Python numpy.spacing() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of numpy.spacing(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module numpy , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_spacing_nextafter(self):
        """Test np.spacing and np.nextafter"""
        # All non-negative finite #'s
        a = np.arange(0x7c00, dtype=uint16)
        hinf = np.array((np.inf,), dtype=float16)
        a_f16 = a.view(dtype=float16)

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[:-1]), a_f16[1:]-a_f16[:-1])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], hinf), a_f16[1:])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], -hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], -hinf), a_f16[:-1])

        # switch to negatives
        a |= 0x8000

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[0]), np.spacing(a_f16[1]))
        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[1:]), a_f16[:-1]-a_f16[1:])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], hinf), a_f16[:-1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], -hinf), a_f16[1:]) 
Example #2
Source File:    From dgl with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def laplacian(W, normalized=True):
    """Return graph Laplacian"""

    # Degree matrix.
    d = W.sum(axis=0)

    # Laplacian matrix.
    if not normalized:
        D = scipy.sparse.diags(d.A.squeeze(), 0)
        L = D - W
        d += np.spacing(np.array(0, W.dtype))
        d = 1 / np.sqrt(d)
        D = scipy.sparse.diags(d.A.squeeze(), 0)
        I = scipy.sparse.identity(d.size, dtype=W.dtype)
        L = I - D * W * D

    assert np.abs(L - L.T).mean() < 1e-9
    assert type(L) is scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix
    return L 
Example #3
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_spacing_nextafter(self):
        """Test np.spacing and np.nextafter"""
        # All non-negative finite #'s
        a = np.arange(0x7c00, dtype=uint16)
        hinf = np.array((np.inf,), dtype=float16)
        a_f16 = a.view(dtype=float16)

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[:-1]), a_f16[1:]-a_f16[:-1])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], hinf), a_f16[1:])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], -hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], -hinf), a_f16[:-1])

        # switch to negatives
        a |= 0x8000

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[0]), np.spacing(a_f16[1]))
        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[1:]), a_f16[:-1]-a_f16[1:])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], hinf), a_f16[:-1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], -hinf), a_f16[1:]) 
Example #4
Source File:    From SegmenTron with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def intersectionAndUnion(imPred, imLab, numClass):
    This function takes the prediction and label of a single image,
    returns intersection and union areas for each class
    To compute over many images do:
    for i in range(Nimages):
        (area_intersection[:,i], area_union[:,i]) = intersectionAndUnion(imPred[i], imLab[i])
    IoU = 1.0 * np.sum(area_intersection, axis=1) / np.sum(np.spacing(1)+area_union, axis=1)
    # Remove classes from unlabeled pixels in gt image.
    # We should not penalize detections in unlabeled portions of the image.
    imPred = imPred * (imLab >= 0)

    # Compute area intersection:
    intersection = imPred * (imPred == imLab)
    (area_intersection, _) = np.histogram(intersection, bins=numClass, range=(1, numClass))

    # Compute area union:
    (area_pred, _) = np.histogram(imPred, bins=numClass, range=(1, numClass))
    (area_lab, _) = np.histogram(imLab, bins=numClass, range=(1, numClass))
    area_union = area_pred + area_lab - area_intersection
    return (area_intersection, area_union) 
Example #5
Source File:    From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_spacing_nextafter(self):
        """Test np.spacing and np.nextafter"""
        # All non-negative finite #'s
        a = np.arange(0x7c00, dtype=uint16)
        hinf = np.array((np.inf,), dtype=float16)
        a_f16 = a.view(dtype=float16)

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[:-1]), a_f16[1:]-a_f16[:-1])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], hinf), a_f16[1:])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], -hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], -hinf), a_f16[:-1])

        # switch to negatives
        a |= 0x8000

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[0]), np.spacing(a_f16[1]))
        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[1:]), a_f16[:-1]-a_f16[1:])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], hinf), a_f16[:-1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], -hinf), a_f16[1:]) 
Example #6
Source File:    From gluon-cv with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def intersectionAndUnion(imPred, imLab, numClass):
    This function takes the prediction and label of a single image,
    returns intersection and union areas for each class
    To compute over many images do:
    for i in range(Nimages):
        (area_intersection[:,i], area_union[:,i]) = intersectionAndUnion(imPred[i], imLab[i])
    IoU = 1.0 * np.sum(area_intersection, axis=1) / np.sum(np.spacing(1)+area_union, axis=1)
    # Remove classes from unlabeled pixels in gt image.
    # We should not penalize detections in unlabeled portions of the image.
    imPred = imPred * (imLab > 0)

    # Compute area intersection:
    intersection = imPred * (imPred == imLab)
    (area_intersection, _) = np.histogram(intersection, bins=numClass, range=(1, numClass))

    # Compute area union:
    (area_pred, _) = np.histogram(imPred, bins=numClass, range=(1, numClass))
    (area_lab, _) = np.histogram(imLab, bins=numClass, range=(1, numClass))
    area_union = area_pred + area_lab - area_intersection
    return (area_intersection, area_union) 
Example #7
Source File:    From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _yeo_johnson_inverse_transform(self, x, lmbda):
        """Return inverse-transformed input x following Yeo-Johnson inverse
        transform with parameter lambda.
        x_inv = np.zeros_like(x)
        pos = x >= 0

        # when x >= 0
        if abs(lmbda) < np.spacing(1.):
            x_inv[pos] = np.exp(x[pos]) - 1
        else:  # lmbda != 0
            x_inv[pos] = np.power(x[pos] * lmbda + 1, 1 / lmbda) - 1

        # when x < 0
        if abs(lmbda - 2) > np.spacing(1.):
            x_inv[~pos] = 1 - np.power(-(2 - lmbda) * x[~pos] + 1,
                                       1 / (2 - lmbda))
        else:  # lmbda == 2
            x_inv[~pos] = 1 - np.exp(-x[~pos])

        return x_inv 
Example #8
Source File:    From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _yeo_johnson_transform(self, x, lmbda):
        """Return transformed input x following Yeo-Johnson transform with
        parameter lambda.

        out = np.zeros_like(x)
        pos = x >= 0  # binary mask

        # when x >= 0
        if abs(lmbda) < np.spacing(1.):
            out[pos] = np.log1p(x[pos])
        else:  # lmbda != 0
            out[pos] = (np.power(x[pos] + 1, lmbda) - 1) / lmbda

        # when x < 0
        if abs(lmbda - 2) > np.spacing(1.):
            out[~pos] = -(np.power(-x[~pos] + 1, 2 - lmbda) - 1) / (2 - lmbda)
        else:  # lmbda == 2
            out[~pos] = -np.log1p(-x[~pos])

        return out 
Example #9
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_spacing_nextafter(self):
        """Test np.spacing and np.nextafter"""
        # All non-negative finite #'s
        a = np.arange(0x7c00, dtype=uint16)
        hinf = np.array((np.inf,), dtype=float16)
        a_f16 = a.view(dtype=float16)

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[:-1]), a_f16[1:]-a_f16[:-1])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], hinf), a_f16[1:])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], -hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], -hinf), a_f16[:-1])

        # switch to negatives
        a |= 0x8000

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[0]), np.spacing(a_f16[1]))
        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[1:]), a_f16[:-1]-a_f16[1:])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], hinf), a_f16[:-1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], -hinf), a_f16[1:]) 
Example #10
Source File:    From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_spacing_nextafter(self):
        """Test np.spacing and np.nextafter"""
        # All non-negative finite #'s
        a = np.arange(0x7c00, dtype=uint16)
        hinf = np.array((np.inf,), dtype=float16)
        a_f16 = a.view(dtype=float16)

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[:-1]), a_f16[1:]-a_f16[:-1])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], hinf), a_f16[1:])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], -hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], -hinf), a_f16[:-1])

        # switch to negatives
        a |= 0x8000

        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[0]), np.spacing(a_f16[1]))
        assert_equal(np.spacing(a_f16[1:]), a_f16[:-1]-a_f16[1:])

        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[0], hinf), -a_f16[1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[1:], hinf), a_f16[:-1])
        assert_equal(np.nextafter(a_f16[:-1], -hinf), a_f16[1:]) 
Example #11
Source File:    From awesome-semantic-segmentation-pytorch with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def intersectionAndUnion(imPred, imLab, numClass):
    This function takes the prediction and label of a single image,
    returns intersection and union areas for each class
    To compute over many images do:
    for i in range(Nimages):
        (area_intersection[:,i], area_union[:,i]) = intersectionAndUnion(imPred[i], imLab[i])
    IoU = 1.0 * np.sum(area_intersection, axis=1) / np.sum(np.spacing(1)+area_union, axis=1)
    # Remove classes from unlabeled pixels in gt image.
    # We should not penalize detections in unlabeled portions of the image.
    imPred = imPred * (imLab >= 0)

    # Compute area intersection:
    intersection = imPred * (imPred == imLab)
    (area_intersection, _) = np.histogram(intersection, bins=numClass, range=(1, numClass))

    # Compute area union:
    (area_pred, _) = np.histogram(imPred, bins=numClass, range=(1, numClass))
    (area_lab, _) = np.histogram(imLab, bins=numClass, range=(1, numClass))
    area_union = area_pred + area_lab - area_intersection
    return (area_intersection, area_union) 
Example #12
Source File:    From KL-Loss with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_oks(src_keypoints, src_roi, dst_keypoints, dst_roi):
    """Compute OKS for predicted keypoints wrt gt_keypoints.
    src_keypoints: 4xK
    src_roi: 4x1
    dst_keypoints: Nx4xK
    dst_roi: Nx4

    sigmas = np.array([
        .26, .25, .25, .35, .35, .79, .79, .72, .72, .62, .62, 1.07, 1.07, .87,
        .87, .89, .89]) / 10.0
    vars = (sigmas * 2)**2

    # area
    src_area = (src_roi[2] - src_roi[0] + 1) * (src_roi[3] - src_roi[1] + 1)

    # measure the per-keypoint distance if keypoints visible
    dx = dst_keypoints[:, 0, :] - src_keypoints[0, :]
    dy = dst_keypoints[:, 1, :] - src_keypoints[1, :]

    e = (dx**2 + dy**2) / vars / (src_area + np.spacing(1)) / 2
    e = np.sum(np.exp(-e), axis=1) / e.shape[1]

    return e 
Example #13
Source File:    From PoseWarper with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def oks_iou(g, d, a_g, a_d, sigmas=None, in_vis_thre=None):
    if not isinstance(sigmas, np.ndarray):
        sigmas = np.array([.26, .25, .25, .35, .35, .79, .79, .72, .72, .62, .62, 1.07, 1.07, .87, .87, .89, .89]) / 10.0
    vars = (sigmas * 2) ** 2
    xg = g[0::3]
    yg = g[1::3]
    vg = g[2::3]
    ious = np.zeros((d.shape[0]))
    for n_d in range(0, d.shape[0]):
        xd = d[n_d, 0::3]
        yd = d[n_d, 1::3]
        vd = d[n_d, 2::3]
        dx = xd - xg
        dy = yd - yg
        e = (dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) / vars / ((a_g + a_d[n_d]) / 2 + np.spacing(1)) / 2
        if in_vis_thre is not None:
            ind = list(vg > in_vis_thre) and list(vd > in_vis_thre)
            e = e[ind]
        ious[n_d] = np.sum(np.exp(-e)) / e.shape[0] if e.shape[0] != 0 else 0.0
    return ious 
Example #14
Source File:    From Detectron.pytorch with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_oks(src_keypoints, src_roi, dst_keypoints, dst_roi):
    """Compute OKS for predicted keypoints wrt gt_keypoints.
    src_keypoints: 4xK
    src_roi: 4x1
    dst_keypoints: Nx4xK
    dst_roi: Nx4

    sigmas = np.array([
        .26, .25, .25, .35, .35, .79, .79, .72, .72, .62, .62, 1.07, 1.07, .87,
        .87, .89, .89]) / 10.0
    vars = (sigmas * 2)**2

    # area
    src_area = (src_roi[2] - src_roi[0] + 1) * (src_roi[3] - src_roi[1] + 1)

    # measure the per-keypoint distance if keypoints visible
    dx = dst_keypoints[:, 0, :] - src_keypoints[0, :]
    dy = dst_keypoints[:, 1, :] - src_keypoints[1, :]

    e = (dx**2 + dy**2) / vars / (src_area + np.spacing(1)) / 2
    e = np.sum(np.exp(-e), axis=1) / e.shape[1]

    return e 
Example #15
Source File:    From Semantic-Aware-Scene-Recognition with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def semanticIoU(pred, label):
    Computes the mean Intersection over Union for all the classes between two mini-batch tensors of semantic
    :param pred: Tensor of predictions
    :param label: Tensor of ground-truth
    :return: Mean semantic intersection over Union for all the classes
    imPred = np.asarray(torch.squeeze(pred))
    imLab = np.asarray(torch.squeeze(label))

    area_intersection = []
    area_union = []

    for i in range(imLab.shape[0]):
        intersection, union = intersectionAndUnion(imPred[i], imLab[i])

    IoU = 1.0 * np.sum(area_intersection, axis=0) / np.sum(np.spacing(1)+area_union, axis=0)

    return np.mean(IoU) 
Example #16
Source File:    From Semantic-Aware-Scene-Recognition with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def MeanPixelAccuracy(pred, label):
    Function to compute the mean pixel accuracy for semantic segmentation between mini-batch tensors
    :param pred: Tensor of predictions
    :param label: Tensor of ground-truth
    :return: Mean pixel accuracy for all the mini-bath
    # Convert tensors to numpy arrays
    imPred = np.asarray(torch.squeeze(pred))
    imLab = np.asarray(torch.squeeze(label))

    # Create empty numpy arrays
    pixel_accuracy = np.empty(imLab.shape[0])
    pixel_correct = np.empty(imLab.shape[0])
    pixel_labeled = np.empty(imLab.shape[0])

    # Compute pixel accuracy for each pair of images in the batch
    for i in range(imLab.shape[0]):
        pixel_accuracy[i], pixel_correct[i], pixel_labeled[i] = pixelAccuracy(imPred[i], imLab[i])

    # Compute the final accuracy for the batch
    acc = 100.0 * np.sum(pixel_correct) / (np.spacing(1) + np.sum(pixel_labeled))

    return acc 
Example #17
Source File:    From Dispersion-based-Clustering with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def validate_cov_matrix(M):
    M = (M + M.T) * 0.5
    k = 0
    I = np.eye(M.shape[0])
    while True:
            _ = np.linalg.cholesky(M)
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
            # Find the nearest positive definite matrix for M. Modified from
            # Might take several minutes
            k += 1
            w, v = np.linalg.eig(M)
            min_eig = v.min()
            M += (-min_eig * k * k + np.spacing(min_eig)) * I
    return M 
Example #18
Source File:    From gconvRNN with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def laplacian(W, normalized=True):
    """Return the Laplacian of the weigth matrix."""

    # Degree matrix.
    d = W.sum(axis=0)

    # Laplacian matrix.
    if not normalized:
        D = scipy.sparse.diags(d.A.squeeze(), 0)
        L = D - W
        d += np.spacing(np.array(0, W.dtype))
        d = 1 / np.sqrt(d)
        D = scipy.sparse.diags(d.A.squeeze(), 0)
        I = scipy.sparse.identity(d.size, dtype=W.dtype)
        L = I - D * W * D

    # assert np.abs(L - L.T).mean() < 1e-9
    assert type(L) is scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix
    return L 
Example #19
Source File:    From harold with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __rtruediv__(self, other):
        """ Support for division .../G

        if not np.equal(*self._shape):
            raise ValueError('Nonsquare systems cannot be inverted')

        a, b, c, d = self._a, self._b, self._c, self._d

        if np.any(svdvals(d) < np.spacing(1.)):
            raise LinAlgError('The feedthrough term of the system is not'
                              ' invertible.')
            # A-BD^{-1}C | BD^{-1}
            # -----------|--------
            # -D^{-1}C   | D^{-1}
            if self._isgain:
                ai, bi, ci = None, None, None
                ai = a - b @ solve(d, c)
                bi = (solve(d.T, b.T)).T
                ci = -solve(d, c)
            di = inv(d)

            return other @ State(ai, bi, ci, di, dt=self._dt) 
Example #20
Source File:    From PyTorch-Encoding with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_pixacc_miou(total_correct, total_label, total_inter, total_union):
    pixAcc = 1.0 * total_correct / (np.spacing(1) + total_label)
    IoU = 1.0 * total_inter / (np.spacing(1) + total_union)
    mIoU = IoU.mean()
    return pixAcc, mIoU 
Example #21
Source File:    From TreeFilter-Torch with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def mean_pixel_accuracy(pixel_correct, pixel_labeled):
    mean_pixel_accuracy = 1.0 * np.sum(pixel_correct) / (
            np.spacing(1) + np.sum(pixel_labeled))

    return mean_pixel_accuracy 
Example #22
Source File:    From pyKriging with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def updatePsi(self):
        self.PsicXc = np.zeros((,, dtype=np.float)
        self.PsicXe = np.zeros((,, dtype=np.float)
        self.PsicXcXe = np.zeros((,, dtype=np.float)
        # print self.thetac
        # print self.pc
        # print self.distanceXc
        newPsicXc = np.exp(-np.sum(self.thetac*np.power(self.distanceXc,self.pc), axis=2))
        self.PsicXc = np.triu(newPsicXc,1)
        self.PsicXc = self.PsicXc + self.PsicXc.T + np.mat(eye(,np.spacing(1))
        self.UPsicXc = np.linalg.cholesky(self.PsicXc)
        self.UPsicXc = self.UPsicXc.T

        newPsicXe = np.exp(-np.sum(self.thetac*np.power(self.distanceXe,self.pc), axis=2))
        self.PsicXe = np.triu(newPsicXe,1)
        self.PsiXe = self.PsicXe + self.PsicXe.T + np.mat(eye(,np.spacing(1))
        self.UPsicXe = np.linalg.cholesky(self.PsicXe)
        self.UPsicXe = self.UPsicXe.T

        newPsiXeXc = np.exp(-np.sum(self.thetad*np.power(self.distanceXcXe,self.pd), axis=2))
        self.PsicXcXe = np.triu(newPsiXeXc,1) 
Example #23
Source File:    From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _test_spacing(t):
    one = t(1)
    eps = np.finfo(t).eps
    nan = t(np.nan)
    inf = t(np.inf)
    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
        assert_(np.spacing(one) == eps)
        assert_(np.spacing(t(1e30)) != 0) 
Example #24
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_nans_infs(self):
        with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
            # Check some of the ufuncs
            assert_equal(np.isnan(self.all_f16), np.isnan(self.all_f32))
            assert_equal(np.isinf(self.all_f16), np.isinf(self.all_f32))
            assert_equal(np.isfinite(self.all_f16), np.isfinite(self.all_f32))
            assert_equal(np.signbit(self.all_f16), np.signbit(self.all_f32))
            assert_equal(np.spacing(float16(65504)), np.inf)

            # Check comparisons of all values with NaN
            nan = float16(np.nan)

            assert_(not (self.all_f16 == nan).any())
            assert_(not (nan == self.all_f16).any())

            assert_((self.all_f16 != nan).all())
            assert_((nan != self.all_f16).all())

            assert_(not (self.all_f16 < nan).any())
            assert_(not (nan < self.all_f16).any())

            assert_(not (self.all_f16 <= nan).any())
            assert_(not (nan <= self.all_f16).any())

            assert_(not (self.all_f16 > nan).any())
            assert_(not (nan > self.all_f16).any())

            assert_(not (self.all_f16 >= nan).any())
            assert_(not (nan >= self.all_f16).any()) 
Example #25
Source File:    From PyTorch-Encoding with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_segmentation_metrics():
    # check torch evaluation metrics
    rows, cols = 640, 480
    nclass = 30
    # numpy data
    im_lab = np.matrix(np.random.randint(0, nclass, size=(rows, cols)))
    mask = np.random.random((nclass, rows, cols))
    im_pred = mask.argmax(axis=0)
    # torch data
    tim_lab = torch.from_numpy(im_lab).unsqueeze(0).long()
    tim_pred = torch.from_numpy(mask).unsqueeze(0)
    # numpy prediction
    pixel_correct, pixel_labeled = pixel_accuracy(im_pred, im_lab)
    area_inter, area_union = intersection_and_union(im_pred, im_lab, nclass)
    pixAcc = 1.0 * pixel_correct / (np.spacing(1) + pixel_labeled)
    IoU = 1.0 * area_inter / (np.spacing(1) + area_union)
    mIoU = IoU.mean()
    print('numpy predictionis :', pixAcc, mIoU)
    # torch metric prediction
    pixel_correct, pixel_labeled = batch_pix_accuracy(tim_pred, tim_lab)
    area_inter, area_union = batch_intersection_union(tim_pred, tim_lab, nclass)
    batch_pixAcc = 1.0 * pixel_correct / (np.spacing(1) + pixel_labeled)
    IoU = 1.0 * area_inter / (np.spacing(1) + area_union)
    batch_mIoU = IoU.mean()
    print('torch predictionis :', batch_pixAcc, batch_mIoU)
    assert (batch_pixAcc - pixAcc) < 1e-3
    assert (batch_mIoU - mIoU) < 1e-3 
Example #26
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_nextafter_vs_spacing():
    # XXX: spacing does not handle long double yet
    for t in [np.float32, np.float64]:
        for _f in [1, 1e-5, 1000]:
            f = t(_f)
            f1 = t(_f + 1)
            assert_(np.nextafter(f, f1) - f == np.spacing(f)) 
Example #27
Source File:    From PyTorch-Encoding with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def validation(self, epoch):
        # Fast test during the training
        def eval_batch(model, image, target):
            outputs = model(image)
            outputs = gather(outputs, 0, dim=0)
            pred = outputs[0]
            target = target.cuda()
            correct, labeled = utils.batch_pix_accuracy(, target)
            inter, union = utils.batch_intersection_union(, target, self.nclass)
            return correct, labeled, inter, union

        is_best = False
        total_inter, total_union, total_correct, total_label = 0, 0, 0, 0
        tbar = tqdm(self.valloader, desc='\r')
        for i, (image, target) in enumerate(tbar):
            with torch.no_grad():
                correct, labeled, inter, union = eval_batch(self.model, image, target)

            total_correct += correct
            total_label += labeled
            total_inter += inter
            total_union += union
            pixAcc = 1.0 * total_correct / (np.spacing(1) + total_label)
            IoU = 1.0 * total_inter / (np.spacing(1) + total_union)
            mIoU = IoU.mean()
                'pixAcc: %.3f, mIoU: %.3f' % (pixAcc, mIoU))

        new_pred = (pixAcc + mIoU)/2
        if new_pred > self.best_pred:
            is_best = True
            self.best_pred = new_pred
            'epoch': epoch + 1,
            'state_dict': self.model.module.state_dict(),
            'optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict(),
            'best_pred': self.best_pred,
        }, self.args, is_best) 
Example #28
Source File:    From gluon-cv with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, num_sample, pos_iou_thresh, neg_iou_thresh, pos_ratio):
        super(RPNTargetSampler, self).__init__()
        self._num_sample = num_sample
        self._max_pos = int(round(num_sample * pos_ratio))
        self._pos_iou_thresh = pos_iou_thresh
        self._neg_iou_thresh = neg_iou_thresh
        self._eps = np.spacing(np.float32(1.0)) 
Example #29
Source File:    From gluon-cv with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def pixelAccuracy(imPred, imLab):
    This function takes the prediction and label of a single image, returns pixel-wise accuracy
    To compute over many images do:
    for i = range(Nimages):
         (pixel_accuracy[i], pixel_correct[i], pixel_labeled[i]) = \
            pixelAccuracy(imPred[i], imLab[i])
    mean_pixel_accuracy = 1.0 * np.sum(pixel_correct) / (np.spacing(1) + np.sum(pixel_labeled))
    # Remove classes from unlabeled pixels in gt image.
    # We should not penalize detections in unlabeled portions of the image.
    pixel_labeled = np.sum(imLab > 0)
    pixel_correct = np.sum((imPred == imLab)*(imLab > 0))
    pixel_accuracy = 1.0 * pixel_correct / pixel_labeled
    return (pixel_accuracy, pixel_correct, pixel_labeled) 
Example #30
Source File:    From gluon-cv with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get(self):
        """Gets the current evaluation result.

        metrics : tuple of float
            pixAcc and mIoU
        pixAcc = 1.0 * self.total_correct / (np.spacing(1) + self.total_label)
        IoU = 1.0 * self.total_inter / (np.spacing(1) + self.total_union)
        mIoU = IoU.mean()
        return pixAcc, mIoU