Python validate.Validator() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of validate.Validator().
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Example #1
Source File: From burp-ui with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def parse(self, config, defaults=None): """Parse the conf :param config: Configuration to parse :type config: str, list or File :param defaults: Default options :type defaults: dict """ self.conf = {} self.conffile = config self.section = None if defaults is not None or not hasattr(self, 'defaults'): self.defaults = defaults self.validator = validate.Validator() try: self.conf = configobj.ConfigObj(config, encoding='utf-8') self.mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.conffile) except configobj.ConfigObjError as exp: # We were unable to parse the config self.logger.critical('Unable to parse configuration') raise exp
Example #2
Source File: From burp-ui with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def parse(self, config, defaults=None): """Parse the conf :param config: Configuration to parse :type config: str, list or File :param defaults: Default options :type defaults: dict """ self.conf = {} self.conffile = config self.section = None if defaults is not None or not hasattr(self, 'defaults'): self.defaults = defaults self.validator = validate.Validator() try: self.conf = configobj.ConfigObj(config, encoding='utf-8') self.mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.conffile) except configobj.ConfigObjError as exp: # We were unable to parse the config self.logger.critical('Unable to parse configuration') raise exp
Example #3
Source File: From burp-ui with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def parse(self, config, defaults=None): """Parse the conf :param config: Configuration to parse :type config: str, list or File :param defaults: Default options :type defaults: dict """ self.conf = {} self.conffile = config self.section = None if defaults is not None or not hasattr(self, 'defaults'): self.defaults = defaults self.validator = validate.Validator() try: self.conf = configobj.ConfigObj(config, encoding='utf-8') self.mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.conffile) except configobj.ConfigObjError as exp: # We were unable to parse the config self.logger.critical('Unable to parse configuration') raise exp
Example #4
Source File: From darkc0de-old-stuff with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def validate(self): for key in self.entrydict.keys(): if key.find("Password") == -1: self.settings[self.section][key] = self.entrydict[key].get() else: self.settings[self.section][key] = myutils.password_obfuscate(self.entrydict[key].get()) errortext="Some of your input contains errors. Detailed error output below.\n\n" val = Validator() valresult=self.settings.validate(val, preserve_errors=True) if valresult != True: if valresult.has_key(self.section): sectionval = valresult[self.section] for key in sectionval.keys(): if sectionval[key] != True: errortext += "Error in item \"" + str(key) + "\": " + str(sectionval[key]) + "\n" tkMessageBox.showerror("Erroneous input. Please try again.", errortext) return 0 else: return 1
Example #5
Source File: From cli_helpers with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def read_default_config(self): """Read the default config file. :raises DefaultConfigValidationError: There was a validation error with the *default* file. """ if self.validate: self.default_config = ConfigObj(configspec=self.default_file, list_values=False, _inspec=True, encoding='utf8') valid = self.default_config.validate(Validator(), copy=True, preserve_errors=True) if valid is not True: for name, section in valid.items(): if section is True: continue for key, value in section.items(): if isinstance(value, ValidateError): raise DefaultConfigValidationError( 'section [{}], key "{}": {}'.format( name, key, value)) elif self.default_file: self.default_config, _ = self.read_config_file(self.default_file) self.update(self.default_config)
Example #6
Source File: From cli_helpers with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def read_config_file(self, f): """Read a config file *f*. :param str f: The path to a file to read. """ configspec = self.default_file if self.validate else None try: config = ConfigObj(infile=f, configspec=configspec, interpolation=False, encoding='utf8') except ConfigObjError as e: logger.warning( 'Unable to parse line {} of config file {}'.format( e.line_number, f)) config = e.config valid = True if self.validate: valid = config.validate(Validator(), preserve_errors=True, copy=True) if bool(config): self.config_filenames.append(config.filename) return config, valid
Example #7
Source File: From pyexperiment with MIT License | 6 votes |
def validate_config(config): """Validate configuration """ validator = validate.Validator() result = config.validate(validator, copy=True, preserve_errors=True) if not isinstance(result, bool): raise ValueError("Configuration does not adhere" " to the specification: %s" % configobj.flatten_errors(config, result)) elif not result: # This should never happen raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Configuration validated to false.")
Example #8
Source File: From drizzlepac with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def dict2cfgfile(): for inst_det in param_dict.keys(): cfg_filename = "{}/runhlaprocessing_{}.cfg".format(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "pars"),inst_det.replace(" ","_").lower()) configspec_filename ="{}/runhlaprocessing_config.spec".format(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"pars")) print("FILENAME: ",cfg_filename) print("CONFIGSPEC: ",configspec_filename) config = ConfigObj(cfg_filename,configspec=configspec_filename) for section in param_dict[inst_det].keys(): config[section] = {} for param in param_dict[inst_det][section].keys(): print(inst_det, section,param,">>>>>> ",param_dict[inst_det][section][param]) config[section][param] = param_dict[inst_det][section][param] print("\n") validator = Validator() result = config.validate(validator) print("RESULT: ",result) config.write() print("Wrote "+cfg_filename) return() #============================================================================================================
Example #9
Source File: From drizzlepac with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def readcfgfile(inst_det): cfg_filename = "{}/runhlaprocessing_{}.cfg".format(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "pars"),inst_det.replace(" ", "_").lower()) configspec_filename = "{}/runhlaprocessing_config.spec".format(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"pars")) print("Converting config file {} to parameter dictionary".format(cfg_filename)) newconfig = ConfigObj(cfg_filename,configspec=configspec_filename) validator = Validator() newconfig.validate(validator) param_dict={} for section in newconfig.keys(): param_dict[section]={} for parameter in newconfig[section].keys(): value = newconfig[section][parameter] param_dict[section][parameter] = value for section in param_dict.keys(): for parameter in param_dict[section].keys(): value = param_dict[section][parameter] print(section, parameter, value, type(value)) return(param_dict) #============================================================================================================
Example #10
Source File: From panoptes with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def parse_config_file(config_file, config_spec_file): assert validators.PanoptesValidators.valid_nonempty_string(config_file), u'config_file must be a non-empty str' assert validators.PanoptesValidators.valid_nonempty_string(config_spec_file), \ u'config_spec_file must be a non empty str' try: config = ConfigObj(config_file, configspec=config_spec_file, interpolation=u'template', file_error=True) except IOError as e: raise PanoptesConfigurationParsingError(u'Error reading file: %s' % str(e)) except ConfigObjError as e: raise PanoptesConfigurationParsingError(u'Error parsing config file "%s": %s' % (config_file, str(e))) validator = Validator() result = config.validate(validator, preserve_errors=True) if result is not True: errors = u'' for (section_list, key, error) in flatten_errors(config, result): if key is None: errors += u'Section(s) ' + u','.join(section_list) + u' are missing\n' else: errors += u'The "' + key + u'" key in section "' + u','.join(section_list) + u'" failed validation\n' raise PanoptesConfigurationParsingError(u'Error parsing the configuration file: %s' % errors) return config
Example #11
Source File: From agentless-system-crawler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def parse_crawler_config(config_path='crawler.conf'): global _config # 1. get configs _config = ConfigObj(infile=misc.execution_path(config_path), configspec=misc.execution_path(CONFIG_SPEC_PATH)) # Configspec is not being used currently # but keeping validate() and apply_user_args() for future. # Essentially NOP right now # 2. apply defaults vdt = Validator() _config.validate(vdt)
Example #12
Source File: From aws-syndicate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _validate_ini(self): # building a validator validator = Validator({ 'region_func': _region, 'account_func': _account, 'project_func': _project_mapping }) # validate param_valid_dict = self._config_dict.validate(validator=validator) if not param_valid_dict: raise Exception(f'Error while parsing {self._config_path}') # check non-required parameters prefix_value = self._config_dict.get(RESOURCES_PREFIX_CFG) if prefix_value: if len(prefix_value) > 5: if not isinstance(param_valid_dict, dict): param_valid_dict = {RESOURCES_PREFIX_CFG: False} else: param_valid_dict[RESOURCES_PREFIX_CFG] = False suffix_value = self._config_dict.get(RESOURCES_SUFFIX_CFG) if suffix_value: if len(suffix_value) > 5: if not isinstance(param_valid_dict, dict): param_valid_dict = {RESOURCES_SUFFIX_CFG: False} else: param_valid_dict[RESOURCES_SUFFIX_CFG] = False # processing results if isinstance(param_valid_dict, dict): messages = '' for key, value in param_valid_dict.items(): if not value: messages += '\n{0} {1}'.format(key, ERROR_MESSAGE_MAPPING[key]) if messages: raise Exception('Configuration is invalid. ' + messages)
Example #13
Source File: From ComicStreamer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): super(ComicStreamerConfig, self).__init__() self.csfolder = AppFolders.settings() # make sure folder exisits if not os.path.exists( self.csfolder ): os.makedirs( self.csfolder ) # set up initial values self.filename = os.path.join(self.csfolder, "settings") self.configspec=io.StringIO(ComicStreamerConfig.configspec) self.encoding="UTF8" # since some stuff in the configobj has to happen during object initialization, # use a temporary delegate, and them merge it into self tmp = ConfigObj(self.filename, configspec=self.configspec, encoding=self.encoding) validator = Validator() tmp.validate(validator, copy=True) # set up the install ID if tmp['general']['install_id'] == '': tmp['general']['install_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex #set up the cookie secret if tmp['security']['cookie_secret'] == '': tmp['security']['cookie_secret'] = base64.b64encode(uuid.uuid4().bytes + uuid.uuid4().bytes) # normalize the folder list tmp['general']['folder_list'] = [os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(unicode(a))) for a in tmp['general']['folder_list']] self.merge(tmp) if not os.path.exists( self.filename ): self.write() # not sure if this belongs here: # if mac app, and no unrar in path, add the one from the app bundle if getattr(sys, 'frozen', None) and platform.system() == "Darwin": if which("unrar") is None: addtopath(AppFolders.appBase())
Example #14
Source File: From deep_motion_mag with MIT License | 4 votes |
def main(args): configspec = ConfigObj(args.config_spec, raise_errors=True) config = ConfigObj(args.config_file, configspec=configspec, raise_errors=True, file_error=True) # Validate to get all the default values. config.validate(Validator()) if not os.path.exists(config['exp_dir']): # checkpoint directory. os.makedirs(os.path.join(config['exp_dir'], 'checkpoint')) # Tensorboard logs directory. os.makedirs(os.path.join(config['exp_dir'], 'logs')) # default output directory for this experiment. os.makedirs(os.path.join(config['exp_dir'], 'sample')) network_type = config['architecture']['network_arch'] exp_name = config['exp_name'] setproctitle.setproctitle('{}_{}_{}' \ .format(args.phase, network_type, exp_name)) tfconfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) tfconfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=tfconfig) as sess: model = MagNet3Frames(sess, exp_name, config['architecture']) checkpoint = config['training']['checkpoint_dir'] if args.phase == 'train': train_config = config['training'] if not os.path.exists(train_config['checkpoint_dir']): os.makedirs(train_config['checkpoint_dir']) model.train(train_config) elif args.phase == 'run':, args.vid_dir, args.frame_ext, args.out_dir, args.amplification_factor, args.velocity_mag) elif args.phase == 'run_temporal': model.run_temporal(checkpoint, args.vid_dir, args.frame_ext, args.out_dir, args.amplification_factor, args.fl, args.fh, args.fs, args.n_filter_tap, args.filter_type) else: raise ValueError('Invalid phase argument. ' 'Expected ["train", "run", "run_temporal"], ' 'got ' + args.phase)