Python trace.__file__() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of trace.__file__(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module trace , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_issue9936(self):
        tracer = trace.Trace(trace=0, count=1)
        modname = 'test.tracedmodules.testmod'
        # Ensure that the module is executed in import
        if modname in sys.modules:
            del sys.modules[modname]
        cmd = ("import test.tracedmodules.testmod as t;"
               "t.func(0); t.func2();")
        with captured_stdout() as stdout:
            self._coverage(tracer, cmd)
        coverage = {}
        for line in stdout:
            lines, cov, module = line.split()[:3]
            coverage[module] = (int(lines), int(cov[:-1]))
        # XXX This is needed to run as a script
        modname = trace._fullmodname(sys.modules[modname].__file__)
        self.assertIn(modname, coverage)
        self.assertEqual(coverage[modname], (5, 100))

### Tests that don't mess with sys.settrace and can be traced
### themselves TODO: Skip tests that do mess with sys.settrace when
### regrtest is invoked with -T option. 
Example #2
Source File:    From BinderFilter with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_loop_caller_importing(self):
        self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_importing_caller, 1)

        expected = {
            ((os.path.splitext(trace.__file__)[0] + '.py', 'trace', 'Trace.runfunc'),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_linear',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',)),
                (fix_ext_py(testmod.__file__), 'testmod', 'func')): 1,
        self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().callers, expected)

# Created separately for issue #3821 
Example #3
Source File:    From BinderFilter with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_exec_counts(self):
        self.tracer = Trace(count=1, trace=0, countfuncs=0, countcallers=0)
        code = r'''traced_func_loop(2, 5)'''
        code = compile(code, __file__, 'exec')
        self.tracer.runctx(code, globals(), vars())

        firstlineno = get_firstlineno(traced_func_loop)
        expected = {
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 1): 1,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 2): 6,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 3): 5,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 4): 1,

        # When used through 'run', some other spurious counts are produced, like
        # the settrace of threading, which we ignore, just making sure that the
        # counts fo traced_func_loop were right.
        for k in expected.keys():
            self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts[k], expected[k]) 
Example #4
Source File:    From android_universal with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_issue9936(self):
        tracer = trace.Trace(trace=0, count=1)
        modname = 'test.tracedmodules.testmod'
        # Ensure that the module is executed in import
        if modname in sys.modules:
            del sys.modules[modname]
        cmd = ("import test.tracedmodules.testmod as t;"
               "t.func(0); t.func2();")
        with captured_stdout() as stdout:
            self._coverage(tracer, cmd)
        coverage = {}
        for line in stdout:
            lines, cov, module = line.split()[:3]
            coverage[module] = (int(lines), int(cov[:-1]))
        # XXX This is needed to run as a script
        modname = trace._fullmodname(sys.modules[modname].__file__)
        self.assertIn(modname, coverage)
        self.assertEqual(coverage[modname], (5, 100))

### Tests that don't mess with sys.settrace and can be traced
### themselves TODO: Skip tests that do mess with sys.settrace when
### regrtest is invoked with -T option. 
Example #5
Source File:    From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_exec_counts(self):
        self.tracer = Trace(count=1, trace=0, countfuncs=0, countcallers=0)
        code = r'''traced_func_loop(2, 5)'''
        code = compile(code, __file__, 'exec')
        self.tracer.runctx(code, globals(), vars())

        firstlineno = get_firstlineno(traced_func_loop)
        expected = {
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 1): 1,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 2): 6,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 3): 5,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 4): 1,

        # When used through 'run', some other spurious counts are produced, like
        # the settrace of threading, which we ignore, just making sure that the
        # counts fo traced_func_loop were right.
        for k in expected.keys():
            self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts[k], expected[k]) 
Example #6
Source File:    From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_loop_caller_importing(self):
        self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_importing_caller, 1)

        expected = {
            ((os.path.splitext(trace.__file__)[0] + '.py', 'trace', 'Trace.runfunc'),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_linear',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',)),
                (fix_ext_py(testmod.__file__), 'testmod', 'func')): 1,
        self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().callers, expected)

# Created separately for issue #3821 
Example #7
Source File:    From android_universal with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_loop_caller_importing(self):
        self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_importing_caller, 1)

        expected = {
            ((os.path.splitext(trace.__file__)[0] + '.py', 'trace', 'Trace.runfunc'),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_linear',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',)),
                (fix_ext_py(testmod.__file__), 'testmod', 'func')): 1,
        self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().callers, expected)

# Created separately for issue #3821 
Example #8
Source File:    From BinderFilter with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_issue9936(self):
        tracer = trace.Trace(trace=0, count=1)
        modname = 'test.tracedmodules.testmod'
        # Ensure that the module is executed in import
        if modname in sys.modules:
            del sys.modules[modname]
        cmd = ("import test.tracedmodules.testmod as t;"
               "t.func(0); t.func2();")
        with captured_stdout() as stdout:
            self._coverage(tracer, cmd)
        coverage = {}
        for line in stdout:
            lines, cov, module = line.split()[:3]
            coverage[module] = (int(lines), int(cov[:-1]))
        # XXX This is needed to run as a script
        modname = trace.fullmodname(sys.modules[modname].__file__)
        self.assertIn(modname, coverage)
        self.assertEqual(coverage[modname], (5, 100)) 
Example #9
Source File:    From android_universal with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_exec_counts(self):
        self.tracer = Trace(count=1, trace=0, countfuncs=0, countcallers=0)
        code = r'''traced_func_loop(2, 5)'''
        code = compile(code, __file__, 'exec')
        self.tracer.runctx(code, globals(), vars())

        firstlineno = get_firstlineno(traced_func_loop)
        expected = {
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 1): 1,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 2): 6,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 3): 5,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 4): 1,

        # When used through 'run', some other spurious counts are produced, like
        # the settrace of threading, which we ignore, just making sure that the
        # counts fo traced_func_loop were right.
        for k in expected.keys():
            self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts[k], expected[k]) 
Example #10
Source File:    From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_issue9936(self):
        tracer = trace.Trace(trace=0, count=1)
        modname = 'test.tracedmodules.testmod'
        # Ensure that the module is executed in import
        if modname in sys.modules:
            del sys.modules[modname]
        cmd = ("import test.tracedmodules.testmod as t;"
               "t.func(0); t.func2();")
        with captured_stdout() as stdout:
            self._coverage(tracer, cmd)
        coverage = {}
        for line in stdout:
            lines, cov, module = line.split()[:3]
            coverage[module] = (int(lines), int(cov[:-1]))
        # XXX This is needed to run as a script
        modname = trace.fullmodname(sys.modules[modname].__file__)
        self.assertIn(modname, coverage)
        self.assertEqual(coverage[modname], (5, 100)) 
Example #11
Source File:    From android_universal with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_cover_files_written_no_highlight(self):
        # Test also that the cover file for the trace module is not created
        # (issue #34171).
        tracedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(trace.__file__))
        tracecoverpath = os.path.join(tracedir, 'trace.cover')

        argv = '-m trace --count'.split() + [self.codefile]
        status, stdout, stderr = assert_python_ok(*argv)
        self.assertEqual(stderr, b'')
        with open(self.coverfile) as f:
                "    1: x = 42\n"
                "    1: if []:\n"
                "           print('unreachable')\n"
Example #12
Source File:    From Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_issue9936(self):
        tracer = trace.Trace(trace=0, count=1)
        modname = 'test.tracedmodules.testmod'
        # Ensure that the module is executed in import
        if modname in sys.modules:
            del sys.modules[modname]
        cmd = ("import test.tracedmodules.testmod as t;"
               "t.func(0); t.func2();")
        with captured_stdout() as stdout:
            self._coverage(tracer, cmd)
        coverage = {}
        for line in stdout:
            lines, cov, module = line.split()[:3]
            coverage[module] = (int(lines), int(cov[:-1]))
        # XXX This is needed to run as a script
        modname = trace._fullmodname(sys.modules[modname].__file__)
        self.assertIn(modname, coverage)
        self.assertEqual(coverage[modname], (5, 100))

### Tests that don't mess with sys.settrace and can be traced
### themselves TODO: Skip tests that do mess with sys.settrace when
### regrtest is invoked with -T option. 
Example #13
Source File:    From Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_loop_caller_importing(self):
        self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_importing_caller, 1)

        expected = {
            ((os.path.splitext(trace.__file__)[0] + '.py', 'trace', 'Trace.runfunc'),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_linear',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',)),
                (fix_ext_py(testmod.__file__), 'testmod', 'func')): 1,
        self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().callers, expected)

# Created separately for issue #3821 
Example #14
Source File:    From oss-ftp with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_loop_caller_importing(self):
        self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_importing_caller, 1)

        expected = {
            ((os.path.splitext(trace.__file__)[0] + '.py', 'trace', 'Trace.runfunc'),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_linear',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',)),
                (fix_ext_py(testmod.__file__), 'testmod', 'func')): 1,
        self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().callers, expected)

# Created separately for issue #3821 
Example #15
Source File:    From oss-ftp with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_exec_counts(self):
        self.tracer = Trace(count=1, trace=0, countfuncs=0, countcallers=0)
        code = r'''traced_func_loop(2, 5)'''
        code = compile(code, __file__, 'exec')
        self.tracer.runctx(code, globals(), vars())

        firstlineno = get_firstlineno(traced_func_loop)
        expected = {
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 1): 1,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 2): 6,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 3): 5,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 4): 1,

        # When used through 'run', some other spurious counts are produced, like
        # the settrace of threading, which we ignore, just making sure that the
        # counts fo traced_func_loop were right.
        for k in expected.keys():
            self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts[k], expected[k]) 
Example #16
Source File:    From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_loop_caller_importing(self):
        self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_importing_caller, 1)

        expected = {
            ((os.path.splitext(trace.__file__)[0] + '.py', 'trace', 'Trace.runfunc'),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_linear',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',)),
                (fix_ext_py(testmod.__file__), 'testmod', 'func')): 1,
        self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().callers, expected)

# Created separately for issue #3821 
Example #17
Source File:    From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_exec_counts(self):
        self.tracer = Trace(count=1, trace=0, countfuncs=0, countcallers=0)
        code = r'''traced_func_loop(2, 5)'''
        code = compile(code, __file__, 'exec')
        self.tracer.runctx(code, globals(), vars())

        firstlineno = get_firstlineno(traced_func_loop)
        expected = {
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 1): 1,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 2): 6,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 3): 5,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 4): 1,

        # When used through 'run', some other spurious counts are produced, like
        # the settrace of threading, which we ignore, just making sure that the
        # counts fo traced_func_loop were right.
        for k in expected.keys():
            self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts[k], expected[k]) 
Example #18
Source File:    From gcblue with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_exec_counts(self):
        self.tracer = Trace(count=1, trace=0, countfuncs=0, countcallers=0)
        code = r'''traced_func_loop(2, 5)'''
        code = compile(code, __file__, 'exec')
        self.tracer.runctx(code, globals(), vars())

        firstlineno = get_firstlineno(traced_func_loop)
        expected = {
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 1): 1,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 2): 6,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 3): 5,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 4): 1,

        # When used through 'run', some other spurious counts are produced, like
        # the settrace of threading, which we ignore, just making sure that the
        # counts fo traced_func_loop were right.
        for k in expected.keys():
            self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts[k], expected[k]) 
Example #19
Source File:    From gcblue with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_loop_caller_importing(self):
        self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_importing_caller, 1)

        expected = {
            ((os.path.splitext(trace.__file__)[0] + '.py', 'trace', 'Trace.runfunc'),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_linear',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',)),
                (fix_ext_py(testmod.__file__), 'testmod', 'func')): 1,
        self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().callers, expected)

# Created separately for issue #3821 
Example #20
Source File:    From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_issue9936(self):
        tracer = trace.Trace(trace=0, count=1)
        modname = 'test.tracedmodules.testmod'
        # Ensure that the module is executed in import
        if modname in sys.modules:
            del sys.modules[modname]
        cmd = ("import test.tracedmodules.testmod as t;"
               "t.func(0); t.func2();")
        with captured_stdout() as stdout:
            self._coverage(tracer, cmd)
        coverage = {}
        for line in stdout:
            lines, cov, module = line.split()[:3]
            coverage[module] = (int(lines), int(cov[:-1]))
        # XXX This is needed to run as a script
        modname = trace._fullmodname(sys.modules[modname].__file__)
        self.assertIn(modname, coverage)
        self.assertEqual(coverage[modname], (5, 100))

### Tests that don't mess with sys.settrace and can be traced
### themselves TODO: Skip tests that do mess with sys.settrace when
### regrtest is invoked with -T option. 
Example #21
Source File:    From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_loop_caller_importing(self):
        self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_importing_caller, 1)

        expected = {
            ((os.path.splitext(trace.__file__)[0] + '.py', 'trace', 'Trace.runfunc'),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_linear',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_simple_caller',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing_caller',)),
                (self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',))): 1,
            ((self.filemod + ('traced_func_importing',)),
                (fix_ext_py(testmod.__file__), 'testmod', 'func')): 1,
        self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().callers, expected)

# Created separately for issue #3821 
Example #22
Source File:    From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_exec_counts(self):
        self.tracer = Trace(count=1, trace=0, countfuncs=0, countcallers=0)
        code = r'''traced_func_loop(2, 5)'''
        code = compile(code, __file__, 'exec')
        self.tracer.runctx(code, globals(), vars())

        firstlineno = get_firstlineno(traced_func_loop)
        expected = {
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 1): 1,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 2): 6,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 3): 5,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 4): 1,

        # When used through 'run', some other spurious counts are produced, like
        # the settrace of threading, which we ignore, just making sure that the
        # counts fo traced_func_loop were right.
        for k in expected.keys():
            self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts[k], expected[k]) 
Example #23
Source File:    From gcblue with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_issue9936(self):
        tracer = trace.Trace(trace=0, count=1)
        modname = 'test.tracedmodules.testmod'
        # Ensure that the module is executed in import
        if modname in sys.modules:
            del sys.modules[modname]
        cmd = ("import test.tracedmodules.testmod as t;"
               "t.func(0); t.func2();")
        with captured_stdout() as stdout:
            self._coverage(tracer, cmd)
        coverage = {}
        for line in stdout:
            lines, cov, module = line.split()[:3]
            coverage[module] = (int(lines), int(cov[:-1]))
        # XXX This is needed to run as a script
        modname = trace.fullmodname(sys.modules[modname].__file__)
        self.assertIn(modname, coverage)
        self.assertEqual(coverage[modname], (5, 100)) 
Example #24
Source File:    From oss-ftp with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_issue9936(self):
        tracer = trace.Trace(trace=0, count=1)
        modname = 'test.tracedmodules.testmod'
        # Ensure that the module is executed in import
        if modname in sys.modules:
            del sys.modules[modname]
        cmd = ("import test.tracedmodules.testmod as t;"
               "t.func(0); t.func2();")
        with captured_stdout() as stdout:
            self._coverage(tracer, cmd)
        coverage = {}
        for line in stdout:
            lines, cov, module = line.split()[:3]
            coverage[module] = (int(lines), int(cov[:-1]))
        # XXX This is needed to run as a script
        modname = trace.fullmodname(sys.modules[modname].__file__)
        self.assertIn(modname, coverage)
        self.assertEqual(coverage[modname], (5, 100)) 
Example #25
Source File:    From Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_exec_counts(self):
        self.tracer = Trace(count=1, trace=0, countfuncs=0, countcallers=0)
        code = r'''traced_func_loop(2, 5)'''
        code = compile(code, __file__, 'exec')
        self.tracer.runctx(code, globals(), vars())

        firstlineno = get_firstlineno(traced_func_loop)
        expected = {
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 1): 1,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 2): 6,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 3): 5,
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 4): 1,

        # When used through 'run', some other spurious counts are produced, like
        # the settrace of threading, which we ignore, just making sure that the
        # counts fo traced_func_loop were right.
        for k in expected.keys():
            self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts[k], expected[k]) 
Example #26
Source File:    From android_universal with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def setUp(self):
        self.my_py_filename = fix_ext_py(__file__)
        self.addCleanup(sys.settrace, sys.gettrace()) 
Example #27
Source File:    From gcblue with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_traced_func_importing(self):
        self.tracer.runfunc(traced_func_importing, 2, 5)

        firstlineno = get_firstlineno(traced_func_importing)
        expected = {
            (self.my_py_filename, firstlineno + 1): 1,
            (fix_ext_py(testmod.__file__), 2): 1,
            (fix_ext_py(testmod.__file__), 3): 1,

        self.assertEqual(self.tracer.results().counts, expected) 
Example #28
Source File:    From gcblue with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def setUp(self):
        self.tracer = Trace(count=1, trace=0, countfuncs=0, countcallers=0)
        self.my_py_filename = fix_ext_py(__file__) 
Example #29
Source File:    From android_universal with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_coverage_ignore(self):
        # Ignore all files, nothing should be traced nor printed
        libpath = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(os.__file__))
        # sys.prefix does not work when running from a checkout
        tracer = trace.Trace(ignoredirs=[sys.base_prefix, sys.base_exec_prefix,
                             libpath], trace=0, count=1)
        with captured_stdout() as stdout:
        if os.path.exists(TESTFN):
            files = os.listdir(TESTFN)
            self.assertEqual(files, ['_importlib.cover'])  # Ignore __import__ 
Example #30
Source File:    From gcblue with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def setUp(self):
        self.my_py_filename = fix_ext_py(__file__)