Python distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc() Examples
The following are 22
code examples of distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc().
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Example #1
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_python_inc(self): inc_dir = sysconfig.get_python_inc() # This is not much of a test. We make sure Python.h exists # in the directory returned by get_python_inc() but we don't know # it is the correct file. self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(inc_dir), inc_dir) python_h = os.path.join(inc_dir, "Python.h") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(python_h), python_h)
Example #2
Source File: From CTFCrackTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_python_inc(self): inc_dir = sysconfig.get_python_inc() # This is not much of a test. We make sure Python.h exists # in the directory returned by get_python_inc() but we don't know # it is the correct file. self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(inc_dir), inc_dir) python_h = os.path.join(inc_dir, "Python.h") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(python_h), python_h)
Example #3
Source File: From CTFCrackTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_python_inc(self): inc_dir = sysconfig.get_python_inc() # This is not much of a test. We make sure Python.h exists # in the directory returned by get_python_inc() but we don't know # it is the correct file. self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(inc_dir), inc_dir) python_h = os.path.join(inc_dir, "Python.h") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(python_h), python_h)
Example #4
Source File: From CTFCrackTools-V2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_python_inc(self): inc_dir = sysconfig.get_python_inc() # This is not much of a test. We make sure Python.h exists # in the directory returned by get_python_inc() but we don't know # it is the correct file. self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(inc_dir), inc_dir) python_h = os.path.join(inc_dir, "Python.h") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(python_h), python_h)
Example #5
Source File: From CTFCrackTools-V2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_python_inc(self): inc_dir = sysconfig.get_python_inc() # This is not much of a test. We make sure Python.h exists # in the directory returned by get_python_inc() but we don't know # it is the correct file. self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(inc_dir), inc_dir) python_h = os.path.join(inc_dir, "Python.h") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(python_h), python_h)
Example #6
Source File: From python-igraph with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def sdist(self): """Returns a class that can be used as a replacement for the ``sdist`` command in ``setuptools`` and that will clean up ``vendor/source/igraph`` before running the original ``sdist`` command. """ from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc buildcfg = self class custom_sdist(sdist): def run(self): # Clean up vendor/source/igraph with git cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(os.path.join("vendor", "source", "igraph")) if os.path.exists(".git"): retcode ="git clean -dfx", shell=True) if retcode: print("Failed to clean vendor/source/igraph with git") print("") return False finally: os.chdir(cwd) # Run the original sdist command return custom_sdist
Example #7
Source File: From Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_python_inc(self): inc_dir = sysconfig.get_python_inc() # This is not much of a test. We make sure Python.h exists # in the directory returned by get_python_inc() but we don't know # it is the correct file. self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(inc_dir), inc_dir) python_h = os.path.join(inc_dir, "Python.h") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(python_h), python_h)
Example #8
Source File: From tree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def bazel_build(self, ext): with open('WORKSPACE', 'r') as f: workspace_contents = with open('WORKSPACE', 'w') as f: f.write(re.sub( r'(?<=path = ").*(?=", # May be overwritten by setup\.py\.)', sysconfig.get_python_inc().replace(os.path.sep, posixpath.sep), workspace_contents)) if not os.path.exists(self.build_temp): os.makedirs(self.build_temp) bazel_argv = [ 'bazel', 'build', ext.bazel_target, '--symlink_prefix=' + os.path.join(self.build_temp, 'bazel-'), '--compilation_mode=' + ('dbg' if self.debug else 'opt'), ] if IS_WINDOWS: # Link with python*.lib. for library_dir in self.library_dirs: bazel_argv.append('--linkopt=/LIBPATH:' + library_dir) self.spawn(bazel_argv) shared_lib_suffix = '.dll' if IS_WINDOWS else '.so' ext_bazel_bin_path = os.path.join( self.build_temp, 'bazel-bin', ext.relpath, ext.target_name + shared_lib_suffix) ext_dest_path = self.get_ext_fullpath( ext_dest_dir = os.path.dirname(ext_dest_path) if not os.path.exists(ext_dest_dir): os.makedirs(ext_dest_dir) shutil.copyfile(ext_bazel_bin_path, ext_dest_path)
Example #9
Source File: From datafari with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_python_inc(self): inc_dir = sysconfig.get_python_inc() # This is not much of a test. We make sure Python.h exists # in the directory returned by get_python_inc() but we don't know # it is the correct file. self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(inc_dir), inc_dir) python_h = os.path.join(inc_dir, "Python.h") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(python_h), python_h)
Example #10
Source File: From pytorch_connectomics with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getInclude(): dirName = get_python_inc() return [dirName, os.path.dirname(dirName), np.get_include()]
Example #11
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_python_inc(self): inc_dir = sysconfig.get_python_inc() # This is not much of a test. We make sure Python.h exists # in the directory returned by get_python_inc() but we don't know # it is the correct file. self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(inc_dir), inc_dir) python_h = os.path.join(inc_dir, "Python.h") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(python_h), python_h)
Example #12
Source File: From pysmt with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def compile(self): # Build ANTLR"bash %s" % os.path.join("contrib", "get-antlr-3.4"), directory=self.extract_path) # Build ABC #"bash get-abc", # directory=os.path.join(self.extract_path, "contrib")) # Build GLPK # We could configure with --gpl --best, but this takes forever to build # Inject Python library and include paths into CMake because CVC4 search # system can be fooled in some systems import distutils.sysconfig as sysconfig PYTHON_LIBRARY = os.environ.get('PYSMT_PYTHON_LIBDIR') if not PYTHON_LIBRARY: PYTHON_LIBRARY = sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR') PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR = sysconfig.get_python_inc()['sed', '-i', 's|cmake_opts=""|cmake_opts="-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=' + PYTHON_LIBRARY + ' -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=' + PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR + '"|g', './'], directory=self.extract_path) # Configure and build CVC4 config_cmd = "./ --language-bindings=python \ --python%s" % self.python_version[0] if os.path.exists(sys.executable+"-config"): pyconfig = {"PYTHON_CONFIG": sys.executable+"-config"} else: pyconfig = {}, directory=self.extract_path, env_variables=pyconfig)"make", directory=self.build_path, env_variables=pyconfig) #"make install", directory=self.build_path, # env_variables=pyconfig)
Example #13
Source File: From pysmt with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def compile(self): # Override default Python library, include, and interpreter # path into Boolector's CMake because CMake can get confused # if multiple interpreters are available, especially python 2 # vs python 3. import distutils.sysconfig as sysconfig import sys PYTHON_LIBRARY = os.environ.get('PYSMT_PYTHON_LIBDIR') if not PYTHON_LIBRARY: PYTHON_LIBRARY = sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR') PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR = sysconfig.get_python_inc() PYTHON_EXECUTABLE = sys.executable CMAKE_OPTS = ' -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=' + PYTHON_LIBRARY CMAKE_OPTS += ' -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=' + PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR CMAKE_OPTS += ' -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=' + PYTHON_EXECUTABLE # Unpack SolverInstaller.untar(os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.archive_name), self.extract_path) # Build lingeling"bash ./contrib/", directory=self.extract_path) # Build Btor"bash ./contrib/", directory=self.extract_path) # Build Boolector Solver"bash ./ --python", directory=self.extract_path, env_variables={"CMAKE_OPTS": CMAKE_OPTS})"make -j2", directory=os.path.join(self.extract_path, "build"))
Example #14
Source File: From pysmt with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def compile(self): # Select the correct Makefile to be used makefile = "Makefile" if self.architecture == "x86_64": makefile = "Makefile_64bit" import distutils.sysconfig as sysconfig PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR = sysconfig.get_python_inc()"make -C %s -f %s PYTHON_INCL=-I%s" % (self.extract_path, makefile, PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR))
Example #15
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_python_inc(self): inc_dir = sysconfig.get_python_inc() # This is not much of a test. We make sure Python.h exists # in the directory returned by get_python_inc() but we don't know # it is the correct file. self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(inc_dir), inc_dir) python_h = os.path.join(inc_dir, "Python.h") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(python_h), python_h)
Example #16
Source File: From tick with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def run(self): relpath = os.path.relpath(self.tick_dir, self.cpp_build_dir) cmake_exe = os.environ.get('TICK_CMAKE', 'cmake') inc_dir = sysconfig.get_python_inc() cmake_cmd = [cmake_exe, '-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR={}'.format(inc_dir), '-DTICK_REBUILD_LIBS=OFF', '-DBENCHMARK=OFF', relpath + '/../lib'] if TICK_CMAKE_GENERATOR is not None: cmake_cmd.extend(['-G', '{}'.format(TICK_CMAKE_GENERATOR)]) # Feed the path to the built C++ extensions so CMake does not have to # build them again for mod in tick_modules: full_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(, mod.module_ref.lib_filename)) cmake_cmd.append( '-DTICK_LIB_{}={}'.format(mod.ext_name.upper(), full_path)) define_macros = [] if 'define_macros' in blas_info and \ any(key == 'HAVE_CBLAS' for key, _ in blas_info['define_macros']): cmake_cmd.append('-DUSE_BLAS=ON') os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.cpp_build_dir, 'cpptest'), exist_ok=True) subprocess.check_call(cmake_cmd, cwd=self.cpp_build_dir) make_cmd = ['make', 'VERBOSE=1', 'all', '-j{}'.format(self.build_jobs)] subprocess.check_call(make_cmd, cwd=self.cpp_build_dir)
Example #17
Source File: From oss-ftp with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_get_python_inc(self): inc_dir = sysconfig.get_python_inc() # This is not much of a test. We make sure Python.h exists # in the directory returned by get_python_inc() but we don't know # it is the correct file. self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(inc_dir), inc_dir) python_h = os.path.join(inc_dir, "Python.h") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(python_h), python_h)
Example #18
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def configuration(parent_package='', top_path=None): from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration, get_numpy_include_dirs from numpy.distutils.system_info import get_info from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc config = Configuration('spatial', parent_package, top_path) config.add_data_dir('tests') config.add_data_dir('benchmarks') qhull_src = ['geom2.c', 'geom.c', 'global.c', 'io.c', 'libqhull.c', 'mem.c', 'merge.c', 'poly2.c', 'poly.c', 'qset.c', 'random.c', 'rboxlib.c', 'stat.c', 'user.c', 'usermem.c', 'userprintf.c', 'userprintf_rbox.c'] qhull_src = [join('qhull', 'src', x) for x in qhull_src] inc_dirs = [get_python_inc()] if inc_dirs[0] != get_python_inc(plat_specific=1): inc_dirs.append(get_python_inc(plat_specific=1)) inc_dirs.append(get_numpy_include_dirs()) cfg = dict(get_info('lapack_opt')) cfg.setdefault('include_dirs', []).extend(inc_dirs) cfg.setdefault('define_macros', []).append(('qh_QHpointer','1')) config.add_extension('qhull', sources=['qhull.c'] + qhull_src, **cfg) config.add_extension('ckdtree', sources=['ckdtree.c']) # FIXME: cython config.add_extension('_distance_wrap', sources=[join('src', 'distance_wrap.c'), join('src', 'distance.c')], include_dirs=[get_numpy_include_dirs()]) return config
Example #19
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_get_python_inc(self): inc_dir = sysconfig.get_python_inc() # This is not much of a test. We make sure Python.h exists # in the directory returned by get_python_inc() but we don't know # it is the correct file. self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(inc_dir), inc_dir) python_h = os.path.join(inc_dir, "Python.h") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(python_h), python_h)
Example #20
Source File: From collection with MIT License | 4 votes |
def python_config (self): cflags = self._getitem('default', 'python_cflags', None) ldflags = self._getitem('default', 'python_ldflags', None) if cflags or ldflags: return (cflags.strip('\r\n\t '), ldflags.strip('\r\n\t ')) pythoninc, pythonlib = [], [] import distutils.sysconfig sysconfig = distutils.sysconfig inc1 = sysconfig.get_python_inc() inc2 = sysconfig.get_python_inc(plat_specific = True) pythoninc.append('-I' + self.pathtext(inc1)) if inc2 != inc1: pythoninc.append('-I' + self.pathtext(inc2)) pyver = sysconfig.get_config_var('VERSION') getvar = sysconfig.get_config_var if not pyver: v1, v2 = sys.version_info[:2] pyver = self.unix and '%s.%s'%(v1, v2) or '%s%s'%(v1, v2) lib1 = getvar('LIBS') pythonlib.extend(lib1 and lib1.split() or []) prefix = sys.prefix if os.path.exists(prefix): if not pythoninc: n1 = os.path.join(prefix, 'include/python%s'%pyver) n2 = os.path.join(prefix, 'include') if os.path.exists(n1 + '/Python.h'): pythoninc.append('-I' + self.pathtext(n1)) elif os.path.exists(n2 + '/Python.h'): pythoninc.append('-I' + self.pathtext(n2)) if not pythonlib: n1 = os.path.join(prefix, 'lib/python%s'%pyver) n2 = os.path.join(n1, 'config') n3 = os.path.join(prefix, 'libs') fn1 = 'libpython' + pyver + '.a' fn2 = 'libpython' + pyver + '.dll.a' done = False for ff in (fn1, fn2): for nn in (n1, n2, n3): if os.path.exists(nn + '/' + ff): pythonlib.append('-L' + self.pathtext(nn)) done = True break if done: break lib2 = getvar('SYSLIBS') pythonlib.extend(lib2 and lib2.split() or []) if not getvar('Py_ENABLE_SHARED'): if getvar('LIBPL'): pythonlib.insert(0, '-L' + getvar('LIBPL')) if not getvar('PYTHONFRAMEWORK'): if getvar('LINKFORSHARED'): pythonlib.extend(getvar('LINKFORSHARED').split()) pythonlib.append('-lpython' + pyver) cflags = ' '.join(pythoninc) ldflags = ' '.join(pythonlib) return cflags, ldflags # 最终完成 java配置
Example #21
Source File: From python3_ios with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def test_embeddable(self): import subprocess import ctypes from distutils import ccompiler, sysconfig with open('embed_pil.c', 'w') as fh: fh.write(""" #include "Python.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char *home = "%s"; #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 wchar_t *whome = Py_DecodeLocale(home, NULL); Py_SetPythonHome(whome); #else Py_SetPythonHome(home); #endif Py_InitializeEx(0); Py_DECREF(PyImport_ImportModule("PIL.Image")); Py_Finalize(); Py_InitializeEx(0); Py_DECREF(PyImport_ImportModule("PIL.Image")); Py_Finalize(); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 PyMem_RawFree(whome); #endif return 0; } """ % sys.prefix.replace('\\', '\\\\')) compiler = ccompiler.new_compiler() compiler.add_include_dir(sysconfig.get_python_inc()) libdir = (sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR') or sysconfig.get_python_inc().replace('include', 'libs')) print(libdir) compiler.add_library_dir(libdir) objects = compiler.compile(['embed_pil.c']) compiler.link_executable(objects, 'embed_pil') env = os.environ.copy() env["PATH"] = sys.prefix + ';' + env["PATH"] # do not display the Windows Error Reporting dialog ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(0x0002) process = subprocess.Popen(['embed_pil.exe'], env=env) process.communicate() self.assertEqual(process.returncode, 0)
Example #22
Source File: From emake with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def python_config (self): cflags = self._getitem('default', 'python_cflags', None) ldflags = self._getitem('default', 'python_ldflags', None) if cflags or ldflags: return (cflags.strip('\r\n\t '), ldflags.strip('\r\n\t ')) pythoninc, pythonlib = [], [] import distutils.sysconfig sysconfig = distutils.sysconfig inc1 = sysconfig.get_python_inc() inc2 = sysconfig.get_python_inc(plat_specific = True) pythoninc.append('-I' + self.pathtext(inc1)) if inc2 != inc1: pythoninc.append('-I' + self.pathtext(inc2)) pyver = sysconfig.get_config_var('VERSION') getvar = sysconfig.get_config_var if not pyver: v1, v2 = sys.version_info[:2] pyver = self.unix and '%s.%s'%(v1, v2) or '%s%s'%(v1, v2) lib1 = getvar('LIBS') pythonlib.extend(lib1 and lib1.split() or []) prefix = sys.prefix if os.path.exists(prefix): if not pythoninc: n1 = os.path.join(prefix, 'include/python%s'%pyver) n2 = os.path.join(prefix, 'include') if os.path.exists(n1 + '/Python.h'): pythoninc.append('-I' + self.pathtext(n1)) elif os.path.exists(n2 + '/Python.h'): pythoninc.append('-I' + self.pathtext(n2)) if not pythonlib: n1 = os.path.join(prefix, 'lib/python%s'%pyver) n2 = os.path.join(n1, 'config') n3 = os.path.join(prefix, 'libs') fn1 = 'libpython' + pyver + '.a' fn2 = 'libpython' + pyver + '.dll.a' done = False for ff in (fn1, fn2): for nn in (n1, n2, n3): if os.path.exists(nn + '/' + ff): pythonlib.append('-L' + self.pathtext(nn)) done = True break if done: break lib2 = getvar('SYSLIBS') pythonlib.extend(lib2 and lib2.split() or []) if not getvar('Py_ENABLE_SHARED'): if getvar('LIBPL'): pythonlib.insert(0, '-L' + getvar('LIBPL')) if not getvar('PYTHONFRAMEWORK'): if getvar('LINKFORSHARED'): pythonlib.extend(getvar('LINKFORSHARED').split()) pythonlib.append('-lpython' + pyver) cflags = ' '.join(pythoninc) ldflags = ' '.join(pythonlib) return cflags, ldflags # 最终完成 java配置