Python numpy.complex_() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.complex_().
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Example #1
Source File: From scqubits with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _zeropi_operator_in_product_basis(self, zeropi_operator, zeropi_evecs=None): """Helper method that converts a zeropi operator into one in the product basis. Returns ------- scipy.sparse.csc_matrix operator written in the product basis """ zeropi_dim = self.zeropi_cutoff zeta_dim = self.zeta_cutoff if zeropi_evecs is None: _, zeropi_evecs = self._zeropi.eigensys(evals_count=zeropi_dim) op_eigen_basis = sparse.dia_matrix((zeropi_dim, zeropi_dim), dtype=np.complex_) # is this guaranteed to be zero? op_zeropi = spec_utils.get_matrixelement_table(zeropi_operator, zeropi_evecs) for n in range(zeropi_dim): for m in range(zeropi_dim): op_eigen_basis += op_zeropi[n, m] * op.hubbard_sparse(n, m, zeropi_dim) return sparse.kron(op_eigen_basis, sparse.identity(zeta_dim, format='csc', dtype=np.complex_), format='csc')
Example #2
Source File: From mpnum with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_operations_typesafety(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): # create a real MPA mpo1 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=np.float_) mpo2 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=np.complex_) assert mpo1.dtype == np.float_ assert mpo2.dtype == np.complex_ assert (mpo1 + mpo1).dtype == np.float_ assert (mpo1 + mpo2).dtype == np.complex_ assert (mpo2 + mpo1).dtype == np.complex_ assert mp.sumup((mpo1, mpo1)).dtype == np.float_ assert mp.sumup((mpo1, mpo2)).dtype == np.complex_ assert mp.sumup((mpo2, mpo1)).dtype == np.complex_ assert (mpo1 - mpo1).dtype == np.float_ assert (mpo1 - mpo2).dtype == np.complex_ assert (mpo2 - mpo1).dtype == np.complex_ mpo1 += mpo2 assert mpo1.dtype == np.complex_
Example #3
Source File: From mpnum with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _random_op(sites, ldim, hermitian=False, normalized=False, randstate=None, dtype=np.complex_): """Returns a random operator of shape (ldim,ldim) * sites with local dimension `ldim` living on `sites` sites in global form. :param sites: Number of local sites :param ldim: Local ldimension :param hermitian: Return only the hermitian part (default False) :param normalized: Normalize to Frobenius norm=1 (default False) :param randstate: numpy.random.RandomState instance or None :returns: numpy.ndarray of shape (ldim,ldim) * sites >>> A = _random_op(3, 2); A.shape (2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2) """ op = _randfuncs[dtype]((ldim**sites,) * 2, randstate=randstate) if hermitian: op += np.transpose(op).conj() if normalized: op /= np.linalg.norm(op) return op.reshape((ldim,) * 2 * sites)
Example #4
Source File: From mpnum with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_inject_many(local_dim, rank, rgen): """Calling mp.inject() repeatedly vs. calling it with sequence arguments""" mpa = factory.random_mpa(3, local_dim, rank, rgen, normalized=True, dtype=np.complex_) inj_lt = [factory._zrandn(s, rgen) for s in [(2, 3), (1,), (2, 2), (3, 2)]] mpa_inj1 = mp.inject(mpa, 1, None, [inj_lt[0]]) mpa_inj1 = mp.inject(mpa_inj1, 2, 1, inj_lt[0]) mpa_inj1 = mp.inject(mpa_inj1, 4, None, [inj_lt[2]]) mpa_inj2 = mp.inject(mpa, [1, 2], [2, None], [inj_lt[0], [inj_lt[2]]]) mpa_inj3 = mp.inject(mpa, [1, 2], [2, 1], [inj_lt[0], inj_lt[2]]) assert_mpa_almost_equal(mpa_inj1, mpa_inj2, True) assert_mpa_almost_equal(mpa_inj1, mpa_inj3, True) inj_lt = [inj_lt[:2], inj_lt[2:]] mpa_inj1 = mp.inject(mpa, 1, None, inj_lt[0]) mpa_inj1 = mp.inject(mpa_inj1, 4, inject_ten=inj_lt[1]) mpa_inj2 = mp.inject(mpa, [1, 2], None, inj_lt) assert_mpa_almost_equal(mpa_inj1, mpa_inj2, True)
Example #5
Source File: From mpnum with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_inject_vs_chain(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): """Compare mp.inject() with mp.chain()""" if nr_sites == 1: return mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites // 2, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype=np.complex_, normalized=True) pten = [factory._zrandn((local_dim,) * 2) for _ in range(nr_sites // 2)] pten_mpa = mp.MPArray.from_kron(pten) outer1 = mp.chain((pten_mpa, mpa)) outer2 = mp.inject(mpa, 0, inject_ten=pten) assert_mpa_almost_equal(outer1, outer2, True) outer1 = mp.chain((mpa, pten_mpa)) outer2 = mp.inject(mpa, [len(mpa)], [None], inject_ten=[pten]) assert_mpa_almost_equal(outer1, outer2, True)
Example #6
Source File: From mpnum with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_mult_mpo_scalar_normalization(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): if nr_sites < 2: # Re-normalization has no effect for nr_sites == 1. There is # nothing more to test than :func:`test_mult_mpo_scalar`. return mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, dtype=np.complex_, randstate=rgen) op = mpo.to_array_global() scalar = rgen.randn() + 1.j * rgen.randn() center = nr_sites // 2 mpo.canonicalize(left=center - 1, right=center) mpo_times_two = scalar * mpo assert_array_almost_equal(scalar * op, mpo_times_two.to_array_global()) assert_correct_normalization(mpo_times_two, center - 1, center) mpo *= scalar assert_array_almost_equal(scalar * op, mpo.to_array_global()) assert_correct_normalization(mpo, center - 1, center)
Example #7
Source File: From mpnum with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _random_vec(sites, ldim, randstate=None, dtype=np.complex_): """Returns a random complex vector (normalized to ||x||_2 = 1) of shape (ldim,) * sites, i.e. a pure state with local dimension `ldim` living on `sites` sites. :param sites: Number of local sites :param ldim: Local ldimension :param randstate: numpy.random.RandomState instance or None :returns: numpy.ndarray of shape (ldim,) * sites >>> psi = _random_vec(5, 2); psi.shape (2, 2, 2, 2, 2) >>> np.abs(np.vdot(psi, psi) - 1) < 1e-6 True """ shape = (ldim, ) * sites psi = _randfuncs[dtype](shape, randstate=randstate) psi /= np.linalg.norm(psi) return psi
Example #8
Source File: From mpnum with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _standard_normal(shape, randstate=np.random, dtype=np.float_): """Generates a standard normal numpy array of given shape and dtype, i.e. this function is equivalent to `randstate.randn(*shape)` for real dtype and `randstate.randn(*shape) + 1.j * randstate.randn(shape)` for complex dtype. :param tuple shape: Shape of array to be returned :param randstate: An instance of :class:`numpy.random.RandomState` (default is ``np.random``)) :param dtype: ``np.float_`` (default) or `np.complex_` Returns ------- A: An array of given shape and dtype with standard normal entries """ if dtype == np.float_: return randstate.randn(*shape) elif dtype == np.complex_: return randstate.randn(*shape) + 1.j * randstate.randn(*shape) else: raise ValueError('{} is not a valid dtype.'.format(dtype))
Example #9
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_against_cmath(self): import cmath points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j] name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan', 'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'} atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps for func in self.funcs: fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1] cname = name_map.get(fname, fname) try: cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname) except AttributeError: continue for p in points: a = complex(func(np.complex_(p))) b = cfunc(p) assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
Example #10
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_against_cmath(self): import cmath points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j] name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan', 'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'} atol = 4*np.finfo(complex).eps for func in self.funcs: fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1] cname = name_map.get(fname, fname) try: cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname) except AttributeError: continue for p in points: a = complex(func(np.complex_(p))) b = cfunc(p) assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b))
Example #11
Source File: From scqubits with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, EJ1, EJ2, EJ3, ECJ1, ECJ2, ECJ3, ECg1, ECg2, ng1, ng2, flux, ncut, truncated_dim=None): self.EJ1 = EJ1 self.EJ2 = EJ2 self.EJ3 = EJ3 self.ECJ1 = ECJ1 self.ECJ2 = ECJ2 self.ECJ3 = ECJ3 self.ECg1 = ECg1 self.ECg2 = ECg2 self.ng1 = ng1 self.ng2 = ng2 self.flux = flux self.ncut = ncut self.truncated_dim = truncated_dim self._sys_type = type(self).__name__ self._evec_dtype = np.complex_ self._default_grid = discretization.Grid1d(-np.pi / 2, 3 * np.pi / 2, 100) # for plotting in phi_j basis self._image_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'qubit_pngs/fluxqubit.png')
Example #12
Source File: From mpnum with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_mppovm_pmf_as_array_pmps( nr_sites, local_dim, rank, startsite, width, rgen): if hasattr(local_dim, '__len__'): pdims = [d for d, _ in local_dim] mppaulis = mp.chain( povm.MPPovm.from_local_povm(povm.pauli_povm(d), 1) for d in pdims[startsite:startsite + width] ) else: pdims = local_dim local_dim = (local_dim, local_dim) mppaulis = povm.MPPovm.from_local_povm(povm.pauli_povm(pdims), width) mppaulis = mppaulis.embed(nr_sites, startsite, pdims) pmps = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, dtype=np.complex_, randstate=rgen, normalized=True) rho = mpsmpo.pmps_to_mpo(pmps) expect_rho = mppaulis.pmf_as_array(rho, 'mpdo') for impl in ['default', 'pmps-ltr', 'pmps-symm']: expect_pmps = mppaulis.pmf_as_array(pmps, 'pmps', impl=impl) assert_array_almost_equal(expect_rho, expect_pmps, err_msg=impl)
Example #13
Source File: From scqubits with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def sparse_kinetic_mat(self): """ Kinetic energy portion of the Hamiltonian. TODO: update this method to use single-variable operator methods Returns ------- scipy.sparse.csc_matrix matrix representing the kinetic energy operator """ pt_count = self.grid.pt_count dim_theta = 2 * self.ncut + 1 identity_phi = sparse.identity(pt_count, format='csc', dtype=np.complex_) identity_theta = sparse.identity(dim_theta, format='csc', dtype=np.complex_) kinetic_matrix_phi = self.grid.second_derivative_matrix(prefactor=-2.0 * self.ECJ) diag_elements = 2.0 * self.ECS * np.square(np.arange(-self.ncut +, self.ncut + 1 + kinetic_matrix_theta = sparse.dia_matrix((diag_elements, [0]), shape=(dim_theta, dim_theta)).tocsc() kinetic_matrix = (sparse.kron(kinetic_matrix_phi, identity_theta, format='csc') + sparse.kron(identity_phi, kinetic_matrix_theta, format='csc')) kinetic_matrix -= 2.0 * self.ECS * self.dCJ * self.i_d_dphi_operator() * self.n_theta_operator() return kinetic_matrix
Example #14
Source File: From scqubits with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def convert_esys_to_ndarray(esys_qutip): """Takes a qutip eigenstates array, as obtained with .eigenstates(), and converts it into a pure numpy array. Parameters ---------- esys_qutip: ndarray of qutip.Qobj as obtained from qutip `.eigenstates()` Returns ------- ndarray converted eigenstate data """ evals_count = len(esys_qutip) dimension = esys_qutip[0].shape[0] esys_ndarray = np.empty((evals_count, dimension), dtype=np.complex_) for index, eigenstate in enumerate(esys_qutip): esys_ndarray[index] = eigenstate.full()[:, 0] return esys_ndarray
Example #15
Source File: From chainer with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_numpy_scalar(self): dtype = self.dtype if dtype is numpy.bool_: x = dtype(True) elif issubclass(dtype, numpy.complex_): x = dtype(3.2 - 2.4j) elif issubclass(dtype, numpy.integer): x = dtype(3) elif issubclass(dtype, numpy.floating): x = dtype(3.2) else: assert False y = cuda.to_gpu(x) assert isinstance(y, cuda.ndarray) assert y.shape == () assert y.dtype == dtype assert y == x
Example #16
Source File: From chainer with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_numpy_scalar(self): dtype = self.dtype if dtype is numpy.bool_: x = dtype(True) elif issubclass(dtype, numpy.complex_): x = dtype(3.2 - 2.4j) elif issubclass(dtype, numpy.integer): x = dtype(3) elif issubclass(dtype, numpy.floating): x = dtype(3.2) else: assert False y = cuda.to_cpu(x) assert isinstance(y, numpy.ndarray) assert y.shape == () assert y.dtype == dtype assert y == x
Example #17
Source File: From airflow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _default(obj): """ Convert dates and numpy objects in a json serializable format. """ if isinstance(obj, datetime): return obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') elif isinstance(obj, date): return obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') elif isinstance(obj, (np.int_, np.intc, np.intp, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64)): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.bool_): return bool(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (np.float_, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, np.complex_, np.complex64, np.complex128)): return float(obj) raise TypeError(f"Object of type '{obj.__class__.__name__}' is not JSON serializable")
Example #18
Source File: From qiskit-aer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_const_matrix_from_channel(channel, symbols): """ Extract the numeric constant matrix. Args: channel (matrix): a 4x4 symbolic matrix. symbols (list): The full list [x1, ..., xn] of symbols used in the matrix. Returns: matrix: a 4x4 numeric matrix. Additional Information: Each entry of the 4x4 symbolic input channel matrix is assumed to be a polynomial of the form a1x1 + ... + anxn + c. The corresponding entry in the output numeric matrix is c. """ from sympy import Poly n = channel.rows M = numpy.zeros((n, n), dtype=numpy.complex_) for (i, j) in itertools.product(range(n), range(n)): M[i, j] = numpy.complex( Poly(channel[i, j], symbols).coeff_monomial(1)) return M
Example #19
Source File: From qiskit-aer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_matrix_from_channel(channel, symbol): """ Extract the numeric parameter matrix. Args: channel (matrix): a 4x4 symbolic matrix. symbol (list): a symbol xi Returns: matrix: a 4x4 numeric matrix. Additional Information: Each entry of the 4x4 symbolic input channel matrix is assumed to be a polynomial of the form a1x1 + ... + anxn + c. The corresponding entry in the output numeric matrix is ai. """ from sympy import Poly n = channel.rows M = numpy.zeros((n, n), dtype=numpy.complex_) for (i, j) in itertools.product(range(n), range(n)): M[i, j] = numpy.complex( Poly(channel[i, j], symbol).coeff_monomial(symbol)) return M
Example #20
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_against_cmath(self): import cmath, sys points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j] name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan', 'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'} atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps for func in self.funcs: fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1] cname = name_map.get(fname, fname) try: cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname) except AttributeError: continue for p in points: a = complex(func(np.complex_(p))) b = cfunc(p) assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s"%(fname, p, a, b))
Example #21
Source File: From scqubits with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def wavefunction(self, esys, which=0, phi_grid=None): """Returns a fluxonium wave function in `phi` basis Parameters ---------- esys: ndarray, ndarray eigenvalues, eigenvectors which: int, optional index of desired wave function (default value = 0) phi_grid: Grid1d, optional used for setting a custom grid for phi; if None use self._default_grid Returns ------- WaveFunction object """ if esys is None: evals_count = max(which + 1, 3) evals, evecs = self.eigensys(evals_count) else: evals, evecs = esys dim = self.hilbertdim() phi_grid = phi_grid or self._default_grid phi_basis_labels = phi_grid.make_linspace() wavefunc_osc_basis_amplitudes = evecs[:, which] phi_wavefunc_amplitudes = np.zeros(phi_grid.pt_count, dtype=np.complex_) phi_osc = self.phi_osc() for n in range(dim): phi_wavefunc_amplitudes += wavefunc_osc_basis_amplitudes[n] * osc.harm_osc_wavefunction(n, phi_basis_labels, phi_osc) return storage.WaveFunction(basis_labels=phi_basis_labels, amplitudes=phi_wavefunc_amplitudes, energy=evals[which])
Example #22
Source File: From scqubits with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def wavefunction(self, esys=None, which=0, phi_grid=None): """Return the transmon wave function in phase basis. The specific index of the wavefunction is `which`. `esys` can be provided, but if set to `None` then it is calculated on the fly. Parameters ---------- esys: tuple(ndarray, ndarray), optional if None, the eigensystem is calculated on the fly; otherwise, the provided eigenvalue, eigenvector arrays as obtained from `.eigensystem()` are used which: int, optional eigenfunction index (default value = 0) phi_grid: Grid1d, optional used for setting a custom grid for phi; if None use self._default_grid Returns ------- WaveFunction object """ if esys is None: evals_count = max(which + 1, 3) esys = self.eigensys(evals_count) evals, _ = esys n_wavefunc = self.numberbasis_wavefunction(esys, which=which) phi_grid = phi_grid or self._default_grid phi_basis_labels = phi_grid.make_linspace() phi_wavefunc_amplitudes = np.empty(phi_grid.pt_count, dtype=np.complex_) for k in range(phi_grid.pt_count): phi_wavefunc_amplitudes[k] = ((1j**which / math.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * np.sum(n_wavefunc.amplitudes * np.exp(1j * phi_basis_labels[k] * n_wavefunc.basis_labels))) return storage.WaveFunction(basis_labels=phi_basis_labels, amplitudes=phi_wavefunc_amplitudes, energy=evals[which]) # — Flux-tunable Cooper pair box / transmon———————————————————————————————————————————
Example #23
Source File: From mpnum with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def random_mpo(sites, ldim, rank, randstate=None, hermitian=False, normalized=True, force_rank=False): """Returns an hermitian MPO with randomly choosen local tensors :param sites: Number of sites :param ldim: Local dimension :param rank: Rank :param randstate: numpy.random.RandomState instance or None :param hermitian: Is the operator supposed to be hermitian :param normalized: Operator should have unit norm :param force_rank: If True, the rank is exaclty `rank`. Otherwise, it might be reduced if we reach the maximum sensible rank. :returns: randomly choosen matrix product operator >>> mpo = random_mpo(4, 2, 10, force_rank=True) >>> mpo.ranks, mpo.shape ((10, 10, 10), ((2, 2), (2, 2), (2, 2), (2, 2))) >>> mpo.canonical_form (0, 4) """ mpo = random_mpa(sites, (ldim,) * 2, rank, randstate=randstate, force_rank=force_rank, dtype=np.complex_) if hermitian: # make mpa Herimitan in place, without increasing rank: ltens = (l + l.swapaxes(1, 2).conj() for l in mpo = mp.MPArray(ltens) if normalized: # we do this with a copy to ensure the returned state is not # normalized mpo /= mp.norm(mpo.copy()) return mpo
Example #24
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_return_dtype(self): assert_equal(select(self.conditions, self.choices, 1j).dtype, np.complex_) # But the conditions need to be stronger then the scalar default # if it is scalar. choices = [choice.astype(np.int8) for choice in self.choices] assert_equal(select(self.conditions, choices).dtype, np.int8) d = np.array([1, 2, 3, np.nan, 5, 7]) m = np.isnan(d) assert_equal(select([m], [d]), [0, 0, 0, np.nan, 0, 0])
Example #25
Source File: From scqubits with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _n_operator(self): diag_elements = np.arange(-self.ncut, self.ncut + 1, dtype=np.complex_) return np.diag(diag_elements)
Example #26
Source File: From scqubits with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _phi_operator(self): r""" Operator :math:`\varphi`, acting only on the `\varphi` Hilbert subspace. Returns ------- scipy.sparse.csc_matrix """ pt_count = self.grid.pt_count phi_matrix = sparse.dia_matrix((pt_count, pt_count), dtype=np.complex_) diag_elements = self.grid.make_linspace() phi_matrix.setdiag(diag_elements) return phi_matrix
Example #27
Source File: From afnumpy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def __new__(cls, x=0): if isinstance(x, afnumpy.ndarray): return x.astype(cls) elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number): return numpy.complex_(x) else: return afnumpy.array(x).astype(cls)
Example #28
Source File: From mpnum with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_mppovm_expectation_pmps(nr_sites, width, local_dim, rank, rgen): paulis = povm.pauli_povm(local_dim) mppaulis = povm.MPPovm.from_local_povm(paulis, width) pmps = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, dtype=np.complex_, randstate=rgen) rho = mpsmpo.pmps_to_mpo(pmps) expect_psi = list(mppaulis.expectations(pmps, mode='pmps')) expect_rho = list(mppaulis.expectations(rho)) assert len(expect_psi) == len(expect_rho) for e_rho, e_psi in zip(expect_rho, expect_psi): assert_array_almost_equal(e_rho.to_array(), e_psi.to_array())
Example #29
Source File: From mpnum with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_div_mpo_scalar(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, dtype=np.complex_, randstate=rgen) # FIXME Change behavior of to_array # For nr_sites == 1, changing `mpo` below will change `op` as # well, unless we call .copy(). op = mpo.to_array_global().copy() scalar = rgen.randn() + 1.j * rgen.randn() assert_array_almost_equal(op / scalar, (mpo / scalar).to_array_global()) mpo /= scalar assert_array_almost_equal(op / scalar, mpo.to_array_global())
Example #30
Source File: From mpnum with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_mppovm_embed_expectation( nr_sites, local_dim, rank, startsite, width, rgen): if hasattr(local_dim, '__iter__'): local_dim2 = local_dim else: local_dim2 = [local_dim] * nr_sites local_dim2 = list(zip(local_dim2, local_dim2)) # Create a local POVM `red_povm`, embed it onto a larger chain # (`full_povm`), and go back to the reduced POVM. red_povm = mp.chain( mp.povm.MPPovm.from_local_povm(mp.povm.pauli_povm(d), 1) for d, _ in local_dim2[startsite:startsite + width] ) full_povm = red_povm.embed(nr_sites, startsite, local_dim) axes = [(1, 2) if i < startsite or i >= startsite + width else None for i in range(nr_sites)] red_povm2 = mp.partialtrace(full_povm, axes, mp.MPArray) red_povm2 = mp.prune(red_povm2, singletons=True) red_povm2 /=[d for i, (d, _) in enumerate(local_dim2) if i < startsite or i >= startsite + width]) assert_almost_equal(mp.normdist(red_povm, red_povm2), 0.0) # Test with an arbitrary random MPO instead of an MPDO mpo = mp.factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim2, rank, rgen, dtype=np.complex_, normalized=True) mpo_red = next(mp.reductions_mpo(mpo, width, startsites=[startsite])) ept = mp.prune(full_povm.pmf(mpo, 'mpdo'), singletons=True).to_array() ept_red = red_povm.pmf(mpo_red, 'mpdo').to_array() assert_array_almost_equal(ept, ept_red)