Python pyparsing.Optional() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of pyparsing.Optional().
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Example #1
Source File: From ccat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _globalParse___username_attributes(line): username_dict = {} username = (Word(printables)) ('user') privilege = (Suppress('privilege') + Word(nums)) ('priv_num') password_type = (Suppress(MatchFirst(['secret', 'password'])) + Word(nums))('pass_type') parse_username = username + Optional(privilege) + password_type + Suppress(restOfLine) result = parse_username.parseString(line) username_dict[result.user] = {} username_dict[result.user]['password_type'] = result.pass_type.asList()[0] try: username_dict[result.user]['privilege'] = result.priv_num.asList()[0] except AttributeError: pass return username_dict
Example #2
Source File: From ccat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __ifaceAttributes___storm_check(storm,dct): parse_level = Word(alphas) + Suppress('level ') + restOfLine parse_action = Suppress('action ') + Word(alphas) parse_type = Word(alphas) + Suppress(Optional("include")) + Word(alphas) try: value = parse_level.parseString(storm).asList() if 'level' in dct: dct['level'].append(value) else: dct['level'] = [value] return dct except ParseException: pass try: return util.int_dict_parse(parse_action, storm, 'action', dct) except ParseException: pass try: return util.int_dict_parse(parse_type, storm, 'type', dct) except ParseException: pass
Example #3
Source File: From CWR-DataApi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _apply_modifiers(rule, modifiers): if 'grouped' in modifiers: rule = pp.Group(rule) if 'optional' in modifiers: rule = pp.Optional(rule) else: for modifier in modifiers: if modifier.startswith('at_least'): times = rule_at_least.parseString(modifier)[0] if times > 0: rule_multiple = rule for _ in range(1, times): rule_multiple = rule_multiple + rule rule = rule_multiple + pp.ZeroOrMore(rule) else: rule = pp.Optional(pp.ZeroOrMore(rule)) return rule
Example #4
Source File: From pybel with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_protein_modification_language(concept_qualified: ParserElement) -> ParserElement: """Build a protein modification parser.""" pmod_concept = MatchFirst([ concept_qualified, pmod_default_ns, pmod_legacy_ns, ]) return pmod_tag + nest( Group(pmod_concept)(CONCEPT) + Optional( WCW + amino_acid(PMOD_CODE) + Optional(WCW + ppc.integer(PMOD_POSITION)), ), )
Example #5
Source File: From auptimizer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def grammar(): parenthesis = Forward() parenthesis <<= "(" + ZeroOrMore(CharsNotIn("()") | parenthesis) + ")" field_def = OneOrMore(Word(alphanums + "_\"'`:-") | parenthesis) field_def.setParseAction(field_act) tablename_def = ( Word(alphas + "`_") | QuotedString("\"") ) field_list_def = field_def + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(",") + field_def) field_list_def.setParseAction(field_list_act) create_table_def = Literal("CREATE") + "TABLE" + tablename_def.setResultsName("tableName") + "(" + field_list_def.setResultsName("fields") + ")" + ";" create_table_def.setParseAction(create_table_act) add_fkey_def = Literal("FOREIGN") + "KEY" + "(" + Word(alphanums).setResultsName("keyName") + ")" + "REFERENCES" + Word(alphanums).setResultsName("fkTable") + "(" + Word(alphanums + "_").setResultsName("fkCol") + ")" + Optional(Literal("DEFERRABLE")) + ";" add_fkey_def.setParseAction(add_fkey_act) other_statement_def = OneOrMore(CharsNotIn(";")) + ";" other_statement_def.setParseAction(other_statement_act) comment_def = "--" + ZeroOrMore(CharsNotIn("\n")) comment_def.setParseAction(other_statement_act) return OneOrMore(comment_def | create_table_def | add_fkey_def | other_statement_def)
Example #6
Source File: From pyparsing with MIT License | 6 votes |
def tableValue(expr, colstart, colend): empty_cell_is_zero = False if empty_cell_is_zero: return Optional( expr.copy().addCondition( mustMatchCols(colstart, colend), message="text not in expected columns" ), default=0, ) else: return Optional( expr.copy().addCondition( mustMatchCols(colstart, colend), message="text not in expected columns" ) ) # define the grammar for this simple table
Example #7
Source File: From pyparsing with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__( self, element: pyparsing.ParserElement, converted: EditablePartial, parent: EditablePartial, number: int, name: str = None, index: Optional[int] = None, ): #: The pyparsing element that this represents self.element = element # type: pyparsing.ParserElement #: The name of the element = name # type: str #: The output Railroad element in an unconverted state self.converted = converted # type: EditablePartial #: The parent Railroad element, which we store so that we can extract this if it's duplicated self.parent = parent # type: EditablePartial #: The order in which we found this element, used for sorting diagrams if this is extracted into a diagram self.number = number # type: int #: The index of this inside its parent self.parent_index = index # type: Optional[int] #: If true, we should extract this out into a subdiagram self.extract = False # type: bool #: If true, all of this element's chilren have been filled out self.complete = False # type: bool
Example #8
Source File: From design-patterns with MIT License | 6 votes |
def parse(input_string): word = Word(alphanums) command = Group(OneOrMore(word)) token = Suppress("->") device = Group(OneOrMore(word)) argument = Group(OneOrMore(word)) event = command + token + device + Optional(token + argument) parse_results = event.parseString(input_string) cmd = parse_results[0] dev = parse_results[1] cmd_str = "_".join(cmd) dev_str = "_".join(dev) try: val = parse_results[2] except IndexError: val_str = None else: val_str = "_".join(val) return cmd_str, dev_str, val_str
Example #9
Source File: From rekall with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _maybe_attributes(self): """Possibly match some attributes. The syntax of attributes is described here: """ return pyparsing.Group( pyparsing.ZeroOrMore( _ATTRIBUTE + _DOUBLE_OPEN_PARENTHESIS + pyparsing.delimitedList( pyparsing.Group( self._identifier()("name") + pyparsing.Optional( _OPEN_PARENTHESIS + parsers.anything_beetween("()")("args") + _CLOSE_PARENTHESIS ) ) ) + _DOUBLE_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS ).setParseAction(self._make_attribute) )("attributes")
Example #10
Source File: From plyse with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, field, values, parse_method=None): super(Term, self).__init__(Optional(field) + concatenate(values, operator="LONGEST_OR")) self.field = field self.values = values if parse_method: self.setParseAction(parse_method)
Example #11
Source File: From ccat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _globalParse___aaa_attributes(line, type, count_aaa): aaa_dict = {} authentication_list = (Suppress('login') + Word(printables)) ('authent_list') authentication_groups = (OneOrMore(Optional(Suppress('group')) + Word(printables))) ('authent_methods') parse_authentication = authentication_list + authentication_groups # parse_authorization_options = MatchFirst(['exec', 'login']) + Word(printables) + OneOrMore(Optional(Suppress('group')) + Word(printables)) accounting_login = (MatchFirst(['exec', 'network', 'connection', 'commands'])) ('acc_login') accounting_list = (Optional(Word(nums)) + Word(printables)) ('acc_list') accounting_record = (MatchFirst(['start-stop', 'stop-only', 'stop'])) ('acc_record') accounting_methods = (OneOrMore(Optional(Suppress('group')) + Word(printables))) ('acc_methods') parse_accounting = accounting_login + accounting_list + accounting_record + accounting_methods if type == 'authentication': result = parse_authentication.parseString(line) aaa_dict.update({'login' + str(count_aaa): {}}) aaa_dict['login' + str(count_aaa)]['list'] = result.authent_list[0] aaa_dict['login' + str(count_aaa)]['methods'] = result.authent_methods.asList() # elif type == 'authorization': # result = parse_authorization_options.parseString(line) # aaa_dict.update({'login' + str(count_aaa): {}}) # aaa_dict['login' + str(count_aaa)]['login'] = result.pop(0) # aaa_dict['login' + str(count_aaa)]['list'] = result.pop(0) # aaa_dict['login' + str(count_aaa)]['methods'] = result.asList() elif type == 'accounting': result = parse_accounting.parseString(line) aaa_dict.update({'login' + str(count_aaa): {}}) aaa_dict['login' + str(count_aaa)]['login'] = result.acc_login aaa_dict['login' + str(count_aaa)]['list'] = result.acc_list.asList() aaa_dict['login' + str(count_aaa)]['record'] = result.acc_record aaa_dict['login' + str(count_aaa)]['methods'] = result.acc_methods.asList() return aaa_dict
Example #12
Source File: From plaso with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, data_type=DATA_TYPE): """Initializes event data. Args: data_type (Optional[str]): event data type indicator. """ super(GoogleLogEventData, self).__init__(data_type=data_type) self.file_name = None self.line_number = None self.message = None self.priority = None self.thread_identifier = None
Example #13
Source File: From plaso with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, data_type=DATA_TYPE): """Initializes an event data attribute container. Args: data_type (Optional[str]): event data type indicator. """ super(SyslogLineEventData, self).__init__(data_type=data_type) self.body = None self.hostname = None = None self.reporter = None self.severity = None
Example #14
Source File: From qkeras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def GetParams(s): """Extracts args and kwargs from string.""" # modified from # pylint: disable=line-too-long _lparen = Suppress("(") # pylint: disable=invalid-name _rparen = Suppress(")") # pylint: disable=invalid-name _eq = Suppress("=") # pylint: disable=invalid-name data = (_lparen + Optional( delimitedList( Group(Regex(r"[^=,)\s]+") + Optional(_eq + Regex(u"[^,)]*"))) ) ) + _rparen) items = data.parseString(s).asList() # need to make sure that kwargs only happen after args are processed args = [Num(i[0]) for i in items if len(i) == 1] kwargs = {i[0]: Num(i[1]) for i in items if len(i) == 2} # check for syntax error for i in range(1, len(items)): if (len(items[i]) == 1) and (len(items[i-1]) == 2): raise SyntaxError return args, kwargs
Example #15
Source File: From wfuzz with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): if PYPARSING: category = Word(alphas + "_-*", alphanums + "_-*") operator = oneOf("and or ,") neg_operator = "not" elementRef = category definition = elementRef + ZeroOrMore(operator + elementRef) nestedformula = Group(Suppress(Optional(Literal("("))) + definition + Suppress(Optional(Literal(")")))) neg_nestedformula = Optional(neg_operator) + nestedformula self.finalformula = neg_nestedformula + ZeroOrMore(operator + neg_nestedformula) elementRef.setParseAction(self.__compute_element) neg_nestedformula.setParseAction(self.__compute_neg_formula) nestedformula.setParseAction(self.__compute_formula) self.finalformula.setParseAction(self.__myreduce)
Example #16
Source File: From pyprover with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def tokenlist(sep, item): """Creates a list of tokens matching the item.""" return item + ZeroOrMore(sep + item) + Optional(sep)
Example #17
Source File: From pybel with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_fragment_language() -> ParserElement: """Build a protein fragment parser.""" _fragment_value_inner = fragment_range | missing_fragment(FRAGMENT_MISSING) _fragment_value = _fragment_value_inner | And([Suppress('"'), _fragment_value_inner, Suppress('"')]) parser_element = fragment_tag + nest(_fragment_value + Optional(WCW + quote(FRAGMENT_DESCRIPTION))) return parser_element
Example #18
Source File: From gcl with MIT License | 5 votes |
def listMembers(sep, expr): return p.Optional(p.delimitedList(expr, sep) + p.Optional(sep).suppress())
Example #19
Source File: From gcl with MIT License | 5 votes |
def bracketedList(l, r, sep, expr, allow_missing_close=False): """Parse bracketed list. Empty list is possible, as is a trailing separator. """ # We may need to backtrack for lists, because of list comprehension, but not for # any of the other lists strict = l != '[' closer = sym(r) if not allow_missing_close else p.Optional(sym(r)) if strict: return sym(l) - listMembers(sep, expr) - closer else: return sym(l) + listMembers(sep, expr) + closer
Example #20
Source File: From CWR-DataApi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _process_rules_group(self, rules): group = None group_type = rules.list_type data = rules.rules if group_type == 'sequence': group = self._process_rules(data, pp.And) elif group_type == 'option': group = self._process_rules(data, pp.MatchFirst) elif group_type == 'optional': group = pp.Optional(self._process_rules(data, pp.And)) return group
Example #21
Source File: From CWR-DataApi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def audio_visual_key(name=None): """ Creates the grammar for an Audio Visual Key code. This is a variation on the ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number) :param name: name for the field :return: grammar for an ISRC field """ if name is None: name = 'AVI Field' society_code = basic.numeric(3) society_code = society_code.setName('Society Code') \ .setResultsName('society_code') av_number = basic.alphanum(15, extended=True, isLast=True) field_empty = pp.Regex('[ ]{15}') field_empty.setParseAction(pp.replaceWith('')) av_number = av_number | field_empty av_number = av_number.setName('Audio-Visual Number') \ .setResultsName('av_number') field = pp.Group(society_code + pp.Optional(av_number)) field.setParseAction(lambda v: _to_avi(v[0])) field = field.setName(name) return field.setResultsName('audio_visual_key')
Example #22
Source File: From pyagram with MIT License | 5 votes |
def lexical_analysis(self, src): delimited = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', ' '.join(src.strip().split('\n'))).split(';') result = [] for stmt in delimited: if stmt == '': return result string = pp.Regex('[a-zA-Z0-9=_]+') nums = pp.Regex('[0-9]+') ws = pp.OneOrMore(pp.White()).suppress() lp = pp.Regex('[(]').suppress() rp = pp.Regex('[)]').suppress() c = pp.Regex('[,]').suppress() q = pp.Regex("[']").suppress() table_name = string.setResultsName('table_name') create_table = (pp.Keyword('CREATE', caseless = True) + ws + pp.Keyword('TABLE', caseless = True) + ws + pp.Optional(pp.Keyword('IF', caseless = True) + ws + pp.Keyword('NOT', caseless = True) + ws + pp.Keyword('EXISTS', caseless = True))).suppress() + table_name + lp column_name = string.setResultsName('column_name') data_type = string.setResultsName('data_type') length = lp + nums.setResultsName('length') + rp nullable = (pp.Optional(pp.Keyword('NOT', caseless = True) + ws) + pp.Keyword('NULL', caseless = True)).setResultsName('nullable') default_value = pp.Keyword('DEFAULT', caseless = True).suppress() + ws + string.setResultsName('default_value') auto_increment = pp.Keyword('AUTO_INCREMENT', caseless = True).setResultsName('auto_increment') column = pp.Optional(ws) + column_name + ws + data_type + pp.Optional(pp.MatchFirst([length, ws + nullable, ws + default_value, ws + auto_increment])) + pp.Optional(pp.MatchFirst([ws + nullable, ws + default_value, ws + auto_increment])) + pp.Optional(pp.MatchFirst([ws + default_value, ws + auto_increment])) + pp.Optional(ws + auto_increment) + pp.Optional(ws) + c primary_key = pp.Keyword('PRIMARY KEY', caseless = True).suppress() + lp + pp.OneOrMore(q + string.setResultsName('primary_key') + q + pp.Optional(c)) + rp + pp.Optional(c) key = pp.Keyword('KEY', caseless = True).suppress() + lp + q + string.setResultsName('key') + q + pp.Optional(c) + rp + pp.Optional(c) parser = create_table + pp.OneOrMore(pp.Group(column)) + pp.Optional(primary_key) + pp.Optional(key) + rp + pp.OneOrMore(ws + string).suppress() result.append(parser.parseString(stmt, parseAll=True)) return result
Example #23
Source File: From dm_control with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _nested_if_else(if_, pred, else_, endif, match_if_true, match_if_false): """Constructs a parser for (possibly nested) if...(else)...endif blocks.""" ifelse = pp.Forward() ifelse << pp.Group( # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned if_ + pred("predicate") + pp.ZeroOrMore(match_if_true | ifelse)("if_true") + pp.Optional(else_ + pp.ZeroOrMore(match_if_false | ifelse)("if_false")) + endif) return ifelse # Some common string patterns to suppress. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #24
Source File: From ccat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_attributes(config): options_list = [] option = White(exact=1) + Suppress(Optional(White())) + restOfLine next_line = config.readline() try: option_parse = option.parseString(next_line) while option_parse[0] == ' ': options_list.append(option_parse[-1]) next_line = config.readline() option_parse = option.parseString(next_line) except: pass return options_list, next_line
Example #25
Source File: From gnocchi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def ResourceSchema(schema): base_schema = { voluptuous.Optional('started_at'): utils.to_datetime, voluptuous.Optional('ended_at'): utils.to_datetime, voluptuous.Optional('user_id'): voluptuous.Any(None, six.text_type), voluptuous.Optional('project_id'): voluptuous.Any(None, six.text_type), voluptuous.Optional('metrics'): MetricsSchema, } base_schema.update(schema) return base_schema
Example #26
Source File: From gnocchi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def BackwardCompatibleMeasuresList(v): v = voluptuous.Schema( voluptuous.Any(MeasuresListSchema, {voluptuous.Optional("archive_policy_name"): six.text_type, voluptuous.Optional("unit"): six.text_type, "measures": MeasuresListSchema}), required=True)(v) if isinstance(v, dict): return v else: # Old format return {"measures": v}
Example #27
Source File: From pyjsgf with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _make_matcher_element(self): return self._set_matcher_element_attributes( pyparsing.Optional(self.child.matcher_element) )
Example #28
Source File: From psst with MIT License | 5 votes |
def parse_line(attribute, string): Grammar = Suppress(Keyword('mpc.{}'.format(attribute)) + Keyword('=')) + String('data') + Suppress(Literal(';') + Optional(Comments)) result, i, j = Grammar.scanString(string).next() return [int_else_float_except_string(s) for s in result['data'].asList()]
Example #29
Source File: From psst with MIT License | 5 votes |
def parse_table(attribute, string): Line = OneOrMore(Float)('data') + Literal(';') + Optional(Comments, default='')('name') Grammar = Suppress(Keyword('mpc.{}'.format(attribute)) + Keyword('=') + Keyword('[') + Optional(Comments)) + OneOrMore(Group(Line)) + Suppress(Keyword(']') + Optional(Comments)) result, i, j = Grammar.scanString(string).next() _list = list() for r in result: _list.append([int_else_float_except_string(s) for s in r['data'].asList()]) return _list
Example #30
Source File: From rekall with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def _define_function_like(self): return ( (_IDENTIFIER.setResultsName("name") + _OPEN_PARENTHESES).leaveWhitespace() + pyparsing.Optional( pyparsing.delimitedList( _IDENTIFIER | pyparsing.Literal("...") # vararg macro. )).setResultsName("arguments") + _CLOSE_PARENTHESES + pyparsing.restOfLine.setResultsName("replacement") ).setParseAction(self._add_function_like)