Python boto.exception() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of boto.exception().
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Example #1
Source File: From drf-to-s3 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def setUp(self): import boto from boto.exception import NoAuthHandlerFound from boto.s3.key import Key keys = ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] try: for k in keys: os.environ[k] self.bucket_name = os.environ.get('AWS_TEST_BUCKET', 'drf-to-s3-test') except KeyError: self.skipTest('To test s3, set %s in .env' % ' and '.join(keys)) conn = boto.connect_s3() bucket = conn.get_bucket(self.bucket_name) k = Key(bucket) k.key = "%s%s.txt" % (str(uuid.uuid4()), self.prefix) k.set_contents_from_string('This is a test of S3') self.existing_key = k.key self.existing_key_etag = k.etag self.bucket = bucket self.nonexisting_key = "%s%s.txt" % (str(uuid.uuid4()), self.prefix) self.new_key = None
Example #2
Source File: From brix with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def validate(self, quiet=False, full=False): error = False for name, data in self.templates.iteritems(): if 'error' in data: error = True print("{} error: {}".format(name, data['error'][1])) continue if full: # Run server-based validation # Trying to use template_body fails randomly, probably due to # length limits. bucket = self.s3.get_bucket('balanced-cfn-us-east-1') key = bucket.get_key('validation_tmp', validate=False) key.set_contents_from_string(data['json']) try: self.cfn.validate_template(template_url='') except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e: if e.status != 400: raise error = True print("{} error: {}".format(name, e.message)) continue finally:
Example #3
Source File: From canvas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, **args): self.args = args self.check_for_credential_file() self.check_for_env_url() if 'host' not in self.args: if self.Regions: region_name = self.args.get('region_name', self.Regions[0]['name']) for region in self.Regions: if region['name'] == region_name: self.args['host'] = region['endpoint'] if 'path' not in self.args: self.args['path'] = self.Path if 'port' not in self.args: self.args['port'] = self.Port try: boto.connection.AWSQueryConnection.__init__(self, **self.args) self.aws_response = None except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: raise NoCredentialsError()
Example #4
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _check_num_ops(self, type_, response_num): """Raise exception if number of ops in response doesn't match commit :type type_: str :param type_: Type of commit operation: 'add' or 'delete' :type response_num: int :param response_num: Number of adds or deletes in the response. :raises: :class:`boto.cloudsearch.document.CommitMismatchError` """ commit_num = len([d for d in self.doc_service.documents_batch if d['type'] == type_]) if response_num != commit_num: raise CommitMismatchError( 'Incorrect number of {0}s returned. Commit: {1} Response: {2}'\ .format(type_, commit_num, response_num))
Example #5
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 6 votes |
def set_xml_logging(self, logging_str, headers=None): """ Set logging on a bucket directly to the given xml string. :type logging_str: unicode string :param logging_str: The XML for the bucketloggingstatus which will be set. The string will be converted to utf-8 before it is sent. Usually, you will obtain this XML from the BucketLogging object. :rtype: bool :return: True if ok or raises an exception. """ body = logging_str if not isinstance(body, bytes): body = body.encode('utf-8') response = self.connection.make_request('PUT',, data=body, query_args='logging', headers=headers) body = if response.status == 200: return True else: raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error( response.status, response.reason, body)
Example #6
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, **args): self.args = args self.check_for_credential_file() self.check_for_env_url() if 'host' not in self.args: if self.Regions: region_name = self.args.get('region_name', self.Regions[0]['name']) for region in self.Regions: if region['name'] == region_name: self.args['host'] = region['endpoint'] if 'path' not in self.args: self.args['path'] = self.Path if 'port' not in self.args: self.args['port'] = self.Port try: super(AWSQueryService, self).__init__(**self.args) self.aws_response = None except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: raise NoCredentialsError()
Example #7
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_domain_and_name(self, domain_or_name): """ Given a ``str`` or :class:`boto.sdb.domain.Domain`, return a ``tuple`` with the following members (in order): * In instance of :class:`boto.sdb.domain.Domain` for the requested domain * The domain's name as a ``str`` :type domain_or_name: ``str`` or :class:`boto.sdb.domain.Domain` :param domain_or_name: The domain or domain name to get the domain and name for. :raises: :class:`boto.exception.SDBResponseError` when an invalid domain name is specified. :rtype: tuple :return: A ``tuple`` with contents outlined as per above. """ if (isinstance(domain_or_name, Domain)): return (domain_or_name, else: return (self.get_domain(domain_or_name), domain_or_name)
Example #8
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_domain(self, domain_name, validate=True): """ Retrieves a :py:class:`boto.sdb.domain.Domain` object whose name matches ``domain_name``. :param str domain_name: The name of the domain to retrieve :keyword bool validate: When ``True``, check to see if the domain actually exists. If ``False``, blindly return a :py:class:`Domain <boto.sdb.domain.Domain>` object with the specified name set. :raises: :py:class:`boto.exception.SDBResponseError` if ``validate`` is ``True`` and no match could be found. :rtype: :py:class:`boto.sdb.domain.Domain` :return: The requested domain """ domain = Domain(self, domain_name) if validate:, """select * from `%s` limit 1""" % domain_name) return domain
Example #9
Source File: From stacks with MIT License | 6 votes |
def upload_template(config, tpl, stack_name): """Upload a template to S3 bucket and returns S3 key url""" bn = config.get('templates_bucket_name', '{}-stacks-{}'.format(config['env'], config['region'])) try: b = config['s3_conn'].get_bucket(bn) except boto.exception.S3ResponseError as err: if err.code == 'NoSuchBucket': print('Bucket {} does not exist.'.format(bn)) else: print(err) sys.exit(1) h = _calc_md5(tpl) k = boto.s3.key.Key(b) k.key = '{}/{}/{}'.format(config['env'], stack_name, h) k.set_contents_from_string(tpl) url = k.generate_url(expires_in=30) return url
Example #10
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 6 votes |
def lookup(self, domain_name, validate=True): """ Lookup an existing SimpleDB domain. This differs from :py:meth:`get_domain` in that ``None`` is returned if ``validate`` is ``True`` and no match was found (instead of raising an exception). :param str domain_name: The name of the domain to retrieve :param bool validate: If ``True``, a ``None`` value will be returned if the specified domain can't be found. If ``False``, a :py:class:`Domain <boto.sdb.domain.Domain>` object will be dumbly returned, regardless of whether it actually exists. :rtype: :class:`boto.sdb.domain.Domain` object or ``None`` :return: The Domain object or ``None`` if the domain does not exist. """ try: domain = self.get_domain(domain_name, validate) except: domain = None return domain
Example #11
Source File: From exporters with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_should_meet_conditions(self): config = create_s3_bypass_simple_config() # shouldn't raise any exception S3Bypass.meets_conditions(config)
Example #12
Source File: From brix with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def update(self, stack_name, template_name=None, params={}): try: stack = self.cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name)[0] operation = 'update_stack' kwargs = {} if stack.parameters: existing_params = {p.key: p.value for p in stack.parameters} existing_params.update(params) params = existing_params # if not template_name: # template_name = stack.tags.get('TemplateName') print('Updating stack {} in {}'.format(stack_name, self.region)) except boto.exception.BotoServerError: operation = 'create_stack' kwargs = {'disable_rollback': True}#, 'tags': {'TemplateName': template_name}} print('Creating stack {} in {}'.format(stack_name, self.region)) if not template_name: raise ValueError('Template name for stack {} is required'.format(stack_name)) print() data = self._get_template(template_name) getattr(self.cfn, operation)( stack_name=stack_name, template_url='https://balanced-cfn-{}{}'.format(self.region, data['s3_key']), capabilities=['CAPABILITY_IAM'], parameters=params.items(), **kwargs)
Example #13
Source File: From drf-to-s3 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def copy(src_bucket, src_key, dst_bucket, dst_key, src_etag=None, validate_src_etag=False): ''' Copy a key from one bucket to another. If validate_etag is True, the ETag must match. Raises ObjectNotFoundException if the key does not exist, or the ETag doesn't match. We return the same error in either case, since a mismatched ETag might mean the user wasn't the last to upload the object. If the bucket is private they may not even know it exists. By returning the same error, we avoid giving out extra information. ''' import boto from boto.exception import S3ResponseError conn = boto.connect_s3() bucket = conn.get_bucket(dst_bucket) if validate_src_etag: headers = { 'x-amz-copy-source-if-match': src_etag, } else: headers = {} try: bucket.copy_key( new_key_name=dst_key, src_bucket_name=src_bucket, src_key_name=src_key, headers=headers ) except S3ResponseError as e: if e.status in [status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, status.HTTP_412_PRECONDITION_FAILED]: raise ObjectNotFoundException() else: raise
Example #14
Source File: From bcbio-nextgen-vm with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_s3_bucket(conn, bucket_name): from boto.exception import S3ResponseError try: bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name) except S3ResponseError as e: if e.status == 404: bucket = conn.create_bucket(bucket_name) else: raise return bucket
Example #15
Source File: From canvas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): s = 'Unable to find credentials' boto.exception.BotoClientError.__init__(self, s)
Example #16
Source File: From canvas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def process_args(self, **args): """ Responsible for walking through Params defined for the request and: * Matching them with keyword parameters passed to the request constructor or via the command line. * Checking to see if all required parameters have been specified and raising an exception, if not. * Encoding each value into the set of request parameters that will be sent in the request to the AWS service. """ self.args.update(args) self.connection_args = copy.copy(self.args) if 'debug' in self.args and self.args['debug'] >= 2: boto.set_stream_logger( required = [ for p in self.Params+self.Args if not p.optional] for param in self.Params+self.Args: if param.long_name: python_name = param.long_name.replace('-', '_') else: python_name = boto.utils.pythonize_name(, '_') value = None if python_name in self.args: value = self.args[python_name] if value is None: value = param.default if value is not None: if in required: required.remove( if param.request_param: if param.encoder: param.encoder(param, self.request_params, value) else: Encoder.encode(param, self.request_params, value) if python_name in self.args: del self.connection_args[python_name] if required: raise RequiredParamError(required) boto.log.debug('request_params: %s' % self.request_params) self.process_markers(self.Response)
Example #17
Source File: From canvas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, error_msg): s = 'Error encoding value (%s)' % error_msg boto.exception.BotoClientError.__init__(self, s)
Example #18
Source File: From canvas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, required): self.required = required s = 'Required parameters are missing: %s' % self.required boto.exception.BotoClientError.__init__(self, s)
Example #19
Source File: From canvas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def load_object(self, obj): if not obj._loaded: a = self.domain.get_attributes(,consistent_read=self.consistent) if a.has_key('__type__'): for prop in if a.has_key( value = self.decode_value(prop, a[]) value = prop.make_value_from_datastore(value) try: setattr(obj,, value) except Exception, e: boto.log.exception(e) obj._loaded = True
Example #20
Source File: From canvas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def encode_string(self, value): """Convert ASCII, Latin-1 or UTF-8 to pure Unicode""" if not isinstance(value, str): return value try: return unicode(value, 'utf-8') except: # really, this should throw an exception. # in the interest of not breaking current # systems, however: arr = [] for ch in value: arr.append(unichr(ord(ch))) return u"".join(arr)
Example #21
Source File: From ferry with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _delete_stack(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid): # Find the relevant stack information. ips = [] stacks = self.apps.find( { "_cluster_uuid" : cluster_uuid, "_service_uuid" : service_uuid } ) logging.warning("Deleting cluster %s" % str(cluster_uuid)) for stack in stacks: for s in stack.values(): if type(s) is dict and s["type"] == "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack": stack_id = s["id"] # Now try to delete the stack. Wrap this in a try-block so that # we don't completely fail even if the stack doesn't exist. try: logging.warning("Deleting stack %s" % str(stack_id)) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e: logging.error(str(e)) except: # We could not delete the stack. This probably means # that the AWS service is temporarily down. logging.error("could not delete Cloudformation stack") self.apps.remove( { "_cluster_uuid" : cluster_uuid, "_service_uuid" : service_uuid } )
Example #22
Source File: From ferry with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _launch_cloudformation(self, stack_name, cloud_plan, stack_desc): """ Launch the cluster plan. """ try: # Try to create the application stack. stack_id =, template_body=json.dumps((cloud_plan))) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e: logging.error(str(e)) return None except: # We could not create the stack. This probably means # that the AWS service is temporarily down. logging.error("could not create Cloudformation stack") return None # Now wait for the stack to be in a completed state # before returning. That way we'll know if the stack creation # has failed or not. if not self._wait_for_stack(stack_id): logging.warning("Heat plan %s CREATE_FAILED" % stack_id) return None # Now find the physical IDs of all the resources. resources = self._collect_resources(stack_id) for r in resources: if r.logical_resource_id in stack_desc: stack_desc[r.logical_resource_id]["id"] = r.physical_resource_id # Record the Stack ID in the description so that # we can refer back to it later. stack_desc[stack_name] = { "id" : stack_id, "type": "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack" } return stack_desc
Example #23
Source File: From simpleflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_sanitize_bucket_and_host(self): self.create() # bucket where "get_location" works: return bucket+region self.assertEqual( storage.sanitize_bucket_and_host(self.bucket), (self.bucket, 'us-east-1')) # bucket where "get_location" doesn't work: return bucket + default region setting def _access_denied(): from boto.exception import S3ResponseError err = S3ResponseError("reason", "resp") err.error_code = "AccessDenied" raise err with patch("boto.s3.bucket.Bucket.get_location", side_effect=_access_denied): with patch("simpleflow.settings.SIMPLEFLOW_S3_HOST") as default: self.assertEqual( storage.sanitize_bucket_and_host(self.bucket), (self.bucket, default)) # bucket where we provided a host/bucket: return bucket+host self.assertEqual( storage.sanitize_bucket_and_host('{}'.format(self.bucket)), (self.bucket, '')) # bucket trivially invalid: raise with self.assertRaises(ValueError): storage.sanitize_bucket_and_host('any/mybucket') # bucket with too many "/": raise with self.assertRaises(ValueError): storage.sanitize_bucket_and_host('')
Example #24
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, response, doc_service, sdf): self.response = response self.doc_service = doc_service self.sdf = sdf _body = response.content.decode('utf-8') try: self.content = json.loads(_body) except: boto.log.error('Error indexing documents.\nResponse Content:\n{0}\n\n' 'SDF:\n{1}'.format(_body, self.sdf)) raise boto.exception.BotoServerError(self.response.status_code, '', body=_body) self.status = self.content['status'] if self.status == 'error': self.errors = [e.get('message') for e in self.content.get('errors', [])] for e in self.errors: if "Illegal Unicode character" in e: raise EncodingError("Illegal Unicode character in document") elif e == "The Content-Length is too long": raise ContentTooLongError("Content was too long") if 'adds' not in self.content or 'deletes' not in self.content: raise SearchServiceException("Error indexing documents" " => %s" % self.content.get('message', '')) else: self.errors = [] self.adds = self.content['adds'] self.deletes = self.content['deletes'] self._check_num_ops('add', self.adds) self._check_num_ops('delete', self.deletes)
Example #25
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 5 votes |
def disable_logging(self, headers=None): """ Disable logging on a bucket. :rtype: bool :return: True if ok or raises an exception. """ blogging = BucketLogging() return self.set_xml_logging(blogging.to_xml(), headers=headers)
Example #26
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 5 votes |
def delete_stream(self, stream_name): """ Deletes a stream and all its shards and data. You must shut down any applications that are operating on the stream before you delete the stream. If an application attempts to operate on a deleted stream, it will receive the exception `ResourceNotFoundException`. If the stream is in the `ACTIVE` state, you can delete it. After a `DeleteStream` request, the specified stream is in the `DELETING` state until Amazon Kinesis completes the deletion. **Note:** Amazon Kinesis might continue to accept data read and write operations, such as PutRecord, PutRecords, and GetRecords, on a stream in the `DELETING` state until the stream deletion is complete. When you delete a stream, any shards in that stream are also deleted, and any tags are dissociated from the stream. You can use the DescribeStream operation to check the state of the stream, which is returned in `StreamStatus`. `DeleteStream` has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account. :type stream_name: string :param stream_name: The name of the stream to delete. """ params = {'StreamName': stream_name, } return self.make_request(action='DeleteStream', body=json.dumps(params))
Example #27
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 5 votes |
def make_request(self, action, body='', object_hook=None): """ :raises: ``SWFResponseError`` if response status is not 200. """ headers = {'X-Amz-Target': '%s.%s' % (self.ServiceName, action), 'Host': self.region.endpoint, 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Encoding': 'amz-1.0', 'Content-Length': str(len(body))} http_request = self.build_base_http_request('POST', '/', '/', {}, headers, body, None) response = self._mexe(http_request, sender=None, override_num_retries=10) response_body ='utf-8') boto.log.debug(response_body) if response.status == 200: if response_body: return json.loads(response_body, object_hook=object_hook) else: return None else: json_body = json.loads(response_body) fault_name = json_body.get('__type', None) # Certain faults get mapped to more specific exception classes. excp_cls = self._fault_excp.get(fault_name, self.ResponseError) raise excp_cls(response.status, response.reason, body=json_body) # Actions related to Activities
Example #28
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _check_num_ops(self, type_, response_num): """Raise exception if number of ops in response doesn't match commit :type type_: str :param type_: Type of commit operation: 'add' or 'delete' :type response_num: int :param response_num: Number of adds or deletes in the response. :raises: :class:`boto.cloudsearch2.document.CommitMismatchError` """ commit_num = len([d for d in self.doc_service.documents_batch if d['type'] == type_]) if response_num != commit_num: if self.signed_request: boto.log.debug(self.response) else: boto.log.debug(self.response.content) # There will always be a commit mismatch error if there is any # errors on cloudsearch. self.errors gets lost when this # CommitMismatchError is raised. Whoever is using boto has no idea # why their commit failed. They can't even notify the user of the # cause by parsing the error messages from amazon. So let's # attach the self.errors to the exceptions if we already spent # time and effort collecting them out of the response. exc = CommitMismatchError( 'Incorrect number of {0}s returned. Commit: {1} Response: {2}' .format(type_, commit_num, response_num) ) exc.errors = self.errors raise exc
Example #29
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, response, doc_service, sdf, signed_request=False): self.response = response self.doc_service = doc_service self.sdf = sdf self.signed_request = signed_request if self.signed_request: self.content = response else: _body = response.content.decode('utf-8') try: self.content = json.loads(_body) except: boto.log.error('Error indexing documents.\nResponse Content:\n{0}' '\n\nSDF:\n{1}'.format(_body, self.sdf)) raise boto.exception.BotoServerError(self.response.status_code, '', body=_body) self.status = self.content['status'] if self.status == 'error': self.errors = [e.get('message') for e in self.content.get('errors', [])] for e in self.errors: if "Illegal Unicode character" in e: raise EncodingError("Illegal Unicode character in document") elif e == "The Content-Length is too long": raise ContentTooLongError("Content was too long") else: self.errors = [] self.adds = self.content['adds'] self.deletes = self.content['deletes'] self._check_num_ops('add', self.adds) self._check_num_ops('delete', self.deletes)
Example #30
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 5 votes |
def encode_string(self, value): """Convert ASCII, Latin-1 or UTF-8 to pure Unicode""" if not isinstance(value, str): return value try: return six.text_type(value, 'utf-8') except: # really, this should throw an exception. # in the interest of not breaking current # systems, however: arr = [] for ch in value: arr.append(six.unichr(ord(ch))) return u"".join(arr)