Python lockfile.LockTimeout() Examples
The following are 6
code examples of lockfile.LockTimeout().
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Example #1
Source File: From happy with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def lock(self): wait_time = 0.1 wait_attempts = 0 while True: try: if self.filelock.i_am_locking(): self.counter += 1 break self.filelock.acquire(timeout=wait_time) break except lockfile.LockTimeout: pass wait_attempts += 1 if wait_attempts % self.maxattempts == 0: emsg = "Waiting for %s for over %d seconds. Break and Kill itself." % (, wait_time * wait_attempts) self.logger.error("[localhost] Happy: %s" % (emsg)) raise HappyException(emsg) if wait_attempts % 10 == 0: emsg = "Waiting for %s for over %.2f seconds." % (, wait_time * wait_attempts) self.logger.warning("[localhost] Happy: %s" % (emsg))
Example #2
Source File: From whisper-backup with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __enter__(self): if self.options.splay > 0: splay = randint(0, self.options.splay) self.logger.debug('Sleeping for %d seconds (splay=%d)' % (splay, self.options.splay)) time.sleep(splay) self.start_time = if not self.options.nolock: self.logger.debug('Attempting to acquire lock %s (timeout %s)', self.options.lockfile, self.options.locktimeout) self.lock = FileLock(self.options.lockfile) try: self.lock.acquire(timeout=self.options.locktimeout) except LockFailed as e: self.logger.error("Lock could not be acquired.") self.logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) except LockTimeout as e: msg = "Lock could not be acquired. Timeout exceeded." self.logger.error(msg) sys.exit(1)
Example #3
Source File: From st2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_run_pack_lock_is_already_acquired(self): action = self.get_action_instance() temp_dir = hashlib.md5(PACK_INDEX['test']['repo_url'].encode()).hexdigest() original_acquire = LockFile.acquire def mock_acquire(self, timeout=None): original_acquire(self, timeout=0.1) LockFile.acquire = mock_acquire try: lock_file = LockFile('/tmp/%s' % (temp_dir)) # Acquire a lock (file) so acquire inside download will fail with open(lock_file.lock_file, 'w') as fp: fp.write('') expected_msg = 'Timeout waiting to acquire lock for' self.assertRaisesRegexp(LockTimeout, expected_msg,, packs=['test'], abs_repo_base=self.repo_base) finally: os.unlink(lock_file.lock_file) LockFile.acquire = original_acquire
Example #4
Source File: From bamgineer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def IncRunID(project_name, db_dir): """Increment the RunID and append new value with project name to the file""" database_file = db_dir + '/runID_database.txt' # lock the file lock = lf.FileLock(database_file) while not lock.i_am_locking(): try: # wait up to 10 seconds lock.acquire(timeout=5) except lf.LockTimeout: raise Exception( 'ERROR: Timed out waiting for file lock at ' + lock.path) # get the last run_id from the db file rundb = open(database_file, 'r') for line in rundb: (old_id, old_project) = line.split() rundb.close() global run_id run_id = int(old_id) + 1 # write the incremented run_id with project name to the db file with open(database_file, 'a') as rundb: rundb.write(str(run_id) + '\t' + project_name + '\n') rundb.close() lock.release() return
Example #5
Source File: From pyexperiment with MIT License | 5 votes |
def lock(self): """Lock the state file """ self.state_lock = lockfile.FileLock(self.filename) try: self.state_lock.acquire(timeout=self.STATE_LOCK_TIMEOUT) except lockfile.LockTimeout: raise RuntimeError("Cannot acquire lock on state file ('%s'), " "check if another process is using it" % self.filename)
Example #6
Source File: From flask-restplus-server-example with MIT License | 4 votes |
def download_file( url, local_filepath, chunk_size=1024*512, lock_timeout=10, http_timeout=None, session=None ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """ A helper function which can download a file from a specified ``url`` to a local file ``local_filepath`` in chunks and using a file lock to prevent a concurrent download of the same file. """ # Avoid unnecessary dependencies when the function is not used. import lockfile import requests log.debug("Checking file existance in '%s'", local_filepath) lock = lockfile.LockFile(local_filepath) try: lock.acquire(timeout=lock_timeout) except lockfile.LockTimeout: "File '%s' is locked. Probably another instance is still downloading it.", local_filepath ) raise try: if not os.path.exists(local_filepath):"Downloading a file from '%s' to '%s'", url, local_filepath) if session is None: session = requests response = session.get(url, stream=True, timeout=http_timeout) if response.status_code != 200: log.error("Download '%s' is failed: %s", url, response) response.raise_for_status() with open(local_filepath, 'wb') as local_file: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): # filter out keep-alive new chunks if chunk: local_file.write(chunk) log.debug("File '%s' has been downloaded", local_filepath) return local_filepath finally: lock.release()