Python pandas.DataFrame() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of pandas.DataFrame().
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Example #1
Source File: From pandas-technical-indicators with MIT License | 27 votes |
def average_true_range(df, n): """ :param df: pandas.DataFrame :param n: :return: pandas.DataFrame """ i = 0 TR_l = [0] while i < df.index[-1]: TR = max(df.loc[i + 1, 'High'], df.loc[i, 'Close']) - min(df.loc[i + 1, 'Low'], df.loc[i, 'Close']) TR_l.append(TR) i = i + 1 TR_s = pd.Series(TR_l) ATR = pd.Series(TR_s.ewm(span=n, min_periods=n).mean(), name='ATR_' + str(n)) df = df.join(ATR) return df
Example #2
Source File: From MPContribs with MIT License | 9 votes |
def get_table(results, letter): y = "Δ{}".format(letter) df = Table( RecursiveDict([("δ", results[0]), (y, results[1]), (y + "ₑᵣᵣ", results[2])]) ) x0, x1 = map(float, df["δ"].iloc[[0, -1]]) pad = 0.15 * (x1 - x0) mask = (results[3] > x0 - pad) & (results[3] < x1 + pad) x, fit = results[3][mask], results[4][mask] df.set_index("δ", inplace=True) df2 = pd.DataFrame(RecursiveDict([("δ", x), (y + " Fit", fit)])) df2.set_index("δ", inplace=True) cols = ["δ", y, y + "ₑᵣᵣ", y + " Fit"] return ( pd.concat([df, df2], sort=True) .sort_index() .reset_index() .rename(columns={"index": "δ"}) .fillna("")[cols] )
Example #3
Source File: From indras_net with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 8 votes |
def create_lines(self, x, varieties): """ Draw just the data portion. """ lines = pd.DataFrame() for i, var in enumerate(varieties): self.legend.append(var) data = varieties[var]["data"] color = get_color(varieties[var], i) x_array = np.array(x) y_array = np.array(data) line = pd.DataFrame({"x": x_array, "y": y_array, "color": color, "var": var}) lines = lines.append(line, ignore_index=True, sort=False) return lines
Example #4
Source File: From backtrader-cn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 8 votes |
def write_daily_alert(cls, symbol, stock_id, action): """ write daily stock alert to MongoDB. :param symbol: Arctic symbol :param data: dict, like: {'stock': '000651', 'action': 'buy/sell'} :return: None """ lib = get_or_create_library(conf.DAILY_STOCK_ALERT_LIBNAME) data = { 'stock': stock_id, 'action': action } df = pd.DataFrame([data], columns=data.keys()) if symbol in lib.list_symbols(): lib.append(symbol, df) else: lib.write(symbol, df)
Example #5
Source File: From indras_net with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def create_scats(self, varieties): self.scats = pd.DataFrame(columns=["x", "y", "color", "marker", "var"]) for i, var in enumerate(varieties): self.legend.append(var) (x_array, y_array) = self.get_arrays(varieties, var) if len(x_array) <= 0: # no data to graph! ''' I am creating a single "position" for an agent that cannot be seen. This seems to fix the issue of colors being missmatched in the occasion that a group has no agents. ''' x_array = [-1] y_array = [-1] elif len(x_array) != len(y_array): logging.debug("Array length mismatch in scatter plot") return color = get_color(varieties[var], i) marker = get_marker(varieties[var], i) scat = pd.DataFrame({"x": pd.Series(x_array), "y": pd.Series(y_array), "color": color, "marker": marker, "var": var}) self.scats = self.scats.append(scat, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
Example #6
Source File: From pandas-technical-indicators with MIT License | 7 votes |
def vortex_indicator(df, n): """Calculate the Vortex Indicator for given data. Vortex Indicator described here: :param df: pandas.DataFrame :param n: :return: pandas.DataFrame """ i = 0 TR = [0] while i < df.index[-1]: Range = max(df.loc[i + 1, 'High'], df.loc[i, 'Close']) - min(df.loc[i + 1, 'Low'], df.loc[i, 'Close']) TR.append(Range) i = i + 1 i = 0 VM = [0] while i < df.index[-1]: Range = abs(df.loc[i + 1, 'High'] - df.loc[i, 'Low']) - abs(df.loc[i + 1, 'Low'] - df.loc[i, 'High']) VM.append(Range) i = i + 1 VI = pd.Series(pd.Series(VM).rolling(n).sum() / pd.Series(TR).rolling(n).sum(), name='Vortex_' + str(n)) df = df.join(VI) return df
Example #7
Source File: From svviz with MIT License | 7 votes |
def run(which): print("running all tests...") summary = pandas.DataFrame(columns=["pass", "info", "timing"]) # Test chromosome ends if len(which)==0 or "chrom_ends" in which: summary.loc["chrom_ends"] = _runTest(runTestIssues, "issues") # Run the demos if len(which)==0 or "demos" in which: summary.loc["demos"] = _runTest(, "demos") # Run regression testing on ref/alt/amb counts if len(which)==0 or "counts" in which: summary.loc["counts"] = _runTest(runTestCounts, "counts") # Run the render regression tests if len(which)==0 or "rendering" in which: summary.loc["rendering"] = _runTest(, "rendering") summary["timing"] = summary["timing"].apply(lambda x: "{}".format(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(x)))) print(summary) saveTimingInfo(summary)
Example #8
Source File: From models with MIT License | 7 votes |
def prepro_pos_table(pos_tables): """Extracts unique positions and sorts them.""" if not isinstance(pos_tables, list): pos_tables = [pos_tables] pos_table = None for next_pos_table in pos_tables: if pos_table is None: pos_table = next_pos_table else: pos_table = pd.concat([pos_table, next_pos_table]) pos_table = pos_table.groupby('chromo').apply( lambda df: pd.DataFrame({'pos': np.unique(df['pos'])})) pos_table.reset_index(inplace=True) pos_table = pos_table[['chromo', 'pos']] pos_table.sort_values(['chromo', 'pos'], inplace=True) return pos_table
Example #9
Source File: From pandas-technical-indicators with MIT License | 6 votes |
def ppsr(df): """Calculate Pivot Points, Supports and Resistances for given data :param df: pandas.DataFrame :return: pandas.DataFrame """ PP = pd.Series((df['High'] + df['Low'] + df['Close']) / 3) R1 = pd.Series(2 * PP - df['Low']) S1 = pd.Series(2 * PP - df['High']) R2 = pd.Series(PP + df['High'] - df['Low']) S2 = pd.Series(PP - df['High'] + df['Low']) R3 = pd.Series(df['High'] + 2 * (PP - df['Low'])) S3 = pd.Series(df['Low'] - 2 * (df['High'] - PP)) psr = {'PP': PP, 'R1': R1, 'S1': S1, 'R2': R2, 'S2': S2, 'R3': R3, 'S3': S3} PSR = pd.DataFrame(psr) df = df.join(PSR) return df
Example #10
Source File: From Financial-NLP with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def calculate_scores_of_all(self, saveflag=0, savefilename=''): dates = os.listdir(self.article_dir) all_date_score=[] for date in dates: try: score,info=self.score_of_date(date) all_date_score.append((date,score)) except: continue if saveflag: rawdata=pd.DataFrame(all_date_score) pd.DataFrame.to_csv(rawdata, savefilename) return all_date_score,dates
Example #11
Source File: From incubator-spot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _ingest_summary(self): # get date parameters. yr = self._date[:4] mn = self._date[4:6] dy = self._date[6:]"Getting ingest summary data for the day") ingest_summary_cols = ["date","total"] result_rows = [] df_filtered = pd.DataFrame() query_to_load = (""" SELECT frame_time, COUNT(*) as total FROM {0}.{1} WHERE y={2} AND m={3} AND d={4} AND unix_tstamp IS NOT NULL AND frame_time IS NOT NULL AND frame_len IS NOT NULL AND dns_qry_name IS NOT NULL AND ip_src IS NOT NULL AND (dns_qry_class IS NOT NULL AND dns_qry_type IS NOT NULL AND dns_qry_rcode IS NOT NULL ) GROUP BY frame_time; """).format(self._db,self._table_name, yr, mn, dy) results = impala.execute_query_as_list(query_to_load) df = pd.DataFrame(results) # Forms a new dataframe splitting the minutes from the time column df_new = pd.DataFrame([["{0}-{1}-{2} {3}:{4}".format(yr, mn, dy,\ val['frame_time'].replace(" "," ").split(" ")[3].split(":")[0].zfill(2),\ val['frame_time'].replace(" "," ").split(" ")[3].split(":")[1].zfill(2)),\ int(val['total']) if not math.isnan(val['total']) else 0 ] for key,val in df.iterrows()],columns = ingest_summary_cols) #Groups the data by minute sf = df_new.groupby(by=['date'])['total'].sum() df_per_min = pd.DataFrame({'date':sf.index, 'total':sf.values}) df_final = df_filtered.append(df_per_min, ignore_index=True).to_records(False,False) if len(df_final) > 0: query_to_insert=(""" INSERT INTO {0}.dns_ingest_summary PARTITION (y={1}, m={2}, d={3}) VALUES {4}; """).format(self._db, yr, mn, dy, tuple(df_final)) impala.execute_query(query_to_insert)
Example #12
Source File: From backtrader-cn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _test_strip_unused_cols(self): data = pd.DataFrame({ 'name': ['tom', 'jack'], 'age': [24, 56], 'gender': ['male', 'male'], 'address': ['cn', 'us'] }) data.index = pd.date_range(start='2017-01-01', periods=2) origin_cols = ['name', 'age', 'gender', 'address'] unused_cols = ['address', 'gender'] new_cols = ['name', 'age'] self.assertEqual(list(data.columns).sort(), origin_cols.sort()) bdu.Utils.strip_unused_cols(data, *unused_cols) self.assertEqual(list(data.columns).sort(), new_cols.sort())
Example #13
Source File: From pandas-technical-indicators with MIT License | 6 votes |
def money_flow_index(df, n): """Calculate Money Flow Index and Ratio for given data. :param df: pandas.DataFrame :param n: :return: pandas.DataFrame """ PP = (df['High'] + df['Low'] + df['Close']) / 3 i = 0 PosMF = [0] while i < df.index[-1]: if PP[i + 1] > PP[i]: PosMF.append(PP[i + 1] * df.loc[i + 1, 'Volume']) else: PosMF.append(0) i = i + 1 PosMF = pd.Series(PosMF) TotMF = PP * df['Volume'] MFR = pd.Series(PosMF / TotMF) MFI = pd.Series(MFR.rolling(n, min_periods=n).mean(), name='MFI_' + str(n)) df = df.join(MFI) return df
Example #14
Source File: From pylivy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_session(integration_url, capsys, session_kind, params): assert livy_available(integration_url) with LivySession.create(integration_url, kind=session_kind) as session: assert session.state == SessionState.IDLE assert capsys.readouterr() == (params.print_foo_output, "") capsys.readouterr() assert capsys.readouterr() == (params.dataframe_count_output, "") with pytest.raises(SparkRuntimeError): expected = pandas.DataFrame({"value": range(100)}) assert"df").equals(expected) assert session_stopped(integration_url, session.session_id)
Example #15
Source File: From pandas-technical-indicators with MIT License | 6 votes |
def trix(df, n): """Calculate TRIX for given data. :param df: pandas.DataFrame :param n: :return: pandas.DataFrame """ EX1 = df['Close'].ewm(span=n, min_periods=n).mean() EX2 = EX1.ewm(span=n, min_periods=n).mean() EX3 = EX2.ewm(span=n, min_periods=n).mean() i = 0 ROC_l = [np.nan] while i + 1 <= df.index[-1]: ROC = (EX3[i + 1] - EX3[i]) / EX3[i] ROC_l.append(ROC) i = i + 1 Trix = pd.Series(ROC_l, name='Trix_' + str(n)) df = df.join(Trix) return df
Example #16
Source File: From models with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_df(vcf_file, model_name): df = pd.DataFrame(list(KipoiVCFParser(vcf_file))) meta_info = df[["variant_chr", "variant_pos", "variant_ref", "variant_alt", "variant_id"]] meta_info["variant_uid"] = df["variant_chr"].astype(str) + ':' + df["variant_pos"].astype(str) + ':' + df["variant_ref"] + ':' + df["variant_alt"] df.index = meta_info["variant_uid"] meta_info.index = meta_info["variant_uid"] obsolete_variant_columns = ["variant_chr", "variant_pos", "variant_ref", "variant_alt", "variant_id"] df = df[[col for col in df.columns if col not in obsolete_variant_columns]] df = df[[col for col in df.columns if "rID" not in col]] col_types = ["_LOGIT_REF", "_LOGIT_ALT", "_REF", "_ALT", "_DIFF", "_LOGIT"] if model_name == "labranchor": df = average_labranchor(df, model_name, col_types) else: df.columns = [refmt_col(col, model_name, col_types) for col in df.columns] # clump variants together df = deduplicate_vars(df) # subset meta_info like df and add variant_uid as common ID meta_info=meta_info.loc[df.index,:] return df, meta_info
Example #17
Source File: From models with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_df(vcf_file, model_name): df = pd.DataFrame(list(KipoiVCFParser(vcf_file))) meta_info = df[["variant_chr", "variant_pos", "variant_ref", "variant_alt", "variant_id"]] meta_info["variant_uid"] = df["variant_chr"].astype(str) + ':' + df["variant_pos"].astype(str) + ':' + df["variant_ref"] + ':' + df["variant_alt"] df.index = meta_info["variant_uid"] meta_info.index = meta_info["variant_uid"] obsolete_variant_columns = ["variant_chr", "variant_pos", "variant_ref", "variant_alt", "variant_id"] df = df[[col for col in df.columns if col not in obsolete_variant_columns]] df = df[[col for col in df.columns if "rID" not in col]] col_types = ["_LOGIT_REF", "_LOGIT_ALT", "_REF", "_ALT", "_DIFF", "_LOGIT"] if model_name == "labranchor": df = average_labranchor(df, model_name, col_types) else: df.columns = [refmt_col(col, model_name, col_types) for col in df.columns] # clump variants together df = deduplicate_vars(df) # subset meta_info like df and add variant_uid as common ID meta_info=meta_info.loc[df.index,:] return df, meta_info
Example #18
Source File: From pandas-technical-indicators with MIT License | 6 votes |
def on_balance_volume(df, n): """Calculate On-Balance Volume for given data. :param df: pandas.DataFrame :param n: :return: pandas.DataFrame """ i = 0 OBV = [0] while i < df.index[-1]: if df.loc[i + 1, 'Close'] - df.loc[i, 'Close'] > 0: OBV.append(df.loc[i + 1, 'Volume']) if df.loc[i + 1, 'Close'] - df.loc[i, 'Close'] == 0: OBV.append(0) if df.loc[i + 1, 'Close'] - df.loc[i, 'Close'] < 0: OBV.append(-df.loc[i + 1, 'Volume']) i = i + 1 OBV = pd.Series(OBV) OBV_ma = pd.Series(OBV.rolling(n, min_periods=n).mean(), name='OBV_' + str(n)) df = df.join(OBV_ma) return df
Example #19
Source File: From pandas-technical-indicators with MIT License | 6 votes |
def coppock_curve(df, n): """Calculate Coppock Curve for given data. :param df: pandas.DataFrame :param n: :return: pandas.DataFrame """ M = df['Close'].diff(int(n * 11 / 10) - 1) N = df['Close'].shift(int(n * 11 / 10) - 1) ROC1 = M / N M = df['Close'].diff(int(n * 14 / 10) - 1) N = df['Close'].shift(int(n * 14 / 10) - 1) ROC2 = M / N Copp = pd.Series((ROC1 + ROC2).ewm(span=n, min_periods=n).mean(), name='Copp_' + str(n)) df = df.join(Copp) return df
Example #20
Source File: From pandas-technical-indicators with MIT License | 6 votes |
def keltner_channel(df, n): """Calculate Keltner Channel for given data. :param df: pandas.DataFrame :param n: :return: pandas.DataFrame """ KelChM = pd.Series(((df['High'] + df['Low'] + df['Close']) / 3).rolling(n, min_periods=n).mean(), name='KelChM_' + str(n)) KelChU = pd.Series(((4 * df['High'] - 2 * df['Low'] + df['Close']) / 3).rolling(n, min_periods=n).mean(), name='KelChU_' + str(n)) KelChD = pd.Series(((-2 * df['High'] + 4 * df['Low'] + df['Close']) / 3).rolling(n, min_periods=n).mean(), name='KelChD_' + str(n)) df = df.join(KelChM) df = df.join(KelChU) df = df.join(KelChD) return df
Example #21
Source File: From pandas-technical-indicators with MIT License | 6 votes |
def ultimate_oscillator(df): """Calculate Ultimate Oscillator for given data. :param df: pandas.DataFrame :return: pandas.DataFrame """ i = 0 TR_l = [0] BP_l = [0] while i < df.index[-1]: TR = max(df.loc[i + 1, 'High'], df.loc[i, 'Close']) - min(df.loc[i + 1, 'Low'], df.loc[i, 'Close']) TR_l.append(TR) BP = df.loc[i + 1, 'Close'] - min(df.loc[i + 1, 'Low'], df.loc[i, 'Close']) BP_l.append(BP) i = i + 1 UltO = pd.Series((4 * pd.Series(BP_l).rolling(7).sum() / pd.Series(TR_l).rolling(7).sum()) + ( 2 * pd.Series(BP_l).rolling(14).sum() / pd.Series(TR_l).rolling(14).sum()) + ( pd.Series(BP_l).rolling(28).sum() / pd.Series(TR_l).rolling(28).sum()), name='Ultimate_Osc') df = df.join(UltO) return df
Example #22
Source File: From pandas-technical-indicators with MIT License | 6 votes |
def donchian_channel(df, n): """Calculate donchian channel of given pandas data frame. :param df: pandas.DataFrame :param n: :return: pandas.DataFrame """ i = 0 dc_l = [] while i < n - 1: dc_l.append(0) i += 1 i = 0 while i + n - 1 < df.index[-1]: dc = max(df['High'].ix[i:i + n - 1]) - min(df['Low'].ix[i:i + n - 1]) dc_l.append(dc) i += 1 donchian_chan = pd.Series(dc_l, name='Donchian_' + str(n)) donchian_chan = donchian_chan.shift(n - 1) return df.join(donchian_chan)
Example #23
Source File: From MPContribs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def render(self, total_records=None): """use BackGrid JS library to render Pandas DataFrame""" # if project given, this will result in an overview table of contributions # TODO check for index column in df other than the default numbering jtable = json.dumps(self.to_backgrid_dict()) if total_records is None: total_records = self.shape[0] config = {"total_records": total_records} config["uuids"] = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for i in range(4)] if self.tid: config["tid"] = self.tid config["per_page"] = self.per_page else: config["project"] = self.project config["api_key"] = self.api_key config["ncols"] = self.ncols config["filters"] = self.filters jconfig = json.dumps(config) html = '<div class="col-md-6" id="{}"></div>'.format(config["uuids"][0]) html += '<div class="pull-right" id="{}"></div>'.format(config["uuids"][3]) html += '<div id="{}" style="width:100%;"></div>'.format(config["uuids"][1]) html += '<div id="{}"></div>'.format(config["uuids"][2]) html += f"<script>render_table({{table: {jtable}, config: {jconfig}}})</script>" return html
Example #24
Source File: From jiji-with-tensorflow-example with MIT License | 5 votes |
def estimate(): # 値の正規化のため、リクエストボディで渡された指標データと訓練で使用したデータを統合。 data = pd.DataFrame({k: [v] for k, v in request.json.items()}).append(trade_data) # 正規化したデータを渡して、損益を予測 results = estimator.estimate(TradeResults(data).all_data().iloc[[0]]) return jsonify(result=("up" if results[0] == 0 else "down"))
Example #25
Source File: From tensorflow-DeepFM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _make_submission(ids, y_pred, filename="submission.csv"): pd.DataFrame({"id": ids, "target": y_pred.flatten()}).to_csv( os.path.join(config.SUB_DIR, filename), index=False, float_format="%.5f")
Example #26
Source File: From pylivy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_sql(self, code: str) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Evaluate a Spark SQL satatement and retrieve the result. :param code: The Spark SQL statement to evaluate. """ if self.kind != SessionKind.SQL: raise ValueError("not a SQL session") output = self._execute(code) output.raise_for_status() if output.json is None: raise RuntimeError("statement had no JSON output") return dataframe_from_json_output(output.json)
Example #27
Source File: From pylivy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read(self, dataframe_name: str) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Evaluate and retrieve a Spark dataframe in the managed session. :param dataframe_name: The name of the Spark dataframe to read. """ code = serialise_dataframe_code(dataframe_name, self.kind) output = self._execute(code) output.raise_for_status() if output.text is None: raise RuntimeError("statement had no text output") return deserialise_dataframe(output.text)
Example #28
Source File: From pylivy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def dataframe_from_json_output(json_output: dict) -> pandas.DataFrame: try: fields = json_output["schema"]["fields"] columns = [field["name"] for field in fields] data = json_output["data"] except KeyError: raise ValueError("json output does not match expected structure") return pandas.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
Example #29
Source File: From pylivy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def deserialise_dataframe(text: str) -> pandas.DataFrame: rows = [] for line in text.split("\n"): if line: rows.append(json.loads(line)) return pandas.DataFrame.from_records(rows)
Example #30
Source File: From MPContribs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(mpfile, **kwargs): input_dir = mpfile.hdata["_hdata"]["input_dir"] identifier = get_composition_from_string("PbZr20Ti80O3") print identifier # 'SP128_NSO_LPFM0000.ibw' too big to display in notebook files = ["BR_60016 (1).ibw", "SP128_NSO_VPFM0000.ibw"] for f in files: file_name = os.path.join(input_dir, f) df = load_data(file_name) name = f.split(".")[0] mpfile.add_data_table(identifier, df, name) print "imported", f xrd_file = os.path.join(input_dir, "Program6_JA_6_2th0m Near SRO (002)_2.xrdml.xml") data = read_xrdml(xrd_file) df = DataFrame( np.stack((data["2Theta"], data["data"]), 1), columns=["2Theta", "Intensity"] ) opts = {"yaxis": {"type": "log"}} # see plotly docs mpfile.add_data_table(identifier, df, "NearSRO", plot_options=opts) print "imported", os.path.basename(xrd_file) rsm_file = os.path.join(input_dir, "JA 42 RSM 103 STO 001.xrdml.xml") rvals, df = load_RSM(rsm_file) mpfile.add_hierarchical_data( { "rsm_range": { "x": "{} {}".format(rvals[0], rvals[1]), "y": "{} {}".format(rvals[2], rvals[3]), } }, identifier=identifier, ) mpfile.add_data_table(identifier, df, "RSM") print "imported", os.path.basename(rsm_file)