Python mathutils.Quaternion() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of mathutils.Quaternion().
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Example #1
Source File: From Precision-Drawing-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def execute(self, context): """Set Isometric View. Note: Set view orientation to Orthographic Isometric Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Returns: Status Set. """ # Rotate view 45 degrees about Z then 32.2644 about X context.region_data.view_rotation = Quaternion((0.8205, 0.4247, -0.1759, -0.3399)) context.region_data.view_perspective = "ORTHO" return {"FINISHED"}
Example #2
Source File: From W_Mesh_28x with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def circleVerts(radius: float, seg: int, IDs_Offset: int): verts = [] vertIDs = [] if radius <= 0: return [Vector((0, 0, 0))], [IDs_Offset] if seg < 3: seg = 3 stepAngle = (2 * pi) / seg for i in range(seg): vertIDs.append(i + IDs_Offset) quat = Quaternion((0, 0, 1), i * stepAngle) verts.append(quat @ Vector((radius, 0.0, 0.0))) return verts, vertIDs
Example #3
Source File: From building_tools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create_railing_top(bm, top_edge, prop): ret = bmesh.ops.duplicate(bm, geom=[top_edge]) top_dup_edge = filter_geom(ret["geom"], BMEdge)[0] vec = edge_vector(top_dup_edge) up = vec.copy() horizon = vec.cross(Vector((0., 0., 1.))) up.rotate(Quaternion(horizon, math.pi/2).to_euler()) sloped = edge_is_sloped(top_dup_edge) cylinder = edge_to_cylinder(bm, top_dup_edge, prop.corner_post_width/2, up) if sloped: rotate_sloped_rail_bounds(bm, cylinder, vec) bmesh.ops.translate(bm, verts=top_edge.verts, vec=Vector((0., 0., -1.))*prop.corner_post_width/2) return list({f for v in cylinder for f in v.link_faces})
Example #4
Source File: From Blender-AnimeHairSupporter with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def relocation_taper_and_bevel(main_ob, sub_ob, is_taper): # 位置変更 if len( if len([0].points): end_co = main_ob.matrix_world * mathutils.Vector([0].points[-1].co[:3]) sub_ob.location = end_co.copy() # 回転変更 if len( spline =[0] if 2 <= len(spline.points): # 最後の辺をトラック sub_ob.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION' last_direction = main_ob.matrix_world * mathutils.Vector(spline.points[-2].co[:3]) - main_ob.matrix_world * mathutils.Vector(spline.points[-1].co[:3]) up_direction = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 1)) sub_ob.rotation_quaternion = up_direction.rotation_difference(last_direction) # Z回転 diff_co = main_ob.matrix_world * mathutils.Vector(spline.points[-1].co[:3]) - main_ob.matrix_world * mathutils.Vector(spline.points[0].co[:3]) rotation_z = math.atan2(diff_co.y, diff_co.x) - spline.points[-1].tilt if is_taper: sub_ob.rotation_quaternion *= mathutils.Quaternion((0, 0, 1), rotation_z) else : sub_ob.rotation_quaternion *= mathutils.Quaternion((0, 0, 1), rotation_z - math.radians(90))
Example #5
Source File: From Wonder_Mesh with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def circleVerts(radius: float, seg: int, IDs_Offset: int): verts = [] vertIDs = [] if radius <= 0: return [Vector((0, 0, 0))], [IDs_Offset] if seg < 3: seg = 3 stepAngle = (2 * pi) / seg for i in range(seg): vertIDs.append(i + IDs_Offset) quat = Quaternion((0, 0, 1), i * stepAngle) verts.append(quat * Vector((radius, 0.0, 0.0))) return verts, vertIDs
Example #6
Source File: From glTF-Blender-IO with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self): = None self.default_name = 'Node' # fallback when no name self.children = [] self.parent = None self.type = VNode.Object self.is_arma = False self.base_trs = ( Vector((0, 0, 0)), Quaternion((1, 0, 0, 0)), Vector((1, 1, 1)), ) # Additional rotations before/after the base TRS. # Allows per-vnode axis adjustment. See local_rotation. self.rotation_after = Quaternion((1, 0, 0, 0)) self.rotation_before = Quaternion((1, 0, 0, 0)) # Indices of the glTF node where the mesh, etc. came from. # (They can get moved around.) self.mesh_node_idx = None self.camera_node_idx = None self.light_node_idx = None
Example #7
Source File: From retopology-polystrips with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def rotate_tool_gvert_neighbors(self, command, eventd): if command == 'init': self.footer = 'Rotating GVerts' self.tool_data = [(gv,Vector(gv.position)) for gv in self.sel_gvert.get_inner_gverts()] elif command == 'commit': pass elif command == 'undo': for gv,p in self.tool_data: gv.position = p gv.update() else: ang = command q = Quaternion(self.sel_gvert.snap_norm, ang) p = self.sel_gvert.position for gv,up in self.tool_data: gv.position = p+q*(up-p) gv.update()
Example #8
Source File: From cats-blender-plugin with MIT License | 6 votes |
def execute(self, context): obj = context.active_object root = mmd_model.Model.findRoot(obj) rig = mmd_model.Model(root) armature = rig.armature() mmd_root = root.mmd_root morph = mmd_root.bone_morphs[mmd_root.active_morph] morph.active_data = 0 def_loc = Vector((0,0,0)) def_rot = Quaternion((1,0,0,0)) for p_bone in armature.pose.bones: if p_bone.location != def_loc or p_bone.rotation_quaternion != def_rot: item = item.bone = item.location = p_bone.location item.rotation = p_bone.rotation_quaternion = True else: = False return { 'FINISHED' }
Example #9
Source File: From Precision-Drawing-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def execute(self, context): """View Rotation by Absolute Values. Note: Rotations are converted to 3x3 Quaternion Rotation Matrix. This is an Absolute Rotation, not an Incremental Orbit. Uses pg.rotation_coords scene variable Args: context: Blender bpy.context instance. Returns: Status Set. """ scene = context.scene pg = scene.pdt_pg roll_value = euler_to_quaternion( pg.rotation_coords.x * pi / 180, pg.rotation_coords.y * pi / 180, pg.rotation_coords.z * pi / 180, ) context.region_data.view_rotation = roll_value return {"FINISHED"}
Example #10
Source File: From Precision-Drawing-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def euler_to_quaternion(roll, pitch, yaw): """Converts Euler Rotation to Quaternion Rotation. Args: roll: Roll in Euler rotation pitch: Pitch in Euler rotation yaw: Yaw in Euler rotation Returns: Quaternion Rotation. """ # fmt: off quat_x = (np.sin(roll/2) * np.cos(pitch/2) * np.cos(yaw/2) - np.cos(roll/2) * np.sin(pitch/2) * np.sin(yaw/2)) quat_y = (np.cos(roll/2) * np.sin(pitch/2) * np.cos(yaw/2) + np.sin(roll/2) * np.cos(pitch/2) * np.sin(yaw/2)) quat_z = (np.cos(roll/2) * np.cos(pitch/2) * np.sin(yaw/2) - np.sin(roll/2) * np.sin(pitch/2) * np.cos(yaw/2)) quat_w = (np.cos(roll/2) * np.cos(pitch/2) * np.cos(yaw/2) + np.sin(roll/2) * np.sin(pitch/2) * np.sin(yaw/2)) # fmt: on return Quaternion((quat_w, quat_x, quat_y, quat_z))
Example #11
Source File: From gltf-blender-importer with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_node_trs(op, node): """Gets the TRS proerties from a glTF node JSON object.""" if 'matrix' in node: m = node['matrix'] # column-major to row-major m = Matrix([m[0:4], m[4:8], m[8:12], m[12:16]]) m.transpose() loc, rot, sca = m.decompose() # wxyz -> xyzw # convert_rotation will switch back rot = [rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[0]] else: sca = node.get('scale', [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) rot = node.get('rotation', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) loc = node.get('translation', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # Switch glTF coordinates to Blender coordinates sca = op.convert_scale(sca) rot = op.convert_rotation(rot) loc = op.convert_translation(loc) return [Vector(loc), Quaternion(rot), Vector(sca)]
Example #12
Source File: From glTF-Blender-IO with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def list_to_mathutils(values: typing.List[float], data_path: str) -> typing.Union[Vector, Quaternion, Euler]: """Transform a list to blender py object.""" target = get_target_property_name(data_path) if target == 'delta_location': return Vector(values) # TODO Should be Vector(values) - Vector(something)? elif target == 'delta_rotation_euler': return Euler(values).to_quaternion() # TODO Should be multiply(Euler(values).to_quaternion(), something)? elif target == 'location': return Vector(values) elif target == 'rotation_axis_angle': angle = values[0] axis = values[1:] return Quaternion(axis, math.radians(angle)) elif target == 'rotation_euler': return Euler(values).to_quaternion() elif target == 'rotation_quaternion': return Quaternion(values) elif target == 'scale': return Vector(values) elif target == 'value': return Vector(values) return values
Example #13
Source File: From glTF-Blender-IO with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def swizzle_yup(v: typing.Union[Vector, Quaternion], data_path: str) -> typing.Union[Vector, Quaternion]: """Manage Yup.""" target = get_target_property_name(data_path) swizzle_func = { "delta_location": swizzle_yup_location, "delta_rotation_euler": swizzle_yup_rotation, "location": swizzle_yup_location, "rotation_axis_angle": swizzle_yup_rotation, "rotation_euler": swizzle_yup_rotation, "rotation_quaternion": swizzle_yup_rotation, "scale": swizzle_yup_scale, "value": swizzle_yup_value }.get(target) if swizzle_func is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot transform values at {}".format(data_path)) return swizzle_func(v)
Example #14
Source File: From glTF-Blender-IO with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def transform(v: typing.Union[Vector, Quaternion], data_path: str, transform: Matrix = Matrix.Identity(4)) -> typing \ .Union[Vector, Quaternion]: """Manage transformations.""" target = get_target_property_name(data_path) transform_func = { "delta_location": transform_location, "delta_rotation_euler": transform_rotation, "location": transform_location, "rotation_axis_angle": transform_rotation, "rotation_euler": transform_rotation, "rotation_quaternion": transform_rotation, "scale": transform_scale, "value": transform_value }.get(target) if transform_func is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot transform values at {}".format(data_path)) return transform_func(v, transform)
Example #15
Source File: From io_kspblender with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def zup_eul(line): """changes from Unity Y-up Left-Handed Quaternion to Blender Z-up Right-Handed Euler""" zup = [float(i) for i in line.split(" ")[-1].split(",")] zup = mathutils.Quaternion([0-zup[3], zup[0], zup[2], zup[1]]) return (mathutils.Quaternion.to_euler(zup).x, mathutils.Quaternion.to_euler(zup).y, mathutils.Quaternion.to_euler(zup).z)
Example #16
Source File: From cats-blender-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _convert_rotation(self, rotation_xyzw): rot = Quaternion() rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, rot.w = rotation_xyzw rot = Quaternion(matmul(self.__mat, rot.axis) * -1, rot.angle) return matmul(self.__mat_rot, rot.to_matrix()).to_quaternion()
Example #17
Source File: From cats-blender-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convert_rotation(self, rotation_xyzw): rot = Quaternion() rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, rot.w = rotation_xyzw return Quaternion(matmul(self.__mat, rot.axis) * -1, rot.angle).normalized()
Example #18
Source File: From glTF-Blender-Exporter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def convert_swizzle_rotation(rot, export_settings): """ Converts a quaternion rotation from Blender coordinate system to glTF coordinate system. 'w' is still at first position. """ if export_settings['gltf_yup']: return mathutils.Quaternion((rot[0], rot[1], rot[3], -rot[2])) else: return mathutils.Quaternion((rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3]))
Example #19
Source File: From cats-blender-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __xyzw_from_rotation_mode(mode): if mode == 'QUATERNION': return lambda xyzw: xyzw if mode == 'AXIS_ANGLE': def __xyzw_from_axis_angle(xyzw): q = mathutils.Quaternion(xyzw[:3], xyzw[3]) return [q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w] return __xyzw_from_axis_angle def __xyzw_from_euler(xyzw): q = mathutils.Euler(xyzw[:3], xyzw[3]).to_quaternion() return [q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w] return __xyzw_from_euler
Example #20
Source File: From glTF-Blender-Exporter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def decompose_transition(matrix, context, export_settings): translation, rotation, scale = matrix.decompose() """ Decompose a matrix depending if it is associated to a joint or node. """ if context == 'NODE': translation = convert_swizzle_location(translation, export_settings) rotation = convert_swizzle_rotation(rotation, export_settings) scale = convert_swizzle_scale(scale, export_settings) # Put w at the end. rotation = mathutils.Quaternion((rotation[1], rotation[2], rotation[3], rotation[0])) return translation, rotation, scale
Example #21
Source File: From W_Mesh_28x with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def rotateVerts( verts: List[Vector], axis: Quaternion): for i, vel in enumerate(verts): verts[i] = axis @ vel
Example #22
Source File: From blender2ogre with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def swap(vec): if config.get('SWAP_AXIS') == 'xyz': return vec elif config.get('SWAP_AXIS') == 'xzy': if len(vec) == 3: return mathutils.Vector( [vec.x, vec.z, vec.y] ) elif len(vec) == 4: return mathutils.Quaternion( [ vec.w, vec.x, vec.z, vec.y] ) elif config.get('SWAP_AXIS') == '-xzy': if len(vec) == 3: return mathutils.Vector( [-vec.x, vec.z, vec.y] ) elif len(vec) == 4: return mathutils.Quaternion( [ vec.w, -vec.x, vec.z, vec.y] ) elif config.get('SWAP_AXIS') == 'xz-y': if len(vec) == 3: return mathutils.Vector( [vec.x, vec.z, -vec.y] ) elif len(vec) == 4: return mathutils.Quaternion( [ vec.w, vec.x, vec.z, -vec.y] ) else: logging.warn( 'unknown swap axis mode %s', config.get('SWAP_AXIS') ) assert 0
Example #23
Source File: From godot-blender-exporter with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_quaternion(self): """Return the rotation Quaternion""" if self.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION': return self.rotation_quaternion return self.rotation_euler.to_quaternion()
Example #24
Source File: From godot-blender-exporter with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, rotation_mode='QUATERNION'): self.location = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0)) self.scale = mathutils.Vector((1, 1, 1)) self.rotation_mode = rotation_mode self.rotation_euler = mathutils.Euler((0, 0, 0)) self.rotation_quaternion = mathutils.Quaternion((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
Example #25
Source File: From FlowState with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def convertAsset(gate,assetID): unknownAsset = flowState.ASSET_CONE asdf = flowState.ASSET_TABLE #50=shipping container #52=shipping container #155=car #590=car #311=shipping container #274=street light #248=Tents #292=Tent top #561=shacks #249=goal posts #344=total unkown idMap = {740:flowState.ASSET_MGP_POLE,150:flowState.ASSET_MGP_GATE,170:flowState.ASSET_MGP_FLAG,275:flowState.ASSET_MGP_HURDLE,247:flowState.ASSET_CONCRETE_BLOCK,344:flowState.ASSET_CONCRETE_BLOCK,326:flowState.ASSET_MGP_FLAG,303:flowState.ASSET_CONE,319:flowState.ASSET_MGP_FLAG,249:flowState.ASSET_MGP_POLE,590:flowState.ASSET_CONCRETE_BLOCK,561:flowState.ASSET_CONCRETE_BLOCK,399:flowState.ASSET_CONCRETE_BLOCK,246:flowState.ASSET_MGP_POLE,292:flowState.ASSET_CONCRETE_BLOCK,248:flowState.ASSET_MGP_POLE,394:flowState.ASSET_CONCRETE_BLOCK,30:flowState.ASSET_PINE_TREE_TALL,18:flowState.ASSET_PINE_TREE_TALL,274:flowState.ASSET_MGP_POLE,311:flowState.ASSET_CONCRETE_BLOCK,261:flowState.ASSET_PINE_TREE_TALL,260:flowState.ASSET_PINE_TREE_TALL,401:flowState.ASSET_CONCRETE_BLOCK,155:flowState.ASSET_CONCRETE_BLOCK,48:flowState.ASSET_CONCRETE_BLOCK,52:flowState.ASSET_CONCRETE_BLOCK,20:flowState.ASSET_PINE_TREE_TALL,70:flowState.ASSET_PINE_TREE_TALL,50:flowState.ASSET_CONCRETE_BLOCK,100:flowState.ASSET_PINE_TREE_TALL,28:flowState.ASSET_PINE_TREE_TALL,108:flowState.ASSET_CHECKPOINT,151:flowState.ASSET_MGP_GATE_HANGING_LARGE,282:flowState.ASSET_MGP_GATE_HIGH_LARGE,279:flowState.ASSET_CONCRETE_BLOCK,285:flowState.ASSET_MGP_GATE_LARGE,357:flowState.ASSET_CONE,279:flowState.ASSET_MGP_GATE,286:flowState.ASSET_MGP_GATE_HANGING_LARGE,88:flowState.ASSET_CHECKPOINT} prefab = gate['prefab'] vdPos = gate['trans']['pos'] vdOri = gate['trans']['rot'] vdScale = gate['trans']['scale'] pos = [vdPos[0]/10,vdPos[2]/10,(vdPos[1]/10)] ori = list(mathutils.Quaternion((math.radians(vdOri[0]),math.radians(vdOri[1]), math.radians(vdOri[2]), math.radians(vdOri[3]))).to_euler()) ori = [math.degrees(-ori[0]),math.degrees(-ori[2]),math.degrees(-ori[1])] scale = [vdScale[0]/100,vdScale[2]/100,vdScale[1]/100] asset = {} if prefab in idMap: asset["n"] = idMap[prefab] else: asset["n"] = unknownAsset asset["p"] = pos asset["o"] = ori #if prefab == 247: # asset['s'] = [2,2,2] #else: asset["s"] = scale asset["m"] = {'id':assetID,'prefab':prefab} print(asset) return asset
Example #26
Source File: From io_kspblender with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def zup_quat(line): """changes from Unity Y-up Left-Handed Quaternion to Blender Z-up Right-Handed Quaternion""" zup = [float(i) for i in line.split(" ")[-1].split(",")] zup = mathutils.Quaternion([0-zup[3], zup[0], zup[2], zup[1]]) return zup
Example #27
Source File: From building_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def translate_bounds(bm, verts, dir, trans): """ Translate the end verts inwards """ if dir.z: # if rail is sloping, make vector horizontal left = dir.cross(Vector((0, 0, -1))) dir.rotate(Quaternion(left, math.atan(dir.z / dir.xy.length)).to_euler()) vec = dir.xy*trans mid = len(verts) // 2 vts = sort_verts(verts, dir) bmesh.ops.translate(bm, verts=vts[:mid], vec=(vec.x, vec.y, 0.0)) bmesh.ops.translate(bm, verts=vts[-mid:], vec=(-vec.x, -vec.y, 0.0))
Example #28
Source File: From glTF-Blender-IO with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def out_tangent(self) -> typing.Union[mathutils.Vector, mathutils.Euler, mathutils.Quaternion, typing.List[float]]: if self.__out_tangent is None: return None if == "value": return self.__out_tangent return gltf2_blender_math.list_to_mathutils(self.__out_tangent,
Example #29
Source File: From glTF-Blender-IO with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def in_tangent(self) -> typing.Union[mathutils.Vector, mathutils.Euler, mathutils.Quaternion, typing.List[float]]: if self.__in_tangent is None: return None if == "value": return self.__in_tangent return gltf2_blender_math.list_to_mathutils(self.__in_tangent,
Example #30
Source File: From glTF-Blender-IO with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def value(self) -> typing.Union[mathutils.Vector, mathutils.Euler, mathutils.Quaternion, typing.List[float]]: if == "value": return self.__value return gltf2_blender_math.list_to_mathutils(self.__value,