Python bitstring.BitArray() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of bitstring.BitArray().
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Example #1
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _format_resource(self, pon_intf_id, start_idx, end_idx): """ Format resource as json. :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id :param start_idx: start index for id pool :param end_idx: end index for id pool :return dictionary: resource formatted as dictionary """ # Format resource as json to be stored in backend store resource = dict() resource[PONResourceManager.PON_INTF_ID] = pon_intf_id resource[PONResourceManager.START_IDX] = start_idx resource[PONResourceManager.END_IDX] = end_idx # resource pool stored in backend store as binary string resource[PONResourceManager.POOL] = BitArray(end_idx).bin return json.dumps(resource)
Example #2
Source File: From knob with MIT License | 6 votes |
def rotate(key): """"Each Byte is rotated 3 positions on the left (not shifted).""" assert len(key) == Ar_KEY_LEN+1 and type(key) == bytearray rotated_key = bytearray() for i in range(0, 17): byte = BitArray(key[i:i+1]) assert len(byte.bin) == 8 # log.debug('rotate {} byte: {}, {}'.format(i, byte.bin, byte.uint)) # rotated_byte = byte << 3 rotated_byte = byte rotated_byte.rol(3) assert len(rotated_byte.bin) == 8 # log.debug('rotate {} rotated_byte: {}, {}'.format(i, rotated_byte.bin, rotated_byte.uint)) # NOTE: byte.uint is unsigned, is signed rotated_key.append(rotated_byte.uint) # log.debug('rotate rotated_key: {}'.format(repr(rotated_key))) assert len(rotated_key) == Ar_KEY_LEN+1 return rotated_key
Example #3
Source File: From dccpi with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def to_bit_array(self): """ Builds a single string that should end up being serialized. Returns an array of True/False """ packet = BitArray() packet.append(self.preamble) packet.append(self.packet_start_bit) packet.append(self.address_byte) for byte in self.data_bytes: packet.append(self.data_byte_start_bit) packet.append(byte) packet.append(self.packet_end_bit) return map(int, packet)
Example #4
Source File: From dataflows with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __call__(self, row): context = row.copy() for key, value in row.items(): # We need to stringify some types to make them properly comparable if key in self.key_list: # numbers # if isinstance(value, (int, float, decimal.Decimal)): bits = BitArray(float=value, length=64) # invert the sign bit bits.invert(0) # invert negative numbers if value < 0: bits.invert(range(1, 64)) context[key] = bits.hex return self.key_spec.format(**context)
Example #5
Source File: From dccpi with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, address_byte, data_bytes=[]): """ All arguments simle binary/hex strings: 0xFF 0b2121 """ # A command station must send a minimum of 14 preamble bits self.preamble = BitArray('0b1111111111111111') self.packet_start_bit = BitArray('0b0') self.address_byte = BitArray(address_byte) self.data_byte_start_bit = BitArray('0b0') self.data_bytes = map(BitArray, data_bytes) if sys.version_info.major >= 3: self.data_bytes = list(self.data_bytes) self.packet_end_bit = BitArray('0b1') assert(len(self.address_byte) == 8) for byte in self.data_bytes: assert(len(byte) == 8)
Example #6
Source File: From dmr_utils with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __encode_voice_header( self, _rx_slot, _sync, _dtype ): _src_id = _rx_slot.rf_src _dst_id = _rx_slot.dst_id _cc = # create lc lc = '\x00\x00\x00' + _dst_id + _src_id # PF + Reserved + FLCO + FID + Service Options + Group Address + Source Address # encode lc into info full_lc_encode = bptc.encode_header_lc(lc) _rx_slot.emblc = bptc.encode_emblc(lc) # save off the emb lc for voice frames B-E _rx_slot.emblc[5] = bitarray(32) # NULL message (F) # create slot_type slot_type = chr((_cc << 4) | (_dtype & 0x0f)) # data type is Header or Term # generate FEC for slot type slot_with_fec = BitArray(uint=golay.encode_2087(slot_type), length=20) # construct final frame - info[0:98] + slot_type[0:10] + DMR_DATA_SYNC_MS + slot_type[10:20] + info[98:196] frame_bits = full_lc_encode[0:98] + slot_with_fec[0:10] + decode.to_bits(_sync) + slot_with_fec[10:20] + full_lc_encode[98:196] return decode.to_bytes(frame_bits) # Create a voice header DMR frame
Example #7
Source File: From dmr_utils with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def send_voice72(self, _rx_slot, _ambe): ambe72_1 = BitArray('0x' + ahex(_ambe[0:9]))[0:72] ambe72_2 = BitArray('0x' + ahex(_ambe[9:18]))[0:72] ambe72_3 = BitArray('0x' + ahex(_ambe[18:27]))[0:72] ambe49_1 = ambe_utils.convert72BitTo49BitAMBE(ambe72_1) ambe49_2 = ambe_utils.convert72BitTo49BitAMBE(ambe72_2) ambe49_3 = ambe_utils.convert72BitTo49BitAMBE(ambe72_3) ambe49_1.append(False) ambe49_2.append(False) ambe49_3.append(False) ambe = ambe49_1 + ambe49_2 + ambe49_3 _frame = self._tempVoice[_rx_slot.vf][:33] + ambe.tobytes() + self._tempVoice[_rx_slot.vf][52:] # Insert the 3 49 bit AMBE frames self.rewriteFrame(_frame, _rx_slot.slot, _rx_slot.dst_id, _rx_slot.rf_src, _rx_slot.repeater_id) _rx_slot.vf = (_rx_slot.vf + 1) % 6 # the voice frame counter which is always mod 6 pass
Example #8
Source File: From chia-blockchain with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def bytes_to_mnemonic(seed_bytes: bytes): seed_array = bytearray(seed_bytes) word_list = bip39_word_list().splitlines() checksum = bytes(std_hash(seed_bytes)) seed_array.append(checksum[0]) bytes_for_mnemonic = bytes(seed_array) bitarray = BitArray(bytes_for_mnemonic) mnemonics = [] for i in range(0, 24): start = i * 11 end = start + 11 bits = bitarray[start:end] m_word_poition = bits.uint m_word = word_list[m_word_poition] mnemonics.append(m_word) return mnemonics
Example #9
Source File: From chia-blockchain with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def seed_from_mnemonic(mnemonic: List[str]): word_list = {word: i for i, word in enumerate(bip39_word_list().splitlines())} bit_array = BitArray() for i in range(0, 24): word = mnemonic[i] value = word_list[word] bit_array.append(BitArray(uint=value, length=11)) all_bytes = bit_array.bytes entropy_bytes = all_bytes[:32] checksum_bytes = all_bytes[32] checksum = std_hash(entropy_bytes) if checksum[0] != checksum_bytes: raise ValueError("Invalid order of mnemonic words") return entropy_bytes
Example #10
Source File: From credssp with MIT License | 6 votes |
def replaceKey(certFile, subPubKey): s = '' mainSection = 0 for i in open(certFile,'rt'): if '---' in i: mainSection=(not mainSection) elif mainSection: s+=i[:-1] cert = Certificate.decode(s.decode('base64')) arr = BitArray(bytes=subPubKey) cert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey'] = arr.bin bytes = cert.encode() st = bytes.encode('base64').replace('\n', '') print "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" for i in xrange(0,len(st), 64): print st[i:i+64] print "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
Example #11
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _format_resource(self, pon_intf_id, start_idx, end_idx): """ Format resource as json. :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id :param start_idx: start index for id pool :param end_idx: end index for id pool :return dictionary: resource formatted as dictionary """ # Format resource as json to be stored in backend store resource = dict() resource[PONResourceManager.PON_INTF_ID] = pon_intf_id resource[PONResourceManager.START_IDX] = start_idx resource[PONResourceManager.END_IDX] = end_idx # resource pool stored in backend store as binary string resource[PONResourceManager.POOL] = BitArray(end_idx-start_idx).bin return json.dumps(resource)
Example #12
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def json_from_value(value): bits = BitArray(hex=hexlify(value)) temp = AdtnVlanTaggingOperation( filter_outer_priority=bits[0:4].uint, # 4 <-size filter_outer_vid=bits[4:17].uint, # 13 filter_outer_tpid_de=bits[17:20].uint, # 3 # pad 12 filter_inner_priority=bits[32:36].uint, # 4 filter_inner_vid=bits[36:49].uint, # 13 filter_inner_tpid_de=bits[49:52].uint, # 3 # pad 8 filter_ether_type=bits[60:64].uint, # 4 treatment_tags_to_remove=bits[64:66].uint, # 2 # pad 10 treatment_outer_priority=bits[76:80].uint, # 4 treatment_outer_vid=bits[80:93].uint, # 13 treatment_outer_tpid_de=bits[93:96].uint, # 3 # pad 12 treatment_inner_priority=bits[108:112].uint, # 4 treatment_inner_vid=bits[112:125].uint, # 13 treatment_inner_tpid_de=bits[125:128].uint, # 3 ) return json.dumps(temp.fields, separators=(',', ':'))
Example #13
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def json_from_value(value): bits = BitArray(hex=hexlify(value)) temp = VlanTaggingOperation( filter_outer_priority=bits[0:4].uint, # 4 <-size filter_outer_vid=bits[4:17].uint, # 13 filter_outer_tpid_de=bits[17:20].uint, # 3 # pad 12 filter_inner_priority=bits[32:36].uint, # 4 filter_inner_vid=bits[36:49].uint, # 13 filter_inner_tpid_de=bits[49:52].uint, # 3 # pad 8 filter_ether_type=bits[60:64].uint, # 4 treatment_tags_to_remove=bits[64:66].uint, # 2 # pad 10 treatment_outer_priority=bits[76:80].uint, # 4 treatment_outer_vid=bits[80:93].uint, # 13 treatment_outer_tpid_de=bits[93:96].uint, # 3 # pad 12 treatment_inner_priority=bits[108:112].uint, # 4 treatment_inner_vid=bits[112:125].uint, # 13 treatment_inner_tpid_de=bits[125:128].uint, # 3 ) return json.dumps(temp.fields, separators=(',', ':'))
Example #14
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_resource(self, path): """ Get resource from kv store. :param path: path to get resource :return: resource if resource present in kv store else None """ # get resource from kv store result = self._kv_store.get_from_kv_store(path) if result is None: return result"dumping resource", result=result) resource = result if resource is not None: # decode resource fetched from backend store to dictionary resource = json.loads(resource) # resource pool in backend store stored as binary string whereas to # access the pool to generate/release IDs it need to be converted # as BitArray resource[PONResourceManager.POOL] = \ BitArray('0b' + resource[PONResourceManager.POOL]) return resource
Example #15
Source File: From angr-platforms with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def fetch_operands(self): i =['j'] parsed = "{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}0".format(i[0],i[4],i[2:4], i[6], i[5], i[10], i[1], i[7:10]) val = self.constant(BitArray(bin=parsed).int, Type.int_32) return val.signed,
Example #16
Source File: From angr-platforms with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def get_imm(self): val = "{0}{1}00".format(['i'][3:6],['i'][0:3]) res = self.constant(BitArray(bin=val).uint, Type.int_32) return res.signed
Example #17
Source File: From angr-platforms with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def get_imm(self): val = BitArray(['i']).int return self.constant(val, Type.int_32)
Example #18
Source File: From angr-platforms with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def get_offset(self): begin =['i'][0:4] middle =['I'][1:7] x =['i'][4] sign =['I'][0] offset = "{3}{2}{1}{0}0".format(begin, middle, x, sign) b = BitArray(bin=offset) val = self.constant(, Type.int_32) return val.signed
Example #19
Source File: From angr-platforms with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def get_addr(self): addr = self.get(int(['s'], 2), Type.int_32) offset = BitArray(bin = '{0}{1}'.format(['I'],['i'])).int return addr+offset
Example #20
Source File: From angr-platforms with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def compute_result(self, sp): i =['i'] immstr = '{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}0000'.format(['I'], i[2:4], i[1], i[4], i[0]) result = sp + self.constant(BitArray(bin=immstr).int, Type.int_32).signed self.put(result, 2)
Example #21
Source File: From angr-platforms with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def get_shift_amount(self): num = BitArray(bin =['I']).int; return self.constant(num, Type.int_8)
Example #22
Source File: From angr-platforms with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def get_imm(self): data = BitArray(bin="{0}{1}".format(['i'],['I'])).int return self.constant(data, Type.int_32)
Example #23
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, max_entries, offset): self.max_entries = max_entries self.offset = offset self.indices = BitArray(self.max_entries)
Example #24
Source File: From dccpi with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def from_bit_array(int_array): """ Given [1, 1,...] array try to decode a packet """ packet = BitArray(int_array) # preamble = packet[0:12] address_byte = packet[13:21] data_bytes = packet[22:-1] dbit = 0 data_bytes_a = [] while dbit < len(data_bytes): data_bytes_a.append(data_bytes[dbit:dbit+8]) dbit += 9 # skip start bit from next data byte return DCCGeneralPacket(address_byte, data_bytes_a)
Example #25
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test__get_resource_returns_resources(resource_manager, resource_map, path, onu_id): resource_manager._kv_store.get_from_kv_store.return_value = json.dumps(resource_map) result = resource_manager._get_resource(path, onu_id) if 'alloc_id' in path: assert result[AdtranPONResourceManager.ONU_MAP]['1'][AdtranPONResourceManager.POOL] == BitArray('0b11111') else: assert result[AdtranPONResourceManager.POOL] == BitArray('0b1111')
Example #26
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def resource_bin(): return {'onu_map': {'1': {'end_idx': 6, 'start_idx': 1, 'pool': BitArray('0b11000')}, '2': {'end_idx': 5, 'start_idx': 1, 'pool': BitArray('0b1100')}}, 'pon_intf_id': 1}
Example #27
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _format_map_resource(self, pon_intf_id, resource_map): """ Format resource as json. # TODO: Refactor the resource BitArray to be just a list of the resources. # This is used to store available alloc-id's on a per-onu/pon basis # which in BitArray string form, is a 768 byte string for just 4 possible # alloc-IDs. This equates to 1.57 MB of storage when you take into # account 128 ONUs and 16 PONs pre-provisioneed :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id :param resource_map: (dict) ONU ID -> Scattered list of IDs :return dictionary: resource formatted as dictionary """ # Format resource as json to be stored in backend store resource = dict() resource[PONResourceManager.PON_INTF_ID] = pon_intf_id onu_dict = dict() for onu_id, resources in resource_map.items(): start_idx = min(resources) end_idx = max(resources) + 1 onu_dict[onu_id] = { PONResourceManager.START_IDX: start_idx, PONResourceManager.END_IDX: end_idx, } # Set non-allowed values as taken resource_map = BitArray(end_idx - start_idx) not_available = {pos for pos in xrange(end_idx-start_idx) if pos + start_idx not in resources} resource_map.set(True, not_available) onu_dict[onu_id][PONResourceManager.POOL] = resource_map.bin resource[AdtranPONResourceManager.ONU_MAP] = onu_dict return json.dumps(resource)
Example #28
Source File: From dccpi with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def function_group_one_packet(address, fl, fl1, fl2, fl3, fl4): address_bin = BitArray('uint:8=%d' % address) functions = [fl, fl4, fl3, fl2, fl1] instruction_bin = BitArray('0b100') for f in functions: if f: instruction_bin.append('0b1') else: instruction_bin.append('0b0') error = address_bin ^ instruction_bin data = [instruction_bin, error] return DCCGeneralPacket(address_bin, data)
Example #29
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_resource(self, path, onu_id=None): """ Get resource from kv store. :param path: path to get resource :return: resource if resource present in kv store else None """ # get resource from kv store result = self._kv_store.get_from_kv_store(path) if result is None: return result"dumping-resource", result=result) resource = result if resource is not None: # decode resource fetched from backend store to dictionary resource = json.loads(resource) if 'alloc_id' in path.lower(): assert onu_id is not None poolResource = resource[AdtranPONResourceManager.ONU_MAP][str(onu_id)] poolResource[PONResourceManager.POOL] = \ BitArray('0b' + poolResource[PONResourceManager.POOL]) else: # resource pool in backend store stored as binary string whereas to # access the pool to generate/release IDs it need to be converted # as BitArray resource[PONResourceManager.POOL] = \ BitArray('0b' + resource[PONResourceManager.POOL]) return resource
Example #30
Source File: From angr-platforms with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def compute_result(self, src1): imm = "{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}".format(['O'][2:4],['I'][1:3],["O"][4],['O'][0:2],['I'][0]) offset = self.constant(BitArray(bin=imm).int, Type.int_32) addr = self.addr + offset self.jump(src1 != self.constant(0, Type.int_32), addr)