Python pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect() Examples
The following are 26
code examples of pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect().
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Example #1
Source File: From pytest-plugins with MIT License | 6 votes |
def check_server_up(self): """Test connection to the server.""" import pymongo from pymongo.errors import AutoReconnect, ConnectionFailure # Hostname must exist before continuing # Some server class (e.g. Docker) will only allocate an IP after the # container has started. if not self.hostname: return False"Connecting to Mongo at %s:%s" % (self.hostname, self.port)) try: self.api = pymongo.MongoClient(self.hostname, self.port, serverselectiontimeoutms=200) self.api.list_database_names() # Configure the client with default timeouts in case the server goes slow self.api = pymongo.MongoClient(self.hostname, self.port) return True except (AutoReconnect, ConnectionFailure) as e: pass return False
Example #2
Source File: From lightflow with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Call the method and handle the AutoReconnect exception gracefully """ start_time = time.time() for attempt in count(): try: return self._method(*args, **kwargs) except AutoReconnect: duration = time.time() - start_time if duration >= WAIT_TIME: break logger.warning( 'Reconnecting to MongoDB, attempt {} ({:.3f} seconds elapsed)'. format(attempt, duration)) time.sleep(self.calc_sleep(attempt)) return self._method(*args, **kwargs)
Example #3
Source File: From coal-mine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def update(self, identifier, updates): updates = copy(updates) unset = {} for key, value in [(k, v) for k, v in updates.items()]: if value is None: del updates[key] unset[key] = '' doc = {} if updates: doc['$set'] = updates if unset: doc['$unset'] = unset if not doc: return while True: try: self.collection.update_one({'id': identifier}, doc) return except AutoReconnect: # pragma: no cover log.exception('update failure, retrying') time.sleep(1)
Example #4
Source File: From satori with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _receive_data_on_socket(sock, length): msg = b"" while length: try: chunk = sock.recv(length) except (IOError, OSError) as exc: err = None if hasattr(exc, 'errno'): err = exc.errno elif exc.args: err = exc.args[0] if err == errno.EINTR: continue raise if chunk == b"": raise AutoReconnect("connection closed") length -= len(chunk) msg += chunk return msg
Example #5
Source File: From arctic with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def get_library(self, library): """ Return the library instance. Can generally use slicing to return the library: arctic_store[library] Parameters ---------- library : `str` The name of the library. e.g. 'library' or 'user.library' """ if library in self._library_cache: return self._library_cache[library] try: error = None lib = ArcticLibraryBinding(self, library) lib_type = lib.get_library_type() except (OperationFailure, AutoReconnect) as e: error = e if error: raise LibraryNotFoundException("Library %s was not correctly initialized in %s.\nReason: %r)" % (library, self, error)) elif not lib_type: raise LibraryNotFoundException("Library %s was not correctly initialized in %s." % (library, self)) elif lib_type not in LIBRARY_TYPES: raise LibraryNotFoundException("Couldn't load LibraryType '%s' for '%s' (has the class been registered?)" % (lib_type, library)) instance = LIBRARY_TYPES[lib_type](lib) self._library_cache[library] = instance # The library official name may be different from 'library': e.g. 'library' vs 'user.library' self._library_cache[lib.get_name()] = instance return self._library_cache[library]
Example #6
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def dbUpdate(self, dbName, collectionName, d, flt, upsert=False): """向MongoDB中更新数据,d是具体数据,flt是过滤条件,upsert代表若无是否要插入""" try: if self.dbClient: db = self.dbClient[dbName] collection = db[collectionName] collection.replace_one(flt, d, upsert) else: self.writeLog(text.DATA_UPDATE_FAILED) if self.db_has_connected: self.writeLog(u'重新尝试连接数据库') self.dbConnect() except AutoReconnect as ex: self.writeError(u'数据库连接断开重连:{}'.format(str(ex))) time.sleep(1) except ConnectionFailure: self.dbClient = None self.writeError(u'数据库连接断开') if self.db_has_connected: self.writeLog(u'重新尝试连接数据库') self.dbConnect() except Exception as ex: self.writeError(u'dbUpdate exception:{}'.format(str(ex)))
Example #7
Source File: From arctic with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def test_mongo_retry(): retries = [2] self = MagicMock() self._arctic_lib.arctic.mongo_host = self._collection.database.client.nodes = set([('a', 12)]) self._arctic_lib.get_name.return_value = sentinel.lib_name with patch('arctic.decorators._handle_error', autospec=True) as he: @mongo_retry def foo(self): if retries[0] == 2: retries[0] -= 1 raise OperationFailure('error') elif retries[0] == 1: retries[0] -= 1 raise AutoReconnect('error') return "success" foo(self) assert he.call_count == 2 assert isinstance(he.call_args_list[0][0][1], OperationFailure) assert he.call_args_list[0][0][2] == 1 assert he.call_args_list[0][1] == {'mnodes': ['a:12'], 'mhost': '', 'l': sentinel.lib_name} assert isinstance(he.call_args_list[1][0][1], AutoReconnect) assert he.call_args_list[1][0][2] == 2
Example #8
Source File: From arctic with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def test__conn_auth_issue(): auth_timeout = [0] a = Arctic("host:12345") sentinel.creds = Mock() def flaky_auth(*args, **kwargs): if not auth_timeout[0]: auth_timeout[0] = 1 raise AutoReconnect() with patch('arctic.arctic.authenticate', flaky_auth), \ patch('arctic.arctic.get_auth', return_value=sentinel.creds), \ patch('arctic._cache.Cache.__init__', autospec=True, return_value=None), \ patch('arctic.decorators._handle_error') as he: a._conn assert he.call_count == 1 assert auth_timeout[0]
Example #9
Source File: From arctic with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def test_mongo_retry_hook_changes(): retries = [2] self = MagicMock() hook1 = Mock() register_log_exception_hook(hook1) hook2 = Mock() @mongo_retry def foo(self): if retries[0] == 2: retries[0] -= 1 raise OperationFailure('error') elif retries[0] == 1: register_log_exception_hook(hook2) retries[0] -= 1 raise AutoReconnect('error') return "success" foo(self) assert hook1.call_count == 1 assert hook2.call_count == 1
Example #10
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def dbInsert(self, dbName, collectionName, d): """向MongoDB中插入数据,d是具体数据""" try: # mongodb客户端 if self.dbClient: db = self.dbClient[dbName] collection = db[collectionName] collection.insert_one(d) else: self.writeLog(text.DATA_INSERT_FAILED) # 判断是否连接 if self.db_has_connected: self.writeLog(u'重新尝试连接数据库') # 重新连接 self.dbConnect() except AutoReconnect as ex: self.writeError(u'数据库连接断开重连:{}'.format(str(ex))) time.sleep(1) except ConnectionFailure: self.dbClient = None self.writeError(u'数据库连接断开') if self.db_has_connected: self.writeLog(u'重新尝试连接数据库') self.dbConnect() except Exception as ex: self.writeError(u'dbInsert exception:{}'.format(str(ex)))
Example #11
Source File: From cos-ansible-base with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def mongodb_stats(host, p, database, username, password): port = int(p) try: if username and password and database: c = Client("mongodb://"+username+":"+password+"@"+host+"/"+database, port) elif username and password: c = Client('mongodb://'+username+':'+password+'@'+host+'/', port) elif database: c = Client('mongodb://'+host+'/'+database, port) else: c = Client(host, port) except ConnectionFailure, AutoReconnect: return None
Example #12
Source File: From coal-mine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def delete(self, identifier): while True: try: result = self.collection.remove({'id': identifier}) if result['n'] == 0: raise KeyError('No such canary {}'.format(identifier)) return except AutoReconnect: # pragma: no cover log.exception('remove failure, retrying') time.sleep(1)
Example #13
Source File: From coal-mine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def list(self, *, verbose=False, paused=None, late=None, search=None, order_by=None): if verbose: fields = {'_id': False} else: fields = {'_id': False, 'name': True, 'id': True} spec = {} if paused is not None: spec['paused'] = paused if late is not None: spec['late'] = late if order_by is not None: order_by = [(order_by, ASCENDING)] if search is not None: search = re.compile(search) spec['$or'] = [{'name': search}, {'slug': search}, {'id': search}, {'emails': search}] skip = 0 while True: try: for canary in self.collection.find(spec, projection=fields, sort=order_by, skip=skip): yield canary break except AutoReconnect: # pragma: no cover log.exception('find failure, retrying') time.sleep(1)
Example #14
Source File: From coal-mine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get(self, identifier): while True: try: canary = self.collection.find_one({'id': identifier}, projection={'_id': False}) if not canary: raise KeyError('No such canary {}'.format(identifier)) return canary except AutoReconnect: # pragma: no cover log.exception('find_one failure, retrying') time.sleep(1)
Example #15
Source File: From coal-mine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create(self, canary): canary['_id'] = bson.ObjectId() while True: try: self.collection.insert_one(canary) del canary['_id'] break except AutoReconnect: # pragma: no cover log.exception('save failure, retrying') time.sleep(1)
Example #16
Source File: From ansible-mongodb with MIT License | 5 votes |
def rs_reconfigure(client, rs_config): try: client.admin.command('replSetReconfig', rs_config) except AutoReconnect: pass
Example #17
Source File: From ansible-role-mongodb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def remove_host(module, client, host_name, timeout=180): start_time = while True: try: admin_db = client['admin'] local_db = client['local'] if local_db.system.replset.count() > 1: module.fail_json(msg='local.system.replset has unexpected contents') cfg = local_db.system.replset.find_one() if not cfg: module.fail_json(msg='no config object retrievable from local.system.replset') cfg['version'] += 1 if len(cfg['members']) == 1: module.fail_json(msg="You can't delete last member of replica set") for member in cfg['members']: if host_name in member['host']: cfg['members'].remove(member) else: fail_msg = "couldn't find member with hostname: {0} in replica set members list".format(host_name) module.fail_json(msg=fail_msg) except (OperationFailure, AutoReconnect) as e: if ( - start_time).seconds > timeout: module.fail_json(msg='reached timeout while waiting for rs.reconfig(): %s' % str(e)) time.sleep(5)
Example #18
Source File: From lightflow with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, obj, methods): """ Initialize the MongoReconnectProxy. Args: obj: The object for which all calls should be wrapped in the AutoReconnect exception handling block. methods (set): The list of method names that should be wrapped. """ self._unproxied_object = obj self._methods = methods
Example #19
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __send_message(self, msg): """Send a getmore message and handle the response. """ client = self.__collection.database.connection try: res = client._send_message_with_response( msg, _connection_to_use=self.__conn_id) self.__conn_id, (response, dummy0, dummy1) = res except AutoReconnect: # Don't try to send kill cursors on another socket # or to another server. It can cause a _pinValue # assertion on some server releases if we get here # due to a socket timeout. self.__killed = True raise try: response = helpers._unpack_response(response, self.__id, *self.__decode_opts) except CursorNotFound: self.__killed = True raise except AutoReconnect: # Don't send kill cursors to another server after a "not master" # error. It's completely pointless. self.__killed = True client.disconnect() raise self.__id = response["cursor_id"] assert response["starting_from"] == self.__retrieved, ( "Result batch started from %s, expected %s" % ( response['starting_from'], self.__retrieved)) self.__retrieved += response["number_returned"] self.__data = deque(response["data"])
Example #20
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def dbQueryBySort(self, dbName, collectionName, d, sortName, sortType, limitNum=0): """从MongoDB中读取数据,d是查询要求,sortName是排序的字段,sortType是排序类型 返回的是数据库查询的指针""" try: if self.dbClient: db = self.dbClient[dbName] collection = db[collectionName] if limitNum > 0: cursor = collection.find(d).sort(sortName, sortType).limit(limitNum) else: cursor = collection.find(d).sort(sortName, sortType) if cursor: return list(cursor) else: return [] else: self.writeLog(text.DATA_QUERY_FAILED) if self.db_has_connected: self.writeLog(u'重新尝试连接数据库') self.dbConnect() except AutoReconnect as ex: self.writeError(u'数据库连接断开重连:{}'.format(str(ex))) time.sleep(1) except ConnectionFailure: self.dbClient = None self.writeError(u'数据库连接断开') if self.db_has_connected: self.writeLog(u'重新尝试连接数据库') self.dbConnect() except Exception as ex: self.writeError(u'dbQueryBySort exception:{}'.format(str(ex))) return [] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #21
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def dbQuery(self, dbName, collectionName, d): """从MongoDB中读取数据,d是查询要求,返回的是数据库查询的指针""" try: if self.dbClient: db = self.dbClient[dbName] collection = db[collectionName] cursor = collection.find(d) if cursor: return list(cursor) else: return [] else: self.writeLog(text.DATA_QUERY_FAILED) if self.db_has_connected: self.writeLog(u'重新尝试连接数据库') self.dbConnect() except AutoReconnect as ex: self.writeError(u'数据库连接断开重连:{}'.format(str(ex))) time.sleep(1) except ConnectionFailure: self.dbClient = None self.writeError(u'数据库连接断开') if self.db_has_connected: self.writeLog(u'重新尝试连接数据库') self.dbConnect() except Exception as ex: self.writeError(u'dbQuery exception:{}'.format(str(ex))) return []
Example #22
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def dbInsertMany(self, dbName, collectionName, data_list, ordered=True): """ 向MongoDB中插入数据,data_list是具体数据 列表 :param dbName: :param collectionName: :param data_list: :param ordered: 是否忽略insert error :return: """ if not isinstance(data_list, list): self.writeLog(text.DATA_INSERT_FAILED) return try: if self.dbClient: db = self.dbClient[dbName] collection = db[collectionName] collection.insert_many(data_list, ordered=ordered) else: self.writeLog(text.DATA_INSERT_FAILED) if self.db_has_connected: self.writeLog(u'重新尝试连接数据库') self.dbConnect() except AutoReconnect as ex: self.writeError(u'数据库连接断开重连:{}'.format(str(ex))) time.sleep(1) except ConnectionFailure: self.dbClient = None self.writeError(u'数据库连接断开') if self.db_has_connected: self.writeLog(u'重新尝试连接数据库') self.dbConnect() except Exception as ex: self.writeError(u'dbInsertMany exception:{}'.format(str(ex))) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #23
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _send_message_with_response(self, message, _connection_to_use=None, _must_use_master=False, **kwargs): """Receive a message from Mongo. Sends the given message and returns a (connection_id, response) pair. :Parameters: - `operation`: opcode of the message to send - `data`: data to send """ if _connection_to_use is not None: if _connection_to_use == -1: member = self.__master conn = -1 else: member = self.__slaves[_connection_to_use] conn = _connection_to_use return (conn, member._send_message_with_response(message, **kwargs)[1]) # _must_use_master is set for commands, which must be sent to the # master instance. any queries in a request must be sent to the # master since that is where writes go. if _must_use_master or self.in_request(): return (-1, self.__master._send_message_with_response(message, **kwargs)[1]) # Iterate through the slaves randomly until we have success. Raise # reconnect if they all fail. for connection_id in helpers.shuffled(range(len(self.__slaves))): try: slave = self.__slaves[connection_id] return (connection_id, slave._send_message_with_response(message, **kwargs)[1]) except AutoReconnect: pass raise AutoReconnect("failed to connect to slaves")
Example #24
Source File: From ansible-role-mongodb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def add_host(module, client, host_name, host_port, host_type, timeout=180, **kwargs): start_time = while True: try: admin_db = client['admin'] local_db = client['local'] if local_db.system.replset.count() > 1: module.fail_json(msg='local.system.replset has unexpected contents') cfg = local_db.system.replset.find_one() if not cfg: module.fail_json(msg='no config object retrievable from local.system.replset') cfg['version'] += 1 max_id = max(cfg['members'], key=lambda x:x['_id']) new_host = { '_id': max_id['_id'] + 1, 'host': "{0}:{1}".format(host_name, host_port) } if host_type == 'arbiter': new_host['arbiterOnly'] = True if not kwargs['build_indexes']: new_host['buildIndexes'] = False if kwargs['hidden']: new_host['hidden'] = True if kwargs['priority'] != 1.0: new_host['priority'] = kwargs['priority'] if kwargs['slave_delay'] != 0: new_host['slaveDelay'] = kwargs['slave_delay'] if kwargs['votes'] != 1: new_host['votes'] = kwargs['votes'] cfg['members'].append(new_host) admin_db.command('replSetReconfig', cfg) return except (OperationFailure, AutoReconnect) as e: if ( - start_time).seconds > timeout: module.fail_json(msg='reached timeout while waiting for rs.reconfig(): %s' % str(e)) time.sleep(5)
Example #25
Source File: From mongodb_consistent_backup with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def run(self): try:"Tailing oplog on %s for changes" % self.uri) self.timer.start(self.timer_name) self.state.set('running', True) self.connect() oplog = self.oplog() while not self.tail_stop.is_set() and not self.backup_stop.is_set(): try: self._cursor = self.db.get_oplog_cursor_since(self.__class__, self.last_ts) while self.check_cursor(): try: # get the next oplog doc and write it doc = if self.last_ts and self.last_ts >= doc['ts']: continue oplog.add(doc) # update states self.count += 1 self.last_ts = doc['ts'] if self.first_ts is None: self.first_ts = self.last_ts update = { 'count': self.count, 'first_ts': self.first_ts, 'last_ts': self.last_ts } self.state.set(None, update, True) # print status report every N seconds self.status() except NotMasterError: # pymongo.errors.NotMasterError means a RECOVERING-state when connected to secondary (which should be true) self.backup_stop.set() logging.error("Node %s is in RECOVERING state! Stopping tailer thread" % self.uri) raise OperationError("Node %s is in RECOVERING state! Stopping tailer thread" % self.uri) except CursorNotFound: self.backup_stop.set() logging.error("Cursor disappeared on server %s! Stopping tailer thread" % self.uri) raise OperationError("Cursor disappeared on server %s! Stopping tailer thread" % self.uri) except (AutoReconnect, ConnectionFailure, ExceededMaxWaiters, ExecutionTimeout, NetworkTimeout), e: logging.error("Tailer %s received %s exception: %s. Attempting retry" % (self.uri, type(e).__name__, e)) if self._tail_retry > self._tail_retry_max: self.backup_stop.set() logging.error("Reconnected to %s %i/%i times, stopping backup!" % (self.uri, self._tail_retry, self._tail_retry_max)) raise OperationError("Reconnected to %s %i/%i times, stopping backup!" % (self.uri, self._tail_retry, self._tail_retry_max)) self._tail_retry += 1 except StopIteration: continue sleep(1) finally: if self._cursor: logging.debug("Stopping oplog cursor on %s" % self.uri) self._cursor.close()
Example #26
Source File: From arctic with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 4 votes |
def read(self, symbol, as_of=None, date_range=None, from_version=None, allow_secondary=None, **kwargs): """ Read data for the named symbol. Returns a VersionedItem object with a data and metdata element (as passed into write). Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` symbol name for the item as_of : `str` or `int` or `datetime.datetime` Return the data as it was as_of the point in time. `int` : specific version number `str` : snapshot name which contains the version `datetime.datetime` : the version of the data that existed as_of the requested point in time date_range: `` DateRange to read data for. Applies to Pandas data, with a DateTime index returns only the part of the data that falls in the DateRange. allow_secondary : `bool` or `None` Override the default behavior for allowing reads from secondary members of a cluster: `None` : use the settings from the top-level `Arctic` object used to query this version store. `True` : allow reads from secondary members `False` : only allow reads from primary members Returns ------- VersionedItem namedtuple which contains a .data and .metadata element """ try: read_preference = self._read_preference(allow_secondary) _version = self._read_metadata(symbol, as_of=as_of, read_preference=read_preference) return self._do_read(symbol, _version, from_version, date_range=date_range, read_preference=read_preference, **kwargs) except (OperationFailure, AutoReconnect) as e: # Log the exception so we know how often this is happening log_exception('read', e, 1) # If we've failed to read from the secondary, then it's possible the # secondary has lagged. In this case direct the query to the primary. _version = mongo_retry(self._read_metadata)(symbol, as_of=as_of, read_preference=ReadPreference.PRIMARY) return self._do_read_retry(symbol, _version, from_version, date_range=date_range, read_preference=ReadPreference.PRIMARY, **kwargs) except Exception as e: log_exception('read', e, 1) raise