal.SIGPIPE: return "SIGPIPE - Broken pipe (write to pipe with no readers)" elif signalNumber == signal.SIGABRT: return "SIGABRT - Called abort()" elif signalNumber == signal.SIGXFSZ: return "SIGXFSZ - Process created files that were too big." elif signalNumber == signal.SIGXCPU: return "SIGXCPU - Process used too much CPU time." else: return "Unknown signal #" + str(signalNumber)
Example #10
Source File: From epicbox with MIT License | 5 votes |
def is_killed_by_sigkill_or_sigxcpu(status): return status - 128 in [signal.SIGKILL, signal.SIGXCPU]
Example #11
Source File: From dcc with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def explain_signal(signal_number): if signal_number == signal.SIGINT: return "Execution was interrupted" elif signal_number == signal.SIGFPE: return 'Execution stopped by an arithmetic error.\nOften this is caused by division (or %) by zero.' elif signal_number == signal.SIGXCPU: return "Execution stopped by a CPU time limit." elif signal_number == signal.SIGXFSZ: return "Execution stopped because too much data written." else: return "Execution terminated by signal %s" % signal_number
Example #12
Source File: From EasY_HaCk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def limitedTime(second, func, *args, **kw): second = fixTimeout(second) old_alarm = signal(SIGXCPU, signalHandler) current = getrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU) try: setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, (second, current[1])) return func(*args, **kw) finally: setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, current) signal(SIGXCPU, old_alarm)