Python win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of win32clipboard.CloseClipboard().
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Example #1
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def OnEditCopyCode(self, command, code): """ Sanitizes code from interactive window, removing prompts and output, and inserts it in the clipboard.""" code=self.GetSelText() lines=code.splitlines() out_lines=[] for line in lines: if line.startswith(sys.ps1): line=line[len(sys.ps1):] out_lines.append(line) elif line.startswith(sys.ps2): line=line[len(sys.ps2):] out_lines.append(line) out_code=os.linesep.join(out_lines) win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() try: win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(win32clipboard.CF_UNICODETEXT, unicode(out_code)) finally: win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
Example #2
Source File: From code with MIT License | 7 votes |
def put(data): if sys.platform == "win32": import win32clipboard as clip clip.OpenClipboard() clip.EmptyClipboard() clip.SetClipboardText(data, clip.CF_UNICODETEXT) clip.CloseClipboard() elif sys.platform.startswith("linux"): import subprocess proc = subprocess.Popen(("xsel", "-i", "-b", "-l", "/dev/null"), stdin=subprocess.PIPE) proc.stdin.write(data.encode("utf-8")) proc.stdin.close() proc.wait() else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported platform")
Example #3
Source File: From dragonfly with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def copy_to_system(self, clear=True): """ Copy the contents of this instance into the Windows system clipboard. Arguments: - *clear* (boolean, default: True) -- if true, the Windows system clipboard will be cleared before this instance's contents are transferred. """ win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() try: # Clear the system clipboard, if requested. if clear: win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() # Transfer content to Windows system clipboard. for format, content in self._contents.items(): win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(format, content) finally: win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
Example #4
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testWin32ToCom(self): # Set the data via the std win32 clipboard functions. val = str2bytes("Hello again!") # ensure always bytes, even in py3k win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(win32con.CF_TEXT, val) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() # and get it via an IDataObject provided by COM do = pythoncom.OleGetClipboard() cf = win32con.CF_TEXT, None, pythoncom.DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, pythoncom.TYMED_HGLOBAL stg = do.GetData(cf) got = # The data we get back has the \0, as our STGMEDIUM has no way of # knowing if it meant to be a string, or a binary buffer, so # it must return it too. self.failUnlessEqual(got, str2bytes("Hello again!\0"))
Example #5
Source File: From OpenTrader with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_paste_buffer(): win32clipboard.OpenClipboard(0) try: result = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData() except TypeError: result = '' #non-text win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() return result
Example #6
Source File: From pyxll-examples with The Unlicense | 6 votes |
def stop_line_profiler(): """Stops the line profiler and prints the results""" global _active_line_profiler if not _active_line_profiler: return stream = StringIO() _active_line_profiler.print_stats(stream=stream) _active_line_profiler = None # print the results to the log print(stream.getvalue()) # and copy to the clipboard win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardText(stream.getvalue()) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() xlcAlert("Line Profiler Stopped\n" "Results have been written to the log and clipboard.")
Example #7
Source File: From dragonfly with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def copy_to_system(self, clear=True): """ Copy the contents of this instance into the Windows system clipboard. Arguments: - *clear* (boolean, default: True) -- if true, the Windows system clipboard will be cleared before this instance's contents are transferred. """ win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() try: # Clear the system clipboard, if requested. if clear: win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() # Transfer content to Windows system clipboard. for format, content in self._contents.items(): win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(format, content) finally: win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
Example #8
Source File: From ATX with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(host=None, port=None, serial=None, scale=1.0, out='screenshot.png', method='minicap'): """ If minicap not avaliable then use uiautomator instead Disable scale for now. Because -s scale is conflict of -s serial """ print('Started screencap') start = time.time() client = adbkit.Client(host=host, port=port) device = client.device(serial) im = device.screenshot(scale=scale) print('Time spend: %.2fs' % (time.time() - start)) print('File saved to "%s"' % out) try: import win32clipboard output = StringIO() im.convert("RGB").save(output, "BMP") data = output.getvalue()[14:] output.close() win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(win32clipboard.CF_DIB, data) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() print('Copied to clipboard') except: pass # ignore
Example #9
Source File: From dragonfly with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_system_text(cls, content): content = unicode(content) win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() try: win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(cls.format_unicode, content) finally: win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #10
Source File: From code with MIT License | 5 votes |
def closeClipboard(): try: win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() except Exception, e: print e pass
Example #11
Source File: From puppet with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_data(): sleep(0.3) # 秒数关系到是否能复制成功。 op.keybd_event(17, 0, 0, 0) op.keybd_event(67, 0, 0, 0) sleep(0.1) # 没有这个就复制失败 op.keybd_event(67, 0, 2, 0) op.keybd_event(17, 0, 2, 0) cp.OpenClipboard(None) raw = cp.GetClipboardData(13) data = raw.split() cp.CloseClipboard() return data
Example #12
Source File: From PocHunter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_paste_buffer(): win32clipboard.OpenClipboard(0) try: result = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData() except TypeError: result = '' #non-text win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() return result
Example #13
Source File: From PocHunter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def write_to_paste_buffer(txt): win32clipboard.OpenClipboard(0) win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardText(txt) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
Example #14
Source File: From pyxll-examples with The Unlicense | 5 votes |
def stop_profiling(): """Stop the cProfile profiler and print the results""" global _active_cprofiler if not _active_cprofiler: xlcAlert("No active profiler") return _active_cprofiler.disable() # print the profiler stats stream = StringIO() stats = pstats.Stats(_active_cprofiler, stream=stream).sort_stats("cumulative") stats.print_stats() # print the results to the log print(stream.getvalue()) # and copy to the clipboard win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardText(stream.getvalue()) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() _active_cprofiler = None xlcAlert("cProfiler Stopped\n" "Results have been written to the log and clipboard.") # Current active line profiler
Example #15
Source File: From cross3d with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setText( self, text ): """ \remarks Sets the text hold by the clipboarc. \param text <string> \return <bool> success """ import win32clipboard win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardText( text ) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() return True
Example #16
Source File: From ZEROScan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_paste_buffer(): win32clipboard.OpenClipboard(0) try: result = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData() except TypeError: result = '' #non-text win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() return result
Example #17
Source File: From ZEROScan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def write_to_paste_buffer(txt): win32clipboard.OpenClipboard(0) win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardText(txt) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
Example #18
Source File: From Fastir_Collector with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __get_clipboard(self):'Getting clipboard contents') list_to_csv = [("COMPUTER_NAME", "TYPE", "DATA")] r = None try: r = Tk() # Using Tk instead because it supports exotic characters data = r.selection_get(selection='CLIPBOARD') r.destroy() list_to_csv.append((self.computer_name, 'clipboard', unicode(data))) except: if r: # Verify that r exists before calling destroy r.destroy() win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() clip = win32clipboard.EnumClipboardFormats(0) while clip: try: format_name = win32clipboard.GetClipboardFormatName(clip) except win32api.error: format_name = "?"'format ' + unicode(clip) + ' ' + unicode(format_name)) if clip == 15: # 15 seems to be a list of filenames filenames = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(clip) for filename in filenames: list_to_csv.append((self.computer_name, 'clipboard', filename)) clip = win32clipboard.EnumClipboardFormats(clip) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() return list_to_csv
Example #19
Source File: From pyrexecd with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _clipget(self): win32clipboard.OpenClipboard( try: text = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT) self.logger.debug('text=%r' % text) self.chan.send(text.encode(self.server.codec)) except TypeError: self.logger.error('No clipboard text.') win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() return
Example #20
Source File: From pyrexecd with MIT License | 5 votes |
def recv(self, data): try: text = data.decode(self.session.server.codec) win32clipboard.OpenClipboard( win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardText(text) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() except UnicodeError: self.error('encoding error') except pywintypes.error as e: self.error('error: %r' % e) return
Example #21
Source File: From pyAutoTrading with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def _getContentsFromClipboard(): win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() content = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData() win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() return content
Example #22
Source File: From dragonfly with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_system_text(cls): win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() try: content = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(cls.format_unicode) finally: win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() return content
Example #23
Source File: From code with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get(): if sys.platform == "win32": import win32clipboard as clip clip.OpenClipboard() # TODO: what type does this return? data = clip.GetClipboardData(clip.CF_UNICODETEXT) #print("clipboard.get =", repr(data)) clip.CloseClipboard() return data else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported platform")
Example #24
Source File: From cross3d with MIT License | 5 votes |
def clipboardCopyText(self, text): """ Set the provided text to the system clipboard so it can be pasted This function is used because QApplication.clipboard sometimes deadlocks in some applications like XSI. Args: text (str): Set the text in the paste buffer to this text. """ import win32clipboard win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardText(text) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
Example #25
Source File: From cross3d with MIT License | 5 votes |
def text( self ): """ \remarks Returns the text hold in the clipboard. \return <string> text """ import win32clipboard try: win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() value = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData( win32clipboard.CF_TEXT ) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() except: value = '' return value
Example #26
Source File: From cross3d with MIT License | 5 votes |
def clear( self ): """ \remarks Deletes the content of the clipboard. \return <bool> success """ import win32clipboard win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() return True
Example #27
Source File: From dragonfly-commands with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _execute(self, data=None): win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() data = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData() win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() print("Opening link: %s" % data)
Example #28
Source File: From pylogger with MIT License | 5 votes |
def KeyStroke(event): global current_window # check to see if target changed windows if event.WindowName != current_window: current_window = event.WindowName get_current_process() # if they pressed a standard key if event.Ascii > 32 and event.Ascii < 127: print chr(event.Ascii), checkTriggers(chr(event.Ascii)) writeToFile(chr(event.Ascii)) else: # if [Ctrl-V], get the value on the clipboard # added by Dan Frisch 2014 if event.Key == "V": win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() pasted_value = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData() win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() if (len(pasted_value) < paste_limit): print "[PASTE] - %s" % (pasted_value), writeToFile("[PASTE] - %s" % (pasted_value)) else: print "[%s]" % event.Key, writeToFile("[%s]" % event.Key) # pass execution to next hook registered return True #This gets the current process, so that we can display it on the log
Example #29
Source File: From dragonfly with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def clear_clipboard(cls): win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() try: win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() finally: win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #30
Source File: From dragonfly with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_system_text(cls, content): content = text_type(content) win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() try: win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(cls.format_unicode, content) finally: win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()