Python xml.sax.saxutils.unescape() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of xml.sax.saxutils.unescape().
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Example #1
Source File: From luci-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _email_html(to, subject, body): """Sends an email including a textual representation of the HTML body. The body must not contain <html> or <body> tags. """ mail_args = { 'body': saxutils.unescape(re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', r'', body)), 'html': '<html><body>%s</body></html>' % body, 'sender': '' % app_identity.get_application_id(), 'subject': subject, } try: if to: mail_args['to'] = to mail.send_mail(**mail_args) else: mail.send_mail_to_admins(**mail_args) return True except mail_errors.BadRequestError: return False
Example #2
Source File: From OpenPLC_Editor with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def GetAttributeValue(attr, extract=True): """ Function that extracts data from a tree node @param attr: tree node containing data to extract @param extract: attr is a tree node or not @return: data extracted as string """ if not extract: return attr if len(attr.childNodes) == 1: return text(unescape(attr.childNodes[0].data)) else: # content is a CDATA txt = u'' for node in attr.childNodes: if not (node.nodeName == "#text" and == u''): txt += text(unescape( return text
Example #3
Source File: From rst2pdf with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__( self, text, style, bulletText=None, caseSensitive=1, level=0, snum=None, parent_id=None, node=None, section_header_depth=2, ): # Issue 114: need to convert "&" to "&" and such. # Issue 140: need to make it plain text self.stext = re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '', unescape(text)) self.stext = self.stext.strip() self.level = int(level) self.snum = snum self.parent_id = parent_id self.node = node self.section_header_depth = section_header_depth Paragraph.__init__(self, text, style, bulletText)
Example #4
Source File: From rst2pdf with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__( self, text, style, bulletText=None, caseSensitive=1, level=0, snum=None, parent_id=None, node=None, section_header_depth=2, ): # Issue 114: need to convert "&" to "&" and such. # Issue 140: need to make it plain text self.stext = re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '', unescape(text)) self.stext = self.stext.strip() self.level = int(level) self.snum = snum self.parent_id = parent_id self.node = node self.section_header_depth = section_header_depth Paragraph.__init__(self, text, style, bulletText)
Example #5
Source File: From openxenmanager with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def scan_nfs_vhd(self, ref, list, host, path, options): sr = {"serverpath": path, "server": host, "options": options} value = self.connection.Async.SR.probe(self.session_uuid, ref, sr, "nfs", {})['Value'] task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] while task["status"] == "pending": task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] if task['result'].count("<value>"): result = saxutils.unescape(task['result']).replace("<value>", "").replace("</value>", "").replace(""", '"') dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(result) nodes = dom.getElementsByTagName("SRlist") if len(nodes[0].childNodes): for i in range(1, len(nodes[0].childNodes), 2): ref = nodes[0].childNodes[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].data.strip() if not self.search_storage_uuid(ref): list.append([ref, ref]) if list.__len__() > 0: return 2 else: return 1 else:["error_info"][2]) self.connection.task.destroy(self.session_uuid, value) return 0
Example #6
Source File: From openxenmanager with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def check_iscsi(self, ref, name, host, port, scsiid, targetiqn, user, password): sr = {"port": port, "target": host, "SCSIid": scsiid, "targetIQN": targetiqn} if user: sr["chapuser"] = user if password: sr["chappassword"] = password value = self.connection.Async.SR.probe(self.session_uuid, ref, sr, "lvmoiscsi", {})['Value'] task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] while task["status"] == "pending": task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] result = saxutils.unescape(task['result']).replace("<value>", "").replace("</value>", "").replace(""", '"') print result dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(result) nodes = dom.getElementsByTagName("UUID") if len(nodes): return nodes[0].childNodes[0].data.strip() else: return None
Example #7
Source File: From python-compat-runtime with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def SendReport(self, report): """Emails an exception report. Args: report: A string containing the report to send. """ subject = ('Daily exception report for app "%s", major version "%s"' % (self.app_id, self.major_version)) report_text = saxutils.unescape(re.sub('<[^>]+>', '', report)) mail_args = { 'sender': self.sender, 'subject': subject, 'body': report_text, 'html': report, } if mail_args['to'] = self.send_mail(**mail_args) else: self.send_mail_to_admins(**mail_args)
Example #8
Source File: From luci-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _email_html(to, subject, body): """Sends an email including a textual representation of the HTML body. The body must not contain <html> or <body> tags. """ mail_args = { 'body': saxutils.unescape(re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', r'', body)), 'html': '<html><body>%s</body></html>' % body, 'sender': '' % app_identity.get_application_id(), 'subject': subject, } try: if to: mail_args['to'] = to mail.send_mail(**mail_args) else: mail.send_mail_to_admins(**mail_args) return True except mail_errors.BadRequestError: return False
Example #9
Source File: From luci-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _email_html(to, subject, body): """Sends an email including a textual representation of the HTML body. The body must not contain <html> or <body> tags. """ mail_args = { 'body': saxutils.unescape(re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', r'', body)), 'html': '<html><body>%s</body></html>' % body, 'sender': '' % app_identity.get_application_id(), 'subject': subject, } try: if to: mail_args['to'] = to mail.send_mail(**mail_args) else: mail.send_mail_to_admins(**mail_args) return True except mail_errors.BadRequestError: return False
Example #10
Source File: From luci-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _email_html(to, subject, body): """Sends an email including a textual representation of the HTML body. The body must not contain <html> or <body> tags. """ mail_args = { 'body': saxutils.unescape(re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', r'', body)), 'html': '<html><body>%s</body></html>' % body, 'sender': '' % app_identity.get_application_id(), 'subject': subject, } try: if to: mail_args['to'] = to mail.send_mail(**mail_args) else: mail.send_mail_to_admins(**mail_args) return True except mail_errors.BadRequestError: return False
Example #11
Source File: From luci-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _email_html(to, subject, body): """Sends an email including a textual representation of the HTML body. The body must not contain <html> or <body> tags. """ mail_args = { 'body': saxutils.unescape(re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', r'', body)), 'html': '<html><body>%s</body></html>' % body, 'sender': '' % app_identity.get_application_id(), 'subject': subject, } try: if to: mail_args['to'] = to mail.send_mail(**mail_args) else: mail.send_mail_to_admins(**mail_args) return True except mail_errors.BadRequestError: return False
Example #12
Source File: From SalesforceXyTools with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(xmlString, elementName): """ Extracts an element value from an XML string. For example, invoking getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><foo>bar</foo>', 'foo') should return the value 'bar'. """ xmlStringAsDom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlString) elementsByName = xmlStringAsDom.getElementsByTagName(elementName) elementValue = None if len(elementsByName) > 0: elementValue = elementsByName[0].toxml().replace( '<' + elementName + '>', '').replace('</' + elementName + '>', '') return unescape(elementValue)
Example #13
Source File: From gtg with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, name, req, attributes={}): """Construct a tag. @param name: The name of the tag. Should be a string, generally a short one. @param attributes: Allow having initial set of attributes without calling _save callback """ super().__init__(name) self._name = saxutils.unescape(str(name)) self.req = req self._save = None self._attributes = {'name': self._name} for key, value in attributes.items(): self.set_attribute(key, value) self.viewcount = None
Example #14
Source File: From V1EngineeringInc-Docs with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International | 5 votes |
def xml_unescape(text): """ This function transforms the "escaped" version suitable for well-formed XML formatting into humanly-readable string. Note that the default xml.sax.saxutils.unescape() function don't unescape some characters that Moses does so we have to manually add them to the entities dictionary. >>> from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape >>> s = ')| & < > ' " ] [' >>> expected = ''')| & < > \' " ] [''' >>> xml_unescape(s) == expected True :param text: The text that needs to be unescaped. :type text: str :rtype: str """ return unescape( text, entities={ r"'": r"'", r""": r'"', r"|": r"|", r"[": r"[", r"]": r"]", }, )
Example #15
Source File: From openxenmanager with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def reattach_and_introduce_hardware_hba(self, ref, uuid, name, path): res = self.connection.SR.introduce(self.session_uuid, self.stg_uuid, name, "Hardware HBA SR [%s]" % path, "lvmohba", "", False, {}) pbd = {"uuid": "", "host": ref, "SR": res['Value'], "device_config": {"SCSIid": uuid}, "currentyle_attached": False, "other_config": {}} res = self.connection.Async.PBD.create(self.session_uuid, pbd) if "Value" in res: self.track_tasks[res['Value']] = self.host_vm[ref][0] value = res['Value'] task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] while task["status"] == "pending": task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] result = saxutils.unescape(task['result']).replace("<value>", "").replace("</value>", "").replace(""", '"') res = self.connection.Async.PBD.plug(self.session_uuid, result) value = res['Value'] task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] while task["status"] == "pending": task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] if task["status"] == "success": return 0 else:["error_info"])) return 1 else: print res
Example #16
Source File: From openxenmanager with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def reattach_hardware_hba(self, ref, uuid, name, path): ref = self.all['host'].keys()[0] pbd = {"uuid": "", "host": ref, "SR": self.stg_ref, "device_config": {"SCSIid": uuid}, "currentyle_attached": False, "other_config": {}} self.connection.SR.set_name_label(self.session_uuid, self.stg_ref, name) self.connection.SR.set_name_description(self.session_uuid, self.stg_ref, "Hardware HBA SR [%s]" % path) res = self.connection.Async.PBD.create(self.session_uuid, pbd) if "Value" in res: self.track_tasks[res['Value']] = self.host_vm[ref][0] value = res['Value'] task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] while task["status"] == "pending": task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] result = saxutils.unescape(task['result']).replace("<value>", "").replace("</value>", "").replace(""", '"') res = self.connection.Async.PBD.plug(self.session_uuid, result) value = res['Value'] task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] while task["status"] == "pending": task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] if task["status"] == "success": return 0 else:["error_info"])) return 1 else: print res
Example #17
Source File: From RubyRoseBot with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def anime(self, ctx, *, name:str): """Searches MyAnimeList for the specified anime""" await r = requests.get("{}".format(name), auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(config._malUsername, config._malPassword)) if r.status_code == 401: log.critical("The MyAnimeList credinals are incorrect, please check your MyAnimeList login information in the config.") await ctx.send(Language.get("myanimelist.incorrect_creds", ctx)) return try: xmldoc = minidom.parseString(r.text) except XmlParserErrors.ExpatError: await ctx.send(Language.get("myanimelist.no_anime_found", ctx).format(name)) return # pls no flame anime = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("entry")[0] id = anime.getElementsByTagName("id")[0].firstChild.nodeValue title = anime.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].firstChild.nodeValue try: english = anime.getElementsByTagName("english")[0].firstChild.nodeValue except: english = title episodes = anime.getElementsByTagName("episodes")[0].firstChild.nodeValue score = anime.getElementsByTagName("score")[0].firstChild.nodeValue type = anime.getElementsByTagName("type")[0].firstChild.nodeValue status = anime.getElementsByTagName("status")[0].firstChild.nodeValue start_date = anime.getElementsByTagName("start_date")[0].firstChild.nodeValue end_date = anime.getElementsByTagName("end_date")[0].firstChild.nodeValue image = anime.getElementsByTagName("image")[0].firstChild.nodeValue synopsis = saxutils.unescape(anime.getElementsByTagName("synopsis")[0].firstChild.nodeValue) synopsis = remove_html(synopsis) if len(synopsis) > 300: synopsis = synopsis[:300] + "..." url = "{}".format(id) fields = {Language.get("myanimelist.english_title", ctx):english, Language.get("myanimelist.episodes", ctx):episodes, Language.get("myanimelist.mal_line", ctx):score, Language.get("myanimelist.type", ctx):type, Language.get("myanimelist.status", ctx):status, Language.get("myanimelist.start_date", ctx):start_date, Language.get("myanimelist.end_date", ctx):end_date} embed = make_list_embed(fields) embed.title = title embed.description = synopsis embed.url = url embed.color = 0xFF0000 embed.set_thumbnail(url=image) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
Example #18
Source File: From quiver with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def xml_unescape(string): if string is None: return return _xml_unescape(string)
Example #19
Source File: From wxGlade with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, filename=None): = '' self.description = '' self.instructions = '' self.filename = filename if filename is not None: filexml = minidom.parse(filename) # we have no use for all the xml data in the file. We only care # about what is between the "description" tags templatedata = filexml.getElementsByTagName('templatedata') if len(templatedata): desc_xml = templatedata[0] try: = saxutils.unescape( desc_xml.getElementsByTagName('author')[0] ) except (IndexError, AttributeError): = '' try: self.description = saxutils.unescape( desc_xml.getElementsByTagName('description')[0] ) except (IndexError, AttributeError): self.description = '' try: self.instructions = saxutils.unescape( desc_xml.getElementsByTagName( 'instructions')[0] except (IndexError, AttributeError): self.instructions = '' else: = '' self.description='' self.instructions=''
Example #20
Source File: From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def unescape_all(url): """Recursively unescape a given URL. .. note:: '&&' becomes a single '&'. Parameters ---------- url : str or bytes URL to unescape. Returns ------- clean_url : str or bytes Unescaped URL. """ if isinstance(url, bytes): func2use = _unescape_bytes keys2use = _bytes_keys else: func2use = _unescape_str keys2use = _str_keys clean_url = func2use(url) not_done = [clean_url.count(key) > 0 for key in keys2use] if True in not_done: return unescape_all(clean_url) else: return clean_url
Example #21
Source File: From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _unescape_str(url): return saxutils.unescape(url, _str_entities)
Example #22
Source File: From openxenmanager with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def reattach_cifs_iso(self, sr, name, share, options, user="", password=""): ref = self.all['host'].keys()[0] pbd = {"uuid": "", "host": ref, "SR": sr, "device_config": {"location": share, "type": "cifs", "options": options}, "currentyle_attached": False, "other_config": {}} self.connection.SR.set_name_label(self.session_uuid, sr, name) self.connection.SR.set_name_description(self.session_uuid, sr, "CIFS ISO Library [%s]" % share) res = self.connection.Async.PBD.create(self.session_uuid, pbd) if "Value" in res: self.track_tasks[res['Value']] = ref value = res['Value'] task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] while task["status"] == "pending": task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] result = saxutils.unescape(task['result']).replace("<value>", "").replace("</value>", "").replace(""", '"') res = self.connection.Async.PBD.plug(self.session_uuid, result) value = res['Value'] task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] while task["status"] == "pending": task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] if task["status"] == "success": return 0 else:["error_info"])) return 1 else: print res
Example #23
Source File: From pycbc with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def render_text(path, cp): """ Render a file as text. """ # define filename and slug from path filename = os.path.basename(path) slug = filename.replace('.', '_') # initializations content = None # read file as a string with, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as fp: content = # replace all the escaped characters content = unescape(content, unescape_table) # render template template_dir = pycbc.results.__path__[0] + '/templates/files' env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir)) env.globals.update(abs=abs) env.globals.update(path_exists=os.path.exists) template = env.get_template('file_pre.html') context = {'filename' : filename, 'slug' : slug, 'cp' : cp, 'content' : content} output = template.render(context) return output
Example #24
Source File: From pycbc with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def render_tmplt(path, cp): """ Render a file as text. """ # define filename and slug from path filename = os.path.basename(path) slug = filename.replace('.', '_') # initializations content = None # read file as a string with open(path, 'r') as fp: content = # replace all the escaped characters content = unescape(content, unescape_table) # render template template_dir = '/'.join(path.split('/')[:-1]) env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir)) env.globals.update(setup_template_render=setup_template_render) env.globals.update(get_embedded_config=get_embedded_config) env.globals.update(path_exists=os.path.exists) template = env.get_template(filename) context = {'filename' : filename, 'slug' : slug, 'cp' : cp, 'content' : content} output = template.render(context) return output
Example #25
Source File: From pycbc with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): attr= {} for key, value in attrs: attr[key] = value if tag == 'div' and 'class' in attr and attr['class'] == 'pycbc-meta': self.metadata[attr['key']] = unescape(attr['value'], unescape_table)
Example #26
Source File: From abusehelper with MIT License | 5 votes |
def unescape(string): """ >>> unescape("one <![CDATA[two ]]>three") 'one two three' """ result = list() for index, data in enumerate(cdata.split(string)): if index % 3 != 2: data = _unescape(data, {" ": " "}) result.append(data) return "".join(result)
Example #27
Source File: From rst2pdf with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # The inicialization is taken from rst2pdf.flowables.Heading hstyle = kwargs.pop('hstyle') level = 0 text = kwargs.pop('text') self.snum = kwargs.pop('snum') self.parent_id = kwargs.pop('parent_id') # self.stext = Heading.__init__(self, text, hstyle, level=level, parent_id=self.parent_id) # Cleanup title text # self.stext = re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '', unescape(self.stext)) # self.stext = self.stext.strip() # Stuff needed for the outline entry MyImage.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Example #28
Source File: From sacremoses with MIT License | 5 votes |
def xml_unescape(text): """ This function transforms the "escaped" version suitable for well-formed XML formatting into humanly-readable string. Note that the default xml.sax.saxutils.unescape() function don't unescape some characters that Moses does so we have to manually add them to the entities dictionary. >>> from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape >>> s = ')| & < > ' " ] [' >>> expected = ''')| & < > \' " ] [''' >>> xml_unescape(s) == expected True :param text: The text that needs to be unescaped. :type text: str :rtype: str """ return unescape( text, entities={ r"'": r"'", r""": r'"', r"|": r"|", r"[": r"[", r"]": r"]", }, )
Example #29
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def unquote(txt): from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape return unescape(txt, {"'": "'", """: '"'})
Example #30
Source File: From openxenmanager with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def reattach_nfs_iso(self, sr, name, share, options): # FIXME ref = self.all['host'].keys()[0] pbd = {"uuid": "", "host": ref, "SR": sr, "device_config": {"location": share, "options": options}, "currentyle_attached": False, "other_config": {}} self.connection.SR.set_name_label(self.session_uuid, sr, name) self.connection.SR.set_name_description(self.session_uuid, sr, "NFS ISO Library [%s]" % share) res = self.connection.Async.PBD.create(self.session_uuid, pbd) if "Value" in res: self.track_tasks[res['Value']] = ref value = res['Value'] task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] while task["status"] == "pending": task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] result = saxutils.unescape(task['result']).replace("<value>", "").replace("</value>", "").replace(""", '"') res = self.connection.Async.PBD.plug(self.session_uuid, result) value = res['Value'] task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] while task["status"] == "pending": task = self.connection.task.get_record(self.session_uuid, value)['Value'] if task["status"] == "success": return 0 else:["error_info"])) return 1 else: print res