Python mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument().
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Example #1
Source File: From marshmallow-mongoengine with MIT License | 7 votes |
def test_MapField(self): class MappedDoc(me.EmbeddedDocument): field = me.StringField() class Doc(me.Document): id = me.IntField(primary_key=True, default=1) map = me.MapField(me.EmbeddedDocumentField(MappedDoc)) str = me.MapField(me.StringField()) fields_ = fields_for_model(Doc) assert type(fields_['map']) is fields.Map class DocSchema(ModelSchema): class Meta: model = Doc doc = Doc(map={'a': MappedDoc(field='A'), 'b': MappedDoc(field='B')}, str={'a': 'aaa', 'b': 'bbbb'}).save() dump = DocSchema().dump(doc) assert not dump.errors assert == {'map': {'a': {'field': 'A'}, 'b': {'field': 'B'}}, 'str': {'a': 'aaa', 'b': 'bbbb'}, 'id': 1} # Try the load load = DocSchema().load( assert not load.errors assert ==
Example #2
Source File: From marshmallow-mongoengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_ListSpecialField(self): class NestedDoc(me.EmbeddedDocument): field = me.StringField() class Doc(me.Document): list = me.ListField(me.EmbeddedDocumentField(NestedDoc)) fields_ = fields_for_model(Doc) assert type(fields_['list']) is fields.List assert type(fields_['list'].container) is fields.Nested class DocSchema(ModelSchema): class Meta: model = Doc list_ = [{'field': 'A'}, {'field': 'B'}, {'field': 'C'}] doc = Doc(list=list_) dump = DocSchema().dump(doc) assert not dump.errors assert == {'list': list_} load = DocSchema().load( assert not load.errors for i, elem in enumerate(list_): assert[i].field == elem['field']
Example #3
Source File: From marshmallow-mongoengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_GenericEmbeddedDocumentField(self): class Doc(me.Document): id = me.StringField(primary_key=True, default='main') embedded = me.GenericEmbeddedDocumentField() class EmbeddedA(me.EmbeddedDocument): field_a = me.StringField(default='field_a_value') class EmbeddedB(me.EmbeddedDocument): field_b = me.IntField(default=42) fields_ = fields_for_model(Doc) assert type(fields_['embedded']) is fields.GenericEmbeddedDocument class DocSchema(ModelSchema): class Meta: model = Doc doc = Doc(embedded=EmbeddedA()) dump = DocSchema().dump(doc) assert not dump.errors assert == {'embedded': {'field_a': 'field_a_value'}, 'id': 'main'} doc.embedded = EmbeddedB() dump = DocSchema().dump(doc) assert not dump.errors assert == {'embedded': {'field_b': 42}, 'id': 'main'} # TODO: test load ?
Example #4
Source File: From marshmallow-mongoengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def models(): class HeadTeacher(me.EmbeddedDocument): full_name = me.StringField(max_length=255, unique=True, default='noname') class Course(me.Document): id = me.IntField(primary_key=True) name = me.StringField() # These are for better model form testing cost = me.IntField() description = me.StringField() level = me.StringField(choices=('Primary', 'Secondary')) prereqs = me.DictField() started = me.DateTimeField() grade = AnotherIntegerField() students = me.ListField(me.ReferenceField('Student')) class School(me.Document): name = me.StringField() students = me.ListField(me.ReferenceField('Student')) headteacher = me.EmbeddedDocumentField(HeadTeacher) class Student(me.Document): full_name = me.StringField(max_length=255, unique=True, default='noname') age = me.IntField(min_value=10, max_value=99) dob = me.DateTimeField(null=True) date_created = me.DateTimeField(default=dt.datetime.utcnow, help_text='date the student was created') current_school = me.ReferenceField('School') courses = me.ListField(me.ReferenceField('Course')) email = me.EmailField(max_length=100) profile_uri = me.URLField(max_length=200) # So that we can access models with dot-notation, e.g. models.Course class _models(object): def __init__(self): self.HeadTeacher = HeadTeacher self.Course = Course self.School = School self.Student = Student return _models()
Example #5
Source File: From django-rest-framework-mongoengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_relation_kwargs(field_name, relation_info): """ Creating a default instance of a flat relational field. """ model_field, related_model = relation_info kwargs = {} if related_model and not issubclass(related_model, EmbeddedDocument): kwargs['queryset'] = related_model.objects if model_field: if hasattr(model_field, 'verbose_name') and needs_label(model_field, field_name): kwargs['label'] = capfirst(model_field.verbose_name) if hasattr(model_field, 'help_text'): kwargs['help_text'] = model_field.help_text kwargs['required'] = model_field.required if model_field.null: kwargs['allow_null'] = True if getattr(model_field, 'unique', False): validator = UniqueValidator(queryset=related_model.objects) kwargs['validators'] = [validator] return kwargs
Example #6
Source File: From udata with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def register(self, key, dbtype): '''Register a DB type to add constraint on a given extra key''' if not issubclass(dbtype, (BaseField, EmbeddedDocument)): msg = 'ExtrasField can only register MongoEngine fields' raise TypeError(msg) self.registered[key] = dbtype
Example #7
Source File: From udata with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def validate(self, value): super(ExtrasField, self).validate(value) errors = {} for key, value in value.items(): extra_cls = self.registered.get(key) if not extra_cls: if not isinstance(value, ALLOWED_TYPES): types = ', '.join(t.__name__ for t in ALLOWED_TYPES) msg = 'Value should be an instance of: {types}' errors[key] = msg.format(types=types) continue try: if issubclass(extra_cls, EmbeddedDocument): (value.validate() if isinstance(value, extra_cls) else extra_cls(**value).validate()) else: extra_cls().validate(value) except Exception as e: errors[key] = getattr(e, 'message', str(e)) if errors: self.error('Unsupported types', errors=errors)
Example #8
Source File: From udata with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def to_python(self, value): if isinstance(value, EmbeddedDocument): return value return super(ExtrasField, self).to_python(value)
Example #9
Source File: From yeti with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def recursive_encoder(objects, template=None, ctx=None): if isinstance(objects, dict): newdict = {} for (key, value) in objects.items(): newdict[key] = recursive_encoder(value) return newdict elif isinstance(objects, (list, QuerySet, set)): return [recursive_encoder(o) for o in objects] elif isinstance(objects, tuple): return tuple(recursive_encoder(o) for o in objects) elif isinstance(objects, (ObjectId, DBRef, datetime.datetime)): return to_json(objects) elif isinstance(objects, (Node, Link, YetiDocument, Document, EmbeddedDocument)): if hasattr(objects, "info"): data = else: data = objects.to_mongo() return recursive_encoder(data) else: return objects
Example #10
Source File: From graphene-mongo with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reference_args(self): def get_reference_field(r, kv): field = kv[1] mongo_field = getattr(self.model, kv[0], None) if isinstance( mongo_field, (mongoengine.LazyReferenceField, mongoengine.ReferenceField), ): field = convert_mongoengine_field(mongo_field, self.registry) if callable(getattr(field, "get_type", None)): _type = field.get_type() if _type: node = _type._type._meta if "id" in node.fields and not issubclass( node.model, (mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument,) ): r.update({kv[0]: node.fields["id"]._type.of_type()}) return r return reduce(get_reference_field, self.fields.items(), {})
Example #11
Source File: From graphene-mongo with MIT License | 5 votes |
def is_valid_mongoengine_model(model): return inspect.isclass(model) and ( issubclass(model, mongoengine.Document) or issubclass(model, mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument) )
Example #12
Source File: From django-rest-framework-mongoengine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def to_representation(self, doc): if not isinstance(doc, EmbeddedDocument):'not_a_doc', input_type=type(doc).__name__) data = OrderedDict() data['_cls'] = doc.__class__.__name__ for field_name in doc._fields: if not hasattr(doc, field_name): continue data[field_name] = getattr(doc, field_name) return data
Example #13
Source File: From django-rest-framework-mongoengine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def represent_data(self, data): if isinstance(data, EmbeddedDocument): field = GenericEmbeddedField() return field.to_representation(data) elif isinstance(data, dict): return dict([(key, self.represent_data(val)) for key, val in data.items()]) elif isinstance(data, list): return [self.represent_data(value) for value in data] elif data is None: return None else: return smart_str(data, strings_only=True)
Example #14
Source File: From django-rest-framework-mongoengine with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_field_info(model): """ Given a model class, returns a `FieldInfo` instance, which is a `namedtuple`, containing metadata about the various field types on the model including information about their relationships. """ # Deal with the primary key. if issubclass(model, mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument): pk = None else: pk = model._fields[model._meta['id_field']] # Deal with regular fields. fields = OrderedDict() # Deal with forward relationships. # Pass forward relations since there is no relations on mongodb references = OrderedDict() embedded = OrderedDict() def add_field(name, field): if isinstance(field, REFERENCING_FIELD_TYPES): references[name] = get_relation_info(field) elif isinstance(field, EMBEDDING_FIELD_TYPES): embedded[name] = get_relation_info(field) elif isinstance(field, COMPOUND_FIELD_TYPES): fields[name] = field if field.field: add_field(name + '.child', field.field) elif field is pk: return else: fields[name] = field for field_name in model._fields_ordered: add_field(field_name, model._fields[field_name]) # Shortcut that merges both regular fields and the pk, # for simplifying regular field lookup. fields_and_pk = OrderedDict() fields_and_pk['pk'] = pk fields_and_pk[getattr(pk, 'name', 'pk')] = pk fields_and_pk.update(fields) return FieldInfo(pk, fields, references, fields_and_pk, embedded)