Python vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() Examples
The following are 22
code examples of vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid().
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Example #1
Source File: From cosipy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def createDEM_v2(): ds = xr.open_dataset('../data/output/') points = vtk.vtkPoints() quad = vtk.vtkQuad() cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() numPoints = ds.south_north.size*ds.west_east.size print('Write points \n') for i,j in product(ds.south_north.values,ds.west_east.values): points.InsertNextPoint(,west_east=j), ds.lon.isel(south_north=i,west_east=j), ds.HGT.sel(south_north=i,west_east=j).values/6370000.0) print('Write cells \n') for idx in range(points.GetNumberOfPoints()-ds.west_east.size): if (idx%ds.west_east.size != 0): quad.GetPointIds().SetId(0,idx) quad.GetPointIds().SetId(1,idx+1) quad.GetPointIds().SetId(2,idx+ds.west_east.size+1) quad.GetPointIds().SetId(3,idx+ds.west_east.size) cells.InsertNextCell(quad) print('Create unstructured grid \n') grid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() grid.SetPoints(points) grid.SetCells(vtk.VTK_QUAD, cells) writer = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter() writer.SetFileName('cosipy.vtu') writer.SetInputData(grid) writer.Write()
Example #2
Source File: From pix2vox with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def create_voxel(self): numberOfVertices = 8 points = vtk.vtkPoints() points.InsertNextPoint(0, 0, 0) points.InsertNextPoint(1, 0, 0) points.InsertNextPoint(0, 1, 0) points.InsertNextPoint(1, 1, 0) points.InsertNextPoint(0, 0, 1) points.InsertNextPoint(1, 0, 1) points.InsertNextPoint(0, 1, 1) points.InsertNextPoint(1, 1, 1) voxel = vtk.vtkVoxel() for i in range(0, numberOfVertices): voxel.GetPointIds().SetId(i, i) ugrid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() ugrid.SetPoints(points) ugrid.InsertNextCell(voxel.GetCellType(), voxel.GetPointIds()) gfilter = vtk.vtkGeometryFilter() gfilter.SetInput(ugrid) gfilter.Update() return gfilter
Example #3
Source File: From voxel-dcgan with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create_voxel(self): numberOfVertices = 8 points = vtk.vtkPoints() points.InsertNextPoint(0, 0, 0) points.InsertNextPoint(1, 0, 0) points.InsertNextPoint(0, 1, 0) points.InsertNextPoint(1, 1, 0) points.InsertNextPoint(0, 0, 1) points.InsertNextPoint(1, 0, 1) points.InsertNextPoint(0, 1, 1) points.InsertNextPoint(1, 1, 1) voxel = vtk.vtkVoxel() for i in range(0, numberOfVertices): voxel.GetPointIds().SetId(i, i) ugrid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() ugrid.SetPoints(points) ugrid.InsertNextCell(voxel.GetCellType(), voxel.GetPointIds()) gfilter = vtk.vtkGeometryFilter() gfilter.SetInput(ugrid) gfilter.Update() return gfilter
Example #4
Source File: From omfvista with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def surface_geom_to_vtk(surfgeom): """Convert the triangulated surface to a :class:`pyvista.UnstructuredGrid` object Args: surfgeom (:class:`omf.surface.SurfaceGeometry`): the surface geomotry to convert """ output = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() pts = vtk.vtkPoints() cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() # Generate the points pts.SetNumberOfPoints(surfgeom.num_nodes) pts.SetData(nps.numpy_to_vtk(surfgeom.vertices)) # Generate the triangle cells cellConn = surfgeom.triangles.array cellsMat = np.concatenate( (np.ones((cellConn.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.int64)*cellConn.shape[1], cellConn), axis=1).ravel() cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() cells.SetNumberOfCells(cellConn.shape[0]) cells.SetCells(cellConn.shape[0], nps.numpy_to_vtk(cellsMat, deep=True, array_type=vtk.VTK_ID_TYPE)) # Add to output output.SetPoints(pts) output.SetCells(vtk.VTK_TRIANGLE, cells) return pyvista.wrap(output)
Example #5
Source File: From PVGeo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test(self): """`PercentThreshold`: make sure no errors arise""" data = PVGeo.model_build.CreateTensorMesh().apply() thresh = PercentThreshold(percent=75).apply(data, 'Random Data') self.assertTrue(isinstance(thresh, vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid)) return True ###############################################################################
Example #6
Source File: From PVGeo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, **kwargs): FilterBase.__init__(self, nInputPorts=1, inputType='vtkPointSet', nOutputPorts=1, outputType='vtkUnstructuredGrid') self.__dx = kwargs.get('dx', None) self.__dy = kwargs.get('dy', None) self.__dz = kwargs.get('dz', None) self.__estimate_grid = kwargs.get('estimate', True) self.__safe = kwargs.get('safe', 10.0) self.__unique = kwargs.get('unique', True) self.__tolerance = kwargs.get('tolerance', None) self.__angle = kwargs.get('angle', 0.0)
Example #7
Source File: From PVGeo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def clear_mesh(self): """Use to clean/rebuild the mesh. """ self.__mesh = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() ubcMeshReaderBase.clear_models(self)
Example #8
Source File: From PVGeo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __ubc_octree(self, filename_mesh, filename_models, output): """Wrapper to Read UBC GIF OcTree mesh and model file pairs. UBC OcTree models are defined using a 2-file format. The "mesh" file describes how the data is descritized. The "model" file lists the physical property values for all cells in a mesh. A model file is meaningless without an associated mesh file. This only handles OcTree formats Args: filename_mesh (str): The OcTree Mesh filename as an absolute path for the input mesh file in UBC OcTree Mesh Format filename_models (list(str)): The model filenames as absolute paths for the input model timesteps in UBC OcTree Model Format. output (vtkUnstructuredGrid): The output data object Return: vtkUnstructuredGrid: A ``vtkUnstructuredGrid`` generated from the UBC 2D/3D Mesh grid. Mesh is defined by the input mesh file. Cell data is defined by the input model file. """ if self.need_to_readMesh(): # Construct/read the mesh self.ubc_octree_mesh(filename_mesh, pdo=output) self.need_to_readMesh(flag=False) output.DeepCopy(self.__mesh.to_vtk()) if self.need_to_readModels() and self.this_has_models(): # Read the model data self.__models = [] for f in filename_models: # Read the model data self.__models.append(ubcMeshReaderBase.ubc_model_3d(f)) self.need_to_readModels(flag=False) return output
Example #9
Source File: From PVGeo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def place_model_on_octree_mesh(mesh, model, data_name='Data'): """Places model data onto a mesh. This is for the UBC Grid data reaers to associate model data with the mesh grid. Args: mesh (vtkUnstructuredGrid): The ``vtkUnstructuredGrid`` that is the mesh to place the model data upon. Needs to have been read in by ubcOcTree model (np.ndarray): A NumPy float array that holds all of the data to place inside of the mesh's cells. data_name (str): The name of the model data array once placed on the ``vtkUnstructuredGrid``. Return: vtkUnstructuredGrid: The input ``vtkUnstructuredGrid`` with model data appended. """ if isinstance(model, dict): for key in model.keys(): mesh = OcTreeReader.place_model_on_octree_mesh(mesh, model[key], data_name=key) return mesh # Make sure this model file fits the dimensions of the mesh numCells = mesh.GetNumberOfCells() if (numCells < len(model)): raise _helpers.PVGeoError('This model file has more data than the given mesh has cells to hold.') elif (numCells > len(model)): raise _helpers.PVGeoError('This model file does not have enough data to fill the given mesh\'s cells.') # This is absolutely crucial! # Do not play with unless you know what you are doing! # Also note that this assumes ``discretize`` handles addin this array ind_reorder = nps.vtk_to_numpy( mesh.GetCellData().GetArray('index_cell_corner')) model = model[ind_reorder] # Convert data to VTK data structure and append to output c = interface.convert_array(model, name=data_name, deep=True) # THIS IS CELL DATA! Add the model data to CELL data: mesh.GetCellData().AddArray(c) return mesh
Example #10
Source File: From PVGeo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def ubc_octree_mesh(self, FileName, pdo=None): """This method reads a UBC OcTree Mesh file and builds a ``vtkUnstructuredGrid`` of the data in the file. This method generates the ``vtkUnstructuredGrid`` without any data attributes. Args: FileName (str): The mesh filename as an absolute path for the input mesh file in UBC OcTree format. pdo (vtkUnstructuredGrid): A pointer to the output data object. Return: vtkUnstructuredGrid: a ``vtkUnstructuredGrid`` generated from the UBCMesh grid. Mesh is defined by the input mesh file. No data attributes here, simply an empty mesh. Use the ``place_model_on_octree_mesh()`` method to associate with model data. """ try: self.__mesh = discretize.TreeMesh.readUBC(FileName) except (IOError, OSError) as fe: raise _helpers.PVGeoError(str(fe)) if pdo is None: pdo = self.__mesh.to_vtk() else: pdo.DeepCopy(self.__mesh.to_vtk()) return pdo
Example #11
Source File: From PVGeo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, nOutputPorts=1, outputType='vtkUnstructuredGrid', **kwargs): ubcMeshReaderBase.__init__(self, nOutputPorts=nOutputPorts, outputType=outputType, **kwargs) self.__mesh = None self.__models = []
Example #12
Source File: From discretize with MIT License | 5 votes |
def writeVTK(mesh, filename, models=None, directory=''): """Makes and saves a VTK object from this mesh and given models Parameters ---------- filename : str path to the output vtk file or just its name if directory is specified models : dict dictionary of numpy.array - Name('s) and array('s). Match number of cells directory : str directory where the UBC GIF file lives """ vtkObj = InterfaceVTK.to_vtk(mesh, models=models) writers = { 'vtkUnstructuredGrid' : InterfaceVTK._save_unstructured_grid, 'vtkRectilinearGrid' : InterfaceVTK._save_rectilinear_grid, 'vtkStructuredGrid' : InterfaceVTK._save_structured_grid, } key = vtkObj.GetClassName() try: write = writers[key] except: raise RuntimeError('VTK data type `%s` is not currently supported.' % key) return write(filename, vtkObj, directory=directory)
Example #13
Source File: From discretize with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _save_unstructured_grid(filename, vtkUnstructGrid, directory=''): """Saves a VTK unstructured grid file (vtu) for an already generated :class:`pyvista.UnstructuredGrid` object. Parameters ---------- filename : str path to the output vtk file or just its name if directory is specified directory : str directory where the UBC GIF file lives """ if not isinstance(vtkUnstructGrid, _vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid): raise RuntimeError('`_save_unstructured_grid` can only handle `vtkUnstructuredGrid` objects. `%s` is not supported.' % vtkUnstructGrid.__class__) # Check the extension of the filename fname = os.path.join(directory, filename) ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] if ext is '': fname = fname + '.vtu' elif ext not in '.vtu': raise IOError('{:s} is an incorrect extension, has to be .vtu'.format(ext)) # Make the writer vtuWriteFilter = _vtkUnstWriter() if float(_vtk_version.split('.')[0]) >= 6: vtuWriteFilter.SetInputDataObject(vtkUnstructGrid) else: vtuWriteFilter.SetInput(vtkUnstructGrid) vtuWriteFilter.SetFileName(fname) # Write the file vtuWriteFilter.Update()
Example #14
Source File: From pyCGNS with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def selectionPointId(self, grid, ptid): if self.actorpt is not None: self._vtkren.RemoveActor(self.actorpt) if grid is None: return ids = vtk.vtkIdTypeArray() ids.SetNumberOfComponents(1) ids.InsertNextValue(ptid) selectionNode = vtk.vtkSelectionNode() selectionNode.SetFieldType(1) selectionNode.SetContentType(4) selectionNode.SetSelectionList(ids) selection = vtk.vtkSelection() selection.AddNode(selectionNode) extractSelection = vtk.vtkExtractSelection() if VTK_VERSION_MAJOR < 8: raise RuntimeError("VTK version is too old, please upgrade") extractSelection.SetInputData(0, grid) extractSelection.SetInputData(1, selection) extractSelection.Update() selected = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() selected.ShallowCopy(extractSelection.GetOutput()) selectedMapper = vtk.vtkDataSetMapper() if VTK_VERSION_MAJOR < 8: raise RuntimeError("VTK version is too old, please upgrade") selectedMapper.SetInputData(selected) self.actorpt = vtk.vtkActor() self.actorpt.SetMapper(selectedMapper) self.actorpt.GetProperty().SetColor(0, 1, 0) self.actorpt.GetProperty().SetPointSize(6) self.actorpt.PickableOff() self.actorpt.DragableOff() self._vtkren.AddActor(self.actorpt) self._iren.Render()
Example #15
Source File: From pyCGNS with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def selectionCellId(self, grid, ptid): if self.actorpt is not None: self._vtkren.RemoveActor(self.actorpt) if grid is None: return ids = vtk.vtkIdTypeArray() ids.SetNumberOfComponents(1) ids.InsertNextValue(ptid) selectionNode = vtk.vtkSelectionNode() selectionNode.SetFieldType(0) selectionNode.SetContentType(4) selectionNode.SetSelectionList(ids) selection = vtk.vtkSelection() selection.AddNode(selectionNode) extractSelection = vtk.vtkExtractSelection() if VTK_VERSION_MAJOR < 8: raise RuntimeError("VTK version is too old, please upgrade") extractSelection.SetInputData(0, grid) extractSelection.SetInputData(1, selection) extractSelection.Update() selected = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() selected.ShallowCopy(extractSelection.GetOutput()) selectedMapper = vtk.vtkDataSetMapper() if VTK_VERSION_MAJOR < 8: raise RuntimeError("VTK version is too old, please upgrade") selectedMapper.SetInputData(selected) self.actorpt = vtk.vtkActor() self.actorpt.SetMapper(selectedMapper) self.actorpt.GetProperty().SetColor(0, 1, 0) self.actorpt.GetProperty().SetPointSize(6) self.actorpt.PickableOff() self.actorpt.DragableOff() self._vtkren.AddActor(self.actorpt) self._iren.Render()
Example #16
Source File: From pyCGNS with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def setVisibilityGrids(self, n): a = self._vtkren.GetActors() a.InitTraversal() s = a.GetNextItem() while s: grid = s.GetMapper().GetInput() if vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid.SafeDownCast(grid): s.SetVisibility(n) s = a.GetNextItem()
Example #17
Source File: From pyvista with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_multi_block_append(ant, sphere, uniform, airplane, rectilinear): """This puts all of the example data objects into a a MultiBlock container""" multi = MultiBlock() # Add and test examples datasets = (ant, sphere, uniform, airplane, rectilinear) for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets): multi.append(dataset) assert multi.n_blocks == i + 1 assert isinstance(multi[i], type(dataset)) assert multi.bounds is not None # Now overwrite a block multi[4] = pyvista.Sphere() assert isinstance(multi[4], PolyData) multi[4] = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() assert isinstance(multi[4], pyvista.UnstructuredGrid)
Example #18
Source File: From pyvista with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_multi_block_init_vtk(): multi = vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataSet() multi.SetBlock(0, vtk.vtkRectilinearGrid()) multi.SetBlock(1, vtk.vtkStructuredGrid()) multi = MultiBlock(multi) assert isinstance(multi, MultiBlock) assert multi.n_blocks == 2 assert isinstance(multi.GetBlock(0), RectilinearGrid) assert isinstance(multi.GetBlock(1), StructuredGrid) multi = vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataSet() multi.SetBlock(0, vtk.vtkRectilinearGrid()) multi.SetBlock(1, vtk.vtkStructuredGrid()) multi = MultiBlock(multi, deep=True) assert isinstance(multi, MultiBlock) assert multi.n_blocks == 2 assert isinstance(multi.GetBlock(0), RectilinearGrid) assert isinstance(multi.GetBlock(1), StructuredGrid) # Test nested structure multi = vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataSet() multi.SetBlock(0, vtk.vtkRectilinearGrid()) multi.SetBlock(1, vtk.vtkImageData()) nested = vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataSet() nested.SetBlock(0, vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid()) nested.SetBlock(1, vtk.vtkStructuredGrid()) multi.SetBlock(2, nested) # Wrap the nested structure multi = MultiBlock(multi) assert isinstance(multi, MultiBlock) assert multi.n_blocks == 3 assert isinstance(multi.GetBlock(0), RectilinearGrid) assert isinstance(multi.GetBlock(1), UniformGrid) assert isinstance(multi.GetBlock(2), MultiBlock)
Example #19
Source File: From discretize with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __tree_mesh_to_vtk(mesh, models=None): """ Constructs a :class:`pyvista.UnstructuredGrid` object of this tree mesh and the given models as ``cell_arrays`` of that ``pyvista`` dataset. Parameters ---------- mesh : discretize.TreeMesh The tree mesh to convert to a :class:`pyvista.UnstructuredGrid` models : dict(numpy.ndarray) Name('s) and array('s). Match number of cells """ # Make the data parts for the vtu object # Points ptsMat = np.vstack((mesh.gridN, mesh.gridhN)) # Adjust if result was 2D (voxels are pixels in 2D): VTK_CELL_TYPE = _vtk.VTK_VOXEL if ptsMat.shape[1] == 2: # Add Z values of 0.0 if 2D ptsMat = np.c_[ptsMat, np.zeros(ptsMat.shape[0])] VTK_CELL_TYPE = _vtk.VTK_PIXEL if ptsMat.shape[1] != 3: raise RuntimeError('Points of the mesh are improperly defined.') # Rotate the points to the cartesian system ptsMat =, mesh.rotation_matrix) # Grab the points vtkPts = _vtk.vtkPoints() vtkPts.SetData(_nps.numpy_to_vtk(ptsMat, deep=True)) # Cells cellArray = [c for c in mesh] cellConn = np.array([cell.nodes for cell in cellArray]) cellsMat = np.concatenate((np.ones((cellConn.shape[0], 1), dtype=int)*cellConn.shape[1], cellConn), axis=1).ravel() cellsArr = _vtk.vtkCellArray() cellsArr.SetNumberOfCells(cellConn.shape[0]) cellsArr.SetCells(cellConn.shape[0], _nps.numpy_to_vtk(cellsMat, deep=True, array_type=_vtk.VTK_ID_TYPE)) # Make the object output = _vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() output.SetPoints(vtkPts) output.SetCells(VTK_CELL_TYPE, cellsArr) # Add the level of refinement as a cell array cell_levels = np.array([cell._level for cell in cellArray]) refineLevelArr = _nps.numpy_to_vtk(cell_levels, deep=1) refineLevelArr.SetName('octreeLevel') output.GetCellData().AddArray(refineLevelArr) ubc_order = mesh._ubc_order # order_ubc will re-order from treemesh ordering to UBC ordering # need the opposite operation un_order = np.empty_like(ubc_order) un_order[ubc_order] = np.arange(len(ubc_order)) order = _nps.numpy_to_vtk(un_order) order.SetName('index_cell_corner') output.GetCellData().AddArray(order) # Assign the model('s) to the object return assign_cell_data(output, models=models)
Example #20
Source File: From pyvista with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the unstructured grid.""" super().__init__() deep = kwargs.pop('deep', False) if not len(args): return if len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid): if deep: self.deep_copy(args[0]) else: self.shallow_copy(args[0]) elif isinstance(args[0], str): self._load_file(args[0]) elif isinstance(args[0], vtk.vtkStructuredGrid): vtkappend = vtk.vtkAppendFilter() vtkappend.AddInputData(args[0]) vtkappend.Update() self.shallow_copy(vtkappend.GetOutput()) else: itype = type(args[0]) raise TypeError('Cannot work with input type %s' % itype) elif len(args) == 3 and VTK9: arg0_is_arr = isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray) arg1_is_arr = isinstance(args[1], np.ndarray) arg2_is_arr = isinstance(args[2], np.ndarray) if all([arg0_is_arr, arg1_is_arr, arg2_is_arr]): self._from_arrays(None, args[0], args[1], args[2], deep) else: raise TypeError('All input types must be np.ndarray') elif len(args) == 4: arg0_is_arr = isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray) arg1_is_arr = isinstance(args[1], np.ndarray) arg2_is_arr = isinstance(args[2], np.ndarray) arg3_is_arr = isinstance(args[3], np.ndarray) if all([arg0_is_arr, arg1_is_arr, arg2_is_arr, arg3_is_arr]): self._from_arrays(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], deep) else: raise TypeError('All input types must be np.ndarray') else: err_msg = 'Invalid parameters. Initialization with arrays ' +\ 'requires the following arrays:\n' if VTK9: raise TypeError(err_msg + '`cells`, `cell_type`, `points`') else: raise TypeError(err_msg + '`offset`, `cells`, `cell_type`, `points`')
Example #21
Source File: From cosipy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def createDEM_v1(): ds = xr.open_dataset('../data/output/') points = vtk.vtkPoints() numPoints = ds.south_north.size*ds.west_east.size print('Write points \n') for i,j in product(ds.south_north.values,ds.west_east.values): points.InsertNextPoint(,west_east=j), ds.lon.isel(south_north=i,west_east=j), ds.HGT.isel(south_north=i,west_east=j).values/6370000.0) print('Create unstructured grid \n') polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() polydata.SetPoints(points) delaunay = vtk.vtkDelaunay2D() delaunay.SetInputData(polydata) delaunay.Update() # subdivision = vtk.vtkButterflySubdivisionFilter() # subdivision.SetInputConnection(delaunay.GetOutputPort()) # subdivision.Update() #smoother = vtk.vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter() #smoother.SetInputConnection(delaunay.GetOutputPort()) #smoother.SetNumberOfIterations(5) #smoother.BoundarySmoothingOff() #smoother.FeatureEdgeSmoothingOff() #smoother.SetFeatureAngle(120.0) #smoother.SetPassBand(.001) #smoother.NonManifoldSmoothingOff() #smoother.NormalizeCoordinatesOff() #smoother.Update() appendFilter = vtk.vtkAppendFilter() appendFilter.AddInputData(delaunay.GetOutput()) appendFilter.Update() unstructuredGrid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() unstructuredGrid.ShallowCopy(appendFilter.GetOutput()) writer = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter() writer.SetFileName('cosipy.vtu') writer.SetInputData(unstructuredGrid) writer.Write()
Example #22
Source File: From NURBS-Python with MIT License | 4 votes |
def create_actor_hexahedron(grid, color, **kwargs): """ Creates a VTK actor for rendering voxels using hexahedron elements. :param grid: grid :type grid: ndarray :param color: actor color :type color: list :return: a VTK actor :rtype: vtkActor """ # Keyword arguments array_name = kwargs.get('name', "") array_index = kwargs.get('index', 0) # Create hexahedron elements points = vtk.vtkPoints() hexarray = vtk.vtkCellArray() for j, pt in enumerate(grid): tmp = vtk.vtkHexahedron() fb = pt[0] for i, v in enumerate(fb): points.InsertNextPoint(v) tmp.GetPointIds().SetId(i, i + (j * 8)) ft = pt[-1] for i, v in enumerate(ft): points.InsertNextPoint(v) tmp.GetPointIds().SetId(i + 4, i + 4 + (j * 8)) hexarray.InsertNextCell(tmp) # Create an unstructured grid object and add points & hexahedron elements ugrid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() ugrid.SetPoints(points) ugrid.SetCells(tmp.GetCellType(), hexarray) # ugrid.InsertNextCell(tmp.GetCellType(), tmp.GetPointIds()) # Map unstructured grid to the graphics primitives mapper = vtk.vtkDataSetMapper() mapper.SetInputDataObject(ugrid) mapper.SetArrayName(array_name) mapper.SetArrayId(array_index) # Create an actor and set its properties actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) actor.GetProperty().SetColor(*color) # Return the actor return actor