Python stat.S_IRWXG Examples

The following are 30 code examples of stat.S_IRWXG(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module stat , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From gazee with GNU General Public License v3.0 7 votes vote down vote up
def build_unpack_comic(self, comic_path):"%s unpack requested" % comic_path)
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(gazee.TEMP_DIR, "build"), topdown=False):
            for f in files:
                os.chmod(os.path.join(root, f), stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)  # 0777
                os.remove(os.path.join(root, f))
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(gazee.TEMP_DIR, "build"), topdown=False):
            for d in dirs:
                os.chmod(os.path.join(root, d), stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)  # 0777
                os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, d))
        if comic_path.endswith(".cbr"):
            opened_rar = rarfile.RarFile(comic_path)
            opened_rar.extractall(os.path.join(gazee.TEMP_DIR, "build"))
        elif comic_path.endswith(".cbz"):
            opened_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(comic_path)
            opened_zip.extractall(os.path.join(gazee.TEMP_DIR, "build"))
Example #2
Source File:    From st2 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _write_data_file(self, pack_ref, file_path, content):
        Write data file on disk.
        # Throw if pack directory doesn't exist
        pack_base_path = get_pack_base_path(pack_name=pack_ref)
        if not os.path.isdir(pack_base_path):
            raise ValueError('Directory for pack "%s" doesn\'t exist' % (pack_ref))

        # Create pack sub-directory tree if it doesn't exist
        directory = os.path.dirname(file_path)

        if not os.path.isdir(directory):
            # NOTE: We apply same permission bits as we do on pack install. If we don't do that,
            # st2api won't be able to write to pack sub-directory
            mode = stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH
            os.makedirs(directory, mode)

        with open(file_path, 'w') as fp:
Example #3
Source File:    From nano-dpow with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_socket(path: str):
    # Adapted from
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        if stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat(path).st_mode):
    except FileNotFoundError:

    except OSError as exc:
        if exc.errno == errno.EADDRINUSE:
            msg = f'Address {path!r} is already in use'
            raise OSError(errno.EADDRINUSE, msg) from None

    os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH)
    return sock 
Example #4
Source File:    From backintime with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def isFifo(self):
        make sure file is still a FIFO and has correct permissions
            s = os.stat(self.fifo)
        except OSError:
            return False
        if not s.st_uid == os.getuid():
            logger.error('%s is not owned by user' % self.fifo, self)
            return False
        mode = s.st_mode
        if not stat.S_ISFIFO(mode):
            logger.error('%s is not a FIFO' % self.fifo, self)
            return False
        forbidden_perm = stat.S_IXUSR + stat.S_IRWXG + stat.S_IRWXO
        if mode & forbidden_perm > 0:
            logger.error('%s has wrong permissions' % self.fifo, self)
            return False
        return True 
Example #5
Source File:    From black with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def handle_PermissionError(
    func: Callable, path: Path, exc: Tuple[Any, Any, Any]
) -> None:
    Handle PermissionError during shutil.rmtree.

    This checks if the erroring function is either 'os.rmdir' or 'os.unlink', and that
    the error was EACCES (i.e. Permission denied). If true, the path is set writable,
    readable, and executable by everyone. Finally, it tries the error causing delete
    operation again.

    If the check is false, then the original error will be reraised as this function
    can't handle it.
    excvalue = exc[1]
    LOG.debug(f"Handling {excvalue} from {func.__name__}... ")
    if func in (os.rmdir, os.unlink) and excvalue.errno == errno.EACCES:
        LOG.debug(f"Setting {path} writable, readable, and executable by everyone... ")
        os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)  # chmod 0777
        func(path)  # Try the error causing delete operation again
Example #6
Source File:    From code with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def check_owner(fp):
    if != 'posix':
    prop = os.fstat(fp.fileno())
    if prop.st_uid != os.getuid():
        import pwd
            fowner = pwd.getpwuid(prop.st_uid)[0]
        except KeyError:
            fowner = 'uid %s' % prop.st_uid
            user = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
        except KeyError:
            user = 'uid %s' % os.getuid()
        raise NetrcParseError(
            ("~/.netrc file owner (%s) does not match"
             " current user (%s)") % (fowner, user),
            file, lexer.lineno)
    if prop.st_mode & (stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO):
        raise NetrcParseError(
           "~/.netrc access too permissive: access"
           " permissions must restrict access to only"
           " the owner", file, lexer.lineno) 
Example #7
Source File:    From CGATPipelines with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def setDrmaaJobPaths(job_template, job_path):
    '''Adds the job_path, stdout_path and stderr_paths
       to the job_template.
    job_path = os.path.abspath(job_path)

    os.chmod(job_path, stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXU)

    stdout_path = job_path + ".stdout"
    stderr_path = job_path + ".stderr"

    job_template.remoteCommand = job_path
    job_template.outputPath = ":" + stdout_path
    job_template.errorPath = ":" + stderr_path

    return job_template, stdout_path, stderr_path 
Example #8
Source File:    From gazee with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def user_unpack_comic(self, comic_path, user):"%s unpack requested" % comic_path)
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(gazee.TEMP_DIR, user), topdown=False):
            for f in files:
                os.chmod(os.path.join(root, f), stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)  # 0777
                os.remove(os.path.join(root, f))
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(gazee.TEMP_DIR, user), topdown=False):
            for d in dirs:
                os.chmod(os.path.join(root, d), stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)  # 0777
                os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, d))
        if comic_path.endswith(".cbr"):
            opened_rar = rarfile.RarFile(comic_path)
            opened_rar.extractall(os.path.join(gazee.TEMP_DIR, user))
        elif comic_path.endswith(".cbz"):
            opened_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(comic_path)
            opened_zip.extractall(os.path.join(gazee.TEMP_DIR, user))

    # This method will return a list of .jpg files in their numberical order to be fed into the reading view. 
Example #9
Source File:    From pytest-sftpserver with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def stat(self):
        if self.content_provider.get(self.path) is None:
            return SFTP_NO_SUCH_FILE

        mtime = calendar.timegm(

        sftp_attrs = SFTPAttributes()
        sftp_attrs.st_size = self.content_provider.get_size(self.path)
        sftp_attrs.st_uid = 0
        sftp_attrs.st_gid = 0
        sftp_attrs.st_mode = (
            | stat.S_IRWXG
            | stat.S_IRWXU
            | (stat.S_IFDIR if self.content_provider.is_dir(self.path) else stat.S_IFREG)
        sftp_attrs.st_atime = mtime
        sftp_attrs.st_mtime = mtime
        sftp_attrs.filename = posixpath.basename(self.path)
        return sftp_attrs 
Example #10
Source File:    From script.service.kodi.callbacks with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def setPathRW(path):
    path = translatepath(path)
        os.chmod(path, os.stat(path).st_mode | stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)
    except OSError:
Example #11
Source File:    From st2 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def apply_pack_permissions(pack_path):
    Recursively apply permission 775 to pack and its contents.
    # These mask is same as mode = 775
    mode = stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH
    os.chmod(pack_path, mode)

    # Yuck! Since os.chmod does not support chmod -R walk manually.
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pack_path):
        for d in dirs:
            os.chmod(os.path.join(root, d), mode)
        for f in files:
            os.chmod(os.path.join(root, f), mode) 
Example #12
Source File:    From backintime with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_collectPermission(self):
        # force permissions because different distributions will have different umask
        os.chmod(self.testDirFullPath, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH)
        os.chmod(self.testFileFullPath, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IROTH)

        d = snapshots.FileInfoDict()
        testDir  = self.testDirFullPath.encode()
        testFile = self.testFileFullPath.encode(), testDir), testFile)

        self.assertIn(testDir, d)
        self.assertIn(testFile, d)
        self.assertTupleEqual(d[testDir],  (16893, CURRENTUSER.encode(), CURRENTGROUP.encode()))
        self.assertTupleEqual(d[testFile], (33204, CURRENTUSER.encode(), CURRENTGROUP.encode())) 
Example #13
Source File:    From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def startDB(self):
        import kinterbasdb
        self.DB_NAME = os.path.join(self.DB_DIR, DBTestConnector.DB_NAME)
        os.chmod(self.DB_DIR, stat.S_IRWXU + stat.S_IRWXG + stat.S_IRWXO)
        sql = 'create database "%s" user "%s" password "%s"'
        sql %= (self.DB_NAME, self.DB_USER, self.DB_PASS);
        conn = kinterbasdb.create_database(sql)
Example #14
Source File:    From Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def cleanup_test_droppings(testname, verbose):
    import shutil
    import stat
    import gc

    # First kill any dangling references to open files etc.
    # This can also issue some ResourceWarnings which would otherwise get
    # triggered during the following test run, and possibly produce failures.

    # Try to clean up junk commonly left behind.  While tests shouldn't leave
    # any files or directories behind, when a test fails that can be tedious
    # for it to arrange.  The consequences can be especially nasty on Windows,
    # since if a test leaves a file open, it cannot be deleted by name (while
    # there's nothing we can do about that here either, we can display the
    # name of the offending test, which is a real help).
    for name in (support.TESTFN,
        if not os.path.exists(name):

        if os.path.isdir(name):
            kind, nuker = "directory", shutil.rmtree
        elif os.path.isfile(name):
            kind, nuker = "file", os.unlink
            raise SystemError("os.path says %r exists but is neither "
                              "directory nor file" % name)

        if verbose:
            print("%r left behind %s %r" % (testname, kind, name))
            # if we have chmod, fix possible permissions problems
            # that might prevent cleanup
            if (hasattr(os, 'chmod')):
                os.chmod(name, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)
        except Exception as msg:
            print(("%r left behind %s %r and it couldn't be "
                "removed: %s" % (testname, kind, name, msg)), file=sys.stderr) 
Example #15
Source File:    From raiden-contracts with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def check_permission_safety(path: Path) -> bool:
    """Check if the file at the given path is safe to use as a state file.

    This checks that group and others have no permissions on the file and that the current user is
    the owner.
    f_stats = os.stat(path)
    return (f_stats.st_mode & (stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)) == 0 and f_stats.st_uid == os.getuid() 
Example #16
Source File:    From cua-arbiter with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_caseobj(self):
        case_path = os.getenv("CASEPATH")
        json_obj = json.loads(self.body)
        if Git_Info.objects.count() > 0:
            info = Git_Info.objects.get()
            info.git_url = json_obj.get('url')
            info.user_name = json_obj.get("git_username")
            info.password = json_obj.get("git_password")

            def set_rw(operation, name, exc):
                os.chmod(name, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)
                return True

            shutil.rmtree('../arbiter-cases', onerror=set_rw)
            Git_Info.objects.create(user_name=json_obj.get("git_username"), password=json_obj.get("git_password"),

        repo = git.Repo.clone_from(json_obj.get('url'), '../arbiter-cases/' + case_path.split('/')[0], branch='master')
        response_data = {'success': True}
        if Case_List.objects.count() > 0:
            case_list = Case_List.objects.get()
   = "arbiter_cases"
   = CaseList.getList()
            Case_List.objects.create(name="arbiter_cases", data=CaseList.getList())
        return JsonResponse(response_data)

# 下列接口需要登录验证 
Example #17
Source File:    From script.service.kodi.callbacks with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def setPathExecuteRW(path):
    path = translatepath(path)
        os.chmod(path, os.stat(
            path).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)
    except OSError:
Example #18
Source File:    From cgat-core with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def set_drmaa_job_paths(self, job_template, job_path):
        '''Adds the job_path, stdout_path and stderr_paths
           to the job_template.
        job_path = os.path.abspath(job_path)
        os.chmod(job_path, stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXU)

        stdout_path = job_path + ".stdout"
        stderr_path = job_path + ".stderr"

        job_template.remoteCommand = job_path
        job_template.outputPath = ":" + stdout_path
        job_template.errorPath = ":" + stderr_path

        return stdout_path, stderr_path 
Example #19
Source File:    From BitTorrent with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def startDB(self):
        import kinterbasdb
        self.DB_NAME = os.path.join(self.DB_DIR, DBTestConnector.DB_NAME)
        os.chmod(self.DB_DIR, stat.S_IRWXU + stat.S_IRWXG + stat.S_IRWXO)
        sql = 'create database "%s" user "%s" password "%s"'
        sql %= (self.DB_NAME, self.DB_USER, self.DB_PASS);
        conn = kinterbasdb.create_database(sql)
Example #20
Source File:    From gcblue with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def cleanup_test_droppings(testname, verbose):
    import stat
    import gc

    # First kill any dangling references to open files etc.

    # Try to clean up junk commonly left behind.  While tests shouldn't leave
    # any files or directories behind, when a test fails that can be tedious
    # for it to arrange.  The consequences can be especially nasty on Windows,
    # since if a test leaves a file open, it cannot be deleted by name (while
    # there's nothing we can do about that here either, we can display the
    # name of the offending test, which is a real help).
    for name in (test_support.TESTFN,
        if not os.path.exists(name):

        if os.path.isdir(name):
            kind, nuker = "directory", shutil.rmtree
        elif os.path.isfile(name):
            kind, nuker = "file", os.unlink
            raise SystemError("os.path says %r exists but is neither "
                              "directory nor file" % name)

        if verbose:
            print "%r left behind %s %r" % (testname, kind, name)
            # if we have chmod, fix possible permissions problems
            # that might prevent cleanup
            if (hasattr(os, 'chmod')):
                os.chmod(name, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)
        except Exception, msg:
            print >> sys.stderr, ("%r left behind %s %r and it couldn't be "
                "removed: %s" % (testname, kind, name, msg)) 
Example #21
Source File:    From aws-elastic-beanstalk-cli with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def set_all_unrestricted_permissions(location):
    Set permissions so that user, group, and others all have read,
    write and execute permissions (chmod 777).
    :param location: Full location of either a folder or a location
    os.chmod(location, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO) 
Example #22
Source File:    From cmt with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def remove_read_only(func, path, exc):
    """Called by shutil.rmtree when it encounters a readonly file.

    :param func:
    :param path:
    :param exc:
    excvalue = exc[1]
    if func in (os.rmdir, os.remove) and excvalue.errno == errno.EACCES:
        os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRWXU| stat.S_IRWXG| stat.S_IRWXO) # 0777
        raise RuntimeError('Could not remove {0}'.format(path)) 
Example #23
Source File:    From asyncpg with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _read_password_file(passfile: pathlib.Path) \
        -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, ...]]:

    passtab = []

        if not passfile.exists():
            return []

        if not passfile.is_file():
                'password file {!r} is not a plain file'.format(passfile))

            return []

        if _system != 'Windows':
            if passfile.stat().st_mode & (stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO):
                    'password file {!r} has group or world access; '
                    'permissions should be u=rw (0600) or less'.format(

                return []

        with'rt') as f:
            for line in f:
                line = line.strip()
                if not line or line.startswith('#'):
                    # Skip empty lines and comments.
                # Backslash escapes both itself and the colon,
                # which is a record separator.
                line = line.replace(R'\\', '\n')
                    p.replace('\n', R'\\')
                    for p in re.split(r'(?<!\\):', line, maxsplit=4)
    except IOError:

    return passtab 
Example #24
Source File:    From http-prompt with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_get_app_data_home(self):
        path = xdg.get_data_dir()
        expected_path = os.path.join(os.environ[['data']],
        self.assertEqual(path, expected_path)

        if sys.platform != 'win32':
            # Make sure permission for the directory is 700
            mask = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(path).st_mode)
            self.assertTrue(mask & stat.S_IRWXU)
            self.assertFalse(mask & stat.S_IRWXG)
            self.assertFalse(mask & stat.S_IRWXO) 
Example #25
Source File:    From http-prompt with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_get_app_config_home(self):
        path = xdg.get_config_dir()
        expected_path = os.path.join(os.environ[['config']],
        self.assertEqual(path, expected_path)

        if sys.platform != 'win32':
            # Make sure permission for the directory is 700
            mask = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(path).st_mode)
            self.assertTrue(mask & stat.S_IRWXU)
            self.assertFalse(mask & stat.S_IRWXG)
            self.assertFalse(mask & stat.S_IRWXO) 
Example #26
Source File:    From storlets with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def create_host_pipe_dir(self):
        path = self.host_pipe_dir
        if not os.path.exists(path):
        # 0777 should be 0700 when we get user namespaces in Docker
        os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)
        return path 
Example #27
Source File:    From drizzlepac with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def handle_remove_readonly(func, path, exc):
    excvalue = exc[1]
    if func in (os.rmdir, os.remove) and excvalue.errno == errno.EACCES:
        os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)  # 0777

# Functions to support execution from the shell. 
Example #28
Source File:    From android_universal with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def cleanup_test_droppings(testname, verbose):
    import shutil
    import stat
    import gc

    # First kill any dangling references to open files etc.
    # This can also issue some ResourceWarnings which would otherwise get
    # triggered during the following test run, and possibly produce failures.

    # Try to clean up junk commonly left behind.  While tests shouldn't leave
    # any files or directories behind, when a test fails that can be tedious
    # for it to arrange.  The consequences can be especially nasty on Windows,
    # since if a test leaves a file open, it cannot be deleted by name (while
    # there's nothing we can do about that here either, we can display the
    # name of the offending test, which is a real help).
    for name in (support.TESTFN,
        if not os.path.exists(name):

        if os.path.isdir(name):
            kind, nuker = "directory", shutil.rmtree
        elif os.path.isfile(name):
            kind, nuker = "file", os.unlink
            raise SystemError("os.path says %r exists but is neither "
                              "directory nor file" % name)

        if verbose:
            print("%r left behind %s %r" % (testname, kind, name))
            # if we have chmod, fix possible permissions problems
            # that might prevent cleanup
            if (hasattr(os, 'chmod')):
                os.chmod(name, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)
        except Exception as msg:
            print(("%r left behind %s %r and it couldn't be "
                "removed: %s" % (testname, kind, name, msg)), file=sys.stderr) 
Example #29
Source File:    From nbgrader with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_submit_readonly(self, exchange, cache, course_dir):
        self._release_and_fetch("ps1", exchange, cache, course_dir)
        os.chmod(join("ps1", "p1.ipynb"), stat.S_IRUSR)
        self._submit("ps1", exchange, cache)

        filename, = os.listdir(join(exchange, "abc101", "inbound"))
        perms = os.stat(join(exchange, "abc101", "inbound", filename, "p1.ipynb")).st_mode
        perms = str(oct(perms & (stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)))[-3:]
        assert int(perms[0]) >= 4
        assert int(perms[1]) == 4
        assert int(perms[2]) == 4 
Example #30
Source File:    From workload-automation with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def create_uiauto_project(path, name):
    package_name = 'com.arm.wa.uiauto.' + name.lower()

    copy_tree(os.path.join(TEMPLATES_DIR, 'uiauto', 'uiauto_workload_template'), path)

    manifest_path = os.path.join(path, 'app', 'src', 'main')
    mainifest = os.path.join(_d(manifest_path), 'AndroidManifest.xml')
    with open(mainifest, 'w') as wfh:
        wfh.write(render_template(os.path.join('uiauto', 'uiauto_AndroidManifest.xml'),
                                  {'package_name': package_name}))

    build_gradle_path = os.path.join(path, 'app')
    build_gradle = os.path.join(_d(build_gradle_path), 'build.gradle')
    with open(build_gradle, 'w') as wfh:
        wfh.write(render_template(os.path.join('uiauto', 'uiauto_build.gradle'),
                                  {'package_name': package_name}))

    build_script = os.path.join(path, '')
    with open(build_script, 'w') as wfh:
        wfh.write(render_template(os.path.join('uiauto', 'uiauto_build_script'),
                                  {'package_name': package_name}))
    os.chmod(build_script, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)

    source_file = _f(os.path.join(path, 'app', 'src', 'main', 'java',
    with open(source_file, 'w') as wfh:
        wfh.write(render_template(os.path.join('uiauto', ''),
                                  {'name': name, 'package_name': package_name}))

# Mapping of workload types to their corresponding creation method