Python numpy.extract() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.extract().
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Example #1
Source File: From pyroomacoustics with MIT License | 6 votes |
def build_mtx_amp(phi_k, p_mic_x, p_mic_y): """ the matrix that maps Diracs' amplitudes to the visibility Parameters ---------- phi_k: Diracs' location (azimuth) p_mic_x: a vector that contains microphones' x-coordinates p_mic_y: a vector that contains microphones' y-coordinates """ xk, yk = polar2cart(1, phi_k[np.newaxis, :]) num_mic = p_mic_x.size p_mic_x_outer = p_mic_x[:, np.newaxis] p_mic_y_outer = p_mic_y[:, np.newaxis] p_mic_x_inner = p_mic_x[np.newaxis, :] p_mic_y_inner = p_mic_y[np.newaxis, :] extract_cond = np.reshape((1 - np.eye(num_mic)).astype(bool), (-1, 1), order='C') baseline_x = np.extract(extract_cond, p_mic_x_outer - p_mic_x_inner)[:, np.newaxis] baseline_y = np.extract(extract_cond, p_mic_y_outer - p_mic_y_inner)[:, np.newaxis] return np.exp(-1j * (xk * baseline_x + yk * baseline_y))
Example #2
Source File: From pyroomacoustics with MIT License | 6 votes |
def mtx_freq2visi(M, p_mic_x, p_mic_y): """ build the matrix that maps the Fourier series to the visibility Parameters ---------- M: the Fourier series expansion is limited from -M to M p_mic_x: a vector that constains microphones x coordinates p_mic_y: a vector that constains microphones y coordinates """ num_mic = p_mic_x.size ms = np.reshape(np.arange(-M, M + 1, step=1), (1, -1), order='F') p_mic_x_outer = p_mic_x[:, np.newaxis] p_mic_y_outer = p_mic_y[:, np.newaxis] p_mic_x_inner = p_mic_x[np.newaxis, :] p_mic_y_inner = p_mic_y[np.newaxis, :] extract_cond = np.reshape((1 - np.eye(num_mic)).astype(bool), (-1, 1), order='C') baseline_x = np.extract(extract_cond, p_mic_x_outer - p_mic_x_inner)[:, np.newaxis] baseline_y = np.extract(extract_cond, p_mic_y_outer - p_mic_y_inner)[:, np.newaxis] baseline_norm = np.sqrt(baseline_x * baseline_x + baseline_y * baseline_y) return (-1j) ** ms * sp.special.jv(ms, baseline_norm) * \ np.exp(1j * ms * np.arctan2(baseline_y, baseline_x))
Example #3
Source File: From pyroomacoustics with MIT License | 6 votes |
def multiband_extract_off_diag(mtx): """ extract off-diagonal entries in mtx The output vector is order in a column major manner Parameters ---------- mtx: input matrix to extract the off-diagonal entries """ # we transpose the matrix because the function np.extract will first flatten the matrix # withe ordering convention 'C' instead of 'F'!! Q = mtx.shape[0] num_bands = mtx.shape[2] extract_cond = np.reshape((1 - np.eye(Q)).T.astype(bool), (-1, 1), order='F') return np.column_stack([np.reshape(np.extract(extract_cond, mtx[:, :, band].T), (-1, 1), order='F') for band in range(num_bands)])
Example #4
Source File: From IkaLog with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _detect_gear_level(self, gear_level_image): img_level = matcher.MM_COLOR_BY_HUE( hue=(30 - 5, 30 + 5), visibility=(200, 255))(gear_level_image) cv2.imshow('level', img_level) img_level_hist = np.sum(img_level / 255, axis=0) img_level_x = np.extract(img_level_hist > 3, np.arange(1024)) level_width = np.amax(img_level_x) - np.amin(img_level_x) if level_width < 10: return 1 elif level_width < 40: return 2 return 3 # Sub abilities
Example #5
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _cdf(self, x, c): output = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=x.dtype) val = (1.0+c)/(1.0-c) c1 = x < np.pi c2 = 1-c1 xp = np.extract(c1, x) xn = np.extract(c2, x) if np.any(xn): valn = np.extract(c2, np.ones_like(x)*val) xn = 2*np.pi - xn yn = np.tan(xn/2.0) on = 1.0-1.0/np.pi*np.arctan(valn*yn), c2, on) if np.any(xp): valp = np.extract(c1, np.ones_like(x)*val) yp = np.tan(xp/2.0) op = 1.0/np.pi*np.arctan(valp*yp), c1, op) return output
Example #6
Source File: From Aegean with Academic Free License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_background_rms(self): """ Calculate the rms of the image. The rms is calculated from the interqurtile range (IQR), to reduce bias from source pixels. Returns ------- rms : float The image rms. Notes ----- The rms value is cached after first calculation. """ # TODO: return a proper background RMS ignoring the sources # This is an approximate method suggested by PaulH. # I have no idea where this magic 1.34896 number comes from... if self._rms is None: # Get the pixels values without the NaNs data = numpy.extract( > -9999999, p25 = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(data, 25) p75 = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(data, 75) iqr = p75 - p25 self._rms = iqr / 1.34896 return self._rms
Example #7
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _cdf(self, x, c): output = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=x.dtype) val = (1.0+c)/(1.0-c) c1 = x < np.pi c2 = 1-c1 xp = np.extract(c1, x) xn = np.extract(c2, x) if np.any(xn): valn = np.extract(c2, np.ones_like(x)*val) xn = 2*np.pi - xn yn = np.tan(xn/2.0) on = 1.0-1.0/np.pi*np.arctan(valn*yn), c2, on) if np.any(xp): valp = np.extract(c1, np.ones_like(x)*val) yp = np.tan(xp/2.0) op = 1.0/np.pi*np.arctan(valp*yp), c1, op) return output
Example #8
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def skew(a, axis=0, bias=True): a, axis = _chk_asarray(a,axis) n = a.count(axis) m2 = moment(a, 2, axis) m3 = moment(a, 3, axis) olderr = np.seterr(all='ignore') try: vals = ma.where(m2 == 0, 0, m3 / m2**1.5) finally: np.seterr(**olderr) if not bias: can_correct = (n > 2) & (m2 > 0) if can_correct.any(): m2 = np.extract(can_correct, m2) m3 = np.extract(can_correct, m3) nval = ma.sqrt((n-1.0)*n)/(n-2.0)*m3/m2**1.5, can_correct, nval) return vals
Example #9
Source File: From tIGAr with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def getComm(self): """ Returns the extraction generator's MPI communicator. """ return self.comm # what type of element (CG or DG) to extract to # (override in subclass for non-default behavior)
Example #10
Source File: From PES-Learn with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def include_first_n(self, train_indices, test_indices): """ Force first n lowest energy points to be in training set Useful for global-minimum-biased fits for applications such as vibrational computations. """ # force first n indices to be in training set a = np.arange(self.first_n) tmp = np.concatenate((train_indices, a) ,axis=0) train_indices = np.unique(tmp) # avoids double counting # adjust test set accordingly condition = test_indices > self.first_n test_indices = np.extract(condition, test_indices) return train_indices, test_indices
Example #11
Source File: From FRIDA with MIT License | 5 votes |
def extract_off_diag(mtx): """ extract off diagonal entries in mtx. The output vector is order in a column major manner. :param mtx: input matrix to extract the off diagonal entries :return: """ # we transpose the matrix because the function np.extract will first flatten the matrix # withe ordering convention 'C' instead of 'F'!! extract_cond = np.reshape((1 - np.eye(*mtx.shape)).T.astype(bool), (-1, 1), order='F') return np.reshape(np.extract(extract_cond, mtx.T), (-1, 1), order='F')
Example #12
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def place(arr, mask, vals): """ Change elements of an array based on conditional and input values. Similar to ``np.copyto(arr, vals, where=mask)``, the difference is that `place` uses the first N elements of `vals`, where N is the number of True values in `mask`, while `copyto` uses the elements where `mask` is True. Note that `extract` does the exact opposite of `place`. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Array to put data into. mask : array_like Boolean mask array. Must have the same size as `a`. vals : 1-D sequence Values to put into `a`. Only the first N elements are used, where N is the number of True values in `mask`. If `vals` is smaller than N, it will be repeated, and if elements of `a` are to be masked, this sequence must be non-empty. See Also -------- copyto, put, take, extract Examples -------- >>> arr = np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3) >>>, arr>2, [44, 55]) >>> arr array([[ 0, 1, 2], [44, 55, 44]]) """ if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("argument 1 must be numpy.ndarray, " "not {name}".format(name=type(arr).__name__)) return _insert(arr, mask, vals)
Example #13
Source File: From pyroomacoustics with MIT License | 5 votes |
def extract_off_diag(mtx): """ extract off diagonal entries in mtx. The output vector is order in a column major manner. Parameters ---------- mtx: input matrix to extract the off diagonal entries """ # we transpose the matrix because the function np.extract will first flatten the matrix # withe ordering convention 'C' instead of 'F'!! extract_cond = np.reshape((1 - np.eye(*mtx.shape)).T.astype(bool), (-1, 1), order='F') return np.reshape(np.extract(extract_cond, mtx.T), (-1, 1), order='F')
Example #14
Source File: From tIGAr with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def getDegree(self,field): """ Returns the polynomial degree needed to extract the ``field``-th unknown scalar field. """ return self.getScalarSpline(field).getDegree()
Example #15
Source File: From pySINDy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def place(arr, mask, vals): """ Change elements of an array based on conditional and input values. Similar to ``np.copyto(arr, vals, where=mask)``, the difference is that `place` uses the first N elements of `vals`, where N is the number of True values in `mask`, while `copyto` uses the elements where `mask` is True. Note that `extract` does the exact opposite of `place`. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Array to put data into. mask : array_like Boolean mask array. Must have the same size as `a`. vals : 1-D sequence Values to put into `a`. Only the first N elements are used, where N is the number of True values in `mask`. If `vals` is smaller than N, it will be repeated, and if elements of `a` are to be masked, this sequence must be non-empty. See Also -------- copyto, put, take, extract Examples -------- >>> arr = np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3) >>>, arr>2, [44, 55]) >>> arr array([[ 0, 1, 2], [44, 55, 44]]) """ if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("argument 1 must be numpy.ndarray, " "not {name}".format(name=type(arr).__name__)) return _insert(arr, mask, vals)
Example #16
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def place(arr, mask, vals): """ Change elements of an array based on conditional and input values. Similar to ``np.copyto(arr, vals, where=mask)``, the difference is that `place` uses the first N elements of `vals`, where N is the number of True values in `mask`, while `copyto` uses the elements where `mask` is True. Note that `extract` does the exact opposite of `place`. Parameters ---------- arr : array_like Array to put data into. mask : array_like Boolean mask array. Must have the same size as `a`. vals : 1-D sequence Values to put into `a`. Only the first N elements are used, where N is the number of True values in `mask`. If `vals` is smaller than N it will be repeated. See Also -------- copyto, put, take, extract Examples -------- >>> arr = np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3) >>>, arr>2, [44, 55]) >>> arr array([[ 0, 1, 2], [44, 55, 44]]) """ return _insert(arr, mask, vals)
Example #17
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _lazywhere(cond, arrays, f, fillvalue=None, f2=None): """ np.where(cond, x, fillvalue) always evaluates x even where cond is False. This one only evaluates f(arr1[cond], arr2[cond], ...). For example, >>> a, b = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]), np.array([5, 6, 7, 8]) >>> def f(a, b): return a*b >>> _lazywhere(a > 2, (a, b), f, np.nan) array([ nan, nan, 21., 32.]) Notice it assumes that all `arrays` are of the same shape, or can be broadcasted together. """ if fillvalue is None: if f2 is None: raise ValueError("One of (fillvalue, f2) must be given.") else: fillvalue = np.nan else: if f2 is not None: raise ValueError("Only one of (fillvalue, f2) can be given.") arrays = np.broadcast_arrays(*arrays) temp = tuple(np.extract(cond, arr) for arr in arrays) tcode = np.mintypecode([a.dtype.char for a in arrays]) out = _valarray(np.shape(arrays[0]), value=fillvalue, typecode=tcode), cond, f(*temp)) if f2 is not None: temp = tuple(np.extract(~cond, arr) for arr in arrays), ~cond, f2(*temp)) return out
Example #18
Source File: From cupy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def extract(condition, a): """Return the elements of an array that satisfy some condition. This is equivalent to ``np.compress(ravel(condition), ravel(arr))``. If ``condition`` is boolean, ``np.extract`` is equivalent to ``arr[condition]``. Args: condition (int or array_like): An array whose nonzero or True entries indicate the elements of array to extract. a (cupy.ndarray): Input array of the same size as condition. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Rank 1 array of values from arr where condition is True. .. warning:: This function may synchronize the device. .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.extract` """ if not isinstance(a, cupy.ndarray): raise TypeError('extract requires input array to be cupy.ndarray') if not isinstance(condition, cupy.ndarray): condition = cupy.array(condition) a = a.ravel() condition = condition.ravel() return a.take(condition.nonzero()[0])
Example #19
Source File: From cupy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def compress(condition, a, axis=None, out=None): """Returns selected slices of an array along given axis. Args: condition (1-D array of bools): Array that selects which entries to return. If len(condition) is less than the size of a along the given axis, then output is truncated to the length of the condition array. a (cupy.ndarray): Array from which to extract a part. axis (int): Axis along which to take slices. If None (default), work on the flattened array. out (cupy.ndarray): Output array. If provided, it should be of appropriate shape and dtype. Returns: cupy.ndarray: A copy of a without the slices along axis for which condition is false. .. warning:: This function may synchronize the device. .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.compress` """ return a.compress(condition, axis, out)
Example #20
Source File: From qiskit-aqua with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def evolution_for_pauli(self, pauli_op: PauliOp) -> PrimitiveOp: r""" Compute evolution Operator for a single Pauli using a ``PauliBasisChange``. Args: pauli_op: The ``PauliOp`` to evolve. Returns: A ``PrimitiveOp``, either the evolution ``CircuitOp`` or a ``PauliOp`` equal to the identity if pauli_op is the identity. """ def replacement_fn(cob_instr_op, dest_pauli_op): z_evolution = dest_pauli_op.exp_i() # Remember, circuit composition order is mirrored operator composition order. return cob_instr_op.adjoint().compose(z_evolution).compose(cob_instr_op) # Note: PauliBasisChange will pad destination with identities # to produce correct CoB circuit sig_bits = np.logical_or(pauli_op.primitive.z, pauli_op.primitive.x) # type: ignore a_sig_bit = int(max(np.extract(sig_bits, np.arange(pauli_op.num_qubits)[::-1]))) destination = (I.tensorpower(a_sig_bit)) ^ (Z * pauli_op.coeff) cob = PauliBasisChange(destination_basis=destination, replacement_fn=replacement_fn) return cast(PrimitiveOp, cob.convert(pauli_op)) # TODO implement Abelian grouped evolution.
Example #21
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def place(arr, mask, vals): """ Change elements of an array based on conditional and input values. Similar to ``np.copyto(arr, vals, where=mask)``, the difference is that `place` uses the first N elements of `vals`, where N is the number of True values in `mask`, while `copyto` uses the elements where `mask` is True. Note that `extract` does the exact opposite of `place`. Parameters ---------- arr : array_like Array to put data into. mask : array_like Boolean mask array. Must have the same size as `a`. vals : 1-D sequence Values to put into `a`. Only the first N elements are used, where N is the number of True values in `mask`. If `vals` is smaller than N it will be repeated. See Also -------- copyto, put, take, extract Examples -------- >>> arr = np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3) >>>, arr>2, [44, 55]) >>> arr array([[ 0, 1, 2], [44, 55, 44]]) """ return _insert(arr, mask, vals)
Example #22
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def place(arr, mask, vals): """ Change elements of an array based on conditional and input values. Similar to ``np.copyto(arr, vals, where=mask)``, the difference is that `place` uses the first N elements of `vals`, where N is the number of True values in `mask`, while `copyto` uses the elements where `mask` is True. Note that `extract` does the exact opposite of `place`. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Array to put data into. mask : array_like Boolean mask array. Must have the same size as `a`. vals : 1-D sequence Values to put into `a`. Only the first N elements are used, where N is the number of True values in `mask`. If `vals` is smaller than N, it will be repeated, and if elements of `a` are to be masked, this sequence must be non-empty. See Also -------- copyto, put, take, extract Examples -------- >>> arr = np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3) >>>, arr>2, [44, 55]) >>> arr array([[ 0, 1, 2], [44, 55, 44]]) """ if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("argument 1 must be numpy.ndarray, " "not {name}".format(name=type(arr).__name__)) return _insert(arr, mask, vals)
Example #23
Source File: From IkaLog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_entries_still_sliding(self, img_entries): white_filter = matcher.MM_WHITE() array0to14 = np.array(range(15), dtype=np.int32) x_pos_list = [] for img_entry in img_entries: img_XX = img_entry[:, 1173 - 610: 1173 + 13 - 610] # -> 2D img_XX_hist = np.sum(white_filter(img_XX), axis=0) # -> 1D img_XX_hist_x = np.extract(img_XX_hist > 0, array0to14[ 0:img_XX_hist.shape[0]]) if img_XX_hist_x.shape[0] == 0: continue img_XX_hist_x_avg = np.average(img_XX_hist_x) x_pos_list.append(img_XX_hist_x_avg) x_avg_min = np.amin(x_pos_list) x_avg_max = np.amax(x_pos_list) x_diff = int(x_avg_max - x_avg_min) if 0: # debug print('is_entries_still_sliding: x_pos_list %s min %f max %f diff %d' % (x_pos_list, x_avg_min, x_avg_max, x_diff)) return x_diff
Example #24
Source File: From IkaLog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_vs_xpos(self, context): img = self._crop_frame(context, self.meter_x1, 24 + 38, self.meter_x2, 24 + 40) img_w = matcher.MM_WHITE( sat=(0, 8), visibility=(248, 256))(img) img_vs_hist = np.sum(img_w, axis=0) img_vs_x = np.extract(img_vs_hist > 128, np.arange(1024)) if len(img_vs_x) == 0: return None vs_x_min = np.amin(img_vs_x) vs_x_max = np.amax(img_vs_x) vs_x = int((vs_x_min + vs_x_max) / 2) return vs_x ## # _find_active_inklings # # Find active inklings on the frame. # @param self The object. # @param context The context. # @param x1 Absolute x value to start discovery. # @param x2 Absolute x value to finish discovery. # # This function looks for eye of the inklings (with white pixels). # # To reduce false-positive detection, it also checks the pixel # of the squid. Since it's body should be colored (not white or black), # it ignores eye pixels without colored body pixels. #
Example #25
Source File: From IkaLog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def tower_pos(self, context): img = context['engine']['frame'][self.tower_line_top:self.tower_line_top + self.tower_line_height, self.tower_left:self.tower_left + self.tower_width] img2 = cv2.resize(img, (self.tower_width, 100)) img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) for i in range(2): img2[20:40, :, i] = cv2.resize( img_hsv[:, :, 0], (self.tower_width, 20)) img2[40:60, :, i] = cv2.resize( img_hsv[:, :, 1], (self.tower_width, 20)) img2[60:80, :, i] = cv2.resize( img_hsv[:, :, 2], (self.tower_width, 20)) # ゲージのうち信頼できる部分だけでマスクする img3 = img & self.ui_tower_mask # 白い部分にいまヤグラ/ホコがある img3_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img3, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) white_mask_v = cv2.inRange(img3_hsv[:, :, 2], 248, 256) x_list = np.arange(self.tower_width) tower_x = np.extract(white_mask_v[3, :] > 128, x_list) if tower_x.shape[0] == 0: return None tower_xPos = np.average(tower_x) # FixMe: マスクした関係が位置がずれている可能性があるので、適宜補正すべき xPos_pct = (tower_xPos - self.tower_width / 2) / \ (self.tower_width * 0.86 / 2) * 100 # あきらかにおかしい値が出たらとりあえず排除 if xPos_pct < -120 or 120 < xPos_pct: xPos_pct = None return xPos_pct
Example #26
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def argsreduce(cond, *args): """Return the sequence of ravel(args[i]) where ravel(condition) is True in 1D. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> rand = np.random.random_sample >>> A = rand((4, 5)) >>> B = 2 >>> C = rand((1, 5)) >>> cond = np.ones(A.shape) >>> [A1, B1, C1] = argsreduce(cond, A, B, C) >>> B1.shape (20,) >>> cond[2,:] = 0 >>> [A2, B2, C2] = argsreduce(cond, A, B, C) >>> B2.shape (15,) """ newargs = np.atleast_1d(*args) if not isinstance(newargs, list): newargs = [newargs, ] expand_arr = (cond == cond) return [np.extract(cond, arr1 * expand_arr) for arr1 in newargs]
Example #27
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _stats(self, b, moments='mv'): mu, mu2, g1, g2 = None, None, None, None if 'm' in moments: mask = b > 1 bt = np.extract(mask, b) mu = valarray(np.shape(b), value=np.inf), mask, bt / (bt-1.0)) if 'v' in moments: mask = b > 2 bt = np.extract(mask, b) mu2 = valarray(np.shape(b), value=np.inf), mask, bt / (bt-2.0) / (bt-1.0)**2) if 's' in moments: mask = b > 3 bt = np.extract(mask, b) g1 = valarray(np.shape(b), value=np.nan) vals = 2 * (bt + 1.0) * np.sqrt(bt - 2.0) / ((bt - 3.0) * np.sqrt(bt)), mask, vals) if 'k' in moments: mask = b > 4 bt = np.extract(mask, b) g2 = valarray(np.shape(b), value=np.nan) vals = (6.0*np.polyval([1.0, 1.0, -6, -2], bt) / np.polyval([1.0, -7.0, 12.0, 0.0], bt)), mask, vals) return mu, mu2, g1, g2
Example #28
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _lazyselect(condlist, choicelist, arrays, default=0): """ Mimic `, choicelist)`. Notice it assumes that all `arrays` are of the same shape, or can be broadcasted together. All functions in `choicelist` must accept array arguments in the order given in `arrays` and must return an array of the same shape as broadcasted `arrays`. Examples -------- >>> x = np.arange(6) >>>[x <3, x > 3], [x**2, x**3], default=0) array([ 0, 1, 4, 0, 64, 125]) >>> _lazyselect([x < 3, x > 3], [lambda x: x**2, lambda x: x**3], (x,)) array([ 0., 1., 4., 0., 64., 125.]) >>> a = -np.ones_like(x) >>> _lazyselect([x < 3, x > 3], ... [lambda x, a: x**2, lambda x, a: a * x**3], ... (x, a), default=np.nan) array([ 0., 1., 4., nan, -64., -125.]) """ arrays = np.broadcast_arrays(*arrays) tcode = np.mintypecode([a.dtype.char for a in arrays]) out = _valarray(np.shape(arrays[0]), value=default, typecode=tcode) for index in range(len(condlist)): func, cond = choicelist[index], condlist[index] if np.all(cond is False): continue cond, _ = np.broadcast_arrays(cond, arrays[0]) temp = tuple(np.extract(cond, arr) for arr in arrays), cond, func(*temp)) return out
Example #29
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _lazywhere(cond, arrays, f, fillvalue=None, f2=None): """ np.where(cond, x, fillvalue) always evaluates x even where cond is False. This one only evaluates f(arr1[cond], arr2[cond], ...). For example, >>> a, b = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]), np.array([5, 6, 7, 8]) >>> def f(a, b): return a*b >>> _lazywhere(a > 2, (a, b), f, np.nan) array([ nan, nan, 21., 32.]) Notice it assumes that all `arrays` are of the same shape, or can be broadcasted together. """ if fillvalue is None: if f2 is None: raise ValueError("One of (fillvalue, f2) must be given.") else: fillvalue = np.nan else: if f2 is not None: raise ValueError("Only one of (fillvalue, f2) can be given.") arrays = np.broadcast_arrays(*arrays) temp = tuple(np.extract(cond, arr) for arr in arrays) tcode = np.mintypecode([a.dtype.char for a in arrays]) out = _valarray(np.shape(arrays[0]), value=fillvalue, typecode=tcode), cond, f(*temp)) if f2 is not None: temp = tuple(np.extract(~cond, arr) for arr in arrays), ~cond, f2(*temp)) return out
Example #30
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def place(arr, mask, vals): """ Change elements of an array based on conditional and input values. Similar to ``np.copyto(arr, vals, where=mask)``, the difference is that `place` uses the first N elements of `vals`, where N is the number of True values in `mask`, while `copyto` uses the elements where `mask` is True. Note that `extract` does the exact opposite of `place`. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Array to put data into. mask : array_like Boolean mask array. Must have the same size as `a`. vals : 1-D sequence Values to put into `a`. Only the first N elements are used, where N is the number of True values in `mask`. If `vals` is smaller than N, it will be repeated, and if elements of `a` are to be masked, this sequence must be non-empty. See Also -------- copyto, put, take, extract Examples -------- >>> arr = np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3) >>>, arr>2, [44, 55]) >>> arr array([[ 0, 1, 2], [44, 55, 44]]) """ if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("argument 1 must be numpy.ndarray, " "not {name}".format(name=type(arr).__name__)) return _insert(arr, mask, vals)