Python sys.getdefaultencoding() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of sys.getdefaultencoding().
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Example #1
Source File: From phpsploit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _ustr(obj): """Drop-in replacement for str(obj) that tries to be Unicode friendly. It first tries str(obj). If that fails with a UnicodeEncodeError, then it tries unicode(obj). It then < returns the unicode object | encodes it with the default encoding | ... >. """ if isinstance(obj,unicode): return obj try: # If this works, then _ustr(obj) has the same behaviour as str(obj), so # it won't break any existing code. return str(obj) except UnicodeEncodeError: # Else encode it ret = unicode(obj).encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'xmlcharrefreplace') xmlcharref = Regex('&#\d+;') xmlcharref.setParseAction(lambda t: '\\u' + hex(int(t[0][2:-1]))[2:]) return xmlcharref.transformString(ret) # build list of single arg builtins, tolerant of Python version, that can be used as parse actions
Example #2
Source File: From py with MIT License | 6 votes |
def sysexec(self, *argv, **popen_opts): """ return stdout text from executing a system child process, where the 'self' path points to executable. The process is directly invoked and not through a system shell. """ from subprocess import Popen, PIPE argv = map_as_list(str, argv) popen_opts['stdout'] = popen_opts['stderr'] = PIPE proc = Popen([str(self)] + argv, **popen_opts) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() ret = proc.wait() if py.builtin._isbytes(stdout): stdout = py.builtin._totext(stdout, sys.getdefaultencoding()) if ret != 0: if py.builtin._isbytes(stderr): stderr = py.builtin._totext(stderr, sys.getdefaultencoding()) raise py.process.cmdexec.Error(ret, ret, str(self), stdout, stderr,) return stdout
Example #3
Source File: From py with MIT License | 6 votes |
def cmdexec(cmd): """ return unicode output of executing 'cmd' in a separate process. raise cmdexec.Error exeception if the command failed. the exception will provide an 'err' attribute containing the error-output from the command. if the subprocess module does not provide a proper encoding/unicode strings sys.getdefaultencoding() will be used, if that does not exist, 'UTF-8'. """ process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = process.communicate() if sys.version_info[0] < 3: # on py3 we get unicode strings, on py2 not try: default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() # jython may not have it except AttributeError: default_encoding = sys.stdout.encoding or 'UTF-8' out = unicode(out, process.stdout.encoding or default_encoding) err = unicode(err, process.stderr.encoding or default_encoding) status = process.poll() if status: raise ExecutionFailed(status, status, cmd, out, err) return out
Example #4
Source File: From py with MIT License | 6 votes |
def write(self, data, mode='w', ensure=False): """ write data into path. If ensure is True create missing parent directories. """ if ensure: self.dirpath().ensure(dir=1) if 'b' in mode: if not py.builtin._isbytes(data): raise ValueError("can only process bytes") else: if not py.builtin._istext(data): if not py.builtin._isbytes(data): data = str(data) else: data = py.builtin._totext(data, sys.getdefaultencoding()) f = try: f.write(data) finally: f.close()
Example #5
Source File: From jawfish with MIT License | 6 votes |
def formatyearpage(self, theyear, width=3, css='calendar.css', encoding=None): """ Return a formatted year as a complete HTML page. """ if encoding is None: encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() v = [] a = v.append a('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>\n' % encoding) a('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">\n') a('<html>\n') a('<head>\n') a('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=%s" />\n' % encoding) if css is not None: a('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s" />\n' % css) a('<title>Calendar for %d</title>\n' % theyear) a('</head>\n') a('<body>\n') a(self.formatyear(theyear, width)) a('</body>\n') a('</html>\n') return ''.join(v).encode(encoding, "xmlcharrefreplace")
Example #6
Source File: From jbox with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _ustr(obj): """Drop-in replacement for str(obj) that tries to be Unicode friendly. It first tries str(obj). If that fails with a UnicodeEncodeError, then it tries unicode(obj). It then < returns the unicode object | encodes it with the default encoding | ... >. """ if isinstance(obj,unicode): return obj try: # If this works, then _ustr(obj) has the same behaviour as str(obj), so # it won't break any existing code. return str(obj) except UnicodeEncodeError: # Else encode it ret = unicode(obj).encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'xmlcharrefreplace') xmlcharref = Regex('&#\d+;') xmlcharref.setParseAction(lambda t: '\\u' + hex(int(t[0][2:-1]))[2:]) return xmlcharref.transformString(ret) # build list of single arg builtins, tolerant of Python version, that can be used as parse actions
Example #7
Source File: From python-netsurv with MIT License | 6 votes |
def write(self, data, mode='w', ensure=False): """ write data into path. If ensure is True create missing parent directories. """ if ensure: self.dirpath().ensure(dir=1) if 'b' in mode: if not py.builtin._isbytes(data): raise ValueError("can only process bytes") else: if not py.builtin._istext(data): if not py.builtin._isbytes(data): data = str(data) else: data = py.builtin._totext(data, sys.getdefaultencoding()) f = try: f.write(data) finally: f.close()
Example #8
Source File: From python-netsurv with MIT License | 6 votes |
def sysexec(self, *argv, **popen_opts): """ return stdout text from executing a system child process, where the 'self' path points to executable. The process is directly invoked and not through a system shell. """ from subprocess import Popen, PIPE argv = map_as_list(str, argv) popen_opts['stdout'] = popen_opts['stderr'] = PIPE proc = Popen([str(self)] + argv, **popen_opts) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() ret = proc.wait() if py.builtin._isbytes(stdout): stdout = py.builtin._totext(stdout, sys.getdefaultencoding()) if ret != 0: if py.builtin._isbytes(stderr): stderr = py.builtin._totext(stderr, sys.getdefaultencoding()) raise py.process.cmdexec.Error(ret, ret, str(self), stdout, stderr,) return stdout
Example #9
Source File: From python-netsurv with MIT License | 6 votes |
def cmdexec(cmd): """ return unicode output of executing 'cmd' in a separate process. raise cmdexec.Error exeception if the command failed. the exception will provide an 'err' attribute containing the error-output from the command. if the subprocess module does not provide a proper encoding/unicode strings sys.getdefaultencoding() will be used, if that does not exist, 'UTF-8'. """ process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = process.communicate() if sys.version_info[0] < 3: # on py3 we get unicode strings, on py2 not try: default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() # jython may not have it except AttributeError: default_encoding = sys.stdout.encoding or 'UTF-8' out = unicode(out, process.stdout.encoding or default_encoding) err = unicode(err, process.stderr.encoding or default_encoding) status = process.poll() if status: raise ExecutionFailed(status, status, cmd, out, err) return out
Example #10
Source File: From python-netsurv with MIT License | 6 votes |
def write(self, data, mode='w', ensure=False): """ write data into path. If ensure is True create missing parent directories. """ if ensure: self.dirpath().ensure(dir=1) if 'b' in mode: if not py.builtin._isbytes(data): raise ValueError("can only process bytes") else: if not py.builtin._istext(data): if not py.builtin._isbytes(data): data = str(data) else: data = py.builtin._totext(data, sys.getdefaultencoding()) f = try: f.write(data) finally: f.close()
Example #11
Source File: From python-netsurv with MIT License | 6 votes |
def cmdexec(cmd): """ return unicode output of executing 'cmd' in a separate process. raise cmdexec.Error exeception if the command failed. the exception will provide an 'err' attribute containing the error-output from the command. if the subprocess module does not provide a proper encoding/unicode strings sys.getdefaultencoding() will be used, if that does not exist, 'UTF-8'. """ process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = process.communicate() if sys.version_info[0] < 3: # on py3 we get unicode strings, on py2 not try: default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() # jython may not have it except AttributeError: default_encoding = sys.stdout.encoding or 'UTF-8' out = unicode(out, process.stdout.encoding or default_encoding) err = unicode(err, process.stderr.encoding or default_encoding) status = process.poll() if status: raise ExecutionFailed(status, status, cmd, out, err) return out
Example #12
Source File: From meddle with MIT License | 6 votes |
def formatyearpage(self, theyear, width=3, css='calendar.css', encoding=None): """ Return a formatted year as a complete HTML page. """ if encoding is None: encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() v = [] a = v.append a('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>\n' % encoding) a('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">\n') a('<html>\n') a('<head>\n') a('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=%s" />\n' % encoding) if css is not None: a('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s" />\n' % css) a('<title>Calendar for %d</title>\n' % theyear) a('</head>\n') a('<body>\n') a(self.formatyear(theyear, width)) a('</body>\n') a('</html>\n') return ''.join(v).encode(encoding, "xmlcharrefreplace")
Example #13
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_encoding(self): f = file(self.temp_file, 'w') # we throw on flush, CPython throws on write, so both write & close need to catch try: f.write(u'\u6211') f.close()'UnicodeEncodeError should have been thrown') except UnicodeEncodeError: pass if hasattr(sys, "setdefaultencoding"): #and verify UTF8 round trips correctly setenc = sys.setdefaultencoding saved = sys.getdefaultencoding() try: setenc('utf8') with file(self.temp_file, 'w') as f: f.write(u'\u6211') with file(self.temp_file, 'r') as f: txt = self.assertEqual(txt, u'\u6211') finally: setenc(saved)
Example #14
Source File: From kobo-predict with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def _ustr(obj): """Drop-in replacement for str(obj) that tries to be Unicode friendly. It first tries str(obj). If that fails with a UnicodeEncodeError, then it tries unicode(obj). It then < returns the unicode object | encodes it with the default encoding | ... >. """ if isinstance(obj,unicode): return obj try: # If this works, then _ustr(obj) has the same behaviour as str(obj), so # it won't break any existing code. return str(obj) except UnicodeEncodeError: # Else encode it ret = unicode(obj).encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'xmlcharrefreplace') xmlcharref = Regex('&#\d+;') xmlcharref.setParseAction(lambda t: '\\u' + hex(int(t[0][2:-1]))[2:]) return xmlcharref.transformString(ret) # build list of single arg builtins, tolerant of Python version, that can be used as parse actions
Example #15
Source File: From py with MIT License | 5 votes |
def log(self, rev_start=None, rev_end=1, verbose=False): """ return a list of LogEntry instances for this path. rev_start is the starting revision (defaulting to the first one). rev_end is the last revision (defaulting to HEAD). if verbose is True, then the LogEntry instances also know which files changed. """ assert self.check() # make it simpler for the pipe rev_start = rev_start is None and "HEAD" or rev_start rev_end = rev_end is None and "HEAD" or rev_end if rev_start == "HEAD" and rev_end == 1: rev_opt = "" else: rev_opt = "-r %s:%s" % (rev_start, rev_end) verbose_opt = verbose and "-v" or "" locale_env = fixlocale() # some blather on stderr auth_opt = self._makeauthoptions() #stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3(locale_env + # 'svn log --xml %s %s %s "%s"' % ( # rev_opt, verbose_opt, auth_opt, # self.strpath)) cmd = locale_env + 'svn log --xml %s %s %s "%s"' % ( rev_opt, verbose_opt, auth_opt, self.strpath) popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, ) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() stdout = py.builtin._totext(stdout, sys.getdefaultencoding()) minidom,ExpatError = importxml() try: tree = minidom.parseString(stdout) except ExpatError: raise ValueError('no such revision') result = [] for logentry in filter(None, tree.firstChild.childNodes): if logentry.nodeType == logentry.ELEMENT_NODE: result.append(LogEntry(logentry)) return result
Example #16
Source File: From meddle with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_encoding(self, file): encoding = getattr(file, "encoding", None) if not encoding: encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() return encoding
Example #17
Source File: From meddle with MIT License | 5 votes |
def glob1(dirname, pattern): if not dirname: dirname = os.curdir if isinstance(pattern, unicode) and not isinstance(dirname, unicode): dirname = unicode(dirname, sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding()) try: names = os.listdir(dirname) except os.error: return [] if pattern[0] != '.': names = filter(lambda x: x[0] != '.', names) return fnmatch.filter(names, pattern)
Example #18
Source File: From cachelib with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def to_native(x, charset=sys.getdefaultencoding(), errors='strict'): if x is None or isinstance(x, str): return x return x.decode(charset, errors)
Example #19
Source File: From cachelib with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def to_native(x, charset=sys.getdefaultencoding(), errors='strict'): if x is None or isinstance(x, str): return x return x.encode(charset, errors)
Example #20
Source File: From Python24 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def auto_decode(data): """Check a bytes string for a BOM to correctly detect the encoding Fallback to locale.getpreferredencoding(False) like open() on Python3""" for bom, encoding in BOMS: if data.startswith(bom): return data[len(bom):].decode(encoding) # Lets check the first two lines as in PEP263 for line in data.split(b'\n')[:2]: if line[0:1] == b'#' and encoding =[0].decode('ascii') return data.decode(encoding) return data.decode( locale.getpreferredencoding(False) or sys.getdefaultencoding(), )
Example #21
Source File: From python-netsurv with MIT License | 5 votes |
def log(self, rev_start=None, rev_end=1, verbose=False): """ return a list of LogEntry instances for this path. rev_start is the starting revision (defaulting to the first one). rev_end is the last revision (defaulting to HEAD). if verbose is True, then the LogEntry instances also know which files changed. """ assert self.check() # make it simpler for the pipe rev_start = rev_start is None and "HEAD" or rev_start rev_end = rev_end is None and "HEAD" or rev_end if rev_start == "HEAD" and rev_end == 1: rev_opt = "" else: rev_opt = "-r %s:%s" % (rev_start, rev_end) verbose_opt = verbose and "-v" or "" locale_env = fixlocale() # some blather on stderr auth_opt = self._makeauthoptions() #stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3(locale_env + # 'svn log --xml %s %s %s "%s"' % ( # rev_opt, verbose_opt, auth_opt, # self.strpath)) cmd = locale_env + 'svn log --xml %s %s %s "%s"' % ( rev_opt, verbose_opt, auth_opt, self.strpath) popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, ) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() stdout = py.builtin._totext(stdout, sys.getdefaultencoding()) minidom,ExpatError = importxml() try: tree = minidom.parseString(stdout) except ExpatError: raise ValueError('no such revision') result = [] for logentry in filter(None, tree.firstChild.childNodes): if logentry.nodeType == logentry.ELEMENT_NODE: result.append(LogEntry(logentry)) return result
Example #22
Source File: From py with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_read_write(self, tmpdir): x = tmpdir.join("hello") part = py.builtin._totext("hällo", "utf8") x.write(part) assert == part x.write(part.encode(sys.getdefaultencoding())) assert == part.encode(sys.getdefaultencoding())
Example #23
Source File: From python-netsurv with MIT License | 5 votes |
def apply_changes_to_python_environment(): global python_environment_changes_applied if python_environment_changes_applied or sys.getdefaultencoding() == 'utf-8': python_environment_changes_applied = True return try: reload(sys) sys.stdout = stdout sys.stderr = stderr sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') except NameError: # Python 3 sys.exit('This should not happen!') python_environment_changes_applied = True
Example #24
Source File: From python-netsurv with MIT License | 5 votes |
def bug_1771_with_user_config(var): # sys.getdefaultencoding is considered as a never # returning function in the inconsistent_returns.rc file. if var == 1: sys.getdefaultencoding() else: return var * 2
Example #25
Source File: From python-netsurv with MIT License | 5 votes |
def decoding_stream(stream, encoding, errors="strict"): try: reader_cls = codecs.getreader(encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding()) except LookupError: reader_cls = codecs.getreader(sys.getdefaultencoding()) return reader_cls(stream, errors)
Example #26
Source File: From python-netsurv with MIT License | 5 votes |
def safe_decode(line, encoding, *args, **kwargs): """return decoded line from encoding or decode with default encoding""" try: return line.decode(encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding(), *args, **kwargs) except LookupError: return line.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), *args, **kwargs)
Example #27
Source File: From python-netsurv with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_encoding(): """Return preferred encoding.""" return locale.getpreferredencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding()
Example #28
Source File: From linter-pylama with MIT License | 5 votes |
def safe_decode(line, encoding, *args, **kwargs): '''return decoded line from encoding or decode with default encoding''' try: return line.decode(encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding(), *args, **kwargs) except LookupError: return line.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), *args, **kwargs)
Example #29
Source File: From python-netsurv with MIT License | 5 votes |
def log(self, rev_start=None, rev_end=1, verbose=False): """ return a list of LogEntry instances for this path. rev_start is the starting revision (defaulting to the first one). rev_end is the last revision (defaulting to HEAD). if verbose is True, then the LogEntry instances also know which files changed. """ assert self.check() # make it simpler for the pipe rev_start = rev_start is None and "HEAD" or rev_start rev_end = rev_end is None and "HEAD" or rev_end if rev_start == "HEAD" and rev_end == 1: rev_opt = "" else: rev_opt = "-r %s:%s" % (rev_start, rev_end) verbose_opt = verbose and "-v" or "" locale_env = fixlocale() # some blather on stderr auth_opt = self._makeauthoptions() #stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3(locale_env + # 'svn log --xml %s %s %s "%s"' % ( # rev_opt, verbose_opt, auth_opt, # self.strpath)) cmd = locale_env + 'svn log --xml %s %s %s "%s"' % ( rev_opt, verbose_opt, auth_opt, self.strpath) popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, ) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() stdout = py.builtin._totext(stdout, sys.getdefaultencoding()) minidom,ExpatError = importxml() try: tree = minidom.parseString(stdout) except ExpatError: raise ValueError('no such revision') result = [] for logentry in filter(None, tree.firstChild.childNodes): if logentry.nodeType == logentry.ELEMENT_NODE: result.append(LogEntry(logentry)) return result
Example #30
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def to_native(x, charset=sys.getdefaultencoding(), errors='strict'): if x is None or isinstance(x, str): return x return x.encode(charset, errors)