Python Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From pytest-runner with MIT License | 6 votes |
def run(self): """ Override run to ensure requirements are available in this session (but don't install them anywhere). """ self._warn_old_setuptools() dist = CustomizedDist() for attr in 'allow_hosts index_url'.split(): setattr(dist, attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in ( 'dependency_links install_requires ' 'tests_require extras_require ' ).split(): setattr(dist, attr, getattr(self.distribution, attr)) installed_dists = self.install_dists(dist) if self.dry_run: self.announce('skipping tests (dry run)') return paths = map(_operator.attrgetter('location'), installed_dists) with self.paths_on_pythonpath(paths): with self.project_on_sys_path(): return self.run_tests()
Example #2
Source File: From pytest-runner with MIT License | 6 votes |
def install_extra_dists(self, dist): """ Install extras that are indicated by markers or install all extras if '--extras' is indicated. """ extras_require = dist.extras_require or {} spec_extras = ( (spec.partition(':'), reqs) for spec, reqs in extras_require.items() ) matching_extras = ( reqs for (name, sep, marker), reqs in spec_extras # include unnamed extras or all if self.extras indicated if (not name or self.extras) # never include extras that fail to pass marker eval and self.marker_passes(marker) ) results = list(map(dist.fetch_build_eggs, matching_extras)) return _itertools.chain.from_iterable(results)
Example #3
Source File: From matrixcli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def install_extra_dists(self, dist): """ Install extras that are indicated by markers or install all extras if '--extras' is indicated. """ extras_require = dist.extras_require or {} spec_extras = ( (spec.partition(':'), reqs) for spec, reqs in extras_require.items() ) matching_extras = ( reqs for (name, sep, marker), reqs in spec_extras # include unnamed extras or all if self.extras indicated if (not name or self.extras) # never include extras that fail to pass marker eval and self.marker_passes(marker) ) results = list(map(dist.fetch_build_eggs, matching_extras)) return _itertools.chain.from_iterable(results)
Example #4
Source File: From matrixcli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def run(self): """ Override run to ensure requirements are available in this session (but don't install them anywhere). """ self._warn_old_setuptools() dist = CustomizedDist() for attr in 'allow_hosts index_url'.split(): setattr(dist, attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in ( 'dependency_links install_requires ' 'tests_require extras_require ' ).split(): setattr(dist, attr, getattr(self.distribution, attr)) installed_dists = self.install_dists(dist) if self.dry_run: self.announce('skipping tests (dry run)') return paths = map(_operator.attrgetter('location'), installed_dists) with self.paths_on_pythonpath(paths): with self.project_on_sys_path(): return self.run_tests()
Example #5
Source File: From segyio with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_traces_raw(openfn, kwargs): with openfn(**kwargs) as f: gen_traces = np.array(list(map(np.copy, f.trace)), dtype=np.single) raw_traces = f.trace.raw[:] assert np.array_equal(gen_traces, raw_traces) assert len(gen_traces) == f.tracecount assert len(raw_traces) == f.tracecount assert gen_traces[0][49] == raw_traces[0][49] assert gen_traces[1][49] == f.trace.raw[1][49] assert gen_traces[2][49] == raw_traces[2][49] assert np.array_equal(f.trace[10], f.trace.raw[10]) for raw, gen in zip(f.trace.raw[::2], f.trace[::2]): assert np.array_equal(raw, gen) for raw, gen in zip(f.trace.raw[::-1], f.trace[::-1]): assert np.array_equal(raw, gen)
Example #6
Source File: From Brancher with MIT License | 6 votes |
def install_extra_dists(self, dist): """ Install extras that are indicated by markers or install all extras if '--extras' is indicated. """ extras_require = dist.extras_require or {} spec_extras = ( (spec.partition(':'), reqs) for spec, reqs in extras_require.items() ) matching_extras = ( reqs for (name, sep, marker), reqs in spec_extras # include unnamed extras or all if self.extras indicated if (not name or self.extras) # never include extras that fail to pass marker eval and self.marker_passes(marker) ) results = list(map(dist.fetch_build_eggs, matching_extras)) return _itertools.chain.from_iterable(results)
Example #7
Source File: From Brancher with MIT License | 6 votes |
def run(self): """ Override run to ensure requirements are available in this session (but don't install them anywhere). """ self._warn_old_setuptools() dist = CustomizedDist() for attr in 'allow_hosts index_url'.split(): setattr(dist, attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in ( 'dependency_links install_requires ' 'tests_require extras_require ' ).split(): setattr(dist, attr, getattr(self.distribution, attr)) installed_dists = self.install_dists(dist) if self.dry_run: self.announce('skipping tests (dry run)') return paths = map(_operator.attrgetter('location'), installed_dists) with self.paths_on_pythonpath(paths): with self.project_on_sys_path(): return self.run_tests()
Example #8
Source File: From segyio with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_traces_slicing(openfn, kwargs): with openfn(**kwargs) as f: traces = list(map(np.copy, f.trace[0:6:2])) assert len(traces) == 3 assert traces[0][49] == f.trace[0][49] assert traces[1][49] == f.trace[2][49] assert traces[2][49] == f.trace[4][49] rev_traces = list(map(np.copy, f.trace[4::-2])) assert rev_traces[0][49] == f.trace[4][49] assert rev_traces[1][49] == f.trace[2][49] assert rev_traces[2][49] == f.trace[0][49] # make sure buffers can be reused for i, trace in enumerate(f.trace[0:6:2]): assert np.array_equal(trace, traces[i])
Example #9
Source File: From gcblue with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_itertools(self): from itertools import imap, izip, ifilter # We will assume that the itertools functions work, so provided # that we've got identical coppies, we will work! self.assertEqual(map, imap) self.assertEqual(zip, izip) self.assertEqual(filter, ifilter) # Testing that filter(None, stuff) raises a warning lives in #
Example #10
Source File: From CTFCrackTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_itertools(self): from itertools import imap, izip, ifilter # We will assume that the itertools functions work, so provided # that we've got identical coppies, we will work! self.assertEqual(map, imap) self.assertEqual(zip, izip) self.assertEqual(filter, ifilter) # Testing that filter(None, stuff) raises a warning lives in #
Example #11
Source File: From segyio with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_traces_subslicing(openfn, kwargs): with openfn(**kwargs) as f: # test all sign permutations using full slice assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, 0:6:2], f.trace[0][0:6:2]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, 0:-2:2], f.trace[0][0:-2:2]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, 10:2:-3], f.trace[0][10:2:-3]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, -10:50:1], f.trace[0][-10:50:1]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, -4:-2:1], f.trace[0][-4:-2:1]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, -4:0:-2], f.trace[0][-4:0:-2]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, 50:-50:-3], f.trace[0][50:-50:-3]) # test all sign permutations using start:stop assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, 0:6], f.trace[0][0:6]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, 0:-3], f.trace[0][0:-3]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, -4:-2], f.trace[0][-4:-2]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, -4:50], f.trace[0][-4:50]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, -4:-2], f.trace[0][-4:-2]) # test all sign permutations using start::step assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, 0::2], f.trace[0][0::2]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, 10::-1], f.trace[0][10::-1]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, -5::3], f.trace[0][-5::3]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, -5::-1], f.trace[0][-5::-1]) # test all sign permutations using :stop:step assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, :6:2], f.trace[0][:6:2]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, :6:-1], f.trace[0][:6:-1]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, :-6:2], f.trace[0][:-6:2]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, :-6:-2], f.trace[0][:-6:-2]) # test all sign permutations using start:, :stop, and ::step assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, 1:], f.trace[0][1:]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, -3:], f.trace[0][-3:]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, :3], f.trace[0][:3]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, :-1], f.trace[0][:-1]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, ::-1], f.trace[0][::-1]) assert np.array_equal(f.trace[0, ::2], f.trace[0][::2]) # test getting single element assert f.trace[0, 1] == f.trace[0][1] assert f.trace[0, -3] == f.trace[0][-3] # Combining trace and sub-trace slicing traces = list(map(np.copy, f.trace[0:6:2, 0:6])) assert len(traces) == 3 assert traces[0].shape[0] == 6
Example #12
Source File: From CTFCrackTools-V2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_itertools(self): from itertools import imap, izip, ifilter # We will assume that the itertools functions work, so provided # that we've got identical coppies, we will work! self.assertEqual(map, imap) self.assertEqual(zip, izip) self.assertEqual(filter, ifilter) # Testing that filter(None, stuff) raises a warning lives in #
Example #13
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_itertools(self): from itertools import imap, izip, ifilter # We will assume that the itertools functions work, so provided # that we've got identical coppies, we will work! self.assertEqual(map, imap) self.assertEqual(zip, izip) self.assertEqual(filter, ifilter) # Testing that filter(None, stuff) raises a warning lives in #
Example #14
Source File: From kitty with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def run(*args): if len(args) == 1: args = shlex.split(args[0]) args = list(map(encode_for_subprocess, args)) ret = subprocess.Popen(args).wait() if ret != 0: raise SystemExit(ret)
Example #15
Source File: From build-calibre with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def initialize_constants(): src = read_cal_file('') nv ='numeric_version\s+=\s+\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+)\)', src) calibre_constants['version'] = '%s.%s.%s' % (,, calibre_constants['appname'] ='__appname__\s+=\s+(u{0,1})[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]', src).group(2) epsrc = re.compile(r'entry_points = (\{.*?\})', re.DOTALL).search(read_cal_file('')).group(1) entry_points = eval(epsrc, {'__appname__': calibre_constants['appname']}) def e2b(ep): return'\s*(.*?)\s*=', ep).group(1).strip() def e2s(ep, base='src'): return (base + os.path.sep +'.*=\s*(.*?):', ep).group(1).replace('.', '/') + '.py').strip() def e2m(ep): return'.*=\s*(.*?)\s*:', ep).group(1).strip() def e2f(ep): return ep[ep.rindex(':') + 1:].strip() calibre_constants['basenames'] = basenames = {} calibre_constants['functions'] = functions = {} calibre_constants['modules'] = modules = {} calibre_constants['scripts'] = scripts = {} for x in ('console', 'gui'): y = x + '_scripts' basenames[x] = list(map(e2b, entry_points[y])) functions[x] = list(map(e2f, entry_points[y])) modules[x] = list(map(e2m, entry_points[y])) scripts[x] = list(map(e2s, entry_points[y])) src = read_cal_file('ebooks/') be ='^BOOK_EXTENSIONS\s*=\s*(\[.+?\])', src, flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE).group(1) calibre_constants['book_extensions'] = json.loads(be.replace("'", '"'))
Example #16
Source File: From oss-ftp with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_itertools(self): from itertools import imap, izip, ifilter # We will assume that the itertools functions work, so provided # that we've got identical coppies, we will work! self.assertEqual(map, imap) self.assertEqual(zip, izip) self.assertEqual(filter, ifilter) # Testing that filter(None, stuff) raises a warning lives in #
Example #17
Source File: From BinderFilter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_itertools(self): from itertools import imap, izip, ifilter # We will assume that the itertools functions work, so provided # that we've got identical coppies, we will work! self.assertEqual(map, imap) self.assertEqual(zip, izip) self.assertEqual(filter, ifilter) # Testing that filter(None, stuff) raises a warning lives in #
Example #18
Source File: From segyio with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def test_attributes(openfn, kwargs): with openfn(**kwargs) as f: il = kwargs.get('iline', TraceField.INLINE_3D) xl = kwargs.get('xline', TraceField.CROSSLINE_3D) assert 1 == f.attributes(il)[0] assert 20 == f.attributes(xl)[0] assert f.tracecount == len(f.attributes(il)) assert iter(f.attributes(il)) ils = [(i // 5) + 1 for i in range(25)] attrils = list(map(int, f.attributes(il)[:])) assert ils == attrils xls = [(i % 5) + 20 for i in range(25)] attrxls = list(map(int, f.attributes(xl)[:])) assert xls == attrxls ils = [(i // 5) + 1 for i in range(25)][::-1] attrils = list(map(int, f.attributes(il)[::-1])) assert ils == attrils xls = [(i % 5) + 20 for i in range(25)][::-1] attrxls = list(map(int, f.attributes(xl)[::-1])) assert xls == attrxls assert f.header[0][il] == f.attributes(il)[0] f.mmap() assert f.header[0][il] == f.attributes(il)[0] ils = [(i // 5) + 1 for i in range(25)][1:21:3] attrils = list(map(int, f.attributes(il)[1:21:3])) assert ils == attrils xls = [(i % 5) + 20 for i in range(25)][2:17:5] attrxls = list(map(int, f.attributes(xl)[2:17:5])) assert xls == attrxls ils = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] attrils = list(map(int, f.attributes(il)[[0, 5, 11, 17, 23]])) assert ils == attrils ils = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] indices = np.asarray([0, 5, 11, 17, 23]) attrils = list(map(int, f.attributes(il)[indices])) assert ils == attrils