Python pep8.BaseReport() Examples
The following are 5
code examples of pep8.BaseReport().
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Example #1
Source File: From linux_thermaltake_riing with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_pep8(self): """ verify our codebase complies with code style guidelines """ style = pep8.StyleGuide(quiet=False) # accepted pep8 guideline deviances style.options.max_line_length = 122 # generally accepted limit style.options.ignore = ('W503', 'E402') # operator at start of line errors = 0 # check main project directory for root, _not_used, files in os.walk(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'linux_thermaltake_riing')): if not isinstance(files, list): files = [files] for f in files: if not str(f).endswith('.py'): continue file_path = ['{}/{}'.format(root, f)] result = style.check_files(file_path) # type: pep8.BaseReport errors = result.total_errors # check tests directory for root, _not_used, files in os.walk(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests')): if not isinstance(files, list): files = [files] for f in files: if not str(f).endswith('.py'): continue file_path = ['{}/{}'.format(root, f)] result = style.check_files(file_path) # type: pep8.BaseReport errors = result.total_errors self.assertEqual(0, errors, 'PEP8 style errors: {}'.format(errors))
Example #2
Source File: From checkmate with MIT License | 5 votes |
def init_file(self,filename,lines,expected,line_offset): pep8.BaseReport.init_file(self,filename,lines,expected,line_offset)
Example #3
Source File: From checkmate with MIT License | 5 votes |
def error(self,line_number,offset,text,check): code = int(text.strip()[1:4]) if text.strip()[0] == 'E': issue_level = 'error' else: issue_level = 'warning' error_code = text.strip()[:2] issue = { 'code' : text.strip()[0]+"%.4d" % code, 'data' : {'description' : text}, 'location' : (((line_number,offset),(line_number,None)),), } if len(self._issues) > 100: if self._issues[-1]['code'] != 'TooManyIssues': issue = { 'code' : 'TooManyIssues', 'data' : {}, 'location' : (((None,None),(None,None)),), } else: return self._issues.append(issue) pep8.BaseReport.error(self,line_number,offset,text,check)
Example #4
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _pep8_annotations(text, ignore=None, max_line_length=None): import pep8 class _Pep8AnnotationReport(pep8.BaseReport): def __init__(self, options): super().__init__(options) self.annotations = [] def error(self, line_number, offset, text, check): # If super doesn't return code, this one is ignored if not super().error(line_number, offset, text, check): return annotation = _AnalyzerAnnotation(self.line_offset + line_number, text, _Source.pep8, Style.warning) self.annotations.append(annotation) # pep8 requires you to include \n at the end of lines lines = text.splitlines(True) style_guide = pep8.StyleGuide(reporter=_Pep8AnnotationReport, ) options = style_guide.options if ignore: options.ignore = tuple(ignore) else: options.ignore = tuple() if max_line_length: options.max_line_length = max_line_length checker = pep8.Checker(None, lines, options, None) checker.check_all() return # # pyflakes #
Example #5
Source File: From filmkodi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _execute_pep8(pep8_options, source): """Execute pep8 via python method calls.""" class QuietReport(pep8.BaseReport): """Version of checker that does not print.""" def __init__(self, options): super(QuietReport, self).__init__(options) self.__full_error_results = [] def error(self, line_number, offset, text, _): """Collect errors.""" code = super(QuietReport, self).error(line_number, offset, text, _) if code: self.__full_error_results.append( {'id': code, 'line': line_number, 'column': offset + 1, 'info': text}) def full_error_results(self): """Return error results in detail. Results are in the form of a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains 'id', 'line', 'column', and 'info'. """ return self.__full_error_results checker = pep8.Checker('', lines=source, reporter=QuietReport, **pep8_options) checker.check_all() return